ow, the power boost is gone =(, Yesterday I was about to faint 2 times at college, but I managed to go to class! ò_ó! And monday night was the
weirdest. I couldn't reach any sleep, even when I came to bed early and I was indeed tired.
By 4 AM I was already tired of trying to sleep, so I woke up to smoke a cigarrette in the other room. 4am means no tv, so I didn't even turned on the
lights of the room. In that room theres a sofa, and in the facing wall there's a row of 5 ocarinas hanging onto it (my aunt's collection, she haves
more but just hanged those there...). I stated to think about why I was unable to sleep when suddenly one of the ocarinas dissapeared in front of my
eyes. Yup, as you read it. It vanished. for 1 second, maybe more. Then it came back. I started to hear a voice inside me saying "look, your eyes are
not failing, it's just because you can see the "veil", and that's what you're seeing. Try it again, try to vanish all of the ocarinas now"
Without really understanding what the heck was that "veil", and mostly due I was bored as hell and sleepless, I tryied.
It was weird, because Ok the ocarinas dissapeared, but not leading into an empty wall, but it looked like a greenish shining screen covering
everything (even the light switch vanished)
I came back to my bedroom, and started to stare at the ceiling. checked the hour, 5:30. Hour to get up and get a shower, breakfast, etc: 6 AM. "no
sleep for me tonight. FML" I rested my hands on my chest and I fell asleep for 30 minutes, but I woke up like if I had my 8 hours of sleep when the
chorus of alarms awoke me.
In the day I almost fainted 2 times but that's not important, uslally happens to me when I'm in a line waiting for something or in the packed 7 AM
subway... nothing weird really.
Today, by 7 PM, I went to the other room to smoke (yeah, I do that all times in fall/winter, I don't like to smoke in my room and it's too cold to
smoke in the window as I used to do in summer), sitted in the sofa, the lights were off again and I started to look at the ocarinas again. This time I
tried just one time to vanish them and it worked. my concentration wasn't full because I had the TV on, in my room (oh, a friend gave me his old 14"
TV this sunday, it's really old but I can watch the news at least). Now here's the question: WTH is that "veil"? and why I can
see it?
@Tragic: it would be awesome that there was a pool like that, really