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Chavez brings the house down in Copenhagen

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posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 01:46 AM
Chavez is right unrestrained capitalism does evolve into fascism.If Obama was at Copenhagen he would have walked like most of the elite puppets do when someone insults their masters.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Venezuela's ongoing arms acquisitions--coupled with weapons purchases among other South American nations--have raised concerns over an arms race in the region.

well, what would you expect them to do when US threatened to invade Venezuela so many times?

just to sit and watch?

[edit on 19-12-2009 by donhuangenaro]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 03:10 AM
those are fighting words out of mr chavez mouth, i guess we can expect full blown world war soon, the death toll will be in the billions. after its all over the gobal plan for depopulation will be done, the people in power will stay in power, and history will show again that the same people orchestrated both sides of the war.

we need to stop following these idiots, none of them make sense when they want to put us against one another. we the people need to learn to accept others for how they are and how ever they wish to live, and not try to change everyone into something we wish to see, we dont have to like each other but we should tolerate each other.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by T0XiK]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 03:27 AM
Lol, all of you people who somehow support Chavez or Communism, have never experienced the evils which both of them perpetrate. If you even partially enjoy the freedoms & liberties which you possess within the United States, or any number of other "Western Nations", then you would be in for an extremely rude awakening when experiencing Chavez and Communism.

It is extremely hilarious as well that Chavez should talk about "Democracy", when he shuts down TV Stations, Radio Networks, and anyone who even looks at him cross-eyed.

Get a life people, and great job in supporting one of the most oppressive systems of governance ever known to mankind.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
Lol, all of you people who somehow support Chavez or Communism, have never experienced the evils which both of them perpetrate. If you even partially enjoy the freedoms & liberties which you possess within the United States, or any number of other "Western Nations", then you would be in for an extremely rude awakening when experiencing Chavez and Communism.

It is extremely hilarious as well that Chavez should talk about "Democracy", when he shuts down TV Stations, Radio Networks, and anyone who even looks at him cross-eyed.

Get a life people, and great job in supporting one of the most oppressive systems of governance ever known to mankind.

like you have lived in communism, so you are an expert?

in fact, I have lived in communism most of my young ages, and things were much better then... now in democracy everything is falling apart, more and more people are living on streets searching food in garbage, factories that made handsome profits are 'privatized' and destroyed, etc, etc... those things never happened even in worst times in communism...

so, maybe you should check out the facts before you tell people to get life, and look unintelligent in front of everyone

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by donhuangenaro

in fact, I have lived in communism most of my young ages, and things were much better then... now in democracy everything is falling apart, more and more people are living on streets searching food in garbage, factories that made handsome profits are 'privatized' and destroyed, etc, etc... those things never happened even in worst times in communism...


Another one who romanticizes communism. No, that never happened. You only had Stalin killing millions of his own people or the Chinese communist killing millions of their own people in the cultural revolution. As bad as prisons are here in the west they can't compete with the gulags or reeducation camps.

Sure there were no people searching through the garbage for food. They only had to stand in line for 10 to 15 hours for bread and toilet paper. Then if there was none left they had to come back on the next odd or even days.

Let me ask you a question?

If communism was such a paradise why did those people suffering [Excuse me] I mean living under it chose to overthrow the yoke of that oppression?

Hell, even the Chinese are capitalist now. I don't see too many of them running around with their little Mao's red books anymore. More like checkbooks.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:32 AM
i applaud chavez! he is the strong man of south america and a thorn in imperialistic america's ass. he is a man of the people, for his people as demonstrated by the unprecedented uprising after the coup of 2002, which saw hundreds of thousands citizens surround the presidential palace until he was released. a coup that the u.s was certainly forewarned of and most likely agitated covertly.
can anyone imagine such an uprising on the behalf of w bush?
chavez has an amazing record as a humanitarian, evidenced by his supplying cheap and free heating oil to more than 200,000 families across poor america in 2005, after katrina he offered to send aid and more oil to new orleans while bush sat frozen staring at the head lights.....again.
this year he has commisioned a phone to be made locally that will have camera, music, video and wap and will be sold for $15! take that NOKIA...
this man has more charisma, vision, verve and personal power than the mannequins in the white house.
may he live a long time and continue to fight against american oppression.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:33 AM
What we are seeing is people have had enough of the state the world is in, and even the other side of the fence which has it's equal number of demons seems attractive to many. These are dangerous times with real unrest and global war being a possibility, clearful leadership is required on all countries parts to steer us through this into a different model. I am not talking about an elite based one world government but something different.. Change really is needed and not just the shouted mantra of Obama's election campaign which he sailed through on. Real change for the sake of all mankind and the planet.

