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Congradulations to Shanksville, PA Investigators - New Evidence has been discovered

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by ImAPepper

I like the video...around 2.10 into the video it show personal objects that survived the crash and fire ball... and guess what..A TERRORIST PASPORT AND BANDANA survived...just like ATTA´S passport survived aswell...

I remember in the begining that Miller said "I stopped being coroner after 20mins, because there wasnt any bodies", he also commented that he didnt even see a speck of blood...

There wasnt any bodies ?? in which context are we to accept this comment??
Total disintergration??
Simple abscence of body parts??
If there were bodies, as coroner he have to mark positions, state etc, so hed have plenty of work, but he states he STOPPED being coronser because there WASNT ANY BODIES...

Now hes crying...aaahhh c´mon, now your taking it out of great it is in America, you can say what you like.....

With so many aboard an arm or lleg was sure to survive..

[edit on 4-3-2010 by andy1972]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:16 AM
You forgot the pristine 'Box cutter' that was found at the crash site.

They should of made the landing gear out of this material since it got vaporized as debunkers claim

Amazing how the boxcutter, head band, and passport from the alleged hijacker survived

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder a crematorium it takes between 890º and 980º to disintergate a body , and even then theres bone fragments to be pulverised.

And this crappy yellow plastic made in china 1.50$ box cutter and a passport survived tonnes of aviation fuel burning at what??? 1000º.

Maybe the FDNY should make suits of the same stuff.No fireman would ever be injured by flame again..

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by andy1972

andy, there are many reports from people immediately on-scene of PSA 1771 crash, ALSO saw many items intact...paper, wallets, licenses...just search the Web hard enough, you'll find them in people's blogs.

From JREF, a snippett that was posted:

First responder Detective Bill Wammock of the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office from the video: “[We saw] nothing that resembled an airliner... we went on for hours, before we heard the news reports of a missing airliner, believing that we were dealing with a small airplane full of newspapers that had crashed. We saw no pieces of the aircraft that were larger than, maybe, a human hand. It did not look like a passenger aircraft.”

More info on Flight 1771 from Wikipedia.

Perhaps someone here at ATS would wish to contact the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office??? While I doubt Det. Wammock is still there, I'm sure there will be someone to help you look at the files. Or steer you to more information.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

That photo, from Gov't exhibit...looks like NOTHING I've ever seen available for purchase at Home Depot.

IMO, the Gov't prosecuters made a mistake. I could be wrong about this, but from my experience working withthe airlines, that looks like it could have been part of the 'survival' equipment that is included with the rafts.

Every raft has a knife (for cutting the lanyard that attaches it to the fuselage), iodine tablets, signalling mirror, flare pistol...just to name a few items.

I'll see if I can dig up reprentative images from some source.

Given that intact wallets were found at the PSA 1771 crash site, why is anyone surprised that a knife might also survive...items DO get thrown clear in violent impacts, ya know.

BTW, this also assumes that the airplane operated as UAL 93 on 11 September, 2001, was equipped for extended overwater flights, which require the additional rafts.

Also, certain of the emergency slides on the B757 are called 'slide/rafts'. They will at least need a way to cut the lanyard.

Here's information from FAA about survival kits' requirements:

[edit on 4 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Shadow Herder

That photo, from Gov't exhibit...looks like NOTHING I've ever seen available for purchase at Home Depot.

IMO, the Gov't prosecuters made a mistake. I could be wrong about this, but from my experience working withthe airlines, that looks like it could have been part of the emergency equipment that is included with the rafts.

Every raft has a knife (for cutting the lanyard that attaches it to the fuselage), iodine tablets, signalling mirror, flare pistol...just to name a few items.

I'll see if I can dig up reprentative images from some source.

Given that intact wallets were found at the PSA 1771 crash site, why is anyone surprised that a knife might also survive...items DO get thrown clear in violent impacts, ya know.

Sorry to disagree with you Mr. Whacker, but I have a knife like that at home in my box.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by hooper

Oh?? Well, the hole for a lanyard through me off, then.

Good to know the Gov't didn't make that kind of bonehead mistake, then.

Still, good to know info, eh? AND PSA 1771 is still valid as comparison, although it should be noted the terrain was of very different composition, according to the reports, than in Shanksville. "Very rocky" is a quote oft repeated. I take that to mean much harder and denser than the reclaimed strip-mine soil composition in Pennsylvania.

Gee, I almost forgot the OP's claim of "new" evidence, allegedly to have been presented by the "CIT" on 1 March.

How did that "hopey, changey thingy" work out for ya? (No, I'm not Sarah Palin...just channeled her for a moment...ugh!)

[edit on 4 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by hooper

Oh?? Well, the hole for a lanyard through me off, then.

