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Lingerie line for kids to be launched

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

if i saw a dog in a dominatrix outfit i woudl laugh my freeking ass off!


do you find a dominatrix dog appealing?? why not have a look and tell me

how about a chiwawa in lingerie


lets try and keep this serious - the story is not about dogs!

[edit on 3-2-2010 by boaby_phet]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Damn hollywood for making that dog wear leather and pink!

Originally posted by boaby_phet
reply to post by ModernAcademia

if i saw a dog in a dominatrix outfit i woudl laugh my freeking ass off!


do you find a dominatrix dog appealing?? why not have a look and tell me

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:43 PM
Those gloves are just the cutest little ol things.

I hope they come in size extra extra small daddy!

Edit to ask: Can anyone tell what the kid says at the end that makes Miley laugh and look puzzled?i

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Bombeni]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by LiquidMirage

Welcome to the world of modern liberalism...the same #&*@%&?* thats brought us unlimited porn on demand by choking the life out of the 1st Amendment!

Mmm, have you ever seen the Texas little kids pageants?

So a big FAIL for trying to politicize this issue.

We in the US have a very paradoxical relationship with sexuality ... on one hand we are as a nation very sexually oppressed and traditional, if not archaic. On the other hand we have disturbing stories like the one in the OP and the whole little little girl pageant issue with parents who are willingly sexually objectifying their children, and these same parents would cringe at the idea of a topless beach.

I suppose one extreme begets the other, still ... sexualizing pre-pubescent children is -plain wrong.

Originally posted by boaby_phet

if i saw a dog in a dominatrix outfit i woudl laugh my freeking ass off!

I was young and needed the money .... shut up!

[edit on 3 Feb 2010 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by boaby_phet

keep what serious, you are the one with the image links.

You and Aeon are so obssessed with why people are using the word 'suggestive' or 'dominatrix' that you arent' wondering if they actually are or not.

What if a pedo looks at these pics?
Are you okay with that?

May I ask your what is your gender and if you have kids?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:46 PM
I find the pagent thing WAY more yucky.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:48 PM
Shall I lock my children up in the house in case some random guy finds them attractive?

Oh wait - your answer would be yes. Never mind. You're THAT TYPE.

Pedophiles are attracted to children. Usually they are interested in child like things, not children like adults. Pigtails - not knee high boots.

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
reply to post by boaby_phet

keep what serious, you are the one with the image links.

You and Aeon are so obssessed with why people are using the word 'suggestive' or 'dominatrix' that you arent' wondering if they actually are or not.

What if a pedo looks at these pics?
Are you okay with that?

May I ask your what is your gender and if you have kids?

[edit on 2010/2/3 by Aeons]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

you asked about dominatrix dogs?? i answered a question with a question, which i dont normaly do, for that i appolagize....

basicly as the thought of a dominatrix dog made me LOL

and to ask, would i mind if a pedo looking at that pic is such a stupid question, as i would have a problem with ANY pedo looking at ANY pic of a child period.

i know through experience in working in outdoor events and looking after children in public placed that pedo sexual predators do not just look at kids they think might be appealing, they just look at all kids - period. i have seen this personaly and had to have them escorted away from the area and monitored by the police.

(that experience came from working at an outdoor ice rink btw)

by the way, did i mention that alot of the work i have done in the past has been looking after children (able bodied and disabled) in one way or another, wether it be in ice rinks, outdoor events or so on. I have many years watching after them and protecting them from weirdo's when it has been needed.

ps - sorry schrodingers , i forgot you didnt want that known to the public! hehehe

[edit on 3-2-2010 by boaby_phet]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Haha so with your logic that would be a great way to uncover pedophiles lurking in the shadows right? I mean you're basically saying that anyone who finds that type of attire and clothing despicable is a closet pedophile?
You're just embarrassing yourself. I'd save face and shut up while you can.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:01 PM
I stand by what I said.

You confabulate a nine year old in a pink dress and boots with being more sexy than your wife. I have no face to save. And you aren't smart enough to realize you stepped in it.

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
reply to post by Aeons

Haha so with your logic that would be a great way to uncover pedophiles lurking in the shadows right? I mean you're basically saying that anyone who finds that type of attire and clothing despicable is a closet pedophile?
You're just embarrassing yourself. I'd save face and shut up while you can.

