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Last man on Moon says Buzz Aldrin went to Mars

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posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

Oh yeah the part about moving all that stuff on the ground. All the materials that would be needed to build and fuel this stuff.

Well I imagine it would prolly be the easiest part of the entire operation.

Think about all the money that is known to be missing from the US budget. Where does all that go? Everyone knows we have black projects and we all know that these secret projects is where most of this money goes. Or at least that's where I hope it goes. Otherwise some jerk face is making off with a mountain of cash and the government doesn't do anything about it.

Fuel and other materials could just be lumped in with other projects and whatnot. People in Russia with their spy sats could more than likely be able to tell that a train goes across the country and that it left a rocket fuel factory and ended up at say area 51. But other than that what could they know? Maybe you could siphon some off the main holding tank and put it in little tanks and then load them on to cargo vans. I don't know. I could come up with endless scenarios on how to do it. None of witch would even be necessary if they admitted that they were launching something, but kept the payload secret.

The only other problem is the Cuba scenario you put forward. I think one thing that would play a role is that in that case we knew where to look. We knew to look at Cuba. We knew to look at ships going to Cuba from Russia. It's a lot harder to monitor something when the area you have to look in is as big as the entire planet, including the oceans. And again if this stuff was built alongside other rockets and what not then it wouldn't be noticed.

How do secret projects get compleated if they are easily detected by just following the money and materials trail?

I just don't think it would be as hard as you might think, and compared to the other problems of having a secret Mars mission, I think this would definately be the easiest to get away with.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by fieryjaguarpaw
reply to post by Tifozi

Oh yeah the part about moving all that stuff on the ground. All the materials that would be needed to build and fuel this stuff.

Well I imagine it would prolly be the easiest part of the entire operation.


Fuel and other materials could just be lumped in with other projects and whatnot.

I don't know if you really understand the problem or not. Listen to Wes Owsley discuss that very issue regarding fuel etc.

Paratopia Episode 23 - Wes Owsley Challenges the Secret Space Program

Wes has long heard talk of the “Secret Space Program”, and is here to educate the UFO and conspiracy communities about the notion. Wes has a fascinating history of work that has taken him deep into the NASA space program, and has met and worked with many astronauts and cosmonauts.

It's worth a listen.

Edit: It's from 19 through 26 minutes in the recording when he discusses hydrogen.

[edit on 4-2-2010 by Arbitrageur]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

To be honest I really don't think anybody had the tech to go to the moon OR mars when they claim we did. For gods sake RUSSIA beat America in the space race with Sputnik. How embarrasing is that.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

I want to go back to mars too, you see, not as ME MYSELF AND I, but as the human race - we sent things there. The Rover is there. We need to aim for that. We need to go back there. We need to explore that opportunity now, lets go back to mars.

Won't stop the martians tho... who will now forever believe that buzz stood on mars....

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 07:13 PM
Oops thread overrun with martians, must go back to earth.. too scary here.. cannot breathe the air, oxygen too thin, lookout, MARTIANS!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Its a 5 year trip to Mars

Dont you think someone wouldve noticed if Buzz Aldrin had been away for at least 10 years?
Edit- Or maybe that was one year? Cant remember
[edit on 2/2/2010 by OzWeatherman]

Rumor has it that its actually 4 months up and 4months back. Cant confirm it, like i said its a rumor.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

To be honest I really don't think anybody had the tech to go to the moon OR mars when they claim we did. For gods sake RUSSIA beat America in the space race with Sputnik. How embarrasing is that.

Not only with space but with much of modern technology, the
development takes place elsewhere.

Korea, Japan develop cell phones or TVs or computer games for
sale in America.

The small compact car developed by others when America said no way.
And the said way.
Perhaps funded by capitalists.

American weapon technology or NASA technology seems to have been
exported to China and other nations.

Did Russian spies get American A & H bomb plans or were the plans
available in Europe.

