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An appeal from a cop...

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Kanati
I know this is off topic, but since you admit that you are work for the FBI, I have a question. Why isn't Bin Laden on the FBI 10 most wanted list for the bombing of the WTC?

Haha someone had the balls.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by JWH44
Our jaded mindset would probably lead us to think that you are plotting to do something nefarious to us.

That's all I needed to hear to re-enforce my opinion that I cannot trust an officer of the law.

I'll remember that when I go to court on the 30'th for possession of a tool that I've used for more than 20 years, but had on my person, and as the charge states "Carrying an weapon, not a firearm, namely a knife, with the intent to injure any person" while the pricks searching me carried a gun, taser, pepper spray, were in force and allowed me no recourse JUST AS I WENT TO THE SHOP.

Boo hoo to your sob story.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
Be frustrated all you want. Just realize that i don't care. And neither do my fellow officers.

We didn't force you to break the law.
[edit on 4-3-2010 by Snarf]

Exactly, YOU DON'T CARE.
We didn't force you to break it either.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by intrepid
I see plenty of examples in my local media (TV news, newspapers, etc) commending policemen who do their jobs properly. What I do not see is stories about discipline of errant public servants. Interesting...

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by LurkerMan
reply to post by JWH44

this is the exact reason for my distaste in police/authority.

every single officer adopts (eventually) this distinction between "us" and "them".

soon to follow comes the attitude that we need "them". You forget that the only reason you all have the body armor is because YOUR THE ONLY ONES ALLOWED TO HAVE IT. Society is set up that way!

if we were allowed everything the SWAT team was allowed, and the second amendment was enforced the way it was supposed to be...we wouldnt need police.

and honestly if it had been working that way up until now there most likely wouldnt even be any gangs/crime. because it wouldnt turn into a damn $JOB$

poeple would just have to learn to protect their #! or lose it!


If, hypothetically there were no police and everyone was packing and everyone knew that...I wonder, would anyone really try sh*t(at least after a while and after it's sunk into everyone's mind that they've got themselves/family/friends to keep each other safe from the 'baddies')

Personally I'm looking forward to the time of REAL positive change(true anarchy)... when that comes and for those who happen to survive the shift will experience the greatest revolution of all time. Everything will prosper in the long run, so long as bloody tyrants stay in power.

Once we truly see a breakdown in the establishment, we'll start to see peace, love and prosperity from all parts of the spectrum.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Reclaimyourmind420]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Snarf

My job *is* to uphold the law. If a judge says a law is constitutional, then it is. You disagreeing with that, won't change anything. Thats the world we live in.

Just following orders...Just following orders.... you have got to do better. What have you limited yourself to a damn robot? Hey its not my problem what you think - I'm just following orders - tell it to the judge. you make me physically ill and serve only to strengthen my resolve.

Just following orders...

[edit on 4-3-2010 by WWJFKD]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Reclaimyourmind420
Personally I'm looking forward to the time of REAL positive change(true anarchy)... when that comes and for those who happen to survive the shift will experience the greatest revolution of all time. Everything will prosper in the long run, so long as bloody tyrants stay in power.

Once we truly see a breakdown in the establishment, we'll start to see peace, love and prosperity from all parts of the spectrum.

You've seen it too! Exciting times we live in brother. I'm eagerly awaiting to see it emerge also. The anticipation is killing me.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:27 PM
Thank you for this JWH. 22 year vet here from NJ for a municipal dept. I tend to ignore the cop bashing but I appreciate you speaking up.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by JWH44
reply to post by whaaa

I agree; the us/them mentality is hard to break. But try to look at it from a sociological perspective. It is, by nature, very difficult to fully become a part of a community or group that you have to police. Consider it as a type of management/employee scenario. As managers of a community, we have to maintain a level of distance, on a personal level, from that community in order to effectively manage it. Just as managers in an office have to avoid the pitfalls of becoming too friendly with their employees, so must police be very cautious of becoming too close to those that they might one day have to arrest.

it is an unfortunate, yet natural sociological occurance. In a way, it is very unnatural from how we as social creatures are programmed to act.

