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Congradulations to Shanksville, PA Investigators - New Evidence has been discovered

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by andy1972

Please wait while official story believers form an answer not of this reality.......

Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the plane flying over Indian lake after the crash. Some people claim that it was a military jet that possibly dropped a bomb or missile to create that small crater.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
reply to post by andy1972

Please wait while official story believers form an answer not of this reality.......

Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the plane flying over Indian lake after the crash. Some people claim that it was a military jet that possibly dropped a bomb or missile to create that small crater.

Oh well, then that seals the deal, then huh? Might as well just move on, I guess I should pack my bags and get ready to be sent off to re-education camp. Or am I going to be tried for treason?

I would ask you to back up that stuff but I really don't feel like watching any more Youtube videos. Why can't you guys put together transcripts of these witness statements? I mean you think you have earth shattering evidence that the US government conspired to kill thousands of its own citizens and then blame it on others but for some reason no one can be bothred to write it all down. This has got to be the laziest "movement" I have ever seen.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by andy1972

...allegedy crashed at 10.05am, but it was stil signalling and visible radar screen until 10mins later giving its position a good distance from the crash site...

Please, re-check your claims by re-reading the very transcript you linked.

It says, quite plainly, that they saw a Mode C return briefly, then LOST RADAR CONTACT at 10:06. Reports of smoke came in, for them to discuss it, and it be recorded, at 10:08.

I, and others, have many, many times here attempted to show how "Pilots for 9/11 Truth" have seriously discredited themselves --- the evidence is all right here, on other ATS threads.

Furthermore, the ONLY time discrepancy, from their allegations, amounts to a mere three minutes.

That is, the difference from the onboard time reference, from the FDR, compared to the loss of Radar Contact. 10:03 versus 10:06. (Give or take a few seconds)

SO...please, stop with the outrageous hyperbole and exagerrations, and repeat only facts, if you would be so kind.

You can access the FDR data here.

Read through the narrative, and then examine the picture...the graphic representation. You can zoom in, will have to, because it was scanned into the pdf file from a very large piece of paper, apparently.

Pay particular attention to the autopilot and autothrottle mode status lines, on top, and then look at the tracings, below, of the altitude, heading, vertical speed and airspeed, etc.

Oh, before I forget, I must repeat here WHY the onboard time would be slightly off, compared to the FAA's closks.

Since UAL 93 did NOT have GPS installed, the Captain's clock (which was the ONLY source of time reference for the FDR and CVR) was set manually, by the Captain. It did not have to be exact (unless, like me, he was a bit compulsive about such things...not all pilots are) because there's a system called "ACARS" which DOES have accurate time, for purposes of Out, Off On and In reporting (flight following).

Setting the clock on the B757/767 is a bit tricky, done manually. It's digital, and you set it much like a VCR clock, and if you go past the minute you want, you can't reverse it---have to spinback all the way through. SO, some guys get it close, then stop fussing with it, because the REAL time is on ACARS.

For anyone who wants to "get their geek on" and are interested, here is a more lengthy description:


[edit on 4 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the plane flying over Indian lake after the crash.

What do you mean "the" plane? Please list the witnesses names with sources.

Some people claim that it was a military jet that possibly dropped a bomb or missile to create that small crater.

Please list the names of the witnesses that state this along with the sources.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
reply to post by Dorian Soran

amazing huh?

u need to think clearly, since, until today, there are no enough evidences to support the official claim, so, you must be totality insane to argue that truters are the problem or that the subject doesnt need discussions and a new *proper* investigation

people here:" since the president said, it must be true"; some people here are a joke, and they are probably being paid to come to this website; I just cant believe a person that reads this website cant understand why there are questions about 911 ... its INSANE

lol ... none of the tough guys said anything LOL

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Faiol

Well, you see Faiol, it's because of this:

Please read carefully. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Interesting that weedwhacker has also been caught in a blatant lie.

Could you please elaborate?

Exactly WHAT did I write as a "blatant lie"?

LOVE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's where I pointed out that you claimed that the penthouse on WTC7 pulled the building down. That went something like this...

Originally posted by K J Gunderson...He claimed just a page back that the penthouse pulled the rest of the building down.

Originally posted by weedwhacker

See how you "spin"???




Nice, thanks for playing.

The permananent record of posts will show how you lied.

OK, bye!!!!

But you had already said this as well...

Originally posted by weedwhacker
You can see WTC 7 penthouse level initiating the collapse, first....crashing down, pulling everything else with it, TOP DOWN.

