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Congradulations to Shanksville, PA Investigators - New Evidence has been discovered

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posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 03:50 AM
all who want to participate in the closing arguments of Citizen Investigation Team debate will begin March 01, 2010.

Bring your best arguments with evidence ... try and put them in a timeline format.

*We have discovered NEW Evidence -- congradulations to all the researchers. I can not reveal what was discovered just yet, we are not in possession of the evidence. once we have it - a ATS Exclusive will be posted here on ATS for a full 24hours before public distribution. as brand new evidence uncovered by researchers here on ATS... thanks one in all and we are not through with Shanksville, so keep digging and keep debating...

ATS - Moderators U2U me if you need more information as to the release.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 04:09 AM
Could you at least let me know what "Subject" we are talking about here?

Your OP is just too cryptic.

At least let me know what subject this discussion revolves around please. Thanks.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

New Evidence - that we know exist's - and we are in the process of obtaining this evidence - is the subject of what we are discussing here.
and if we dont get it now - we will just make a public notation of it and subpena it for the trials.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:25 AM
Anyone else completely and utterly lost and confused by this thread? but find yourself deeply intrigued? Stop the world I want to get off.

Edit: Due to member demand monitoring banner flashing at the bottom this has to be connected with the atrocities of the USA government on september 11th 2001

[edit on 19-2-2010 by franspeakfree]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

well if we wanted the FBI to get it before we do, we would announce what we found... so FBI ... who ever you guys are... just sit tight you will see it the moment I do... as for its significance -- well, that remains to be seen.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 06:40 AM
I did watch several of the Shanksville interviews that you linked on one of your recent threads. Eyewitness accounts vary to the point of seeming to speak of different events from the OS. BTW, thanks for posting that link, I will be back to join the discussion when you post further info.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:09 AM
Adding this to my fav list. I'm very curious to see what results come in. In the meantime; If there are any resources that we can keep at our hip, let us know. It might be good to review any existing information to be more prepared for new ones.

Links to existing threads would suffice! I need something to do today.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:07 AM
I hope someone found debris in the lake. This would prove a shoot down.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Edit: Due to member demand monitoring banner flashing at the bottom this has to be connected with the atrocities of the USA government on september 11th 2001

[edit on 19-2-2010 by franspeakfree]

You miss typed my friend - you meant to say "atrocities done to the American people by muslim terrorists flying airplanes"

No worries - I understand how a typo can happen when typing REALLY REALLY FAST to be one of the first ones to respond.

You are most welcome, only too glad I could help. Let me know if you need anything else in the future.

The only quesiton that remains is, how can ANY evidence been seen as ground breaking when thruthers have been scouring that area for OVER 8 years now and nothing...until now? ..hmmmmm suspect at best!

Dorian Soran

The Good Doctor

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Dorian Soran]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Dorian Soran

Hahah, your dreaming in technicolour again......

This video describes your last post...

Well 'truthers' have uncovered that Bin laden had nothing to do with 911, that bin laden was working closely with the cia up untill 911.

-Flight 93 didnt crash in Shanksville.
-Some of the hijackers are still alive.
-Building 7 was demolished.
-911 was used as a false pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.
-911 was used to increase defense spending which bush sr and jr are connected to and profitied from.
-Truthers uncovered the 911 disinformation and cover up groups that started the Missile pods, shoot downs, lasers and High energy exotic weapons disinformation who are covering up for the real terrorists.

And as far as your attack on muslims and islam, your ignorance couldnt be no more blatant. Last I checked it isn't the muslims that are killing women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan or Palestinians or attacking lebenon and its children.

TO say muslims did this is to say the war in iraq is Catholic/Christian terrorism.

Research the truth before you come here and attempt to sway people with lies. Actually continue will your methods because most people are on to the scheme of how debunkers and how the terrorists are using the internet to cover for the attacks.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Shadow Herder]

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

Well 'truthers' have uncovered that Bin laden had nothing to do with 911, that bin laden was working closely with the cia up untill 911.

-Flight 93 didnt crash in Shanksville.
-Some of the hijackers are still alive.
-Building 7 was demolished.

You have "uncovered" nothing my friend - everything listed above is NOTHING MORE than guesswork at best and fraud at worst.

Where is the PROOF?!!!! Where is your proof for EACH AND EVERYONE OF THE LIES YOU HAVE POSTED? Lies may be a little strong - lets say "wishful thinking"

You have ZERO proof - beyond someone saying its so - of anything listed above.

-911 was used to increase defense spending which bush sr and jr are connected to and profitied from.

Now I know you are grasping at very weak straws - SR hasnt been relevant since cigar poppin' Clinton defeated him - last time I checked that was 18 years ago!

Please - deny the very ignorance you are showing in your post - do some research YOURSELF and stop spewing the same old same old garbage you read from Charlie Sheen and the truthers on here. A little research goes a long way.

