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Last man on Moon says Buzz Aldrin went to Mars

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posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:15 PM
NASA is a Big Waste! I love em, but hate em.
Can we first have some high resolution pictures of the surface of the moon?
How about all certain dark areas that are in question by moon enthusiast, we can also include all the junk that was left with the prior moon landings?

How about We the People get some high resolution pics first before
We the People fork over our dough so people can then hide things from us?

Do we mine the moon? Been To Mars? Talk with ET?
For me, I don't care I just want a sandwich,
while I eat I would like to browse high resolution pictures of places we all would like to see on the moon before we spend billions to go there again.

I say we don't need to go anywhere and all should lose their Jobs in NASA until someone talks!

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:19 PM
This thread makes me laugh >..< Can't help it.

Lots of claims that there's colonization of our moon and planets going on, but there is also bases and aldrin doing a round trip?

Firstly, there's a good reason not to go to the moon. It's more financially viable to attempt a journey to Mars, which I believe will lead to the starts of base building, this however would be followed by mission to the moon to see if there is enough water to be used as fuel, so as to place a launch, jump, refuel point there, for future missions, should there be need to.

There is just too much speculation and not enough evidence with too many people jumping to far out conclusions, I.E, beyond current human technical boundaries and understanding. I know people will say "well the test taking place in Russia is a cover-up, we're already there" but I'm a little less sceptical and have a little more belief that science these days requires a lot more forethought and explanation as the public now like to rip it all apart at every hurdle to make sure it's 100% safe. And not only that, but people are getting more interested in the science behind it.

If there was a base on mars, then we probably wouldn't see one of those expensive rovers being stuck in a ditch. And as I speak regularly with one of the drivers of the mars rovers .... I can assure you that they have been trying everything and still are, in hope that it will come back online and be usable.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by fieryjaguarpaw

Rumour has it in conspiracy circles that we, as in human beings, were told at the time of the Apollo missions (the Amercans were told), in no uncertain terms, to stay away from the moon by ET intelligences already established there. It has been speculated by some that the backside of the moon, the side we never see from our vantage point here on Earth, is home to an Alien Base or Bases to at least one civilisation not originating on this earth. It always strikes me as odd how we have shy'd away from going back there and I see NASA and the president as just throwing out yet another excuse not to go there; the funny thing is, is that it doesn't make sence as anybody with half a shred of common sence would realise that it's the perfect body in space with it's close proximity to Earth in which to use as a base for ourselves. As space travel is inherently dangerous, it seems to me as fool-hardy to dismiss the moon as a potential staging post for missions to Mars and further a field. To my mind it just doesn't add up why we would so redily dismiss the moon in all that has to offer as a staging, training, supply and re-fuelling post, including it's ideal low gravity environment to further destinations that in themselves increase the risk of failure to human travellers. Put it this way, if your new to swimming, i.e water, why the hell would you try to get from one end of the pool to the other via the deep end...... why would you do that ?? - given the obvious dangers such an undertaking presents. In other words - Baby steps first. Crawl before you can walk....and so forth. Unless of course you've got someone in between you and the shallow end. Sure, didn't some of the astronauts themselves say when they were on the moon that they were being monitored by someone else? Didn't at least one astronaut say that they had actually witnessed massive craft on the other side of a crater observing them as they were going about carrying out their experiments...I believe at least one of those feeds was intercepted by some slick techno Radio Geek at the time. I remember viewing the supposed transcripts and listening to some of the supposed audio on line, sounding very authentic....and there are many transcripts covering more than one apollo mission to choose from. Type in a search and you'll find them. They sound pretty convincing to me. It's very plausable that they are in fact, or at least the vast majority of them, quite genuine. At the time NASA's encryption techniques or alternative methods for radio communication in locking out Joe Public from the big picture would'nt have been as good as they are today. After all NASA were very proud of themselves, and rightfully so, sending a spacecraft safely to the moon and back with less computing power to work with that one of todays digital wrist watches.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by mysteryskeptic
NASA is a Big Waste! I love em, but hate em.
Can we first have some high resolution pictures of the surface of the moon?
How about all certain dark areas that are in question by moon enthusiast, we can also include all the junk that was left with the prior moon landings?

How about We the People get some high resolution pics first before
We the People fork over our dough so people can then hide things from us?

Do we mine the moon? Been To Mars? Talk with ET?
For me, I don't care I just want a sandwich,
while I eat I would like to browse high resolution pictures of places we all would like to see on the moon before we spend billions to go there again.

I say we don't need to go anywhere and all should lose their Jobs in NASA until someone talks!

Right. NASA is a huge waste. That huge waste has expanded our knowledge of the comos several times fold. That waste spends more money then anyone on the planet trying to find life elsewhere in the universe. That waste is currently discovering more and more worlds out there, some habitable. That waste, which will find evidence of aliens long before any of you armchair conspiracy theorists who base ridiculous conspiracy theories on a few fuzzy pictures.

