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All Roads Lead to Rome

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:11 PM
Simply amazing read, very well structured, you should get this stuff published into a short story!

This explains everything that is going on in todays world and the orgins of the illuminati conspiracy something which i have never seen on this site before

This should be put in the ATS top 10 threads of all time ( should make one

From what i can tell all this information is accurate and is not spun in any way, shape or form very well done

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Most impressive!

Gratitude, for the history lesson. Its safe to say you are an expert on Roman history, and your theories are intriguing, yet logical.

I have but one question for you, where does Spartacus fit in to your story?

Modern day historians suggest that Spartacus, the bringer of rain, the slayer of Theocules, was but the first of many signs that Rome had spread beyond its control, and dissenters such as the mighty Spartacus, sent a message that one man could nearly bring down an empire.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by kiv-93

Thanks my friend, it is after all the greatest conspiracy of all time, so it would probably make one of the best conspiracy threads too!

It really is the mother of all conspiracies, a hidden, clandestine, wealthy and powerful Roman Empire, that has never died, but is simply manipulating everything behind the scenes to get us to complete it's conquest of the world for it.

There is in fact so much evidence that supports it, over such a long span of time, it's almost impossible to imagine anything else could be driving what just about all of us consider to be tragic and needless events.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read and post a comment.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Most impressive!

Gratitude, for the history lesson. Its safe to say you are an expert on Roman history, and your theories are intriguing, yet logical.

I have but one question for you, where does Spartacus fit in to your story?

Modern day historians suggest that Spartacus, the bringer of rain, the slayer of Theocules, was but the first of many signs that Rome had spread beyond its control, and dissenters such as the mighty Spartacus, sent a message that one man could nearly bring down an empire.

Spartacus fits into the story, where ever you want him to fit into the story because the lesson of Spartacus was the belief that "I am Spartacus".

When cornered with his men, and his men asked to give him up, in fact they all claimed "I am Spartacus".

So the minute you or I, or anyone else says those immortal words "I am Spartacus", I rebel from the notion of Rome and the Story it is writing, then Rome becomes imperilled.

Spartacus may in fact yet succeed in bringing down the Empire, once, more people once again realize that "I am Spartacus", and challenge it's authority.

There is an inherent risk, Rome will fight to survive, and of course has a much better chance the fewer Spartacuses that there are.

Which is why, we really do need a whole lot of Spartacuses, which amazingly like everything else simply starts with realizing that you are, that you are, and wish to be and claim and act as "I am Spartacus".

The escape from our dilema has always been surprisingly simple, and largely overlooked in a world, where things are made to be suprisingly difficult, so we never figure out how simple becoming the Master of our Destiny is, and truly becoming free.

Great question my friend, thanks for asking, reading the thread and posting.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:39 PM
I'm not Normally inclined to believe everything I read, usually It seems I believe nothing that I read. This thread did somehow speak truth to me though. I feel that I have a very good grasp of our history but have always felt that much was being orchestrated behind our backs. I greatly appreciate the OP for putting his thoughts and research into words whether it is all a grand story or the real factual history of our society. More people should think outside the box.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by IllMannered

I think that is grand and sage advise my friend. Thinking outside of the box, as well as looking outside of the box, is about the only thing that is ever going to get us out of a box, that increasingly, more and more people feel is to restrictive, stifles their freedoms, and freedom of expression and prevents them from being all that they could be.

Thinking outside the box, and keeping an open mind to all things?

Thanks for reading the thread and commenting.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:57 PM
I can't read something this long on a computer screen usually. I converted it to a black on white MSword document.


Look forward to sitting down with some tea in the cafe and reading this.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

We can write a much better story, and we have the means to do it all by ourselves and for ourselves.

Here is where you are referring to the Biblical prophecies in my opinion. If we are to take this theory that you have going on than it would make sense to look into what the plan has in store for us. We can then define an alternate position and effectively thwart said plan by not agreeing with it.

If we are to understand Proto correctly he has stated that the Bible is in fact a carefully worded plan and story to drive us into the arms of a single governmental body that has control over all of the world's resources, and metes them out to the deserving. We would have to look back into prophecies that have been fulfilled and be able to see divine intervention in such matters. The most recent prophecy to be fulfilled was the creation of the State of Israel in fourty eight I believe.

