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The 9/11 Hijackers are Alive and Talking!

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posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by REMISNE

Funny how you ignopred the other 2 hijackers that are stated to be alive. Nice dance around the facts again.

How does my not mentioning the other two names change the fact that you were caught listing an inappropriate name to give yourself undeserved credibility?

Please stop this game playing of yours already. You were eagar to point out this web site as a legitimate source of information and I'm using this web site upon your recommendation as a reference to show that Mohammed Atta, Hani Hanjour, etc are dead. I've asked you five times already whether you accept they are dead and even gave you supporting sources showing the web site was correct when they say they were dead, and up until now, you've been avoiding the question like it was radioactive plutonium. Why are you so afraid of such a simple question?

Now, I don't want to hear about who the web sites says are alive, I don't want to hear about the status of people who weren't even on the planes, and I certainly don't want to hear about the burst damage your World of Warcraft Blood Elf character has. The only thing I want to hear from you inext s this: Do you or do you not accept this "very legitimate" web site is correct when it says Mohammed Atta, Hani Hanjour, etc are dead?

If you can't even answer that question, then I have no faith that I can get a straight answer out of you on anythign else.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Nothing see to here folks, move along, move along......

These arent the droids you are looking for........

Face it, the hijacker list was bunk, some of them are alive. Fact.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
Face it, the hijacker list was bunk, some of them are alive. Fact.

Why is it "fact that some of the hijackers are alive"? I've been trying to ask that very question to this other guy when his own web site is saying Mohammed Atta, Hani Hanjour, etc are dead, and I can't even get a straight answer out of him.

The only ones who seem to "still be alive" are the ones I notice are the ones where there had been mistaken identity due to others having the same name I.E. Waleed al Shehri, who was a pilot studying in Morocco. It still doesn't explain the fact that the Saudi gov't accepted the list of Saudi hijackers as being correct, and their families had been notified.

If you have to be that selective in what you accept as credible information, then it tells me right there you have an agenda to advance.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

If you have to be that selective in what you accept as credible information, then it tells me right there you have an agenda to advance.

Just because some people refuse to believe in the OS lies, does not mean they have agenda.

The only ones who seem to "still be alive" are the ones I notice are the ones where there had been mistaken identity due to others having the same name I.E. Waleed al Shehri, who was a pilot studying in Morocco. It still doesn't explain the fact that the Saudi gov't accepted the list of Saudi hijackers as being correct, and their families had been notified.

[color=gold]At Least 7 of the 9/11
Hijackers are Still Alive

Who told you they are all dead?

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
How does my not mentioning the other two names change the fact that you were caught listing an inappropriate name to give yourself undeserved credibility?

Sorry but i can post facts and evidnece to support what i post you cannot so who has undeserved credibility?

Still waiting for you to admit here is no DNA evidnece that all the hijackers are dead.

Why are you so afraid of such a simple question?

Sorry but i have lots of sources that the hiajckers i posted are alive, you have only posted the one site i posted as your evidence of the ones being dead, what other sources do you have?

Why are you afriad to admit to the fact that the other hijackers i posted are alive?

Why are you afraid to admit yet again that there is no real evidence like DNA evidence that all the hijackers are dead?

Do you or do you not accept this "very legitimate" web site is correct when it says Mohammed Atta, Hani Hanjour, etc are dead?


[edit on 26-3-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by impressme
Who told you they are all dead?

You really need to stop getting your information from those damned fool conspiracy web sites. Your friend Remisne here informed me of a site called, "", which he says is absolutely reliable and contains information that he validated by other sources. Using the site he heartily recommends as a highly credible research tool, I see...

Satam Al Suqama: Dead

Waleed Al Shehri: Dead

Abdul Aziz Al Omari

Fayez Banihammad: Dead

Ahmed Alghamdi: Dead

..and so on. So, either your fellow conspiracy truth researcher Remisne is spouting rubbish and he is quoting worthless information, or you are spouting rubbish and you are quoting worthless information. Which is it? You can't both be right.

Your move, chuckles.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Your friend Remisne here informed me of a site called, "", which he says is absolutely reliable and contains information that he validated by other sources.

But you forgot that it also shows a few alive.

Also the fact remains that there is no real evidence that all the hijackers are dead.

[edit on 27-3-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE
Sorry but i can post facts and evidnece to support what i post you cannot so who has undeserved credibility?

All right then, since you're too frightened to actually come out and condemn this "highly credible web site" then how about instead posting information that shows the people it says are dead are actually alive? You keep saying over and over how you can "post facts and evidence" that shows this web site is wrong, so how about actually doing it? In the end, the effect will be the same.

Still waiting for you to admit here is no DNA evidnece that all the hijackers are dead.

...and I'm still waiting for you to explain how the [censored] DNA is going to prove anything one way or the other, before I know whether to justify wasting my time getting into DNA discussions. Mostly, becuase if you have to get so anal retentive in your arguments that you have to resort to bickering over fringe issues like DNA analysis, that tells me it's a mark of desperation from having to defend and undefendable position, more than it does anything else.


Negative. I don't accept your web site is credible mainly becuase they don't certify it being credible themselves. They specifically say its purpose was to advertise the database software they market, rather than being any serious tracking system. Moreover, I keep asking you again and again whether the web site is correct when it identified the terrorists as being dead and you keep running away from the question like vampires run away from sunlight. If you can't give me a straight answer on whether the web site is correct then you can hardly expect me to take it seriously either.

I invite you to prove me wrong- is the web site reporting Mohammed Atta, et al being dead correct or incorrect? Sheesh, this is your web site, not mine, dude.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE
But you forgot that it also shows a few alive.