No planes - no terrorists - a laser beam - no muslims - explosives - the amercian government - holograms - missle pods - unmanned craft - men from venus Which one is it this week?

Dorian Soran

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Dorian Soran]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:25 PM

cigar poppin' Clinton

So, just to clarify, how much money - taxpayer money - was spent in investigating the cheroot based sexytime of Clinton. Now tell me how much money was spent on investigating the real causes for the 911 attacks.
See a difference?

If you were to present the 911 OS as courtroom evidence it would be so full of holes that 'reasonable doubt' would kill it. Those 'truthers' might just have the edge on logic, science, common sense, and evidence.

If new evidence exists you can be sure that there are a lot of people squirming right now. A clear conscience is a beautiful thing.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Badgered1

cigar poppin' Clinton

So, just to clarify, how much money - taxpayer money - was spent in investigating the cheroot based sexytime of Clinton.

Hey brother I wasn't hatin' on the C-man - he kinda rocks!

Those 'truthers' might just have the edge on logic, science, common sense, and evidence.

You sure you want to stick to that statement? Because, to be honest I have seen very little logic from the truther camp. The only science I see is when they switch from thermit to thermate to dynomite to pop rocks and the like everytime a "uncovered truth" is shot down by REAL science.

If new evidence exists you can be sure that there are a lot of people squirming right now. A clear conscience is a beautiful thing.

Agreed - but don't hold your breath - there can't be that much evidence left uncovered from an 8.5 year old crash scene, know what I mean?

Dorian Soran

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

Is this just an attempt to build promotion for your debate or do you actually have any "new evidence" that you care to share?

Otherwise your thread title is misleading and a lie.

[edit on 2/19/2010 by mikelee]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Dorian Soran

It's all good. As long as dialog remains open on all sides there are things to be learned.

My point on the 'C-Man' thing was the disparity of how much investigation was done on his shanningans compared to the 9/11 case. All a matter of who is investigating whom.

Yeah, I'll stick to my statement, but I'll add that there is a lot of daft information floating around that can muddy the waters. Perhaps it's been put there intentionally, and perhaps it's just people who aren't thinking. On the whole I believe that the 'truther' movement has uncovered some very serious issues. The OS is full of contradictions, holes, and 'coincidences' too. Truth is truth. It's filtering out all the clutter that is the ultimate goal. If the OS proves, without question, that the events of that day went as reported then that is the truth. The problem is that it hasn't, no matter how many times they've changed the story.

I'm certainly under no mistaken belief that the truth will prevail in short order. We're in for a lot more misidentification and conjecture from both sides.

If it comes out that the "Truther" movement have it all completely right, we still won't see anyone take the fall (unless they've been pre-equipped with a major golden parachute).

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Badgered1

I've seen this comparison made quite often.

Billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man if not millions of manhours have been spent investigating 9/11. It does not even beign to compare.

The Clinton, Paula Jones, Monica thing didn't really happen until Ken Starr was almost ready to close up shop on the whole investigation so comparitvely speaking nothing was really spent there.

I would venture a guess that just the cost of NIST investigation probably well exceeded the Clinton investigation.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 03:28 PM
The 911 Commission was alloted $3Million to complete their investigation.
"Monicagate" investigation was $7Million.

There have been millions of man hours put into the 9/11 attacks. A lot of it, on both sides of the story, is complete twaddle. Both sides have a lot of unnecessary - and sometimes impossible - data. It's not restricted to the "Truthers." An independent investigation is needed.

Do you honestly think NIST have even approached the correct answers?

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Badgered1]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by hooper
I would venture a guess that just the cost of NIST investigation probably well exceeded the Clinton investigation.

Typical al-Qaeda conspiracy theorist, venturing guesses about bazillions of dollars with NO PROOF. They can't even prove al-Qaeda exists. We've got Marines tromping all over Afghanistan right now and not one single al-Qaeda has been captured. Where do these nut jobs come from.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Badgered1

The 911 Commision report?

How about the NIST reports? The ASCE report on the Pentagon building performance? The FBI investigation? The FAA investigation? Even the NTSB has thousands of manhours dedicated to 911 as technical assitants to the FBI even though they are not the primary investigative body.


There is no comparison. 911 is the most expensive criminal investigation in US history, period.

Did they produce the answers you wanted? No. But that's they way it goes.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by hooper

7 million, who was working clintons zipper... I thought it was 40 million.
and the 911 Investigation, 660,000 monopoly IOU's.,
and 3 million for the 911 commission report... heck give me 20000 dollars and I can dream up a more likely scenario out of all the stuff... but you see to understand 911 ... you need to know what happend in the 90's... I just lived where the got the funding to take over the world and with a threat to congress they got the rest... so its a done deal unless someone wishes to change the scenario... they probably will pass a law and come after every thinking person in America soon, welcome to the future. chip please ... may I take a dump oh~ flush master, can I have something other than grulash today boss.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Anti-Evil]

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