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DNA evidence of ET? part 2

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posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

No, I don't think you do. You are trying to see things that aren't there.

Now that is funny because I actually responded to exactly what is there. You said you used to be visited by humans. That is exactly what you said. You said they stopped after mommy showed up. Those were your words. I figured you meant humanoid or some crap but you said humans. I made a joke out of it. Your accusing me of seeing things that are not there is the funniest thing you said. What I did was respond to exactly what was written there. This from someone who claims they are an alien because their DNA test says Indian?

When I said I was "visited" by Greys and Humans, I meant that there were two groups abducting be for a night. One was Greys the other was Human, U.S. Air Force ons one human group, and I'm sure there were others as well.

Etharzi od Oma

So you did mean humans? It was "visited" that you gave a new meaning to??????

Dude, listen. The word "visited" actually has a definition already. You do not get to just make up a new one to suit your farce. Sorry homes but again, I reacted to exactly what was there. I know what the word "visited" means. You claim you used to get visited by humans and no longer do.

This is the one thing you said that I truly believe. At first I thought I was just mocking you with that but after this response, I truly believe you are telling the truth and that no humans come and visit you anymore.

Did you ever ask your Earth parents where they got you? Have you told them about all of this? Have they admitted anything to you? I really think you need to explore all other avenues of this since you are not willing to go get a real DNA test done in person. Until you are really willing to do the legwork, your Maury Povich approach is going to keep failing you and gives you nothing to stand on.

Tell me about your parents.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
My impression is that it was never planned that I should grow old and die on Earth. In fact, I decided that I should stay here a little while longer to lend some help in the event that something might happen around 2012. Though, it is beginning to appear that there will not be any events that would require any assistance. It is also part of the 'plan' to help bring about disclosure.[

No, I don't think it is a disservice knowing, But, I do feel that knowing has made the "struggle' more intense.

Etharzi od Oma

You have already stated that your purpose here is to

1-bring about the end of the human race


2-quietly study us

Now it is also to help out in 2012 and bring about disclosure. That is quite a full plate you have there.

What services could you lend in any 2012 event?

What are you doing to bring about disclosure now?

Why does your story keep changing every time someone asks you something you have already been asked by someone else?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by K J Gunderson

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Lol ... She is French - German. A very far cry from Indian - African. You need to see the discrepency in the phenotype - genotype mapping.

Again ... my phenotype is European my genotype is not.

Etrharzi od Oma

One it was kind of a joke because you do not see what is so wrong with the logic you are trying to use anyway and second she is African. That is where she was born, that is what she is. I am American and apparently so are you. She comes from Africa. She was born in Africa. She is African.

I get what you are saying but what you are saying is wrong. You are claiming that you cannot have Indian roots because you are European. You have not explained why that is so hard for you to understand. You also completely missed the point about why seeing a doctor in person might be beneficial over sending away to some place on the internet. Having a real conversation with a real doctor about your results might help you understand why you have evidence of India in your blood even though you are all pasty white and think you know your family tree.

No, that is not what I'm saying at all. If you had read what I've said about this, then you should understand that I have NO European genes. I've search the European databases, my genotype does not trace to Europe. If you have done any research on phenotype - haplotype/genotype mapping, then you would realize that this simply cannot happen.

There is also another issue; my autosomal test indicated that I was of Indian - African decent, yet my Y-Chromosome test does not indicate either (actually it indicates that I'm not decended from any terrestrial male line as it did not correspond to any Haplotype).

And, as for seeing a "real" doctor; 1) as I said, I am, 2) howmany doctors do you know, either MDs or psychologists that have enough knowledge of biology and genetics to even comment on this? (course, then again, I guess I do know of one)

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by K J Gunderson

You have already stated that your purpose here is to

1-bring about the end of the human race

And just when did I state that?!


2-quietly study us

Now it is also to help out in 2012 and bring about disclosure. That is quite a full plate you have there.

What services could you lend in any 2012 event?

My mother has 7 starships in Earth orbit, I'm sure they could give substancial aid, if it was needed, course, that would depend on your governments, and disclosure.

What are you doing to bring about disclosure now?