This is the very essence of tyranny, and the opposite of a democratic sound community.

Why do you wonder why so many people hate or dislike cops? I mean think about it, most cops are regular guys, and personally I'm smarter than the regular guy, I'm also a bit more moral/ethical. Yet these mother#ers get to boss me around, beat my ass, tase me, harass me, charge me money arbitrarily for random "crimes". Some guy I'VE NEVER MET can pull me over and chew me out like he's my father and then tell me I've gotta pay money OR ELSE. What the # is the difference between you and the mafia/mobs?? Hell... the police probably take much more money from the populace than any mob/mafia. I'm not saying our world as it is could function right without some sort of policing, but being an Anarchist, I know very well that we dont NEED hierarchy and solid state-appointed authority figures. When people are left to their own devices, most (not all) actually tend to be good/orderly rather than bad/chaotic towards one another (so long as they are not lacking in food/resources/support/community). I can see why you as police have become this insulated, cut-off brotherhood that looks out for one another, even if it's at the expense of the rights, property, well-being, and finances of the populace who PAYS YOU to protect them. But people won't take that bull# for long.

And there's a lot of cliche talk on here about "well cops are just guys doing a job, some are bad apples. blah blah blah". But cops are fundamentally different from other professions, they are THE PRIMARY long-arm of the law. They can be the most oppressive force against a populace known to man. They can be oppressive without even KNOWING it, people just tolerate it, begrudgingly because you, wearing the badge that you do, belong to the largest, most powerful, and most well-funded gang that has ever existed- The United States government. And christ, you're arming yourselves to the teeth, even in places where it makes no sense. Mini-tanks, helicopters, heavy riot gear, for WHAT? To fight protesters in the streets who are 90% peaceful? Cops aren't always overtly/aggressively evil, the biggest chunk of the evil of police is their everyday, run-of-the-mill, sarcastic/domineering oppression that they never really think too hard about. Like you said, they're just regular guys, so why the hell would they read up extensively on philosophy, society, government, anarchism, police brutality, communism, capitalism, revolution, economics, history, etc. etc.? And then on top of that be willing to change their views on the world and act accordingly? Only very few, I assume, like to educate themselves that extensively. And even people who are very educated in such things and consider themselves radical, do not practice most of what they preach. The difference is, when a carpenter doesn't practice what he preaches he doesn't do as much damage as a police officer.

What makes me angry is not only my personal experience with immature, abusive, careless, asshole cops who have harassed me on the street or drained my bank account for dubious reasons, but also the entire system and the lingering/unfulfilled need as a society to RETHINK how we make a living and keep the peace. I won't hold my breath though, but I will use it to talk back to a cop if I think he's bull#ting me. I DO NOT respect a cop simply for being a cop. I will show him the same amount of respect I'd show any random guy on the street, if he pisses me off and violates me, he's going to hear about it. If he's got a point and I clearly violated a law, or he's not actually harassing me, I won't even talk back I'll just talk to him calmly like a regular guy. The only thing that prevents most people from really giving cops the finger is that cops will break that finger, get away with it, arrest the person, charge them with a crime, and they'll end up having to waste time and money on the legal/judicial process. Law enforcement has become a threat that makes the populace subservient, like this pathetic modern version of predator/prey. The prey being the populace, driving and walking about, becoming fearful/nervous when they see a badge or a cop car, praying that they won't be chased or confronted for some menial reason. It's a disgusting society. Yeah sure, it's much worse in some places than it is here. But then again, we imprison more people than Russia OR China. We are NOT the freest country, and we have some of the most well-armed and aggressive cops on the planet. And just because somewhere else is hell, doesn't make us heaven.

