Hello people!!
Just going to share a great, GREAT experience I had last night.
Well, I did a cleaning of my room (because I started to sense the same odour that was on my house when I was little and somebody did a black magic
spell to my mom.... like rotten meat or something like that, and JUST on my bedroom... and also this is the only place of my flat that my little
cousin, 1 year and a half old, NEVER enters, even if I'm here and he loves me. He just stands in the door and calls me to go outside) I broke the
"In case of bad feelings, broke the glass" case and took some salt and stuff... in short, my own mom did something like I did yesterday to our house
and it fade away in that time, so I think it would be a good idea.
After deep cleaning physically the place (no spiders were harmed, I just set them free through the window.... poor critters, all people seems to hate
them but I don't), unplug the PC, TV, radio, and turned off my cellphone, I took 4 small cups and filled them with water and salt, putted one in each
corner of my bedroom before sleeping, and lighted a white candle surrounded by sugar and cinnamon. I did some prayers... well, not prayers, I asked
with all my willpower to the light beings to help me to clean this place. Burnt some incense too and went into meditation, focusing in the light of
the candle, visualizing a big white energy dome all over my room.
And started to feel very gloomy, and there was just 10 PM. As you can see in my older posts, I never go to bed before 3 AM, so this was VERY inusual.
And this was just the begining. So, after the ritual finished (my mom just burned the candle for one hour and then she went to sleep) I did the same.
And I had two of the best lucid dreams I've ever ha. All of them took place in my room.
1- Here was Lady Gaga (lol, i know, but I'm her fan hahaha) and she started to say that I needed to stop keeping one feet in each side and start to
put both in the same place. The first thing I tought was: WTH is Gaga doing in MY room!? and then realized it was a lucid dream so I asked the meaning
of this, because I didn't understood it well at first and I tought she was talking about dancing and stuff (I know the Bad Romance dancing
I thought I was doing it wrong) She almost slapped me and said "no, I'm talking about your place. You'll should be or in reality or in the astral,
not both at the same time as you're doing now" (weird coming from her, isn't it? hahaha). She was dressed in white, in an outfit I don't know but
as her usual, bodysuit, high heels, fishnets and a jacket. She said I was going to understand this as soon as I can, and for now, I should keep
focusing on it, as an exercise. She said "may the light be with you, and I'll be watching you, take care. You're a good person"
I woke up suddenly and very thirsty, I sipped some mineral water I had in my night table and noticied that my tummy was aching (yesterday I went to
eat some sushi with one of my best friends), so I putted my hands over it and tried to sleep again. It was just 2:30 AM.
2- I said lately that I have a weird attachment to a guy that's somehow famous... and not from my country, and I've had this feeling since I was a
child. Well, the second dream was about him. I don't wanna say his name, so I will call him Arthur. He hasn't been having a good time lately so I
have been very concerned about this, and because of this crazy link I've stabilished with him I know that he's more depressed than me right now. Ok,
He appeared on my room. I was sitting on the bed as I am now, writting in the pc, and suddenly he appeared in the door. eyes open wide, he almost
yelled "WTH I'm doing here!? Where am I!?" I left the eyes from the monitor, and looked at him. He seemed to be scared, and well, recalling the
last dream, it started to be lucid. And so vivid I could tell it was real (the other one was the same). I left the PC and runned towards him, and gave
him a big hug, saying "don't worry, hun, you're ok here. I have been so worried about you lately, and you know, for me is near to impossible to
reach you... let's sit for a while and I will try to heal you".
We sitted on my bed. He was wearing brown clothes, like the last time I had a lucid dream about visiting him on his house (it was last week, I
mentioned the lucid dreams I had that night with no details, well, I paid him a visit, he was with his wife on his house, again he was scared about my
sudden appearence, and said "hey, my wife is going to see you and I'll be in trouble! go away!" and I answered "she cannot see me nor hear me!"
and winked., then I woke up...) "Tell me, everything you want. I'm here to listen to you and try to take away your pain, dear..."
He putted his head on my lap, and started to say who depressed he was, and how nobody seemed to understand it, how harsh were the times for him right
now, and how pleople were bashing him still. I was passing my fingers through his hair. Then the scene changed.
I started to rant because I was really going to heal him, and that wasn't fair.
Suddenly he appeared again, this time just wearing a towel, like he was taking a bath and something carried him to my bedroom again. The same "WTH!"
face but he saw me and smiled. He laid into my bed and I laid next to him. I curled myself and this time was me the one who putted the head on his
chest. I said "well, I don't know if you're going to be happy with my help or with another's, but certainly, this is the most important thingm and
what you need to take care of" and pointed to his heart. He laughed, but still sad. I standed up and putted my hands opver his chest, and a very,
very white light appeared from my hands "this would help you for a while... Please, take care. I will still be sending you light and lov for you to
heal soon... I can't stand seeing you so sad and tired (oh wow, I'm so sad and tired and I can't stand others... that's stupid), you deserve to
shine, because you made me shine when I needed too". He closed his eyes and smiled, from the inside. "Thank you, Cags, you're really better than I
used to think.... I'll be eternally grateful about what you're doing for me... thanks..."
And again, scene change.
And this post reached it's character limit =(... I'm double posting with the end. I really hadn't a lucid dream this vivid in a looong time....