Have you ever heard of the four powers of the pyramid? Perhaps you should research that, it may answer some of this question.

Why does your story keep changing every time someone asks you something you have already been asked by someone else?

My story hasn't changed! Perhaps more of it is being told...

Etharzi od Oma

[edit on 27-2-2010 by AnthraAndromda]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:30 AM
Please keep in mind as you read my post, OP, that it is not meant in sarcasm or mockery. It is meant only as a rigorous examination of your proposition, to help both you and I understand more clearly the nature of your potential extraterrestrial background.

If your genetic makeup is so different from that of Humanity as to be genuinely unrecognizable as a member of any human haplogroup whatsoever, I'd expect some major phenotypical differences.

Biologically speaking, how alien are you? Is your brain structured similarly to a Human brain? Does your mind function similarly to a Human mind? Is your DNA made of the standard thymine, guanine, cytosine and adenine? Are you made of the same proteins as other Humans, or are your constituent chemical compounds unprecedented amongst other Earth life? Does your blood contain hemoglobin, to which it binds oxygen, which helps your cells fuel the production of adenosine triphosphate? Does this chemical, or some other, power the movement of your muscles and the firing of your nerves? Do you have muscles and nerves? Have you got the same sensory apparatus as almost every vertebrate on Earth, with two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a single mouth, symmetrically distributed across a bony case protruding from a muscular stalk which rises from between your shoulders? What about your immune system? You seem to have been alive for some time, having learned to read and write English proficiently, without having succumbed to the countless diseases of our world to which you-- as an alien-- are presumably not at all resistant, given your species' probable lack of exposure to them throughout their evolutionary history.

Is there any phenotypical difference at all between you and an average Human which cannot be explained through our present understanding of genetics?

If not, do you not believe that the sheer precision of convergent evolution required to produce two such identical creatures on separate worlds, light-years apart, is somewhat less likely to occur than a muddled test result regarding your haplogroup?

Remember Occam's Razor here. I'm not saying that it's always true, or that I don't believe in Extraterrestrial life. I do, however, believe that it would be profoundly arrogant of us as a species to presume that we are the template for other life throughout the Universe. When we do encounter life on another world, it will be nothing like us. Every moment of its evolutionary history, from beginning to end, will have been different from ours. They may not even be made of the same base chemical compounds, or even the same elements, as we are.

You may want to be an alien. You may feel shame at your membership in what you see as a primitive species which squanders its miraculous gift of sentience on primate desires, primate fears, primate aspirations. If this is the case, you are not alone, but you cannot transcend your nature by defying your Humanity. You can transcend it only by redefining and improving what it means, at least in your case as an individual, to be Human.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by The Parallelogram]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Dude, listen. The word "visited" actually has a definition already. You do not get to just make up a new one to suit your farce. Sorry homes but again, I reacted to exactly what was there. I know what the word "visited" means. You claim you used to get visited by humans and no longer do.

Yes, I am fully of the dictionary definetion of "visit", however, there is the "literal" meaning of a word , and the contextual meaning. You seem to be attempting to twist the context ino something that was not intended. That is YOUR BAD.

Just as I perhaps twisted the meaning of the word, you are twisting the context within which it was used. Also, using words in this manner is something your species does frequently in informal communication. If you want to use a more formal form of communication, and avoid these kinds of issues ... say so and I will.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Did you ever ask your Earth parents where they got you? Have you told them about all of this? Have they admitted anything to you? I really think you need to explore all other avenues of this since you are not willing to go get a real DNA test done in person. Until you are really willing to do the legwork, your Maury Povich approach is going to keep failing you and gives you nothing to stand on.

So ... what constitutes a "real DNA test"? You are aware, I hope, that One doesn't get this done "in person". You have to swab your cheek send the samples to a lab, and wait up to 6 weeks or so.

Even if I could just pop into a Walmart DNA Center, it would still be the same ... send the sample off to a remote lab and wait ...

No, I never asked my earth parents where they got me, though I was told the name of the hospital where I was born, and I have seen my terrestrial birth cert. Both are gone now, and I never had the chance to ask them any real questions.

As for the "legwork", I've done mine, how about you?

