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Joe Stack Hailed as Hero in American "patriot" resurgence -ABC news

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posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by impressme
BTW, has anyone seen my tar and feather bucket?

Sorry.... will be prohibitted after the global warming legis passes.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by PhoenixDemon

In his mind none of "his" elected officials would help him. His lifes future had been severely altered by government/IRS devastating his retirement savings.

You said it, in his mind

Does the manifesto tell the real story or just his side of the story? Was he really ignored or just didn't like the response that he got?

To all of you people that say Stack's actions in flying a plane into the building were unacceptable what would you have him do?

Would you still find it acceptable if he had taken out a busload of visiting school children?

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Teabags

No, that's not it. It's a creation of the media of something that looks like a threat but is not. In fact, this way, having been driven into the open, it's all a great deal less threatening. All the hype simply provides a common bond where like minds feel they have sufficient numbers and support to speak freely in order that what noone wants anyway may be rounded up and isolated.

Oh, but that's just the beginning.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
why do they lump militias in with hate groups like neo-nazis?? they are so far from the same thing its a downright lie when they lump em together..

It's because the Left wants to disavow Joe Stack as "one of their own" — anyone who reads his "suicide letter" can plainly see that he was an anti-Capitalist Marxist, just like our current president.

What Joe Stack tried to do to one lone office building as a blow against "greed," Barack Obama and his Democrat-controlled Congress have tried to do to the American system of "greed"... demolish it as quickly and haphazardly as possible, with no clear plan of reconstruction.

And, like Joe Stack, the Dems committed suicide in the process.
Watch for the plumes of smoke rising from empty incumbent seats in November.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/19/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:49 PM
I thought this thread was supposed to be about the article the OP linked to? Anyway thats what Im going to talk about.

Notice that conspiracy theorists were lumped right in there with the Nazis and other domestic terrorists? This is an ABC article, no? I didnt think that was too cool, because there alot of conspiracy theorists on this site and ones that arent out there being a loudmouth about it like me who wishes this guy would have surrvived so we could try him for murder. Wouldnt even think of calling this jagoff an enemy of the states, because if this d-bag is a represenative of the revolutionary adversary the I dont think domestic security has much to worry about.

So when a Muslim does this they are a no good rotten terrorist, bun when a guitar playing yuppie does it hes a patriot. Whatever, man.

The people I feel sorry for are thhe family members of the victims and this
shi$ wads wife and daughter. I saw the pictures of this guy and he looked like a comode rim licker anyway.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by jam321

Stand down Marine...your tone is very aggressive...

I agree with you. His letter says his side of "his" story. I find it ironic that much of what he says seems easy to believe and easy to sympathize with.

But I digress. My question was intended to be this; "What is one supposed to do when they feel all recourse has failed"? I realize I'm asking a very open ended question. But I'm hoping to find other effective ways for people to express their displeasure with our government/IRS. Personally I'd love to see massive numbers of people delay paying their taxes for 30 to 45 days past April 15 as a protest. This would send shivers through all elected officials.

And one last thing. I don't want to see anyone die, and I do not condone this mans actions based on the information I have on this incident.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by PhoenixDemon

Guess it is hard to read tone in post. I meant no aggression.

"What is one supposed to do when they feel all recourse has failed"?

The 64 million dollar question? Personally, I think people need to abandon political parties. I think the Rep and Dems are the ones who divide America the most. Not paying taxes won't work IMO. It would probably just hurt those on entitlement programs or the government would just print more money..

I have always favored a protest from town to town all across this nation on certain days. Usually, people try to protest in Washington. I think my way would bring out the majority of Americans and bring out a bigger message to Washington.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
wow ok just read the article, on one hand they have a guy on there saying you know joe stack wasnt crazy he was rational and sane and he was just pushed to the edge of no return and then at the end of the article they quote neo-nazis saying that they praise him... why do they lump militias in with hate groups like neo-nazis?? they are so far from the same thing its a downright lie when they lump em together... and of course they had someone from the southern law poverty center...

The only reason they lump them together is to discredit them by using the lowest common denominator. Kind of like they do with politicians who say they have seen UFO's, when they are running for president, they associate them with kooks, people who say they have been abducted, and conspiracy theorists. Interesting enough the word Conspiracy Theorist was created by the government to do just that........discredit anyone with a belief other than the popular political of governmental paradigm. They just call you a conspiracy theorist and you are now lumped with every crazy nut out there despite whatever truths you may hold. There are alot of people on here who are right in every way, who will never be taken seriously because of that one word. My point is, when they talk of this guy (Joe Stack) on the news and admit that there is a fast rising anti-government movement (of the current and most recent governments)....they need to shut them down as fast as they got started and that is by lumping them in with anything or anyone who has a reputation for being this case...the hellraising, biggots that is, the Neo-Nazi's.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by PhoenixDemon

Guess it is hard to read tone in post. I meant no aggression.

"What is one supposed to do when they feel all recourse has failed"?

The 64 million dollar question? Personally, I think people need to abandon political parties. I think the Rep and Dems are the ones who divide America the most. Not paying taxes won't work IMO. It would probably just hurt those on entitlement programs or the government would just print more money..

I have always favored a protest from town to town all across this nation on certain days. Usually, people try to protest in Washington. I think my way would bring out the majority of Americans and bring out a bigger message to Washington.

