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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

PT, i read your previous reply to me and had to take the day to mull it over. It was profound. Are you an initiate? If you aren't, you have a more firm understanding of it than i do (which may or may not be saying a lot, depending on who is asking LOL).

No my friend, I am just one of those strangely chosen people, who epiphanies happen too, just more strangely chosen than others, because unlike people like Bacon, I have never followed any disciplined path towards a higher understanding, but simply my own path to higher understanding.

I know I promised you an Epiphany Thread, and as you can see Proto delivers on his thread promises.

Sorry for challenging you with such thought provoking replies, but you are a person, most interested in understanding these things, and capable of contemplating them and working them out and through.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:22 PM
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the thread, makes an inspiring read.

Just a question... if the Vatican are responsible for the outer symbolism of religious belief, who would it be that looks after the interior?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by undo

yet according to your own interpretation, the religions are not the cause but the powerful behind the religions, who don't believe the religions but merely use them as a tool to manipulate public opinion and pin the blame on the people who actually do believe the religion. that you allow them to change the focus from them to the believer, and then lay the blame at the feet of the believers, suggests you're allowing them to make you a puppet as well, playing into the plan that it's always the fault of the little guy/gal, and not the guy's orchestrating the entire thing under the guise of religion.

I'm not allowing anyone to make me a puppet. You see it all begins with the mind. I have been apprised of a theory that involves global domination. If this theory is true then I would be a puppet of it, as you say, if I had never heard of it. I would never have known that this massive conspiracy was going on right in front of me. I would have been playing right along unwittingly.

Since I have heard of this theory it is one I consider now. I see the Roman Legions amassing their troops and I see and could hear the drums of war beating. Could this be God's will? Is it all prophecy being fulfilled? Or is it a drive for resources under the guise of protecting us from terrorists and insane regimes?

If it is prophecy being fulfilled then their is not a whole lot we can do about it is there? I mean before it gets real bad the faithful are supposed to be raptured out of here anyway so I will not see any of it. As a matter fact it would be better that it is God's will because I know I'm outa here soon. So I will say it is God's will and in my own way encourage the violence to escalate and await to be transported to paradise. Don't worry be happy.

Herein lies the problem. We don't question what we believe is God's will. We go along with it. We demand it. We knew that the prophecies said the Middle East would be like this so let's go with it. By doing this we are doing the exact opposite of what the Bible tells us in the first place. Don't kill.

So if I look at things with Proto's theory and see a giant plan to hoard resources and exterminate the population, I see something that I can do something about. I will not stand for our leaders to tell us that they are acting on our best behalf abroad by positioning their war machines to escalate the violence that has only just begun. You see if they are following the script then something major has to go down. They know it and we know it. Only I'm looking at it with Proto's theory now and not through the opinion that it is prophecy being fulfilled. I can do something about this.

So when I look at the whole mess and how far it has gone, with this theory, it gets me even more ticked off because they haven't missed a beat.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by jackflap]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by undo

I do believe you are wrong. Reason being, that I personally do not want to see anyone die or be judged to some eternal punishment. In fact, I'm not even sure we accurately understand the concept of hell or the lake of fire, and even moreso, if there was/is such a place, I certainly don't want to see anyone end up there.

Here is the great news, show me where I have ever said I am right? In fact I share so many humble opinions with others; it's surprising I have any opinions left.

Earlier you said, that I am all over the map, if you read what I write carefully, so I think you might want to consider you have a map that you feel is a guide on how things must go.

You mentioned you have to really read carefully everything I am saying to discover this topographic wondering, yet one book, actually a few books that are all over the map, are in fact the scriptures.

It’s why people argue so insanely over them, they are kind of vague, often conflicting, and not particularly clear on a lot of things, which is exactly of course what you want, when State is using religion in a loosely defined way for control.

Yet most people will agree that if you are up for the roller coaster ride that there are some hidden snippets of profound wisdom and esoteric knowledge written into scripture.

Here is what you are missing my friend, yes the first step is dropping the mask and relinquishing your role in the story, but you really do like most of the story, and just wish it was a friendlier one.

But clinging to elements of the Script that is the story isn’t the main problem for most, willing to partially unmask themselves or even completely unmasking themselves.

The problem is most, in fact just about everyone, didn’t pick up the one key element of scripture, in part that’s because Rome reworded it and deliberately portrayed it falsely to use as a control mechanism called Original Sin.

Jesus did not die on the Cross and ask for forgiveness for those who killed them, for your sake or mine my friend, except in a very round about way.

He asked forgiveness for his own sake, because the only way that you can stop the Karmic Wheel and stop the story, is to forgive all the people you imagine have ever slighted you and done you harm, and are at fault for everything you find to be inherently faulty.