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by The Parallelogram

Let us just say, that I am close enough to Terrestrial Humans as to be able to pass for one. The differences require closer inspection than even most medical people ever do.

Remember Occam's Razor here. I'm not saying that it's always true, or that I don't believe in Extraterrestrial life. I do, however, believe that it would be profoundly arrogant of us as a species to presume that we are the template for other life throughout the Universe. When we do encounter life on another world, it will be nothing like us.

Dude, I think there is some "white" showing on your razor!.

And how profoundly arrogant is it to presume that your are unique?

The humanoid form, and even the biochemistry is one of the most common components to space-faring lifeforms in the Universe. As any preditor becomes sentient it begins to take on the humanoid form, until it "looks" very much like you. True there will always be some differences, but even the so-called reptilians, and greys are very human in form.

If you spend a moment and think about how life starts on ANY planet, you can see that the biochemistry of carbon based life will always be simular.

As for any phenotypical differences between your species and mine; my people are about twice as tall, there are other differences. However, within my species, I am very young, and have not reached my full stature, the other more visible differenced were surgically altered by well intentioned humans (if they were still alive I'd sue).

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by The Parallelogram
Remember Occam's Razor here. I'm not saying that it's always true, or that I don't believe in Extraterrestrial life. I do, however, believe that it would be profoundly arrogant of us as a species to presume that we are the template for other life throughout the Universe. When we do encounter life on another world, it will be nothing like us. [edit on 27-2-2010 by The Parallelogram]

Actually, if you consider some basic points, you may find that the differences may not be that massive. Lets consider:

* One could speculate that our history shows clearly we are not this way by accident. DNA altering is part of almost every major religion, We may take on the form of others verses others taking on our form and not by accident.

* Saying that didn't happen, how would the most logical forms of life evolve. Well, first off, such beings would not be herbavore predators with eyes on their side, nor would they necessarily be carnivores with elongated hunter jaws, but rather omnivores simply because of the highest survival potential for the distance run.

Omnivores have various teeth, not just k9's, to make use of both ripping and grinding. This would require a wider mouth to fit such teeth, They would also have eyes set in front for hunting, but with a wide visual range for any dangers. This also has the highest rate of success for survival.

ok, so we got a wide mouth of varied teeth and eyes in front...what next

Manipulation of environment would require opposing digits for both largescale and miniscale objects. the brain would grow, reducing muscle mass. The need for erect beings to best use the refined handlike extremities would evolve so that the hands could become more in control, losing the padding for precision.

Tails at this point would be useless considering an erect being no longer needs it for balance. Wings are arguable, however wings do also take up a decent amount of brain power so arguably any winged creature would never gain significant intellect to become a space faring civilization (pure speculation).

Monkeys brains evolved because of the complex network of trees challenging constantly evolving pattern recognition. Such a complex environment to navigate around seems to favor evolution, which means "climbers" tend to do better than crawlers or flyers whom require less brainpower to simply survive (also arguably why Dolphins will never reach that crossing point of evolved intelligent life...they got it too easy). A climber would have the ability to be flexable and lose any excess weight in favor for agility and strength...they would also skip over hybernation as a side effect.

clothes makes hair redundant and over time, there would be less and less hair, especially when they move into environmentally controlled conditions.

So there it is, simply by using the formula that evolution favors (according to various theories), We are left with an erect walking agile and fit creature that has a wide mouth and eyes in front. 2 eyes are all thats required for depth perception and so the most likely simple road for evolution to take (as shown by most creatures on earth). I would venture to say that by this simple understanding, the universe may not be as odd as believed.

Of course this is all just theoretical, a theory and a buck will get you a small coffee.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:48 PM
Why have I clicked on this again? Am I looking to be pushed over the edge so I can go on some murderous rampage?

If anyone see's me behaving like this anytime in the near future, hide!

However, within my species, I am very young, and have not reached my full stature, the other more visible differenced were surgically altered by well intentioned humans (if they were still alive I'd sue).

