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The Gay Agenda -- You Can't Be Serious?

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posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by tracehd1

Don't use the majority as an argument, cause at one point the majority was down for slavery and smoking was a good idea

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:31 AM

Nonsense on this children stuff, I'm almost certain we were all one at one point, no? They are not these little innocent things, they just aren't, by the time most of us had hit say Grade 4 we already knew swear words, hell I was calling people gaylords in Grade 2, to think that we didn't know what that was is ridiculous. Kids are smart, they are going to love their parents no matter what, but what's this you say? They are going to be made fun of? That comes with the territory of being a kid and if you tell me that you were never made fun of growing up, well you sir are a liar. It just gets tiring hearing "Protect the children" nonsense for arguments, it's one of the least convincing ways someone could use for an anti-gay argument.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Did you grow up in a bad situation? Exposed to ADULT discrimination or biases, or abuse? It's completely different than the schoolyard stuff you are talking about. Children are innocent. Half the stuff they talk about, they have no idea what it means.

I grew up in group homes, and a foster home, where I was adopted, pretty much without having a choice in the matter. Of all the screwed up stuff I had to deal with while growing up, my abusive fathers, and my foster parents, who screwed with my on a mental scale I'd never want to inflict on any living soul, were the things that molded me for many, many years. Even now I still harbor symptoms of having been brought up like I was. You have no idea.

That's one reason I am against gay couples adopting children, or raising them. You act as if it's impossible to affect their minds or growth, because of apparently all the exposure they get at school, from the media, etc. That's ridiculous. You just have no idea at all what you are talking about.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:45 AM
Nope, none of these abuses, perfectly normal, I think it's better at a young age cause you can learn that not all people are the same and learn that treating people different because they are different is a not a good thing, seemed to work fine for me and the majority of my friends. Being exposed to it with one of my better friend's parents molded me into a very understanding human beings, my parents didn't tell me I should stop talking to him because of his parents but allowed me to make the choice

[edit on 26-2-2010 by LogicalPhilosophy]

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 03:15 AM
Hi all, I myself am not Gay. Do i have a problem with Gay people? Yes i do, But not all.
Why is it that i do not go round telling everyone that im hetrosexual, but a percentage of gay people Love to let everyone know? Not just in telling people but showing them aswell. With a false voices and fake mannerisms.

If people are going to act like this, then they must exspect some sort of reaction for behaving like total loons.

Well that is the only problem I have with Gay people. Not all are like this.

But to all the people who think Gay people should be shot. Get a life and grow up.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by Mr Moon

That'sa little unfair to call them fake manerisms. Some people 9both gay and straight) are very feminine. Now, I'm a gay bloke, but I'm not femine at all.(first down the pub and at the bar when there's a footy game on, first one stand up for a mate if there's any trouble ect) But i know some people who are very fem, and it's not put on, or fake, it's just them. Ok, fair enough if you don't like people who are overly fem, there's nothing wrong in that, my only gripe was that you said it's fake. It's not in most cases (ok, I'm sure there are exemptions)

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 05:25 AM
Great post
I personally can't share any negative examples of homosexuals in my life.. nor can i think of any instance ever.. some people are a**holes, thats just humanity and has nothing to do with sex or race at all. My closest friend from childhood (more a brother than friend really) is gay, I have seen his past relationships go up and down over those years and at times it saddens me because of the head games that can be played (and again thats humanity in general) but mainly guys that arent sure if they are homosexual or not, using him to decide, then leaving him devistated when they leave for a female..
Now, to be entirely honest, i would be far more sure of a feminist agenda behind the scenes than a gay one.. womens lib types are ridiculous..

I am very glad for you, the OP at finding such a wonderful life with a being you can truly love and enjoy that life with!
Be well..

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 06:30 AM
I'm out...

There's some good posts in here, but I don't see any opinions changing - it's just the same old s-storm that pops up here now and again.

For those that are getting angry about a "gay agenda" or just homosexuality, I'm sorry for you. As to homosexuals "inflicting" their sexuality... well, I used to go to Canal Street in Manchester a lot, mostly because I'm a whore for karaoke (!), never felt I was having sexuality (of any kind) thrust in my face - maybe I had my "straight-guy blinkers" on? Of course I saw "stuff" - but go to any bar 9-10pm onwards and you will see people trying to pull - as we call it in the UK - shock and horror.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 07:04 AM
Good job OP. I can't believe the sheer amount of stupidity I have read in some of the responses. I feel sorry for the God that needs to put up with all these morons.

star and flag

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 08:19 AM
Why do some people feel obliged to force their opinions and world views upon others as opposed to live and let live?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by iMacFanatic
Why do some people feel obliged to force their opinions and world views upon others as opposed to live and let live?

Because small-minded folks need to feel safe and thus they can't allow change.

IMO of course and this is not directed at anyone in here


posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:07 AM
Since I am a straight person that recently moved into the downtown area of Atlanta (one of Americas gayest cities) I felt compelled to respond.

Moving here was complete and utter culture shock. Not because there are gay people everywhere, but because of how aggressive a lot of them can be. You may be on the conservative end of the spectrum, but you certainly do not speak for all of the gay demographic. They cat call, they harass, look you up and down like a piece of meat, and a lot of times very flamboyant and innappropriate dress for anyone gay or not...