In there, you also make the claim the WTC 7 was not a bottom up collapse...

BUT, if you're insisting on Towers being 'CD' just admitted they were NOT 'bottom up'!!

You were shown the evidence and the video proving this wrong and you just ignored it. You clearly stated the penthouse pulled the building down, then clearly denied saying that. You also tried to claim that 7 was a top down collapse. That would be two blatant lies right there. Understand now?

You can read it all over again here in case more clarification is needed.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by K J Gunderson]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

We cross-threaded???? Well, YOU cross-threaded???

Care to fix this, because only you can.

(For everyone else, I thoroughly answered K J G on another thread...)

Just in

[edit on 4 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by K J Gunderson

We cross-threaded???? Well, YOU cross-threaded???

Care to fix this, because only you can.

(For everyone else, I thoroughly answered K J G on another thread...)

Just in

[edit on 4 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

Nothing to fix. If you had read that entire post on the other thread you would see that it begins with a clarification. I also suggest everyone go read it because your answer is falling apart faster than the twin towers!

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:43 PM
So it has been more than 2 weeks since a "truther" claimed that they had new evidence, and as expected there is zero new evidence.... but that is not at all surprising!

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by dereks

Most of the time, it's the same old crap recycled, and thus, the same old debates get recycled.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

Please wait while official story believers form an answer not of this reality.......

Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the plane flying over Indian lake after the crash. Some people claim that it was a military jet that possibly dropped a bomb or missile to create that small crater.

We are still waiting for the list of witnesses that back up this post. Any luck yet Shadow?

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by ImAPepper

There is a video available here on ATS where witnesess that work at the lake testify about the aircraft.

Taken from pilots for 9/11 truth-
Claims of Flight 93 flying over Indian Lake can be found in every local paper in Pennsylvania and lists a group of names for being having heard the plane fly overhead including : Indian Lake Marina Manager Jim Brandt, Indian Lake Marina Employees John Fleegle and Carol Delasko, Indian Lake Golf Course Employee Chris Smith, and Jim Stop who was reportedly fishing in Indian Lake and actually watched the plane fly overhead. According to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review Jim witnessed the plane losing pieces as it flew over


[edit on 6-3-2010 by andy1972]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by trebor451
Of course the unstated answer is "There isn't any "new" evidence." They just put that title there to try and perpetuate the myth that the Truther Movement is about *something*. "Proving" is becomes much easier when there isn't anything to prove in the first place.

You Truthers crack me up. Can't wait to hear what's next.

Yes, funny how "truthers" claim to have proof of something, so they start a thread, and then it turns out they actually have zero proof, just the same already debunked garbage - this thread should be labelled a hoax, as that is exactly what it is!

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:38 AM
I don't consider myself a "truther" or a "faither" as it concerns the events of 9/11. Like most of us, I watched the events of that day unfold on television.

What concerns me more than the facts at this point is how the questions people have are being ignored. Worse, anybody asking questions is being demonized by the politicians and in the press and even characterized as a potential threat to the President (thanks Glenn Beck). As I see it, there should be an independent investigation. Here's why.

Could a group of 19 muslim extremists have pulled off this sophisticated attack?

Yes, with significant financial and logistical assistance.

Could elements within the US intelligence community have pulled off this sophisticated attack as a false flag operation to justify future domestic and foreign policy decisions and actions?

Yes, false flag operations have been conducted in the past for precisely that purpose.

If the US Government was, in fact, complicit in or even directly responsible for, the events of 9/11, how would they go about trying to silence the "Truther" movement and those asking questions about the events of that day in order to prevent disclosure.

Silence on the issue. Discredit those who don't accept the OS and demonize them in the press. Suggest that those people could be domestic terrorists or a possible danger to the President or the Government as a whole. Re-direct attention away from the Government and play the "Faithers" and the "Truthers" off against one another using the media.

If Muslim extremists were directly responsible for the events of 9/11 how would the US Government go about trying to silence the "Truther" movement and those asking questions about the events of that day.

Full disclosure of all previously released and currently withheld information and/or authorize a full independent investigation free of Government influence overseen by victim's family representatives, who also have questions.

[edit on 13-3-2010 by mrbarber]

posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by K J Gunderson

So do you believe the press, all the press, is "in on it"?

That's the real question.

no, thats inconsequential.

its just some bait so you can attempt to blast him some more.

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