If Impressme refuses to accept the credibility of this web site of yours, then it doesn't make a flip of difference whether the site lists them as being alive, dead, or in the 65th dimention along with Anakin Skywalker. He wants to believe in the goofball conspiracies those damned fool conspiracy web sites are feeding him so he's more than happy to abandon you and your web site to the wolves if it threatens his agenda.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
...and I'm still waiting for you to explain how the [censored] DNA is going to prove anything one way or the other, before I know whether to justify wasting my time getting into DNA discussions.

Well there are 2 very big reasons.

1. It will prove if the hiajckers are dead or alive.

2. It will prove who the hijackers are, if they are the ones the FBI believed them to be.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by REMISNE
Well there are 2 very big reasons.

1. It will prove if the hiajckers are dead or alive.

All right then, please provide DNA evidence that shows Majed Moqed is still alive. While you're at it, please show ANY evidence you have, DNA or otherwise, that shows this web site is wrong when it states Mohammed Atta, Hani Hanjour, etc are dead.

2. It will prove who the hijackers are, if they are the ones the FBI believed them to be.

If it is present, yes it would, but if it itsn't, then it proves nothing. It could mean they were never there, or, it could mean the DNA was destroyed and unrecoverable, or it could mean they simply couldn't find it. Dr. Robert Ballard didn't find any DNA evidence on the wreck of the Titanic so does that prove noone actually died when it sank?

Here's the problem you face- you can't make up rules as you go along, so whatever "criteria of provability" you come up with, it has to be applicable to other cases outside from the one narrow sliver you want to "prove". You already found out the hard way that you can't say "this web site is absolutely reliable" when it says one hijacker is alive and in the same breath say "this web site is wrong" when it says others are dead. You've all but admitted you painted yourself into the corner with your blind zealotry to your conspiracy stories, it's just that you don't want to be an adult and admit it becuase you know you will lose all your credibility.

Is there even one thing I said here that is incorrect?

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
All right then, please provide DNA evidence that shows Majed Moqed is still alive.

As stated many time we have no DNA evidence if all the hijackers are dead or alive. Thats why i do research and use more then 1 source to support my post.

If it is present, yes it would, but if it itsn't, then it proves nothing.

Yes it would prove a lot of things, specally if the official story is true or not concerning the FBI's list of hijackers.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by REMISNE
As stated many time we have no DNA evidence if all the hijackers are dead or alive. Thats why i do research and use more then 1 source to support my post.

Well then stop gloating about all this "research" you say you do and post something that shows the web site is wrong when it claims Mohammed Atta, Hani Hanjour, etc are dead, already. I've asked you a gazillion times and you keep running away like zebras do when the lions show up, leading me to believe you're just pulling my leg there, too.

Why do you consistantly avoid backing up your own claims like this? Do you really think you're helping your credibility?

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Well then stop gloating about all this "research" you say you do and post something that shows the web site is wrong when it claims Mohammed Atta, Hani Hanjour, etc are dead, already.

The web site is not wrong when it shows that Atta and Hanjour are dead, just like it is not wrong when it also shows hijakers that are alive. You should know that there were 19 hijackers according to the official story.

So thats why we need other evindece such as DNA to show which hijakcers are dead and if they are the ones on the FBI's list.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by REMISNE
just like it is not wrong when it also shows hijakers that are alive.

This statement will come back to haunt you when they update.

ButI'm sure that it will just be discarded at that time as a reliable source, since you will then just refer to other sites that don't do any corrections.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by impressme

since i respect your opinion i will keep it light .

how could i possibly beleive this statement if they were alive the world would be listening with the closest of attention you would be in all national and local news agency would be offering you millions for your evidence sooo???

im at a loss ?

it concerns me all these terms created by the conspiracy theorist scary

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Joey Canoli
This statement will come back to haunt you when they update.

ButI'm sure that it will just be discarded at that time as a reliable source, since you will then just refer to other sites that don't do any corrections.

Its just too bad you cannot show evidence like DNA to show who is dead and if they match the list from the FBI.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by triplescorpio
how could i possibly beleive this statement if they were alive the world would be listening with the closest of attention you would be in all national and local news agency would be offering you millions for your evidence sooo???

Well not if they are not the actual hijackers but whose names where used by the hijackers.

Even the 9/11 commission states that the hijackers used false and phoney paperwork to get into the country.

I am still waiting for DNA evindece to show who is dead and who is not and if it matches the list from the FBI.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by REMISNE

Its just too bad you cannot show evidence like DNA to show who is dead and if they match the list from the FBI.

Just an FYI.

I like Blue Cheese with my word salad.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by REMISNE
The web site is not wrong when it shows that Atta and Hanjour are dead, just like it is not wrong when it also shows hijakers that are alive. You should know that there were 19 hijackers according to the official story.

Sorry, but you cannot put the genie back into the bottle that easily. You said you had done your own research showing the hijackers the web site lists as alive (which is apparently only two), so I'd like to see exactly what you have that shows Majed Moqed is alive.

At least you concur that Impressme's claim that "the hijackers are alive and talking" is rubbish, since the bulk of his list includes names that this web site says are dead. I thank you for your honesty there.

So thats why we need other evindece such as DNA to show which hijakcers are dead and if they are the ones on the FBI's list.

Wait a minute! How do you know they even recovered the DNA from the hijackers, or if it were recovered, it was even identified as belonging to the hijackers? If they found someone's DNA that they couldn't match to any of the relatives of the victims, it may be a hijacker, or it may be some homeless guy who had been sleeping in an abandoned room. DNA can prove the hijackers were there, but it can't prove the hijackers weren't there.

You claim to have "done your research" so by the way you're holding onto this whole DNA bit and won't let go, it's obvious you're keeping something from us.

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