NASA has contributed more to our knowledge of the cosmos then anyone in the past decades, you demonstrate your ignorance by mocking them in such a manner.

Also, furthermore, high resolution pictures of the moon do exist. Including of the apollo landing sites:

I guess you never heard of LCROSS.

This year NASA will also launch the mars science laboratory, to establish whether or not mars was ever habitable.

NASA has expanded our knowledge greatly. What have you done?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by NavalFC
The People of ATS' ability to completely butcher a sentence into implying something it never meant and then using it for the basis of a moronic conspiracy theory never ceases to amaze me.

Not quite sure what you think you accomplish by constantly telling people who disagree with you that they are morons


And yet... you feel the need in just about every thread

Get real. Look at my recent posts. Its been ALONG TIME since Ive used the word moron outside of this thread., but I am going to go out on a limb here:

If you believe that, from hearing Buzz Aldrin say he'd like us to go to mars, that he was tacitly admitting that he has been to mars, then yes, you are a moron.

How anyone can go from listening to Aldrin's statement - > US has a secret space program thats already on mars, its downright moronic.

The other conspiracy theories here, while downright ridiculous, some of them I can see atleast how people could come to believe them. I can see what thought process might be leading them to that conclusion. But this thread has nothing, its inventing a conspiracy theory based on NOTHING MORE then butchering the meaning of someones statement into something it DID NOT mean. Its like Foxnews: ATS Edition.
The US has been to mars before, as per what others have said. We have several probes there, and a new one going this year. Just because he said "go back" doesn't imply he has personally been there! Why is this so hard to understand?

If I say "I hope we go back to the moon" does that mean I have personally been there? NO.

Furthermore, even from a conspiratorial point of view this MAKES NO FRIGGING SENSE. Do you know how many thousands of people it took just to get to the moon?

Now you expect people to believe that the US not only did that, but engaged in a technology development process to send astronauts to mars, which would have taken thousands upon thousands of people and hundreds of millions of man hours , and no one found out anything? and no one noticed our missing astronauts?
The most secret US project in history, project Manhattan was even infiltrated. So keeping something of even bigger scope larger secret? No. Or you really believe that they really did keep it secret, and then just all of a sudden Aldrin and everyone blurts it out just for fun and NO one picks it up,

Its RIDICULOUS. The premise for the theory in this thread is RIDICULOUS. It makes no sense!

Those of you UFO believers who are frustrated that the scientific community wont take your issues seriously, looking at this thread is it not easy to see why? When grammatical butchering all of a sudden constitutes evidence of a conspiracy of the highest caliber?

if you ever want the UFO field taken seriously, this is the kind of thing the UFO community must excise from itself.
edit on 15-2-2011 by NavalFC because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Its a 5 year trip to Mars

Dont you think someone wouldve noticed if Buzz Aldrin had been away for at least 10 years?

Edit- Or maybe that was one year? Cant remember

[edit on 2/2/2010 by OzWeatherman]

well.... he has only been popping up in the media in the last few years, and looking quite ancient... where was he between 1970-2000??? Mars????.....

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:16 PM
Damn. I came to the thread too late.

We need to remember one thing about traveling to mars. There is a very small windown of opprotunitt to do so. You have to send a man when mars is close to the earth and that is a short period throughout the year. It's either a couple of months to get to mars or a couple of years depending on when you go.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by elfulanozutan0
Damn. I came to the thread too late.

We need to remember one thing about traveling to mars. There is a very small windown of opprotunitt to do so. You have to send a man when mars is close to the earth and that is a short period throughout the year. It's either a couple of months to get to mars or a couple of years depending on when you go.

And you'd better make sure you leave before the window's closed or you're in for a long stay.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:12 AM
After watching the video, I will tell you exactly what was said......

Buzz Aldrin was stated that he agreed with Obama and that the moon has been done to death 40 years ago at a cost of 9 billion dollars, Buzz believes that the money needs spent on technology so we can go further and faster (ie to Mars) and what Gene said in the interview was that he and Buzz didn't always see eye to eye, but he does support Buzz's ideas of going back to Mars as in our presence, ie the rovers.

Gene DID NOT indicate that a man had been to Mars, but mankind has reached Mars technologically.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by Reptilian_Queen
I think that not going back to the moon is a huge mistake. If we are going to go to Mars, we need to create a base on the Moon for refueling and replenishment of supplies. To put things in layman's terms, you can't go from one coast to the other without stopping somewhere in between.

No worries... plans well underway.. despite what they tell you in the news...


Aquila cargo ships

A Mars mission departing from L-1 with mass of 686 tons can be placed on the trans-Mars trajectory expending lunar-origin propellants and just one of the Lunar Vehicles, requiring an additional 13 Aquila launches.

They are launched by Boeing Integrated Defense System's Delta IV heavy lifters, the same ones sending up secret NRO monster payloads right now

Now who makes these Aquilas? Why Starcraft Boosters Inc... says so at the top of the paper...