Good to know the Gov't didn't make that kind of bonehead mistake, then.

Still, good to know info, eh? AND PSA 1771 is still valid as comparison, although it should be noted the terrain was of very different composition, according to the reports, than in Shanksville. "Very rocky" is a quote oft repeated. I take that to mean much harder and denser than the reclaimed strip-mine soil composition in Pennsylvania.

Gee, I almost forgot the OP's claim of "new" evidence, allegedly to have been presented by the "CIT" on 1 March.

How did that "hopey, changey thingy" work out for ya? (No, I'm not Sarah Palin...just channeled her for a moment...ugh!)

[edit on 4 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

I think the thing to keep in mind with regard to Shanksville is that the impact point was on the outer limits of the reclaim area. Meaning that even though the surface was soil not to far below the surface was the limits of rock excavation. The kinetic energy from the impact would have reflected back to surface rather quickly (I mean microseconds) so, in effect, Flight 93 crashed into solid rock with only a relatively thin layer of overlaid fill as a buffer, hence the almost instantaneous disintegration of the plane.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:51 AM
As for that flight 1771, it hit a rocky mountain. There was wreckage found and also the gun used. The gun found was broken but still had the gunmans skin curled up in it making identification possible. The speed that it crashed at, terrain were all different so this is like comparing apples to oranges.

Just realizes that all your efforts to support that a plane crashed is futile and no one in the right mind believes one did. Research this for yourself people.

Originally posted by hooper

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by hooper

Still, good to know info, eh? AND PSA 1771 is still valid as comparison, although it should be noted the terrain was of very different composition, according to the reports, than in Shanksville. "Very rocky" is a quote oft repeated. I take that to mean much harder and denser than the reclaimed strip-mine soil composition in Pennsylvania.

[edit on 4 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

Flight 93 crashed into solid rock with only a relatively thin layer of overlaid fill as a buffer, hence the almost instantaneous disintegration of the plane.

Mr hooper, you have been caught lying and fabricating again. This is ill of you.

In one thread you are saying that they dug 40 feet down in the soft dirt now your are saying it is rocky. Do you think people are that stupid?

Shanksville was very soft and the excavation images proves this. I will provide the images after you have dug yourself a bigger hole

Making up claims in hopes to mislead the public and to find some reason as to why the crater proves that no plane crashed is lame.

Like it was proven before using crater physics, the crater is much too small to have been caused by a fuel ladened, massive Boeing 757 travelling and the speeds alleged.

Try again Hoop. You are converting more people to 911 truth than you know

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

Originally posted by hooper

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by hooper

Still, good to know info, eh? AND PSA 1771 is still valid as comparison, although it should be noted the terrain was of very different composition, according to the reports, than in Shanksville. "Very rocky" is a quote oft repeated. I take that to mean much harder and denser than the reclaimed strip-mine soil composition in Pennsylvania.

[edit on 4 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

Flight 93 crashed into solid rock with only a relatively thin layer of overlaid fill as a buffer, hence the almost instantaneous disintegration of the plane.

Mr hooper, you have been caught lying and fabricating again. This is ill of you.

Interesting that weedwhacker has also been caught in a blatant lie. Why is this trend developing among the OSers? The fairy tale is falling apart. Accept it and look at it logically. Lying is only helping more people feel they have questions the need answers.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder disengenuous of you!

Here is hooper's sentence that you truncated, including the qualifiying words that put it into context:

so, in effect, Flight 93 crashed into solid rock...

That sort of 'quote-mining' is becoming more and more frequent, fromthe "Truther" side, lately.


(Or maybe you just read it so fast you took it wrong?)

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Interesting that weedwhacker has also been caught in a blatant lie.

Could you please elaborate?

Exactly WHAT did I write as a "blatant lie"?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Oh brother. That makes it sound better.... " In effect, flight 93 crashed into solid rock..."

Which is an outright lie and a demented claim considering that some of you claim a plane came down, a Boeing 757 at over 500Moh at a 40 degree angle and still it does not even leave a crater big enough to support such ridiculous claims considering that Shanksville site was very soft back fill dirt.

You 5 should stop getting your information from those damned fooled 911 debunking wedpages..... Its making you dumb with alice in wonderland logic.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:06 AM
Dont bother replying to Weed and hoop, they seem to be talking out of the wrong end and should study physics and or at least the official details before pretending to sound like they know which way is up.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:11 AM
Iam a Pepper - your a Pepper and no I dont want to be a paid liar either.
anyway, I read your post and posted what we know about it... I can not force people to comply with anything. we noted Wally has photo's and those photo's are of things surrounding shanksville... as it was during the events of that day and days after. these photo's are not part of the public knowledge and hence investigators have not examined them. they may or may not contain important evidence until they can be examined by experts... we wont know what Wally has... so, I dont know what to tell you other than do some research on this and well if your not an American I could understand why you would want to destroy us... but if you are an American - I would say you should be ashamed of yourself. we stand for liberty and justice and niether have been carried out yet by the people who are suppose to ensure it is... so, dont know what to tell you other than... I hope you lose in your effort to destroy the greatest nation on earth. and I am well aware that Freedom will Die under thunderous applause... I just hope your childrens children are free, cuz, it dont look like it unless we get off our duffs and start kicking ass.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

Mr hooper, you have been caught lying and fabricating again. This is ill of you.