Some of them certainly DO have agendas and some of them certainly DO want homosexuality to become mainstream and often compare their movement to the civil rights movement.

I udnerstand you feel frustrated because you are conservative and there is a 1% of your demographic that we see on the news all the time molesting and raping little boys. Doctors, priests, milk man or whatever. There is huge story right now in Atlanta all over the news of a gay doctor that produced child pornography with underage boys facing 3 life sentences and it probably pisses you off but everyone has that 1% screwing up their reputations.

Think racial minorites, trailer parks, poor people, blacks...Not everyone that lives in a trailer park has a mullet and drinks Natty Ice, Not every Mexican knows how to landscape, not every black person has gold teeth and drives $1200.00 1984 Cutlass with $10,000rims, but this is what we see all the time in the media, out on the streets, and these are the stereotypes that we form in our minds and teach our children. The victims of these stereo types have no choice but to have to live with it.

It will never change...Your best bet is to get over it already.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by tank1976

1%? How many gay people do you think there are in the US? The most conservative of studies claims 2%, which would mean 1% of the gay population numbers 60,000 people in the US. The least conservative study claims the number to be 13%, which would increase that number to 360,000.

1%? Hardly.

"Get over it"? How is someone supposed to "get over" wanting to be treated as they should? Human rights are not optional because other people don't want to grant them.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

How has homosexuality impacted my life in a negative way?

Well I fell for a boy once and he broke my heart, so now I date women and really have no longing for the same sex, damn him, he ruined me from being gay.... Now, I can't even be bi, cause I'm over men... Darn gay men, turning me away from gay men forever. :-P

Love you all! Great post here "tothetenthpower" NAMASTE

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by davesidious

Maybe you misunderstood the point that I was making. The 1% of the GAY population that give OTHER gay people a bad reputation. I didn't say anything about overal gay population in the US.

For example: You turn on the news and see a gay male doctor caught making child porn with underage boys. People that see that news report think " Those gay pervert freaks should all be banished from the earth!"

That docotor is the 1% of your demographic that gives conservative gay people in general a bad rap.

Every minority group has a rotten 1% that everyone else always sees in the news, media, etc giving that minority group a bad reputation. Now do you see where I was getting at?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by tank1976

And if you read my post a bit more closely, I pointed out that 1% of the gay community is somewhere between 60,000 and 360,000 people. I doubt you've seen them all on TV, or in real life, so you are making an inaccurate and offensive generalisation.

It's not 1%. Why you'd think 1% is causing problems for the rest is ridiculous. I see what you're getting at, but your 1% mark is wildly inaccurate.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by davesidious

Hey buddy, I am not meaning to offend you at all. I am a friend here please keep that in mind.

I was just making an overall basic statement that there are "rotten apples" that ruin the whole bunch and that is something that all minority groups are faced with on a regular basis.

1% was just used to illustrate a point and not to be mathmatically or statistcially correct.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 09:59 AM
Just a question out of curiosity, because I do not know the answer.

How many of the professed homosexuals who have posted on here believe in Christ?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by The Teller
See trying to force your gay agenda down our throats with your balanced and erudite post.

You people sicken me, being on TV, in film, writing books, being pop stars and the like. Using these forms of media to express your individuality like normal people.

You go around living normal lives like a camouflage expecting us not to look underneath the façade.

You want to be married and have children and share your love and experiences. You want to force children to be in well adjusted homes and grown to be responsible and useful adults in their own right.

What next wanting lipstick breaks from work and male PMT days off? If ever there was an abomination against all that is decent it is gay people.

I don't trust you, I don't agree with you and I don't want you being reflections of the same life I live. I don't want to look at a gay man with a family, job and home and see myself in that model.

I hate you because you are wrong. I just don't know why I hate myself.

Great thread.

Dude seriously I'm straight and my room mate is FLAMING gay but he's a great guy, no camo at all. I've known him for years and not once, and I mean once should a person be judged on sexual preference it's not like your priest's in your catholic cult don't touch little boys. Those are the real freaks and out casts. not Two men of age engaging eachother behind closed doors. Oh yeah and they never try to force anything on me either, so dude Grow a #ing brain and get over the god damn KKK, Confederation, and Bush administration, because the fact of the matter is People have always been this way it's just now there being open and true to themselves. So you should be happy for them rather than resentful you single minded freak. Second of all no matter how much religion trys to make gay people look taboo they need to realize it's a natural course in history. Between all species. And don't take this the wrong way ATS but in a sense it's kinda like a natural population control? lol just a thought.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by tank1976

That's cool, I just thought something like that should be cleared up, as it's many orders of magnitude out.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:07 AM
Now I have nothing against gays, but Gay Pride is just hard for me to take seriously; The parades and the fact that their flag is a rainbow is just ridiculous. Back on topic, you provided some excellent points, however, concerning what you said about pedophilia-even if the child consented, that still doesn't make it right, as the child is not mature enough to make the decision.

[edit on 26-2-2010 by technical difficulties]

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