Right now, it’s safe to say you are angry at a lot of people, I seem to be one of them, and you are angry at them for various reasons of your own, and you are not prepared to fully love them, or embrace them, but most importantly FORGIVE THEM for what you believe is wrong about them.

People have been deeply scarred and traumatized and grievously wounded in such deep and profound ways over this production and story, and the cruelties and indifferences inflicted throughout it.

There is only one way to move forward and that is PHYSICIAN HEAL THY SELF, and until you can forgive yourself, for what ever you imagine to be your own crimes and failures, you will never be able to forgive others for their perceived crimes and failures, so FORGIVENESS will in fact be the ultimate key.

The world itself and all of us are going to need some time to heal, to truly forgive ourselves and one another for all that has transpired, but we can heal, and begin to grow again, but we first must unmask ourselves, relinquish our roles in the story, forgive ourselves for all the horrible things we have done, try to just not do them anymore, and forgive everyone else for their acts real, imagined or perceived too.

That is a great challenge my friend, the greatest challenge of all on the path to love, wisdom and compassion and a new golden age, healing through forgiveness.


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by jackflap

and i'm looking at it thinking: is there anything we can do about it? oh heck no. unless we have the amassed power and wealth, of every empire since babylon, the chances the people of the entire planet (minus the guys with the power) could do anything to stop the guys with the power, is extremely remote. therefore, all this propaganda is going to do is further find ways to blame people of faith for what the guys at the tippety top did and do. when the dust clears, the survivors will be all the more convinced it was the people who had faith in something otherworldly that caused it. the perfect ruse.

i don't know why it's so hard to understand.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Right now, it’s safe to say you are angry at a lot of people, I seem to be one of them, and you are angry at them for various reasons of your own, and you are not prepared to fully love them, or embrace them, but most importantly FORGIVE THEM for what you believe is wrong about them.

so when you point out what you disagree with, it's just disagreement. when i point out something i disagree with, it's hate and anger?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

Significantly, the Eye of Re is an important representation as is his creation by the *8* Gods of the Ogdoad.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Gravity
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

First i would like to say that this was an excellent post, one of the best i have ever read on ATS. The only thing i would have an issue with is that i think Jesus was a real person but the catholic church has twisted and perverted his ideas into some monstrous religion. I think that some scolars have actually named this religion Paulism due to St Paul's (and i use the term saint very very loosely) twisted fanatical interpretation of Jesus's teaching's. His teaching's have been hijacked and honed into some sort of control system and shaped into whatever the catholic church decided they should be i.e. It seems certain Jesus believed in reincarnation! Where is this teaching today. Actually his teaching was more in line with Buddhism and Hinduism. I believe that Jesus never actually died on the cross but fled to India to live out the remainder of his life. There are two wonderful books on this subject by Holger Kirsten (Jesus lived in India) and Nicolas Notovitch (The unknown life of Christ).

Whether Jesus lived and died, and just who he is remains fairly elusive in a scholarly approach to it that doesn’t involve theological sources, or biblical ones.

I personally believe there was such a figure as Christ, but known as Christ, and that it emanated from the British Aisles, in Celtic and Druid teachings and philosophies and word of it, was originally imported into Rome via slaves from Britannia.

If this is true and I can only suspect it is true, because so much of all this deception on the part of Rome required them to wipe out the actual physical evidence of Christ’s existence in Britannia it explains for the importance of England and the English Monarchs as Keepers of the Faith, since the task would ultimately fall on them to suppress any evidence that was uncovered archeologically by their subjects. It also explains why the Druids were hunted to ruthless extinction by the Romans.

Christ simply ended up as Jesus Christ to loosely pattern the Character off of Julius Caesar in the control religion they developed through Roman Agents like Paul posing as one of the Jesus character’s disciples and close confidants.

Yet other theories abound, the Jesus was actually Caesar and Cleopatra’s son, looking for revenge on the Hebrew Money lenders that had financed Octavian’s war against Anthony her protector and benefactor.

Biblical accounts do though claim that Jesus wandered 40 days and 40 nights into the dessert and beyond tempted by the Devil, and such, so it’s highly possible that Jesus wandered then if true into India and other places both before and after.

Somewhere the real truth is closely guarded by a small group of insanely powerful people, who know that the real truth of it all would radically change the world, and their control grid based on it.

It’s why they are building another non-religious control grid in places like China after experimenting with it for a while in places like Russia and Cuba.

I do suspect that when they actually have that control grid close to up and running world wide, part of destroying the religious minded and cults, will be putting the real information out there, in ways that then discredit every notion Jews, Christians and Muslims have about religion.

I think the great thing about the Bible, which I have a generally dim opinion of based on how it has been really used, and is being used, is it does portray Jesus as a character of exceptional and almost impossible quality creating a very high bar for us all to shoot for, for those who find such a peace loving, and gentle natured human existence of value.
I think the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish have actually achieved that almost impossible state of benevolence and simplicity, and naturally the rest of us make fun of them!

