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Whoopi Goldberg:So what if the government was responsible ? 9/11 dead can't be brought back

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:08 AM
So every person that has murdered someone should not be put in prison? Well it won't bring the dead guy back will it?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by dereks

You remember the attack with a white van, in the basement of one of the tower in 1991? After that, it was decided to reinforce the steel beams TO PREVENT DESTRUCTION OF THE BUILDINGS BY ANY TERRORIST ATTACKS!!!
( not yelling here
) I've always tought that that was the time, when they applied their thing on the beams, that "they" plented the explosives, thus explaining disintegrated beams and trace of thermites, etc...

It would have been easy to use thermites in a cement recipe with integrated micro detonators activated by any wireless tech you know of...


posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:46 PM
"So exactly how could anyone have planted the tonnes of explosives in the 3 buildings with no one noticing? It would have taken a lot of people months of work to get each building ready for demolition, and no one working there noticed the piles of explosives, all the holes punched in the walls, all the det cord needed to wire it all up?

Also if the collapse of WTC1 had not severely damaged WTC 7 and started large unchecked fires how would they have explained that building coming down?

Originally posted by ThePeoplesSoldier "

I was answering to that... sorry

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:05 PM
This is much more than a few people killed in a building. This was an action that resulted in a bloody war killing thousands of innocent people, destroying a nation and it's history, and assuring that no more normal children will ever be born in that area because of depleted uranium. If 9-11 was purposely contrived in order to be used as an excuse for war, every angle needs to be approached to either prove or disprove it.

I can only imagine that Whoopi did not do her homework beforehand. I don't think she would have made that statement if she had bothered to read the book. I think she was just ignorant of all the implications and was not qualified to discuss the subject.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Ya know, Noam Chomsky basically says the same thing. It's irrelevant at this point, just like JFK. The reason is simple. It's in the past, had too many possibilities and conflicting information sets, and most importantly: we've got too many damned problems going on right now.

It truly doesn't matter at this point. Sad, but true.

[edit on 10-3-2010 by unityemissions]

It does matter!!! Why is it if the government is involved in a blatant mass-murder, some automatic bogus, made-up, arbitrary statute of limitations gets put in place?

So, if I went on a killing spree today, killed 3000 people and successfully hid away for 9 years...I too will be exonerated?
Good deal!

If for no other reason this must never be put aside is because we need to prove to the herd of United Sheeple what its government is capable of and sinisterly, executed and got away with.
And perhaps at that point, we can overthrow this disgrace up in Washington and take back our country (somehow).

What the HELL is this government doing lately? They lie, cheat, start wars, steal elections, waterboard prisoners and kills their own people.... and we should just 'forget 9-11'???
Are they kidding us?

These people are ruining this country and morale of its people!


posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by impressme

Babra WaWa deserves thy ire.MsW showed a person who is not a Truster.
Her question can be seen as a goad,not a minimalization of our need for justice.
Never forget we're speaking for the firefighters who went in when others went out.
Ps to add I like her silence for most of the clip.She glowered over in the corner.She had one question to carefully ask.

This was structural steel not carbon tool steel,so analogy applies but treatment is much different than tools.Even hot,steel won't weaken at the 400 f now seen to be the hottest it was.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by trueforger]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by GenRadek

With all due respect,in addition to NIST and it's investigative engineers who found that 'x + x/y=cause of structural failure,there were as well,thousands of independant engineers who disagreed with their findings.I can't say with 100% certainty what caused the collapse of WTC7,but i can say that it appeared to be a controlled demolition. I am by no means an expert,but what helps to shape my opinion is the fact that I have worked in demolition and the construction industry for years.My view is also forged by the fact that I have degrees in Mechanical Engineering,Civil Engineering,Architectural Engineering,Design Drafting,Concrete, Asphalt,Soils,Construction Management,Physics and other related fields.Therefore, I, am not "without a clue", nor a gullible fool .

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by impressme
I guess Whoopi Goldberg has no problem with our government committing treason on the American people.
Shame on her!

I will never watch her on anything again. I used to really like her but if she is going to go trash talking to the American people and defend the Bush administration for their treasonous actions then I pity her.

That’s like saying a serial killer who just killed 100 people should be let go, because it will not bring back the dead.

Really, Whoopi Goldberg you just showed how truly ignorant you really are.
There, that is my emotional take on Whoopi.