[edit on 2010/2/3 by Aeons]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Yes todays fashion in cloths is kinda sexual THOUGH women dont irectly admit it, at leat women ive aked in open conversations. They all say yeah its sexy to wear, but alos its womanlike to wear too. Thats what i hear.
MY grandmother, browing up in the 19 teens a s akid, i remember her with my mother, born in 1947. Throught he early 80's my mother very much enjoyed wearing high heel shoes, bell bottoms, jeans, skimpy tie die shirts, makeup, and my grandmother old school would argue with her over jeans, saying "itsnot woman like to wear jeans, go wear a skirt or a kirtsy" things like that. women shouldnt be wearing so much makeup, it make yuo look like a prostitute, things like that. so my mom and her always got into slightly heated arguments..

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Are we really surprised?

What do you expect when the people in charge of the music industry are pedophiles?

They want to destroy the term "relationships" and make girls into whores and boys into sissies.

This way they can confuse the gender roles and further control the people.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:08 PM
I guess my point is... my garndmother was the old school, how thigs were, taught and supposed to be. Along comes a new generation open to more freedom and differnet tastes, and she couldnt grasp that. HEre we all are today, in the same boat, as they were before us. sexy sensual clothing seems to be wear the future is going with cloths, at least for women, and alot of us, are still in the 80's 90's...jeans and sneakers, a simple shirt and haircut will do* e cant grasp change. of course, thier werent as many pedophiles around back then either.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

im not sure if thats what he means, but to clarify my point, i said anyone that can find an image of a child, whatever it may be wearing as sexual should stop for a second and think about what they are thinking... as thinking any picture of a child as having sexual connotations is wrong as they are just children, and no one should really find anything sexual about an image of a child ever, as they are kids .

the vid that was posted, if i had a daughter , i doubt id be happy she was dressed like that, it does look like she is playing dress up and trying to look grown up, but she clearly isnt and just looks a bit silly to me... Padgent silly (my goodness, padgent kids look so bloody silly) AND , as stated, their are people out their who will find it sexual and judge the child as a slut, and worse ,their are people that will be attracted to it for their own perversions.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm

Yeah look how many pedophiles are coming out of Hollywood..........Michael Jackson, Roman Polanski, and who was that other old guy that dated his daughter? And these three figures are VERY powerful in the movie/music business.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Zosynspiracy]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:12 PM
IMHO, you can attribute this kind of thing to our media driven, trend controlled and fashionably accepted society. It's all the "in" thing to do.

The thing is, is that the youth and currently moldable children will follow this if it is popular and parents only have so much power if they know how to harness it

If all youth and spawning generations could properly be taught about how media saturates your consciousness and subconsciousness with special effects, sound tracks and emotionally fulfilling ideas perhaps they could properly learn to balance such things and their merit compared to personal experience, morals and reality. But then again advertising has it's part promoting such ridiculous lifestyles.

Ah, our consumer, media saturated world...

God, I hate the media sometimes when I think about it.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Crossfate]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:12 PM
This is sick for sure, but to say it is the 'Parents' fault is wrong... This is the 'Mothers' fault.

Do not blame this on Fathers, most Fathers do not have custody of their children. This lowering of the bar is the result of trashy low class Mothers purchasing or otherwise encouraging age inappropriate garbage for their daughters. 8 year old girls do not have the economic power to go out and purchase this crap, it is their mothers that do it. It is the Mothers that purchase Lady Gaga CDs for the girls, and it is the slutty trashy Mothers who have the virtual poll dancing music videos on the TV.

Do not for a second blame this one on 'Parents' because Fathers do not do this crap. This is squarely the fault of low class trashy pieces of human garbage whore Mothers who have been given custody of their daughters.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by factbeforefiction]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:13 PM
Let's have a rundown here:

-A man gets in trouble for downloading Simpsons porn.

-Pee Wee Herman gets in trouble for masturbating in an ADULT theater.

-Pornographic film companies get fined if their material crosses a state border that prohibits adult material.

-You can't get a happy ending from a massage therapist because it's illegal.

-Some states prohibit sodomy.

-More states in the United States allow cousins to marry but prohibit same sex couples to get married.

So on, so on.


Somehow sexy lingerie for minors is alright.

Does something not make sense here?

[edit on 3-2-2010 by GorehoundLarry]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by boaby_phet

I guess every FBI profiler who can get into the mind of a serial killer are they themselves a serial killer? Your argument is petty and completely foolish. Not to mention completely insulting.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Zosynspiracy

to be fair, micheal jackson was never found guilty, and most likely framed but persacutted for it even though he was innocent.

polansky is a genuine pedo, he slept with a child then ran away so he wouldnt go to jail, yet half of hollywood still hired him and speak out in favor of him !

(i dod not even know about polansky till last year, and it shocked and sickend me how hollywood types were rallying to support him!)

the hypocracy is off the scale in that post.

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