Great post my friend, thanks for sharing your feelings and thoughts.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by undo

and i'm looking at it thinking: is there anything we can do about it? oh heck no.

I thought about this long and hard. It is the reason I believe I find myself wanting to discover what it is that they perceive gives them their power and unplug it at its source if I could. I know that is monumental but I'm just sharing some of my own ideas.

On another note I found myself wondering why someone who is supposed to be the moral compass and guiding light of civilizations is so silent. You know, the leader of the Catholic religion and Christianity. Who was commanded by Jesus to protect His sheep. Why would he be so silent?

Isn't there a reason for his silence? Isn't there a reason that they are caught up in the whole child abuse and clergy thing right now? So all of this, using Proto's theory, still pans out. I see a plan unfolding that is very man made and manipulated by man. I could see this scandal being fomented long ago and brought to fruition nowadays so as to remove the moral obligation for the leader of Rome to address his sheep with logic. Will we hear the Pope call for an end to the violence among the three major faiths that all came from Abraham? I don't think so because he is bank rolling it all.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:06 PM
It seems that we have only had his-story to rely on for around 3000 years, with it really kicking in 2000 yrs ago.

Before that is conjecture. We don't have His Story really written anywhere.

so we have this story written which we have taken as the story. The story of our past. But it is His Story. It is a story, written from a patriarchal perspective that we live our lives through everyday.

The story is the same always. There is a blueprint for this story but it has been re-authored to make us believe in something that is out of our control.

And so we relinquish our own responsibilities to finding our own higher selves and knowing that we have our own power, within us, to control our own destinies.

History and Religion are manufactured to take advantage of our apathetic tendencies in finding our higher selves individually and realising our own power and the power we have collectively.

"I am Spartacus". Man, That was a powerful moment in that story. Individuals stating their own power both in themselves and collectively. There is no comeback to that.

That is most Dangerous statement to TPTB in any day and age.

Like on Network, "I am as mad as Hell and I am not going to take it anymore"

Rome realised that in order to survive in a enlightened period of time they needed to restructure their power base. To control hearts and minds. Jeez , where have we heard that before.

so there was an information War even at that time, and the Romans won. The "Word of God" written and distributed, endorsed and made available to all under a system of control to ensure its word was directed in the right ways to maintain the power.

So we have to say, this is His Story, their story, not mine.
What about Her story? What about Our story ? What about my story ?

The trouble is though, is that it is our story, but skewed to pull the responsibility off ourselves and into the laps of the few who profit from the harvest of our true selves.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by 2theC

Incredibly well said my friend, you definately have captured the essence of what I am trying to share.

Our Story has become their story, and it really just serves them now, and not us, and they realize to perpetuate their power, they must be the ones who write the next story that binds us all together, as players in a shared reality.

Personally I think we can write a much better story for all of us together, doing it together, rather than allowing them an other exclusive drink at the story well!

Thanks my friend.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:26 PM
history does tend to repeat itself

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Hmm. Feminism. It's all up in there. I've seen it, doing bad things. Alger Hiss, just for starters - and the involvement of George MacKinnon in that situation is interesting. Then there's Catharine MacKinnon "radical feminist" heavy-hitter George's daughter... and "human trafficking laws" aka sex trafficking laws ... and the role that feminism has played in the developement of the UN for the last 30 years.

And least of all ---- Peter L. Berger - author of "The Social Construction of Reality" - And everything else he wrote afterward being about how great religion is - Currently professor emiritus at Boston University (Jesuit) also where Mary Daly taught (feminist foremother) ... just saying.... feminism... - it's about ecumenism - big time.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by FeministWhore]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by aorAki
I'm just going to say" Damn you".

Now I have to read this whole thread through!

It looks like you've undertaken an exceptional amount of work to get this out here,so thanks for your efforts!

Thanks my friend, I hope you find the time to read the whole thread, a lot of people have been adding a lot of great and thought provoking and insightful things to go along with the Original Post.

I am finding new treasures in it all constantly, a bit hard to keep up with so many, but I am trying to reply to each and every one of them.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by diepart

i'm surprised so many people are buying into this so completely and actually believe we need to just give up all the old religious history texts, prophecies, and any way of having knowledge that isn't imparted to us by government and/or those manipulated by government.

I am not so sure that everyone is buying into everything written by PT completely, but what I see are several people who see the truth in the thread and are impressed by it.

As for myself, I agree with much of what PT has written, but I have also referenced several older cultures, many times, and I do see how they fit into the larger story.
I am in total agreement, very much, with you that we do not need to "just give up all the old religious history texts, prophecies, and any way of having knowledge that isn't imparted to us by government and/or those manipulated by government".

I don't think that I could have said it better myself; however...