Now if we take this event, without doing any research, and apply Proto's theory to it we can see that Proto's theory may have some substance. Unless we can see divine intervention in that matter definitively. Like did the earth shake and a voice command those in power to fulfill prophecy this day? I never heard of such an event taking place. Now if I get down into the nuts and bolts of the matter, I may be able to see divine intervention somewhere but I'm not going that route at this point. I'm testing a theory through thought process.

So let's say Proto's theory is correct. In fourty eight the powers that be created Israel to make it look like prophecy was fulfilled. We need to see what the next step in the process is going to be. We need to look at it as though the whole world is tricked and we are the only ones who can see this plan unfolding. Step outside of your protective walls and take a look from a different perspective. It's why you have a brain.

Now if said plan is going to work they need to start fulfilling some prophecy pretty soon to keep the faithful blinded and waiting for their demise that seems so close. Not only are they waiting for their demise, they are encouraging it. Demanding it actually because it was written to go down this way and God will bring His words to pass.

The next few things that have to be done as far as fulfilling prophecy goes is the seven year peace treaty that the Antichrist is supposed to implement and the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. That is a tough one. How in the world are they going to do that? It would seem that we would need a reason for a seven year peace treaty to be implemented and a reason to have to re build the Jewish Temple.

Now using Proto's theory, I can see them instigating a war that leaves so much devastation and death that the remaining populace gladly will sign on to a unified world government. Once we all have realized that our petty differences and ideologies destroyed so many lives. Yes, they will make you feel very guilty about carrying out their plan and they are very good at this. I see them using the religions as a means to destroy ourselves while at the same time amassing more natural resources. Oil anyone?

Well when the war is over and we get a good load of ourselves the need to re build will be evident. It is then that you can present a seven year peace treaty with Israel and unite the world because at this point anyone who recognizes it as prophecy and believes that the Antichrist has just done this will be inclined to fight against it. Those few who are diligent and know how the story goes will see it as prophecy being fulfilled and to their horror realize that they are seeing the Antichrist. They will in my opinion fight against this treaty and him and in so doing will kill themselves.

You see, the religious will come out of the wood work and recognize this prophecy. The others who are not religious will think that the religious are starting another war and they too will fight because it was after all the religions that caused all of this horror. Eliminating yet more people. Who stands to profit at this point? Who is in control? Using Proto's theory thus far, I can see that it still holds merit.

It is worth considering by all means. So I am inclined to believe that we are at a turning point. A point where, if Proto's theory is correct, there needs to be a huge war in the Middle East for them to fulfill prophecy. In a bizarre twist on reality it seems as though we are now engaged in conflicts in the Middle East. We are poised on the borders of Iran and everything is going honky dory for them. They told us we are there because of weapons of mass destruction and terrorists. One of them even told us that he heard God tell him to invade Iraq. Wow! Now that is something.

So here we are. Are we to believe Proto's theory that we are being led to our slaughter or are we to believe that prophecy must be fulfilled? Well, I believe we can take those prophecies as warnings and at the same time demand that all the wars should stop. To prove Proto's theory correct we need a prominent figure who has access to world wide media and is very influential. Someone who will address the world and bring a message that everyone can understand. That God does not want us to kill eachother over Him and that everyone should refuse to fight any longer.

Pray to God to show us what He will have done with the Temple Mount and vacate the place. Let God show us what He meant. The powers that be will be confounded because the war machine has stopped and their power of religious ideologies are not working anymore. If Proto is correct than we will see the man behind the curtain, if Proto is wrong than God will do something amazing. Either way, I like Proto's theory and in its essence it is a call for understanding and peace and if we follow it through no one loses.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Whether it’s Yahweh or Odin, Enki or Enil, Amen-Ra, Buddha, or Caesar or Jesus…it’s just a story. A story for you to play a part in, a story made for you, because you haven’t achieved a degree of love, and wisdom, and compassion and sentient understanding to make your own.