Like the old saying goes.....Democrats and Republicans are like two wolves trying to figure out whats for dinner.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:06 PM
Joe Stack a hero? I think not. This suicidal & murderous individual does not deserve the same title as someone who pulls another from a swimming pool to keep them from drowning or a Fireman who saves a toddler from a burning home. What he does deserve is to be forgotten.

While I do not in any way approve of the manner in which our government operates against it's own citizens, I will never approve of acts of violence such as the one this coward performed.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Yeah well what are they going to do about it?

Freaking represent the people or OBVIOUSLY they are going to get pissed off!

You know large groups of steaming mad people don't just pop out of nowhere.

I most righteously agree! Joe was just one man. How could even the Air Force have stopped him? Do you see this, New World Order? We The People can strike at any time, any where. We are not afraid to die for the Cause of Freedom. Run our country the way we want you too, or else!

In fact, Joe goes in good company.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by psyko45
So when a Muslim does this they are a no good rotten terrorist, bun when a guitar playing yuppie does it hes a patriot.

No, when an anti-Capitalist Marxist scumbag does it, the Left (ABC/Disney included) RUSHES to disavow the scumbag as one of their own, even though he was one of them.

This guy wasn't a "patriot," he was just another murderous Lefty with no respect for the value of human life, who was prepared to make a petulant "statement" through his senseless act of violence. Typical Lefty bomb-thrower.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:18 PM
Now this is something I am excited to hear about. Kind of reminds me of the Nine Inch Nails Year Zero album where the guy talks about 'being the hammer'. Be the hammer

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:22 PM
There was a one-liner before that went "I don't condone wife abuse...but I understand it". I don't condone crashing a plane into a building etc., but I sure as hell understand it.

For anyone who hasn't been at the end of the government's whip, self imposed or otherwise, let me tell you it is the worst place to be. Hell barely describes it. They can do anything they please, they can take anything they want, they can threaten and mentally abuse you to the point that you can't even sleep. Don't believe me? Think a lawyer can help? Try again. Unless...maybe...if your filthy rich.

I've been there for a while although not as badly as Stack, but bad enough. You become their untrained circus lion, having to learn how to jump through their hoops, all the while getting whipped until you figure it out and do it exactly how they want it. Make a comes the whip again. Have a logical exception to the rules they set...too bad. Logic doesn't matter. Jump through the hoop, they way they want...or else. You can't ignore them, you can't be near a phone, they invade your home, your employment, they can take any money you have virtually anywhere. But...for me...the absolute worst (more like torture) was the constant threat in your mind of what is coming next, and when.

I even got to the point of considering suicide at one weak moment. So as I said...I can completely understand Stack's logic and emotions. As things continue to go downhill and people keep loosing their houses, their savings, their freedom...expect more of this.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by seataka

In Virginia, across the river from Federalist Capital called Washington DC, and per the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, every man between 18 and 45 is a member of the Virginia State Militia.

I noted with some concern when the IRAQ "war" started that it was the State National Guard units that were sent in from the beginning...

Was this done, with intent, to remove from the states, the states last defense against a Federal tyranny?
[edit on 19-2-2010 by seataka]

You know I have always thought that same thing about why they would send the National Guard .Does anyone know if they are all still over there ?
Or are they all back here now ?

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:33 PM
Stack's actions were selfish and stupid. You are not a hero if you take innocent lives. Also, for someone who thinks the tax system and financial system of this country is so unfair, he sure screwed the Texas taxpayers. Who did he think was going to have to pay to clean up his mess?

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:35 PM
No wonders our country is in a mess. Anyone who condones someone trying to MURDER innocent people needs their head checked. Ends justifies the means? I don't think so. There could have been hundreds of ways he could have protested or actions he could have taken that wouldn't have tore apart his family, and killed innocent victims.

Clerks of the IRS are most certainly innocent. If you think a country can survive on no taxes, you need to go live in a cave somewhere, as that's the only way you'll escape them. From the moment any form of currency was invented (and before), taxes are a reality.

Does anyone here even know the ACTUAL REAL story around this guy? No one could possibly know yet. I'm sure he was a saint, and the evil empire was trying to destroy him eh? If you take his web babble at face value, you are terribly gullible. I'm sure some of it is true, and some is an outright lie, and other bits are exaggerated or colored by his hate for the government.

Bottom line though, you are sad people, who feels this guy is any sort of hero for attempting to murder people. It's a slippery slope when you condone this sort of activity.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by fleabit]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

From the article:

"Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center which studies American militia and hate groups"

Now why group together American militia's with hate groups????? They are two completely different things.

US Law says:

"10 USC Ch.13, § 311. Militia: composition and classes:
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia."

As you see, that means you can't "make a militia", because we are all already part of the militia anyway. The groups that tend to call themselves "militia groups" are, legally, simply a number of members of the "unorganized militia" meeting to train. This is perfectly legal.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:42 PM
LOL, patriot...more like total lunatic. Since when is flying planes into buildings patriotic...he's a disgrace!

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by fleabit

if you had read his "manifesto" as the media has dubbed it, then you would read that hes been protesting and expressing his views in everyway possible since the 80's, violence was all, he felt, he had left...

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