What? So your people who you've mentioned a few times are supposedly way more advanced than humans in terms of genetics etc, allowed one of their children to be operated on by humans? The same humans who's primitive technology cant even identify your species?
Also, what kind of surgery would possibly allow you to mature & look like a normal human?
You should have gone for the genetic alterations angle instead. :shk:

'If you spend a moment and think about how life starts on ANY planet, you can see that the biochemistry of carbon based life will always be simular.'

Yet out of the millions of carbon based lifeforms on this planet, their genes are different enough that we can easily tell them apart via DNA tests.
But you're trying to tell us that your species originates from a completely different galaxy, has a different evolutionary timeline, & are descended from wolves... yet has somehow managed to have near the exact same DNA to humans. Do you actually have any idea of how evolution/genetics work?

Bringing up a thread from a few months ago where I questioned why you were actually getting DNA tests, this was your reply:
I'm hoping to get deported! Plain and simple, maybe if I become a large enough pain in their a$$ they will tell my people to come and get me. Either that maybe they will put me on a "farm" somewhere. At least then I can be who / what I am, as it is I feel that I must live 'the lie'. I would settle for anything that ends the lie.
You have of course changed your mind several times since then about what your intentions are regarding being here and the purpose of DNA tests.. I really cant keep up with you!
So what is the purpose now? You say you're sticking around intentionally now to 'help' us, so even the 'I dont want to live a lie' thing isnt really relevant anymore. If you're sick of having to pretend to be a human then there's no reason you should stick around wasting time & money on tests that arent getting you anywhere. Just leave.

This is the link to the thread in case anyone fancies reading a bit of the back story. There's also a whole other mess of crap in there regarding 'intentionally incomplete evidence', and mysterious 'skills to directly manipulate the universe with my mind'. The latter of which you have been asked several times to elaborate on but these requests seemed to fall off your radar.

But even without that stuff, and the millions of contradicting posts you've made on here, I find it quite difficult to take you seriously when you've set your own fan page up on facebook. :shk:
Which leads to me to enquire about something Ive been curious about... who are those two indonesian children?

[edit on 27/2/10 by Bluebelle]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Bluebelle

Yet out of the millions of carbon based lifeforms on this planet, their genes are different enough that we can easily tell them apart via DNA tests.

And which tests would those be? There are many different kinds of DNA tests that can be performed, I done the two I can afford.

But you're trying to tell us that your species originates from a completely different galaxy, has a different evolutionary timeline, & are descended from wolves... yet has somehow managed to have near the exact same DNA to humans. Do you actually have any idea of how evolution/genetics work?

Yes, very close to Chimps, Gorillas, and the other great Apes of your world. Exactally how close my DNA is compared to Humans is at present unknown, to characterize it as "near exact" is incorrect t this point.

You have of course changed your mind several times since then about what your intentions are regarding being here and the purpose of DNA tests.. I really cant keep up with you!

Actually that is not true. But, if it seem that way to you, then so be it. There are many reasons that we all do the things we do, and no task, however simple, has simple causes.

and mysterious 'skills to directly manipulate the universe with my mind'. The latter of which you have been asked several times to elaborate on but these requests seemed to fall off your radar.

Yes, mysterious skills. Yes, dropped off my radar, no wait, intentionally not responded to. You should your breath, cause I will not respond to queries in that area ... ever.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Unless you're trying to insinuate that such tests dont exist, then I fail to see the point of that question.
Considering that you've claimed in other threads that you did a fair amount of research, its quite odd that you managed to end up taking tests which basically tell you nothing. Fair enough if you want to see them as being confirmation, but its blindingly obvious that from this thread and all the others you've made/posted in, your idea of evidence and the majority of other peoples ideas differ greatly.
You've done a little copy & paste job of your threads on other forums where people seem more open to your claims.. so why not stick there and discuss it instead of coming here and having the same argument over and over again?

Well it would have to be pretty damn close seeing as you've said there's only been surgery performed on you to make you look human. You keep mentioning chimps etc, but what relevance does that have when you're supposedly descended from wolves? Since when did they have similar DNA to humans?
Im also still at a loss as to why you have mentioned that there are biologists & whatnot on your 'mothership', yet they wont shed any light on the DNA differences.

