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Lingerie line for kids to be launched

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+21 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:01 AM

Lingerie line for kids to be launched

Miley's 9-year-old sister launching a lingerie line for kids

Seems like every time we hear about Noah Cyrus she's doing something totally innapropriate for her age.

Whether it's dressing like a dominatrix for Halloween, skipping around a pole-dancing pole or performing the totally un-PG hits 'Smack That' and 'Tik Tok', we suspect this nine-year-old could easily notch up more scandals than her big sis by the time she hits her teens.
(visit the link for the full news article)

+31 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:01 AM
I wanted to put it here because this is the worst and sickiest news I have seen in a long time.

People need to see this. And oppose this. This is social engineering at it's worst.

Girls are more and more acting like whores, but this will only make it worse.

This whole thing is legal? They ban a dictionary over a word in California and THIS IS ALLOWED? SICK.

The more we ``advance`` the closer to the bottom of the cultural barrel we are.

I'm so mad right now, thinking of all the stupid parents who will buy this for their little girls... Then in 20 years they will ask themselves why they are whores...

Billy Ray should be arrested for being such a disgusting and irresponsible father. The company who produces this should be forced into bankruptcy.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 3-2-2010 by Vitchilo]

+4 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

This is wrong why the hell are girls even thinking of that stuff, surely they are more botherd about who can skip longer or what ever girls do lol.

If any parent buys these for there kids, they should be shot pure and simple.

the more tihngs that come out dragging girls down lowers there ambitions and it makes it so much harder in the future for self respecting men to find a nice normal wife.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:09 AM
Welcome to the world of the disney slut -_-"
I bet if walt disney saw this # hed roll around in his grave

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:15 AM
It's the parents fault in the end, maybe kids will see things like this on TV and want it. But the buck stops at the parents. If there was no demand for this sort of thing it wouldn't be available, and since their is demand we should acknowledge the fact that many parents are quite happy and willing to buy this for their children. I don't think their is some mass conspiracy to slowly sexualize children at a young age, companies want money and they see a space in the market to make that money. Sad and shocking but a sign of the times regarding parents.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Sorry, kids?

I mean, I'm barely a teenager and even that sickens me.I swear this is encouraging people to have sex....and little kids.

I agree with Solomons. It is the parents fault. Firstly, they shouldn't allow such ideas to even enter their minds, let alone carried out. Secondly, this girl's parents should put a hold over her.

I hope parents will never buy this for their children. My mum would kill me if she saw this in the wash.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:22 AM
it is just sick.

The simple facts are that if your a celebrity you do as you please.

Especially footballers.


+23 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:22 AM
I don't know what the big deal is... Is it the word "lingerie"? Because these are just frilly, ruffled dresses for little girls, perfectly acceptable in public. By the way, this company has been around for 5 years.

Ooh! La, La! Couture

It must be the word Lingerie that's got everyone's panties in a twist (excuse the pun).

+12 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I do not like terms like "whore" and slut.. as far as the kids are concerned they are just playing dress ups. They are not the problem.

As far as child porn makers and pedos are concerned however.. well they'll be stocking up until the public outcry sees this filth taken off the shelves. Ironic a 9 year old gives birth in China and people blame the commie culture yet here we are gift wrapping children for sexual predators.

This is very sick.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I don't know what the big deal is... Is it the word "lingerie"? Because these are just frilly, ruffled dresses for little girls, perfectly acceptable in public. By the way, this company has been around for 5 years.

Ooh! La, La! Couture

It must be the word Lingerie that's got everyone's panties in a twist (excuse the pun).

The pics you linked to a pretty tame.. they are just ballet outfits. I don't much like the knee high platform boots on children (from the OP) some of them are very dubious. I was expecting suspender belts and clips etc. The mini skirt/frill belt is pretty bad.


[edit on 3-2-2010 by riley]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:27 AM
You've gotta be #ting me.

Can't think of a second line. Well I can, but I can't say it.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:27 AM
Its just wrong, plain wrong.

And wrong again

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:30 AM
Just more of the incremental lowering of the morality bar.