Oh and do you really expect people to report bad cops and have trust in the internal review process? I was totally #ed over by a cop, stun-gunned in the neck while I lay on the ground in handcuffs yelling "I'LL COMPLY! CALM DOWN! I'M COMPLYING!" And I knew reporting him would get me nowhere, especially in the corrupt city I had the awesome fortune of being arrested in. Then after being charged with crimes I didn't commit, roughed up, choke slammed, stun-gunned, threatened, denied paramedics, I had to dish out around $3000 in lawyer fees and other fines. That was essentially ALL my savings from years, I'm not #ing rich and it's all down the state drain. We REALLY need a system that doesn't charge the poor man and the uber rich man the same amounts.

Don't ever ask me to trust or give extra respect to another human being that I don't know personally who has that kind of power over me (and too many times uses it unjustly).

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:30 PM
You were saying that cops are pulled from society to make up the profession of law enforcement.

I argue that you all weren't pulled but that you chose to leave society when you joined that corrupted monstrous arm of the bureaucracy that distributes the fear first hand.

I've already talked about how back in 1985 when I was 16 I was beaten senselessly in a Arlington Texas Jail by a cop.
Here is the link where I talked about it in detail; (page 5)

Now that was just what happened to me. I've watched people get their faces busted open just for telling them to fu(# off once the cop got way too arrogant with them.

We've all watched you all with your pain compliance toys (Tasers) zap people left and right on this site.

So stop crying the "poor us" blues. Many if not most of the members here ain't buying it these days.

The fundamental problem with cops as I've said before and I'll say it again is that they have become an elitist cliche with their own firmly established buddy system that is in place. The Fraternal Order of the Police only reinforces this type of ideology too. Cops lie for each other at every opportunity just to send people down the road and cover their own obnoxious ass's.

This has to change brother.

The training program for cops is an escalatory process that only amounts to trauma to the civilian first, and then ask questions later.... The days of diffusing a situation are long gone now. You all just go in and bash heads or taser heads and then laugh about it later. Don't pretend for a second that we don't know this because besides our own eyewitness accounts we see it every other day here now.

This has to change brother.

I know you guys can't go walking around handing out roses but give us a break. You all are like a Gestapo force that are preying on society like a leach on a host now.

The war on drugs has turned you all into a bunch of predators that has the public dreading to even see you all drive down the road now.

So stop asking for our sympathy and please make the change within yourself. Then change the system that you are supporting at this very moment. Your compliance with it is your approval of a monstrous arm of the gov/state that has gotten way out of control.

Cops can do great good when they put their minds to it. I've seen that happen before too. It's just that they are confused as to what their true obligations are these days....

To serve and protect.. Not seek and destroy.

I know this response will piss off the cop members here and the wannabes but too bad. Perhaps one of you guys might listen for a change since it does seem that you all are finally starting to notice the trend of how we feel about you all these days.... And the feeling isn't a good one.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by 3DPrisoner]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Izarith
Ahhh, Izarith... he is a police officer. Look up his previous posts. very interesting 1

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
reply to post by rougeskut

Alot better then busting potheads and writing traffic citations. You buddy are exactly what all these frustrated people are talking about. You can't vocalize further then the end of your pistol.

Sure can. Never had to fire my gun once unless it's at the range.

Here's a simple rule that you will learn the older you get

the law is the law

if you want to break the law, then you risk running into me.

Don't get mad at me when i bust your ass for doing so.

When you grow up - you have to accept responsibility for your own actions.

if you wanna smoke pot, guess what? Its illegal. My feelings on the issue mean NOTHING where my job is concerned.

Be frustrated all you want. Just realize that i don't care. And neither do my fellow officers.

We didn't force you to break the law.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Snarf]

Spoken like a true redneck. You are obviously missing the point idiot. You have single handedly negated all the intelligent debate and commentary that the first OP started here.

You should really be ashamed you bully!