Actually that is not true. But, if it seem that way to you, then so be it. There are many reasons that we all do the things we do, and no task, however simple, has simple causes.

Seriously, why the vagueness? This isnt the bible, the majority of your contradictory posts arent a case of interpreting something a certain way - you have frequently changed your answer to various questions, and then when asked about it you go all mystic meg on us.

Oh good, no response. I can see why you mentioned it in the first place then. Whats your actual point then, do you want people to believe you're an alien?

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Bluebelle
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Unless you're trying to insinuate that such tests dont exist, then I fail to see the point of that question.

Not at all, but I am curious to know if you are aware of them. You and some others here seem to think that a DNA test is some simple thing; just go on doen to your local Walmart DNA testing center. That is not the case.

The test I've had done are the available and affordable tests.

Considering that you've claimed in other threads that you did a fair amount of research, its quite odd that you managed to end up taking tests which basically tell you nothing. Fair enough if you want to see them as being confirmation, but its blindingly obvious that from this thread and all the others you've made/posted in, your idea of evidence and the majority of other peoples ideas differ greatly.

The tests do tell us quite alot, but you have to be willing to accept the data and what it is telling us. In this case there is missing data, data that needs to be there if I am to be Human.

You've done a little copy & paste job of your threads on other forums where people seem more open to your claims.. so why not stick there and discuss it instead of coming here and having the same argument over and over again?

Have I? I think perhaps you misinterpret and misunderstan ... quite alot actually.

Well it would have to be pretty damn close seeing as you've said there's only been surgery performed on you to make you look human. You keep mentioning chimps etc, but what relevance does that have when you're supposedly descended from wolves? Since when did they have similar DNA to humans?

Another poster commented about arrogant One would have to be to presume that Human kind was the only life in the Universe. My comment to this is that it is equally arrogant to presume that you are unique. There is no existing data (on Earth) about the evolution of my people, You have little, if any, data on the genetics of exobiological entities, but, somehow an alien can't be human like? It is entirely possible for an alien lifeform to be identical to a terrestrial lifeform. So, unless you have some data that others don't , you can't possibily know how close I can or should be to human DNA.

By the way, the great apes differ from you humans by only 5% of their DNA, and all of that is contained in the 2nd Chromosome ... it seems that the second and third chromosome on apes fused to form the second chromosome in Humans.

If you take a look at the autosomal data, you should see that the number of repeats in my second chromosome is small, though witll within range, it is likely within Ape range as well.

You have much research, reading, and homework if you are goint to even begin any of this, perhaps you should start.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
reply to post by The Parallelogram

Let us just say, that I am close enough to Terrestrial Humans as to be able to pass for one. The differences require closer inspection than even most medical people ever do.

Remember Occam's Razor here. I'm not saying that it's always true, or that I don't believe in Extraterrestrial life. I do, however, believe that it would be profoundly arrogant of us as a species to presume that we are the template for other life throughout the Universe. When we do encounter life on another world, it will be nothing like us.

Dude, I think there is some "white" showing on your razor!.

I don't understand; what does this have to do with anything? Do you accuse all those who question you of using drugs?

As for the rest, I look forward to watching you exceed the height of the Humans around you by such a fantastic margin; you will be all over the news.

Thanks for ignoring the more relevant parts of my post, and insulting me, by the way, despite the immense patience I have exercised in measuring my words so as to try and prevent the very sort of outburst you've responded with. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and thought you were just a misguided creative, but I'm gonna have to go with the greater consensus and agree that you are some manner of jackass. Hope you have a good night, though.

[edit on 28-2-2010 by The Parallelogram]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by The Parallelogram
Thanks for ignoring the more relevant parts of my post, and insulting me, by the way, despite the immense patience I have exercised in measuring my words so as to try and prevent the very sort of outburst you've responded with. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and thought you were just a misguided creative, but I'm gonna have to go with the greater consensus and agree that you are some manner of jackass. Hope you have a good night, though.