I can't believe I actually line-danced to Achy Breaky Heart once. God I must've looked like a dip!:shk:


posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:36 AM
I dont think that anyone whom sleeps with a pre-teen is sleeping with him/her because they find them sexy...such actions are rooted deep in psychology and a disturbed mind. Human nature simply does not find children (real children, not the technical 16 year old child) attractive, thongs and high heels is just as appealing to such a person as frumpy sweaters and stained trousers...they are not trying to sleep with the person, they are more often than not trying to sort something out in their head (typically reversing the roles of when they themselves were molested at a young age).

Such lingere may actually dissuade the average pedo considering its reflecting adult preferences...but that is obviously not factually based, just a theory.

That being said...sure, it might look funny and cute to see your little one playing dress up, but it is sending the wrong message to the child to begin with...they already have to deal with barbies and fashion mags early bring even more focus at a young age that your body is all that matters...bound to have effects when they get older about self worth.

You want to help kids and sell them clothes at the same time...come out with great looking exercise clothing that makes them want to run around and be active...that is far more healthier.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:40 AM
kids aren't allowed to have sex, that's called rape and is illegal
but they aren't too young to be depicted as sex objects????

This is the opposite end of taliban extremism

just kids playing dressup?

one day it will just be kids playing doctor
then it will be something else

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by riley

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I don't know what the big deal is... Is it the word "lingerie"? Because these are just frilly, ruffled dresses for little girls, perfectly acceptable in public. By the way, this company has been around for 5 years.

Ooh! La, La! Couture

It must be the word Lingerie that's got everyone's panties in a twist (excuse the pun).

The pics you linked to a pretty tame.. they are just ballet outfits. I don't much like the knee high platform boots on children (from the OP) some of them are very dubious. I was expecting suspender belts and clips etc. The mini skirt/frill belt is pretty bad.


[edit on 3-2-2010 by riley]

Yes and I hope you noticed she is wearing full makeup, red lipstick, heavy eyeliner. Pedos will pay top dollar for the catalogs. Just to connect any chidren wear with a company called Ooh La La tells you it is improper, worse than improper, it's legal pornography.

More and more often I'm sorry I ever got outta bed.

+24 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:47 AM
the mini miley was at her concerts here in NY a month or ago. I took my daughter and we were sitting a few feet from the back stage area and my daughter pointed her out. she looked like the offspring of Paris Hilton and Jon Benet Ramsey. It was disgusting. She was sporting a little dog in a bag, makeup that would make a hooker blush and clothes reserved for strip clubs.

Her image and her parents allowing it are both disgusting but, as pointed out, the line of clothes are actually not that bad. The use of the word lingerie in the title of the news item was done to garner attention and I find that as deplorable as the way this little girl dresses.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:52 AM
I really want to stand up here and say watch out about relating lingerie and *whore* in the same moral sentence.

There's a lot a husbands and wives (Married ones - And too each other) out there who enjoy a wide range of *frillies* and (love) life is good. Lingerie is not necessarily a bad thing here much less *whore clothes*...

For 9 year olds? Ouch. But the thing is - go to the site. I don't see a bedroom set in the bunch. What I see is little girl dress up costumes.

Lots a hype here for nothing as far as I can see.

Now if I visited the site and found *bunny* costumes (and I'm talkin Hugh Hefner bunnies now) you'd be seeing one outraged woman here.


[edit on 3-2-2010 by silo13]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:52 AM
i wonder how long till they start making lingerie for babies? thats about as dumb an idea as making lingerie for 9 year olds.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:52 AM
im not going to click the link incase it IS actualy children in lingere ... as i really dont need to be seeing anything like that..

on to the story .. My guess is the word Lingere is being used in the loosest term of the word to try and make some sort of extreme child porn story out of this! My guess is its a line of pants and vests for wee girls and not stockings, suspenders and rotchless panties!

i had spiderman pants when i was a wee boy, does that make marvel a bunch of peados?

if it is actual lingere though, i take back everything i said before, as thats so fing wrong its beyond words!

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