I do believe you are wrong. Reason being, that I personally do not want to see anyone die or be judged to some eternal punishment. In fact, I'm not even sure we accurately understand the concept of hell or the lake of fire, and even moreso, if there was/is such a place, I certainly don't want to see anyone end up there.

Yet the thing just keeps marching on over the bodies of the dead and/or dying. If my reality hasn't changed yet, no matter how forgiving I may personally be or how against the idea of massacre on a personal, global or even national level, I may be, then clearly something besides me is at work to keep the thing rolling into the future regardless of how I want the picture to change. You claim that we all have to do this. If that's the case, we aren't changing our personal reality at all, but in fact, are following the advice of another person who is suggesting such a mass change will fix it all (ain't that what the other guy said too?).

[edit on 26-4-2010 by undo]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by jackflap

yet according to your own interpretation, the religions are not the cause but the powerful behind the religions, who don't believe the religions but merely use them as a tool to manipulate public opinion and pin the blame on the people who actually do believe the religion. that you allow them to change the focus from them to the believer, and then lay the blame at the feet of the believers, suggests you're allowing them to make you a puppet as well, playing into the plan that it's always the fault of the little guy/gal, and not the guy's orchestrating the entire thing under the guise of religion.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:35 PM
Absolutely an amazing read. Everything I have thought was going on is.....
These are very serious times for all citizens of the world.

Can it be stoped or changed? Only if people wake up and see the truth for what it really is.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by diepart

everyone please note that these are the conditions demanded of us. that we bow to the will of someone else who claims change will not happen any other way. everyone HAS to wake up and smell the coffee.

and what is the coffee? well it's just a manufactured concoction of truth and fiction, masterfully smooshed together into an entertaining yet convincing argument of why we need to ignore all ancient history (where have i heard this before?), and focus on a new history, rewritten (yet again), half of which isn't founded on anything other than personal opinion and the other half of which is exaggeratedly in favor of the same world view that brought us the enlightenment period, in which the whole of the ancient world was hurled into the book burning bonfire.

i'm surprised so many people are buying into this so completely and actually believe we need to just give up all the old religious history texts, prophecies, and any way of having knowledge that isn't imparted to us by government and/or those manipulated by government.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:50 PM
PT, i read your previous reply to me and had to take the day to mull it over. It was profound. Are you an initiate? If you aren't, you have a more firm understanding of it than i do (which may or may not be saying a lot, depending on who is asking LOL).

It seems as though you are completely aware of the esoteric meanings of the monad/duad/triad.

Something for other readers who care to understand why this is important, and tie Albert Pike in a little more:

You pointed up something i had forgotten: that 10 is God. You are exactly correct in your entire post in describing this concept. Well done, sir.

The real kicker is the meaning of the number 8....the 8 wise men. The Council of Eight?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan


eek, quit validating this guy. half of his data is conjecture and finger pointing. man you need to re-read what he said in his other posts.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by undo

i'm surprised so many people are buying into this so completely and actually believe we need to just give up all the old religious history texts, prophecies, and any way of having knowledge that isn't imparted to us by government and/or those manipulated by government.

I will take my information from where ever it comes.

I, myself, became disillusioned with all the old texts and prophecy when i was 7 or 8. It just didnt make sense.

But i trust government less than a rattlesnake. And i got lots of rattlesnakes around here, for sure.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan


eek, quit validating this guy. half of his data is conjecture and finger pointing. man you need to re-read what he said in his other posts.


....i am interested in The Mysteries. All the history stuff aside...i am interested in the Esoteric teachings.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

well from what i can tell, masonry and esoterica is a huge blinking target for these guys. like a neon sign that says, "burn us at the stake for heresy and sorcery!" (sorcery is pharmacopeia, the practice of divination via drug-induced hallucination and offering the resultant drugged up vision as prophetical truths, but you wouldn't know that if you hadn't read the words in the original language (which most people don't, before they're already labelling it fiction). and heresy is the practice of not worshipping the man in rome, wearing a fish hat (he's either pretending to be enki or he IS enki, and i'm guessing it's the former not the latter. could be wrong but i doubt it at this point).