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:33 PM
I wonder why the OP is truly on this site. He's a supervisor for a Federal Law Enforcement Agency. Somebody said FBI. (I skipped a page, sorry) If the OP is a supervisor of the FBI then he is here to monitor CITIZENS to see just how close they are to Revolution.

Then he starts this thread to get an analysis or a feel for how the public views LEO's to get a sense of what they are up against. They know what is coming in this country very well. The OP is doing his homework. He's the boss so he has to stay on top of all the statistics of how the American people are really feeling.

I bet the OP has read every Revolution thread on this website and goes to HIS superiors in the White House and they sit down and try to determine when they think the time will be that TSHTF.

I've had a lot of bad dealings with the Law. I don't trust any of them. I don't trust the government so I don't trust its henchmen. OP I don't trust you or your real reasons for being on this site, PERIOD!!

[edit on 4-3-2010 by kennylee]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
reply to post by rougeskut

Alot better then busting potheads and writing traffic citations. You buddy are exactly what all these frustrated people are talking about. You can't vocalize further then the end of your pistol.

Sure can. Never had to fire my gun once unless it's at the range.

Here's a simple rule that you will learn the older you get

the law is the law

if you want to break the law, then you risk running into me.

Don't get mad at me when i bust your ass for doing so.

When you grow up - you have to accept responsibility for your own actions.

if you wanna smoke pot, guess what? Its illegal. My feelings on the issue mean NOTHING where my job is concerned.

Be frustrated all you want. Just realize that i don't care. And neither do my fellow officers.

We didn't force you to break the law.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Snarf]

Youre acting like you are someone that should be feared and revered. BS!

Your attitude is exactly what people cant stand snarf. Your posts are riddled with contempt for anyone that doesnt toe the line and as soon as they dont then you are all up in their ass. While for that short time you have them you are under control and they are all criminals until you say they aren't. If they F up your going to break out Mr Sparky and make them pay. What a rush for you huh? Truth of the matter is degenerates like you just hide behind the badge. Now you have the power and you are going to make M F'ers pay for all those swirlies and wedgies you got.

And truth be told....I know the police.....I know them...They drink and drive, they speed, they run red lights, they blow stop-signs, they smack their wife ( after cheating on them ) they beat their kid, they lie, they steal, they break the law just like everyone else. And then they put on their uniform and tell everyone else how they should live.

Its the hypocrisy of the bad ones I cant stand. I'd have to say from seeing your posts you're one of the bad ones.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Thirty_Foot_Smurf]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by JWH44

Then why is there no law that says you have to protect us, but there are laws saying officers don't have to protect us.

You guys claim to be here to protect and save us, but I've literally only heard stories from anyone I know of cops ruining their lives. My brother got 180 days for not skateboarding on the sidewalk in vegas. Where's the justice in that?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:37 PM
The main problem with law enforcement is the same thing that's wrong with other area's in this thing people refer to as society. We only attempt to treat the symptoms and not the causes. Why is this? Well mainly if you really look into allot of the issues we face, government and positions of power over other human beings is the MAIN problem. So with law enforcement both current "police officers" and the people themselves need to look at the reason things have become the way they are, and only by doing that can we really fix the wrongs everybody say's they want to do. People that are put into positions such as "police officers" are put in a position that gives the appearance of power. What gives them that power is the very people they believe they have power over, because most of the people (and police officers too) are ignorant of the very "laws" they believe they have to "obey". The only real law is to not injure or trespass on another human being. If there is no injured party there is no case. Most cases are the so-called "state" against a human being and in law that is impossible without the use of violence. What is the "state"? Our judicial system is seriously flawed and corrupt. Also most "trials" are bogus shams to steal peoples money. First off the "judge" and the "persecutors" represent the "state" so right off the bat there is conflict of interest, and if you don't believe the "judge" represents the "state" then ask him who sends him his check. There are usually never any facts in a case and if you try to ask for facts in the complaint (traffic tickets, drug charges, etc.) like "factually what is a state" or "Is there evidence of a complaining party" you usually will upset the judge, because if real facts were brought into evidence they (the "state) have no case what so ever.