It is one thing to read the threads by people around here that are being creative or might outright suffer from a mental illness but people like our little alien here are a whole different topic. He cannot keep his story straight and when being asked legitimate questions about his contradictions, he gets super vague and blows them off. By any standards that is the behavior of a jackass but on ATS I say doubly so. You were wasting your time, I was wasting my time, bluebelle is wasting her time. This thread is far more fun to read than it was to participate in.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 07:57 AM
Back up a bit, starman. Do you really suppose that if there were any kind of anomalies with your blood which could indicate that you may not be human, that the experts doing the tests would not notice?
Do you really think you wouldn't have the government knocking on your door?
Wakey wakey.
I'm sure any attention your bringing to yourself with these claims is all very nice for you but please, have a word with yourself. Seriously.
Time to have a wash and a shave, go get youself a haircut and perhaps find yourself an activity in your community, away from your computer and interacting with other people.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by The Parallelogram

I don't understand; what does this have to do with anything? Do you accuse all those who question you of using drugs?

No actually, that was a reference to the sharpness and useability of your razor. I guess subtlity doesn't work with you.

As for the rest, I look forward to watching you exceed the height of the Humans around you by such a fantastic margin; you will be all over the news.

Thanks for ignoring the more relevant parts of my post, and insulting me, by the way, despite the immense patience I have exercised in measuring my words so as to try and prevent the very sort of outburst you've responded with. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and thought you were just a misguided creative, but I'm gonna have to go with the greater consensus and agree that you are some manner of jackass. Hope you have a good night, though.

I didn't ignore your post, thoug I wonder at the parts you think are relevant. You came here with what appeared to be an attempt at a "snow job". Making out like your wee smattering of biological double talk was indeed relevant to this discussion, it isn't. The questions you put forth apply to all animals living on Earth, not just humans, and infact could be applied to nearly all living things in the Universe (that is what I was trying to point out).

You will have to excuse me, if I get the biology wrong, I'm not a biologist; I'm a Computer Scientist/software engineer. I may not know much about biology, but I do know data (in a generic sense) quite well. It seems to me that if you were here to discuss that which I presented (data) that you would not try to muddy the waters with a bunch of marginally relevant biological double talk. Though, I'm guessing that you're not a biologist either, and were actually trying to deflect the discussion with BS.

Those who would default to the "greater conensus" are the same as sheep. Have you no ability to analyze the data for your self? Course, your optional opinion is equally unfounded, it shows no attempt to digest the data and form any intelligent opinion.

I'm not asking to beleive what I've said, but I am asking that if you want to discuss the probability, that you review the available data, and discuss that data.

Caosje Oma-ge!

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by K J Gunderson
It is one thing to read the threads by people around here that are being creative or might outright suffer from a mental illness but people like our little alien here are a whole different topic. He cannot keep his story straight and when being asked legitimate questions about his contradictions, he gets super vague and blows them off. By any standards that is the behavior of a jackass but on ATS I say doubly so. You were wasting your time, I was wasting my time, bluebelle is wasting her time. This thread is far more fun to read than it was to participate in.

Why is always the way, that when Humans don't get their way, they start with the accusations and name calling?

There have been NO contradictions in what I've been saying. Further, I whould challange you to point one out.

And yes, on some points I get vague, that is quite intentional. There are some things that either you are ready to hear, or I am not ready to say.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Try regression hypnosis and see what you say.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by BobbyX
Back up a bit, starman. Do you really suppose that if there were any kind of anomalies with your blood which could indicate that you may not be human, that the experts doing the tests would not notice?
Do you really think you wouldn't have the government knocking on your door?
Wakey wakey.
I'm sure any attention your bringing to yourself with these claims is all very nice for you but please, have a word with yourself. Seriously.
Time to have a wash and a shave, go get youself a haircut and perhaps find yourself an activity in your community, away from your computer and interacting with other people.

Do you really think some lab tech doing a CBC would notice the difference? He is looking for specific information, present in all blood regardless of species. If he was doint the same tests on a sample from my Wolf, I doubt he would notice it wasn't humsn.

You should have read the whole thread, if you had you would have noticed that the government already knows all about me. I see a government doctor on a regular basis. He listens to my heart and lungs, checks the lab work, and we discuss living on this rock of yours.

So please; wakey, wakey! Read ALL the revelant data before inserting your foot in your mouth.

Etharzi od Oma

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