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

well from what i can tell, masonry and esoterica is a huge blinking target for these guys. like a neon sign that says, "burn us at the stake for heresy and sorcery!" (sorcery is pharmacopeia, the practice of divination via drug-induced hallucination and offering the resultant drugged up vision as prophetical truths, but you wouldn't know that if you hadn't read the words in the original language (which most people don't, before they're already labelling it fiction). and heresy is the practice of not worshipping the man in rome, wearing a fish hat (he's either pretending to be enki or he IS enki, and i'm guessing it's the former not the latter. could be wrong but i doubt it at this point).

You mean the Catholic Church? Nah, it is like all other religions: a "front" for the profane. It sates mans desire for spirituality while housing a deeper truth that only the initiated are allowed to know.

Christianity has its own Mysteries. There have been reports of Papal Satanism going back centuries. This is likely the truth behind that story.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

well from what i can tell, masonry and esoterica is a huge blinking target for these guys. like a neon sign that says, "burn us at the stake for heresy and sorcery!" (sorcery is pharmacopeia, the practice of divination via drug-induced hallucination and offering the resultant drugged up vision as prophetical truths, but you wouldn't know that if you hadn't read the words in the original language (which most people don't, before they're already labelling it fiction). and heresy is the practice of not worshipping the man in rome, wearing a fish hat (he's either pretending to be enki or he IS enki, and i'm guessing it's the former not the latter. could be wrong but i doubt it at this point).

BTW, thanks for that tidbit about the original meanings of "sorrcery". and "heresy". it much much appreciated.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by dbloch7986
I just read that bit on the Pope being asked to rescind his order on the troops converting Muslims. I just thought of on connection I might draw.

I don't think that there will be an apocalyptic WWIII like everyone thinks. I think WWIII has just happened before our very eyes. The War On Terror is WW3 and completes the trinity of world wars. The whole world has been involved in the "War On Terror". I don't think that there will be another series of 3 false flags. I think that the NWO is being enacted now, before our very eyes. On every predator drone used to catch speeders. On every surveillance camera above every stop sign. On every cell phone that has its mic activated 24/7 and being transmitted to the NSA. On every text message being transmitted to the NSA. In every extraordinary rendition that occurs. We have been numbed and accustomed to these insane surveillance and enforcement techniques. We are all blinded to them by the Roman heralders. They have slowly but surely fed us toned-down and underexaggerated stories about these activities which everyone in the slave-states refuses to acknowledge. We are now soicized against these things. I mean for god's sake the FBI admits to assassinating marilyn monroe to protect JFK's image and everyone looks the other way!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Arguably the most important part in any war is winning hearts and minds. If you haven’t convinced the people you are trying to conquer to embrace your philosophies and ways, then ultimately they will battle you to extinction.

World War III started in 1991 with the Gulf War, when George Herbert Walker Bush, Sr., called on a 1000 Points of Light to join him, in making a kinder gentler New World Order.

Now of course for the average person watching his extraordinary acting job, in even shedding a tear or two for the poor ravaged people of Kuwait, a 1000 points of light seemed like a beautiful way and invitation to help him by becoming a point of light in the 10th Holy Crusade against Islam.

After all a monarchy that the Papacy had blessed in Kuwait, that had been formed when the British Empire redrew the maps of the region less than a hundred years before had all but been stripped of their lands, and powerful oil interests being disrupted and threatened. Some of them owned by the then President himself.

But that open call to a 1000 Points of light, wasn’t the invitation to become one of them, and part of the kinder gentler machine gun hand, that would soon wreck havoc by a coalition of the willing and tasked.

The 1000 Points of Light was a network of people, through Bush and the Skull and Bones and Rome to spring into action, and implement the next portion of the plan.

It was a call to a 1000 Roman Equines and Patricians who had been designated as each of being one of the 1,000 main participants spread about the world, in government, industry and media to respond.

Much of World War III that has been raging in a low intensity military conflict ever since, has been raging in a high intensity information war since.

An information war designed to win hearts and minds, and instill new attitudes in regards to freedom, and free speech, and how we are to view and serve the states and grant our allegiance to it, and submit to it.