In the world of Tesla conspiracies there is the still hidden development
of free energy generators and ether force coils to name two outside
of America but now held by America in secret. As if we need any
more secrets.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:09 PM
A slip of the tongue it might be. These insiders are losing their touch. Forgetting that most folks are not knowing what they know. It is very strange that the official story is one thing but the signs are that what the military are doing [not just the military of the USA] is so increadible [using advanced technology] that they just cannot figure out where to begin explaining it all to us. According to sources "teleportation" is being used to get persons and supplies to and from Mars.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:48 PM
Misleading title is misleading

Nuff said

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by amazing

yes its possible, but according to the the general public technology or what the government wants you to think where our technology level is at: no impossible.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

To be honest I really don't think anybody had the tech to go to the moon OR mars when they claim we did. For gods sake RUSSIA beat America in the space race with Sputnik. How embarrassing is that.

Sometimes it is good to live in a vacuum and believe the tech is not up to scratch
But then again you concede that getting into space is possible and was done - by the Russians first - So if that was possible is it not possible that landing on the moon is also possible - whether it happened or not
Also consider that there are Rovers on Mars - which means 1. Space Flight is possible, 2. Landing on Planets and Moons is possible... Therefore, it is possible that Man landed on the moon...

I am not American so it doesn't bother me but perhaps, with that in mind, you could elaborate on how embarrassing "that" is? Considering you were not asking but making a statement. I really don't know that's why I am asking you. A question, did the Russians land a man on any planet or moon?

[edit on 4/2/2010 by shearder]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

no dude he went to mars with the far advance secret space craft that is top secret

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:12 AM
i know this is slightly off topic but did anybody notice the advert to back up your entire computer online with mozy? was it? just before the cnn clip played. might sound slightly paranoid
on my part but if a certain agency had access to that server where millions of peoples computers were backed up imagine the amount of info they would have on you. i mean it would be a clone of their whole computer. lol suffice to say ill take my chances.

back on topic

im 99% sure when he says buzz wants to go back to mars he is responding to the news caster asking him why buzz supports obama's decision to scrap the moon missions. he is reffering to where buzz thinks the spending should go or where the focus should be. he is talking about focusing back on mars and not the moon. NOT ACTUALLY GOING THERE HIMSELF.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

Think about all the money that is known to be missing from the US budget. Where does all that go? Everyone knows we have black projects and we all know that these secret projects is where most of this money goes. Or at least that's where I hope it goes. Otherwise some jerk face is making off with a mountain of cash and the government doesn't do anything about it.

Well, I don't think there is corruption in that level in the US.

Yes, there are guys that put money in their pockets from fat contracts with the Governament, some of them are not even good to the people or the job needed.

But in the level of the top secret projects, or black projects, I think there isn't any corruption. I trully believe that 5 billions are spent on a project that needs 5 billion.

The moral issue here is, the right of the US citizen to know about that money.

But I don't think that can be detected by the Russians, unless they have some sort of really deep undercover agents, which I doubt. Not even a average citizen can get into this things, let alone a russian spy with some past connection to Russia. Although it wouldn't be the first time.

What I think could happen, regarding the project, was the same thing that happened during Pearl Harbor.

Remember the "strange" calls made from Japan to japanese tourists/imigrants before the Pearl Harbor attack?

A large industrial activity, needed to accomplish such a project would raise their attention, IMO.

If you are building a carrier, it's easy. The US are building a carrier, they need X tons of steel, it's normal.

But when they spot a contract for a larg amount of steel (or any other material) and they CAN'T figure out to where it goes, that "demands" some investigation.

People in Russia with their spy sats could more than likely be able to tell that a train goes across the country and that it left a rocket fuel factory and ended up at say area 51. But other than that what could they know?

Yes, you're correct. But the issue here is that rocket fuel (assuming they used rockets, or something like the Space Shuttle) has very unique properties. If they are spending a lot more than what they are supposed (for example, X tons for Y launches, and you see that they spend twice of what they need).

The only other problem is the Cuba scenario you put forward. I think one thing that would play a role is that in that case we knew where to look. We knew to look at Cuba.


I think this would definately be the easiest to get away with.

Yes, it's true. Cuba was raising their chest to the US, and that raised attention. But there is a lot of passive intell going on too. Countries that you never heard of, or you that you think they don't play any rolle in this "wars", sometimes are in deep involvement, and sometimes, you can even spot "secret wars".

Although fictional, I think Tom Clancy work on this type of scenarios gives you a very distinct prespective of how governaments sometimes fight with proxys, rather than directly.