Who are they you ask?

Why none other than BUZZ ALDRIN

Starcraft Boosters

The Aquila

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by zorgon

You failed to reply to my u2u, but I still find you posts fascinating.

edit on 16-2-2011 by dsm1664 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Reptilian_Queen
I think that not going back to the moon is a huge mistake. If we are going to go to Mars, we need to create a base on the Moon for refueling and replenishment of supplies. To put things in layman's terms, you can't go from one coast to the other without stopping somewhere in between.

No worries... plans well underway.. despite what they tell you in the news...


Aquila cargo ships

A Mars mission departing from L-1 with mass of 686 tons can be placed on the trans-Mars trajectory expending lunar-origin propellants and just one of the Lunar Vehicles, requiring an additional 13 Aquila launches.

They are launched by Boeing Integrated Defense System's Delta IV heavy lifters, the same ones sending up secret NRO monster payloads right now

Now who makes these Aquilas? Why Starcraft Boosters Inc... says so at the top of the paper...

Who are they you ask?

Why none other than BUZZ ALDRIN

Starcraft Boosters

The Aquila

uh huh. right. The US has a secret space program and no one notices. uh huh sure.. This is nonsensical zorgon

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by NavalFC
uh huh. right. The US has a secret space program and no one notices. uh huh sure.. This is nonsensical zorgon

I don't think it's implausible to believe that they have a secret space program, but i'd bet it was all to do with missile defence and spying than anything else.

Peoples imaginations are a great thing, but can also be a great hindrance. Humans are lucky enough to be able to recognise patterns and put together clues better than today's computers can, but we are also easily fooled and led astray.

It's idiotic to think that we have sent humans to Mars as it's only recently that we have began to understand the effects it would have on those who made the journey, but also, the money and technology required to get there and be sure that it is safe .... something that we still aren't 100% sure of. There is an element of risk and I'm not sure NASA or any other space agency, unless it's some Chinese or Russian thing, would be silly enough to attempt it without making sure that a return is possible. One of the issues being that if it got out....there would be all hell to play, human rights activists would be out en-mass.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by NavalFC
uh huh. right. The US has a secret space program and no one notices. uh huh sure.. This is nonsensical zorgon

Well Herr Ostrich... the US had a secret space program before NASA
Richard Truly was one of those astronauts. He later became director of NASA (he was the one that killed NASA's ET law) then Vice Admiral of the NAVY and finally first commander of the Naval Space Command

You can also see the secret astronaut corps on PBS Nova. This was the first group. The Russian space station Almaz flew until 1972

You can say its ridiculous all you want but I know better.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by StarblazerUK
It's idiotic to think that we have sent humans to Mars as it's only recently that we have began to understand the effects it would have on those who made the journey, but also, the money and technology required to get there and be sure that it is safe .... something that we still aren't 100% sure of.

You forget about the jump gates
But seriously... this is ATS... Your calling a lot of people idiotic

There is an element of risk and I'm not sure NASA or any other space agency, unless it's some Chinese or Russian thing, would be silly enough to attempt it without making sure that a return is possible.

The Cold War was a ruse... even Wernher von Braun told us that Russia was a 'manufactured enemy' just like terrorists are today (#2 on his list) Russia and the US used that to arm up. Read the book "Two Sides of the Moon: Our Story of the Cold War Space Race" by astronaut David Scott and cosmonaut Alexei Leonov

Kennedy was snuffed because he stuck his nose into it

Buzz Aldrin is also senior science advisor to Gravwave LLC, a company that is working on gravity waves and anti gravity with the Chinese... quite possibly with the missing Dr Ning Li

As to China in space... a picture is worth a thousand words

One of the issues being that if it got out....there would be all hell to play, human rights activists would be out en-mass.

An there you just gave the main reason that disclosure will never happen

Besides what the heck could human rights activists do about it anyway? Exxon is already building the pipeline from Bejing to Tibet to tap all that oil, the real reason Tibet will never be free

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:09 PM
He obviously didn't mean it literally. What a ridiculous thread.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by NavalFC

Since your avatar name is Naval I don't mind sharing that the Navy has been on the moon for years, long before the astronauts. So, what do you really know is the question?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

You forget about the jump gates
But seriously... this is ATS... Your calling a lot of people idiotic

Jump gates? oh come on lol.

And i'm not calling anyone idiotic, i'm merely saying it's an idiotic frame of mind to take when there is still NO evidence for this and this thread is nothing more than supposition at it's best. A quote taken out of context. Some here would make great fox news reporters with the hyperbole and quote mining

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by dsm1664
You failed to reply to my u2u, but I still find you posts fascinating.

I do not see a u2u from you

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Since your avatar name is Naval I don't mind sharing that the Navy has been on the moon for years, long before the astronauts. So, what do you really know is the question?

I have found in my research that those in the NAVY are very forthcoming with info and have never lied to me... so I am seriously smelling fish with this handle "NavalFC"

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