While I have nothing against the OP or "police officers" personally, I do have a problem with their jobs and employers. Anybody that thinks they can stop someone in their own car minding their own business for not wearing their seat belt is no less an enemy to liberty than someone who writes the law's to remove it piece by piece. "Police officers" are just doing these dirty politicians and government officials dirty work for them. Police are just as and in some cases more ignorant of the law than "citizens".

definition of govern:

govern. To direct and control; to regulate; to influence; to restrain; to manage. State v Ream, 16 Neb 681, 683." Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, page 530.

That's another very important issue people need to realize, and that is "citizens" do NOT exist and police do NOT have a duty to protect the so-called "citizens". It's been ruled in court cases over and over that police don't have a duty to protect the "citizens". Therefore "citizens" do not owe allegiance to any "city", "state", or "country". I don;t have the cases right off hand but if someone wants them shoot me a pm or ask on here and I will post some later.

The Government Hoax

Anyway that's my take on this and I think all people (police and "citizens") of this once great land need to come together and throw off these shackles of government once and for all. I wanted to post more but I got to go get some stuff done.

Bureaucrats Never Have a Case by Marc Stevens

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Izarith
reply to post by intrepid

Simlpe. Those that chose, see "CHOSE", to break the law.

You should definitely join the force Intrepid, your just what they are screening for!

If you don't I guarantee you you will chose to brake the Law. As fast as they are spitting them out you won't have the option to choose otherwise.

Interesting retort. Nothing valid though. Do you want to debate with logic or childish banter?

Sorry, I have NO idea what that means.

Again your missing out on a great career opportunity Intrepid.

This type of blind denial of humanity is exactly what makes the concept of a police officer and American police officer.

If you could just learn to say, "does not compute, does not compute, must tase subject, must tase subject." in a robot fashion they might just make you an honorary deputy right now!

I was serious. You paragraph made absolutely no sense. If you care to explain it I'll answer to it. I refuse to get into infantile bickering.

Do you know why that is? Because in America one is innocent until proven guilty. Even police officers. They do not remain on duty because they may have and/or continue to abuse the public. You can't take their wage away though. They haven't been convicted of anything. The lawsuits from innocent officers would bankrupt the departments. Not to mention that it's against labor law.

Yeah like watching a cop shooting a frightened unarmed man who is laying flat on his stomach with his hand clearly empty in the air on YouTube for the hundredth time means the dead guy got his fair trial.

I guess you could say the cop sent the guy on his permanent vacation right?

What I'm saying is cops get a fair trial, civilians are usually the dead who got no trial. but hey as long as cops don't get any of their workers right infringed upon it's cool.

I guess we'll have to fire all those defense and prosecuting attorneys as the cops are the only ones getting charged.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Snarf

“all pigs are murderers and should be dragged out into the street and shot.”

The abnormal remarks are the ones above, you know...the only abnormal remarks in the OPS post.....the same type of remarks he is trying to reincite.
Those were the remarks that had me thinking about trolling and data collection. This mindless sentence could spur more of the same talk in the same thread he created.

I did read the post...did you read mine? I am truly sorry if I confused you. I'm not your enemy.

Can you meet my challenge BTW?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by JWH44

Entities that go against another entities Free Will is, in my opinion, not congruent with nature or existence.

That is my view on entities controlling and oppressing other entities.

I send my love to both sides though.


posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by JWH44
Our biggest problems is corruption. But even that is one that we have battled vigorously and with great success.

Failures aside, can you elaborate on your successes?

Can you provide any specific cases of corruption that were closed and ended with successful prosecutions recently?

If this is your biggest problem, perhaps it would be good to share what you can about how successful you have been at fighting it?

Have you ever known a case to be closed arbitrarily, or where there was any conspiracy to cover up a case that was a part of an internal investigation and an external probe?

Just curious...

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Walkswithfish]

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