As I have stated previously, I am not reading this thread looking for errors, but I am reading it searching for truth.

I find that to be much more fulfilling for myself.

I have spent endless hours on the computer arguing back and forth on a variety of message boards, and I recently discovered, while debating someone fiercely in another of PT's threads, that I am not too interested in proving someone wrong, but more so that I am looking for the truth, and if for some reason I do end up in a debate, then I have heavily turned down the tone of my rhetoric.

And I have genuinely tried to take the time to understand the argument of the other.

I enjoy it when people point to my flaws, because it allows me to sharpen my argument, but all too often when I become engaged in debate with someone here at ATS, it turns into something more personal than what this should be for me.

I didn't totally agree with PT when I first began reading any info. on Rome that PT might have posted, but the more I research the story, the more validity I find regarding Rome's current power in the world.


posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

my son put it to me this way:

the original sin was the moment we became judges of what is right and wrong, because, as you can tell, differences of opinion of what is right and what is wrong, are what causes war. and your example is just more of the same. another opinion of what is right and what is wrong, placing the responsibility on that sector of society who you claim is masked in their false religion created by a false group in an inherently evil organization that rules the world.

dude, there ain't no way out of that dungeon. it's perfectly designed iron maiden

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

I didn't totally agree with PT when I first began reading any info. on Rome that PT might have posted, but the more I research the story, the more validity I find regarding Rome's current power in the world.

When I first started speaking about and out about Rome a little over a year ago on ATS if you had told me, that a year down the road, I could publish a thread on it, and get so many people to thoughtfully consider it and ponder it all, I would not have believed it.

Most have been just as you have described, reluctant at first, until they start doing some research, and still they start pondering and contemplating it.

The truth is there is such a wealth of information in just the Vatican, Library of Congress and Buckingham Palace on Rome that it would take a couple lifetimes to research it all!

Yet the line is really there.

Honestly I think people have to make up their own minds, but one of the things I have come to realize and believe as I look at other things like say the Egyptian Gods, and the Babylonian Mystery Religion, and such, that as Rome conquered and absorbed these places into their system, and created this monotheism concept, that many of those other things, too have become almagamations of different religions, from different regions, and periods being interwoven with them.

I don't know if there is anything left, that's left in its truly pure form, and it's hard since so many of these things are interpreted through rosetta stones, and then highly defined by singlular entities who have made a career out of understanding them like Stichen has.

How right or wrong is someone like that in their interpretation of a dead 6,000 year old language and system of writing, when Rome got there first to begin with, and there is no telling how the interweaving of other myths plays in.

I really just focus on Rome as a State, a Governening State that governs us all secretly through all the other Nations it has created through a network of treaties that make them appear independent to the people who live in them.

I really just focus on Rome as a business, the business of enslaving people through various deceptions to mine and drill and harvest the wealth of the planet, that it then arranges to have horded and dispersed through it's oligarchs and Knights for maximum leverage and control.

I am just thrilled so many people are in fact taking the time to really start thinking about and investigating these things, because that's where changing the world starts.

Where it all ends?

I don't know!

Thanks my friend.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:03 PM
notice how proto's theory requires we believe rome dug up ancient sumerian and sumerian-akkadian cuneiform texts and modified them so that they would say something that matched the biblical texts. here i would like to draw your attention to the sumerian and sumerian-akkadian texts:

notice also, how in order to believe that, you also have to consider where the stories differ and HOW they differ. also consider that in order to believe rome did this, you have to assume that every archaeological department is infiltrated and controlled by rome (archaeology is a science). if that's true, how many other aspects of science are controlled by rome? evolutionary science? did rome create evolution theory? why would they do that if they're interested in going to all the trouble to modify sumerian cuneiforms so that they validate the bible, not evolution?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

my son put it to me this way:

the original sin was the moment we became judges of what is right and wrong, because, as you can tell, differences of opinion of what is right and what is wrong, are what causes war. and your example is just more of the same. another opinion of what is right and what is wrong, placing the responsibility on that sector of society who you claim is masked in their false religion created by a false group in an inherently evil organization that rules the world.

dude, there ain't no way out of that dungeon. it's perfectly designed iron maiden

Undo, my friend...Proto doesn't likely enjoy the reality that he puts forth in his threads. But it is where honesty in his research has led him.

Like a previous poster said, few here agree on everything PT says....but enough of it resonates.

Your research can dovetail nicely into this, however much of what you have researched i would say falls more under the "magick" of the system as opposed to the process of the system (which is what PT is putting here).

It is truth we are all after. If he happens to be wrong, then we will one day discard this whole concept. But the important thing is truth.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:19 PM
Spetacular post! I will read it over and over again for some time, keep up the good work. As you already must know, you've scratched the surface of something monumental, and I for one will expect future posts regarding more info, and look forward to reading people's comments on your subject matter.

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