Yeah, right, whatever you say.

In one thread you are saying that they dug 40 feet down in the soft dirt now your are saying it is rocky. Do you think people are that stupid?

Please post this thread wherein I made a statement as to this exact depth of excavation.

Shanksville was very soft and the excavation images proves this. I will provide the images after you have dug yourself a bigger hole

Soft? Please don't overwhelm me with all this techno jargon.

Making up claims in hopes to mislead the public and to find some reason as to why the crater proves that no plane crashed is lame.

Prove that I am wrong.

Like it was proven before using crater physics, the crater is much too small to have been caused by a fuel ladened, massive Boeing 757 travelling and the speeds alleged.

I asked you before to please release these "crater physics" calculations so we could all be enlightened.

Try again Hoop. You are converting more people to 911 truth than you know

Yep, I know. The REAL truth about 9/11, not the conspiracy fanatasies - the product of fevered imaginations and unchecked paranoia.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Well, speaking of that....

How about everyone do a better analysis of the soil composition?

I think there are quite a few articles available online about OTHER reclaimed strip mine sites in Pennsylvania --- I remember searching for and posting once, a while ago. I'll let y'all do your own work.

It shouldn't be much of a logical leap to understand that ONE strip mine reclamation is going to be remarkably similar to any others, right?

THEN, come back at everyone with your "physics" OK?

(I assume you do know everything about every instance of every airplane crash, into every type of soil or building, that ever happened, since airplanes were built, correct?)

Oh....and how small has the impact crater become, lately? Last time you posted, you said it was 10 feet wide and six feet deep...except, much earlier in this thread you said it was larger. Care to explain yourself?

BTW...those aerial photos showing the did you measure the scale to come up with 10 feet wide??? What did you use for comparison?

While you chew on that, please contact any ONE of the hundreds of officials that were onsite, picking and recovering everything, and any of the civilians who also assisted who supports the "No airplane at Shanksville" nonsense, OK?

Show just ONE person who will claim there was no debris, no pieces in the woods, no body parts....OK?

AND, prove that the FDR and CVR were "faked". OK?

Gee...I wish they'd aimed for the lake!!!

Or a parking lot!!!

Stupid terrorists....

[edit on 4 March 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by trebor451
Still waiting for this "new" evidence.

The thread title says "Congradulations to Shanksville, PA Investigators - New Evidence has been discovered" (sic).

It appeared on Feb 19

I, and others, were hoping to see what this "new" evidence was. After nearly 3 weeks, there is still nothing. Lots of hot air and bloviating. Lots of the standard Truther dissemination and disassembling. Lots of the usual Truther BS and inability to answer simple questions, most notably what IS this "new" evidence and how do you go about proving it?

Of course the unstated answer is "There isn't any "new" evidence." They just put that title there to try and perpetuate the myth that the Truther Movement is about *something*. "Proving" is becomes much easier when there isn't anything to prove in the first place.

You Truthers crack me up. Can't wait to hear what's next.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
reply to post by weedwhacker

Oh brother. That makes it sound better.... " In effect, flight 93 crashed into solid rock..."

Which is an outright lie and a demented claim considering that some of you claim a plane came down, a Boeing 757 at over 500Moh at a 40 degree angle and still it does not even leave a crater big enough to support such ridiculous claims considering that Shanksville site was very soft back fill dirt.

You 5 should stop getting your information from those damned fooled 911 debunking wedpages..... Its making you dumb with alice in wonderland logic.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by Shadow Herder]

Its real neat how you do that - I have to give you credit, even when you appear to be correcting yourself you still manage to decieve. By capitalizing the "I" in the word "in" you leave the impression that you are quoting from the beginning of the sentence and thus avoiding the frequent and well justified charge of quote mining. But the real truth is you are still not quoting the entire sentence and hence the charge of quote mining stands.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 12:06 PM
All this tlak about the crash dite and nobody has yet addressed the fact that the plane allegedy crashed at 10.05am, but it was stil signalling and visible radar screen until 10mins later giving its position a good distance from the crash site

United 93 still airborne after crash

The plane went off radar a good distance from where the official story gives it.

[edit on 4-3-2010 by andy1972]

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