So people can better understand, in the military there is such a term as Force Multiplier. For instance an infantry man equipped with a machine gun that can fire three times more bullets in the same period of time as his opponent has a force multiplier of 3. He becomes the singular equivalent of three of the opponent’s troops. Our military is all about Force Multiplication, its why we use airpower, drones, missiles and other stand off and attack weapons so frequently, and other forms of advanced weaponry and tactics closer in, when there is no way but to engage the enemy one on one.

Ultimately if you can win the hearts and minds of those who would oppose you, they cease being your enemy, if you can win the hearts of minds of those you need to support your conquest, then you enjoy too a numerical superiority, so much of everything involved with war is about winning hearts and minds.

The information war being waged, by the medias and government to condition us to accept always, and respect always, and follow always and submit to the state always is a big part of this war, World War III.

Now so you can better understand what is going on, and why the Original Piece is so important and vital to this concept…


When Rome had bled itself white, to the point it could not project traditional military might over such a vast swath of terrain it switched tactics and economized by instead using the Word of God as an authority and law.

Rome was in essence tricking people, and asking them through that deception, to submit not to them, but too God, God as they defined it, and that if you didn’t, well it wasn’t so much a matter of standing up to a Roman Centurion for your freedom and security, but standing up to an all powerful God! A God that could crush you, and smite you down and make you suffer for eternity in hellfire and brimstone as described by Rome, or reward you with eternal peace and pleasure in heaven as described by Rome.

This new concept was a force multiplier, so that those Roman Men at Arms in their various forms, priestly and soldierly and otherwise, would have fewer people to contend with, because their hearts and minds had been won, by Rome, through the concept of God as Rome taught them to accept. With God actually being higher than man, and quite untouchable if one wanted to rebel against him.

Rome new though, that ultimately this would pose a great danger, in that it caused people to believe in a higher authority than the State, than Rome itself, so defining the State and God as being conjoined, One Nation Under God, so that the State could stay on a near equal footing with the notions of God that had won people’s hearts and minds was vital.

Yet they also realized eventually as everyone fell under this spell of God as they had been taught to define it by Rome and the State, by the Book and Play that was written, that this would take on a life of it’s own, and people would be inclined there is a higher authority than the state.

This is why it was written into the book, that everyone would eventually be wiped out, because in the One World Government, there can be no authority higher than the state, no authority that can rival the state, and no doctrine that the state can’t be the sole definer of.

So Rome does very much intend to get rid of the religious minded that feel God is a higher authority than the state, by getting them to fight over and with one another their various notions of God in a final apocalyptical war.

Yet in the meantime, as the stages are being set for that, the war for hearts and minds wages on, and the condition of people through it, to worship the state, and turn from religious beliefs, by progressively allowing for things religious beliefs don’t and frown upon, is designed to get a lot of people to dismiss religion, and to simply see State and it’s government as the highest source.

The most intense part of World War III up until the final days is the information war; it’s an information war being waged by the government and being combated by Guerillas like me and many of us.

We too are trying to win hearts and minds, by exposing the fallacies and manipulations, and imploring and extolling people to look and observe and think, and use common sense and a greater degree of rationality before being manipulated emotionally with spectacle and drama, and entreaties to their national and religious pride and emotions.

The information war being waged by Rome is about getting a large enough number of people to embrace absolutely statist philosophies so that when the final military campaign to wipe out most of the religious minded takes place, in such horrible ways, that they will enjoy a peer pressure over the religious minded that do survive to turn from religion and to simply embrace the state as the highest authority.

The State must establish itself as the sole and highest authority in all ways, and in all things, to manage the population of the world in a one world government.

When the apocalyptical battle comes, it will come swiftly and suddenly and terrible weapons, some we have never even seen or know exist will be used to rapidly kill BILLIONS.

It’s why the information war being waged right now is so important, because if they can’t win enough hearts and minds for the state no matter how many religious minded people they kill off, they still won’t be able to pull off the most crucial element of their plan to instill and install a one world government and that is State as the Highest Authority, no questions, no ifs ands or butts, no recourse through any other perceived higher entity, and no salvation to look for in one.

The story is the story, the plan is the plan.
The only thing that stops it, is if they can’t win the information war.

Thanks for posting my friend.

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