I think that people who have a lot of money and a privileged lifestyle that you or I can hardly comprehend are the easiest to fool. But, from my observations of what these (Movie makers) say in public shows just how out of touch and ignorant they really are. But, the crazy thing is how much people will actually listen to them e.g. Bono's dribble on AID's and foreign aid programs, Leonardo DiCaprio's adoration of Obama (sorry I mean Barry)and his Hope BS message!

p.s. Ignorance of the lady aside, I never liked her acting

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:09 PM
link whoopie's statement... its a tv show and its not unscripted (or unprompted via those thangies in their ears)... those gals are actors, primarily - even barbara, although she has a notable history of being a news reporter, she's just an actor now - and - some could rightfully say that she's always been nothing more than a mouthpiece... take on the deal is that whoopie gave jesse a "lead-in" so that he could say what he said next (go watch that part again) and that statement was the crucial one...

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:14 PM
She's pathetic. Has no shame already then again she's on the view so shouldn't be too shocked. HOw can you not care that your own government was responsible for killing 3,000 people? That woman is a psychopath.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:19 PM
God forbid there ever be an earth quake in NYC. Every single buidling would fall down.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:36 PM
Did anyone else notice the change of applause when Jesse would say something vs. when the girls from the View would speak? That was awesome! Did they get an audience of Truthers that day?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:25 PM
Hey guys,

Why should we blame Hitler for killing 6 million jews and tens of millions of americans, russians, germans, french, etc... in the war he started.

I mean it's not like blaming him will bring those people back

Seriously though, that's the most f***ed up comment I ever heard about 9/11.
If she had said right after 9/11: "hey why should we go after Bin Laden? That won't bring those people back" I bet the American public would have lynched her. But now it seems popular to bash all those crazy 9/11 truthers

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

Silly, eh? Apparently you have the ultimate trust in the government. They are all looking out for their lowly constituients. Right?
Yeah, right!

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:10 PM
What about the lung cancer who knows how many people are going to get/have gotten thanks to the attacks? They aren't dead, what would you say to them Whoopi? Just collateral damage right? Go back to your silly tic-tac-toe game.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by BrokenVisage]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Aresh Troxit
"So exactly how could anyone have planted the tonnes of explosives in the 3 buildings with no one noticing? It would have taken a lot of people months of work to get each building ready for demolition, and no one working there noticed the piles of explosives, all the holes punched in the walls, all the det cord needed to wire it all up?

Also if the collapse of WTC1 had not severely damaged WTC 7 and started large unchecked fires how would they have explained that building coming down?

Originally posted by ThePeoplesSoldier "

I was answering to that... sorry

there were workers in the buildings in the weeks prior to 9/11....but nobody investigated that...nor was any investigation done or even discussed that involved any use of explosives or bombs being planted or used on 9/11

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Ya know, Noam Chomsky basically says the same thing. It's irrelevant at this point, just like JFK. The reason is simple. It's in the past,

Hm, the trouble with the past ie history is that it has a tendency to repeat itself.

I for one would prefer not to be a victim of the next lunatics great idea on how to make a huge chunk of money.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:25 PM
this has been posted before...but i thought i would post it again for any newcomers:

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Pocky

C'mon Pocky, as a fellow truther, I must say that she did not say "So what..." (and I don't even like Whoopi!). She said that even if Jesse was right, the tragedy is that it won't bring the dead back.

Of course I still enjoyed the vid.

I especially like seeing the "great" Baba Wawa look like an idiot. Just goes to show you what good handlers and producers can do for a career.

Don't get me wrong Pocky; we need to keep getting the word out on 9/11. But let's leave the exaggerations and twists to the "trusters".

[edit on 11-3-2010 by The Baby Seal Club]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Horza
reply to post by impressme

reply to post by Pocky

I just have to make clear what Whoopi said in this interview.

I paraphrase:

"Even we get the answer, Even if your right, those people aren't coming back. That's the biggest drag about this"

She is not saying "So what if the government was responsible" implying that she has no problem with the government committing treason.

Nor was she automatically ruling out that anybody would have planted explosives in those buildings.

She was just being pragmatic. The 9/11 victims are dead, and no amount of truth is going to change that.

Whoopi was saying that she thinks the loss of life and not who was responsible for it is the biggest tragedy about the whole incident. And she is right.

I couldn't agree with you more. Woopie never said that truth and justice didn't matter now that the 9/11 victims are already dead or recovered. She only implied the tragedy of the event cannot be eclipsed by the government complicity. Personally I found both parts to be about equally tragic but there are a lot of people out there who would not such as Woopie.

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