The problem with the Mars issue is divided in two scenarios:

1- It's impossible to do at the time. Period.

2- It was possible, and they did it. But it was in a much more "exotic" way than what we know. If you throw UFO's into the equation, only god knows what they could accomplish.

But even without UFO's, if you think of some scenarios, like Moon Bases and whatnot... Well, you can only detect what you can see (regarding space) or if your communications can be heard (like everyone did with the Apollo missions).

If they keep quiet, with a, let's say, secret base on the far side of the Moon, launching some kind of vehicle with their view blocked for *much* of the time by the Moon (I'm throwing thing up in the air here, dunno for how much time they could remain hidden), maybe they could do it.

But in the end, considering what they had at the time, a trip to Mars is too much of a step to be accomplished, IMO.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by seattletruth
Watch the Minority Report (Tom Cruise) - the main premise is that some people have the capacity to remote view. The US ran this programme for at least 10 years and one of the key people on it was none other than Uri Geller. Whilst the main purpose was to remote view into hostile (and friendly) government establishments KGB etc it has been suggested that other experiments involved Mars and the Egyptian Pyramids.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Tifozi
But in the end, considering what they had at the time, a trip to Mars is too much of a step to be accomplished, IMO.

I haven't seen much discussion about radiation but I think it was an issue for technology of that time and I think it's still an issue.

The 3 day trip to the moon might have been the equivalent of 1 chest X-ray for the astronauts, and the trip back another chest X-ray, and a couple of X-rays won't kill you. But 5 months each way to Mars is about 300 days total, so that's a lot more radiation then a 6 day trip to the moon and back. I'm still curious to see how they are going to solve that problem on a manned mission to Mars. during the course of a short moon trip we got lucky and didn't get hit by any coronal mass ejections from the sun, but the chances of getting hit by one over a year long trip to Mars are much greater. You need a lot of shielding to protect against one of those.

Even this April 2008 article portrays it as a big challenge:

Manned Mission to Mars Grounded. Radiation Risk too High

[edit on 5-2-2010 by Arbitrageur]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Gene Crenin the Cretin?

Gene is getting old and a little sloppy in his speech lately (I put it down to too much gamma ray exposure on the moon) - but then again, he's getting on a bit in years.

I think he meant to say something like , 'Buz Aldren wants [NASA] to go back to the Moon and on to Mars" but it sure did not come out that way the first time - it kind of came out that way in the 2nd attempt about talking about Buz, with whom he had some profound disagreements in the past (about what, we wonder? Disclosure?)

I must say I was a little surprised at Faux News allowing this slip to be aired in the first place...I figured they would have their overstaffed editorial team edit it out or 'loop' it (via audio 'dubbing' like we do in Hollywood)--they're quite good at those kinds of things normally

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm !!

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 06:11 AM
Slip of the tongue or slip of the mind?

Hard to say, but I think it is extremely unlikely that Buzz ever went to the moon, but great fodder for scifi shows.

Who knows what secret technology the U.S. government has kept hidden from us. There are many times when government claims have seriously differed from witnesses of the events, and some government claims have been down right unbelievable as well as contradictory.

The ship in the Philadelphia Experiment was supposedly a normal ship not used for anything special, but many who served upon her reported a whole lot of stuff, like bundles of wire that had been cut out, leaving small sections in place, that show that something very different was done with that ship.

It isn't all that hard to believe that we have stumbled upon some very amazing technology, that has never been disclosed to the public.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 10:19 PM
Hi Poet 1b---

I think you meant to say 'I think it extremely unlikely that Buz Aldrin went to MARS' (you said MOON)--he certainly DID go to the earth's moon and walk on it, but beyond that...well, wouldn't it be fun to know if man actually DID get to walk on Mars after all ?

Maybe someone at NASA on his death bed will spill the proverbial beans alla Lt Phillip J Corso did on Roswell in his tell all book THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL (and the sooner the better, too !)

posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 02:19 PM
Very good catch, although I don't think one should read too much into this. I, for one, catch myself at times using a wrong word when I am trying to say something else entirely. Spouse is waaay worse than I lol. It could be a true slip though. Hard to interpret this one! Keep catching those slips. One could end up a trophy!

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