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So we gradually hollowed out the traditional function that family served....
The term "family" means MUCH, MUCH more than merely the white-bread 1950s-era charactiture of "Ozzie and Harriett"!!!!
Hi Conclusion--
Are you talking about actively open gay males and females who have been indoctrinated by the 'church' to eat the flesh and drink the blood of dead Rabbi's swinging from gibbets like some kind of modern day Cannibal VCult (i.e. the blood-drinking Hellenistic 'Pauline Christianity' Messianic End of Days Cult based on the warped heresies of a Turkish born megalomaniac Greek Speaking Diaspora Jew who never met R. Yehoshua bar Yosef the Galilean Nazir in actual 'flesh and blood' but only in dreams and visions, like my cook?)
Or what, exactly? I don't even think the man's own family believed in 'Christ' whatever the heck that means.
Good Rebbe what must I do to be Worthy of the Life?' 'Why do you call the Bar-Enasha ('son of man') good? Only the Most High is Good. But if you would be worthy of the life, obey the laws of Moses.' 'Rebbe, I have punctiliously obeyed every single jot and tittle of the Torah--is there anything else I should do to be worthy of the Life?' 'Give all your money & worldly posssessions to the Ebionim and follow the Son of Man, so that you will have a Treasury in the Kingdom of Heaven.'
(Ebionim: a 1st century Palestinian based ultra orthodox Torah Abiding Zionist sect of Daviddic Messianist-Apocalypticists aka 'the poor ones' very very similar to the Dead Sea Scroll Messianists at Seccacah-Qumran, (probably a splinter group of the same) headed up by R. Yehoshua bar Yosef's brother, 'Yakkob bar Yosef, Ha Tzaddiq' aka 'James the Just', a man who DID NOT follow his brother as one of the 12, but took over the Ebionim after his brother's exeutiion for armed sedition against the Maiestas of the Divine Emperor Tiberius Caesar and of Rome (i.e. by crucifixion)
Sect of Judæo-Christians of the second to the fourth century. They believed in the Messianic character of Jesus, but denied his divinity and supernatural origin; observed all the Jewish rites, such as circumcision and the seventh-day Sabbath; and used a gospel according to Matthew written in Hebrew or Aramaic, while rejecting the writings of Paul as those of an apostate (Irenæus, "Adversus Hæreses," i. 262; Origen, "Contra Celsum," ii. 1; Eusebius, "Hist. Eccl." iii. 27; Hippolytus, "Refutatio Hæresium," vii. 34; Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah, i. 3, 12; on Matt. xii. 13). Some Ebionites, however, accepted the doctrine of the supernatural birth of Jesus, and worked out a Christology of their own (Origen, l.c. v. 61 Read more:
Or what exactly DO you mean?
Originally posted by LogicalPhilosophy
I think it's better at a young age cause you can learn that not all people are the same and learn that treating people different because they are different is a not a good thing, seemed to work fine for me and the majority of my friends. Being exposed to it with one of my better friend's parents molded me into a very understanding human beings, my parents didn't tell me I should stop talking to him because of his parents but allowed me to make the choice
Originally posted by concernedcitizan
So we gradually hollowed out the traditional function that family served and exchanged it for sexual liberalism, which led to further exploitation of women, children growing up in unstable marriages with unhappy parents, and people with confused sexual identities.
Originally posted by Ezzedeen
Additionally, despite efforts by homosexual activists to distance the gay lifestyle from pedophilia, there remains a disturbing connection between the two. This is because, by definition, male homosexuals are sexually attracted to other males. While many homosexuals may not seek young sexual partners, the evidence indicates that disproportionate numbers of gay men seek adolescent males or boys as sexual partners. The evidence indicates that homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls. To demonstrate this it is necessary to connect several statistics related to the problem of child sex abuse: 1) men are almost always the perpetrator; 2) up to one-third or more of child sex abuse cases are committed against boys; 3) less than three percent of the population are homosexuals. In other words, although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.
So yes there is a “gay” agenda and the use of myths like the “Born Gay” legend, and that there is an Epidemic of Hate Crimes against homosexuals are all part of it. The truth is that homosexuality is NOT a normal or acceptable lifestyle in a healthy society. That is why God saw fit to destroy and make an example of Sodom.
Originally posted by concernedcitizan
reply to post by schrodingers dog
Don't forget Morrissey and the Smiths. Or Moby.
I'm bothered by gay pride parades where men in ass-less leather chaps dry-hump one another on floats in public!
I'm bothered by books like (One Dad, Two Dads, Brown Dad, Blue Dads)&(Heather Has Two Mommies)being read to 4th grade school children.
I'm bothered by the fact you think I am homophobic
I'm bothered that gay people want the world to bend over for them because of the sex they prefer.
I'm bothered that a civil union between two gay people is not good enough for homosexuals.
I'm bothered don't ask don't tell is not good enough
To me the gay agenda is nothing more than a crusade to force people to accept that homosexuality is normal behavior, and give protected status to a group of people under the law for nothing more than the type of sex they like! Its all a sham!
Sometimes I think gays need convincing themselves that their lifestyle is just,and that's part of the reason there is such a push by the gay community to force non gays into accepting them as normal/natural!
If gay people are born gay then are child molesters born child molesters?
are panty sniffers born panty sniffers?
Or is it all simply sexual perversion?
If its a genetic condition? If so wouldn't natural selection weed out those whom choose not to procreate?
I believe homosexuality is deviant behavior,That is my belief! and what bothers me the most is that members of the gay community would love to
label me as not normal for feeling this way and convince others likewise
I really try not to get involved into these types of threads because it always comes down to 'You suck.' 'No, you suck.' 'You're a homophobic fundie.' 'You're a homo.' To infinity.
But if we're to take this thread seriously and if we can be mature, then yes there is an agenda just like almost every group out there has some agenda.
It's late at night for me but there is a book out there published in the 70's (I'll try to find it tomorrow because I'm sure I'll need to back this post up) that outlined what certain homosexual groups wanted to do in order to have homosexuality become a more mainstream and acceptable behavior.
They admitted they were mainly going to use media as their primary method (television, literature, etc., to slowly show homosexuality in a positive light), as well as having still-in-the-closet politicians as another method to slowly program the public on a political level into accepting legislation favorable to the homosexual life style (remember, even mere decades ago, homosexuality was determined to be deviant behavior and not socially acceptable). Then in education and schools by targeting children at a young age concerning positive outlooks at homosexuality.
So basically this group (albeit small) had the plan to slowly work their way in to changing popular perspective into being accepting of homosexuality. Many of these things we can see today like homosexuality being explained to elementary aged children or homosexual characters in television programs, even on children's networks.
Some may think 'So what?' Some may think 'Oh wow.' I don't care. But that is what the published agenda was. I'll try to find it and post it. It's been a while so my memory may be off a bit with the details.