Communism or a reworked version could work but you need one thing, if EVERYONE was paid the exact same wage from leader to street cleaner.

At that point you would have a society which was fair and people would do a job they liked rather than what they must to bring in the right dollars. It would be an interesting model framework to write up and debate (might have a shot this weekend). Produce only what was needed rather than what you think you can sell. I sudder to think how much waste goes on with things being made to be destroyed due to no sale.

A real even playing field, a pipe dream I know but a man can at least find peace in dreams. If people wanted more then everyone works for it and moves forward together, technology and scientific development would break off into more productive ventures rather than profit driven ones..

There would be no elite, someone would govern the country based on a desire to do good and actually advance the human race rather than greed which is what we have worldwide without exception. Your secret societies could not get a foothold, people might actually start to care about the human race and work together for a change.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
But what is going in our nation is can not be denied, capitalism in America is only benefiting the few.

Where`d you get your internet-access? Where`d you get your computer? Your clothes? Your food? Your drinks?

IN Venezuela its increasingly difficult to get stuff. In Zimbabwe the option was lost long ago.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

You are correct, communist countries are defeated by greed. They have swallowed the corporate pill and have taken the poison. China and Russia will be like America in a very short period of time. That is not a good thing... Just some new faces to join the elite dinner club

A new model is urgently required if we are all not to be struck down with greed. Elite based NWO is not the way to go either!

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69


Another one who romanticizes communism. No, that never happened. You only had Stalin killing millions of his own people or the Chinese communist killing millions of their own people in the cultural revolution. as bad as prisons are here in the west they can't compete with the gulags or reeducation camps.

Sure there were no people searching through the garbage for food. They would only stand in line for 10 hours for bread and then if there was none left they had to come back on the next odd or even days.

Let me ask you a question?

If communism was such a paradise why did those people suffering [Excuse me] I mean living under it chose to overthrow the yoke of that oppression?

Hell, even the Chinese are capitalist now. I don't see too many of them running around with their little Mao's red books anymore. More like checkbooks.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by SLAYER69]

I am not romanticizing anything, I know what I saw and where I lived...

yes, in communism people died, but in the same time your democracy killed twice as more...

with only two bombs in Japan more than 500 000 people died, I will not add other millions that your democracy killed in the name of imaginary freedom (read: profit)...

so you can laugh as much as you want, it does not change the facts...

[edit on 19-12-2009 by donhuangenaro]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:46 AM
To understand more about Chavez :

Google Video Link

Else - just repeat what you have been told.

people are now well-informed about the opinions of Time magazine and CBS, The New York Times and the President; their job is to choose which pre-thought thoughts, which received opinions, they like best. The élite in this new empire of ignorance are those who know the most pre-thought thoughts.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by pai mei]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by Bunker or Bust
China and Russia will be like America in a very short period of time. That is not a good thing... Just some new faces to join the elite dinner club

I agree...

There is plenty of room for improvement. People are sadly mistaken if they are delusional enough to believe that the old communist states didn't have their ELITES. If you weren't a "PARTY" member and part of the upper crust you were a nobody.

As bad as some people feel things are presently. Under the influence of the Capitalist systems of the west, the world has seen the largest increase in over all prosperity and also the largest increase in the Earths population. Due mostly to better nutrition and availability of medicine and food.

Are there Areas on Earth where this has failed?

It's not a perfect system.
I doubt anybody would claim it is.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by donhuangenaro

yes, in communism people died, but in the same time your democracy killed twice as more...

Do you have any sources to back that up or are you speaking out of your backside?

Don't tell me you believe all that garbage about how the US is responsible for 90 or 100 millions death worldwide since the end of WWII? Because if you actually look at those figures you will note that the Communist were accountable for half those numbers.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 05:16 AM
Yeah good ole Hugo Chávez the humanitarian...
you know back in 2002 he could have made his political rivals suffer... he didn't, he hand them humanly shot in the head...

Hugo Chávez did guarantee a speedy trial by getting rid of due process, you know how time consuming collecting evidence can be...

Look at all the good work hes done with the Colombian guerrillas... those poor people out there all alone... he gave them uniforms so they wouldn't be cold, machineguns, rockets launchers and plenty of ammo, cause we all know an RPG is the best way to hunt up your supper.

Poor misunderstood Hugo Chávez of course hes going to shut down all those mean and nasty newspapers and TV stations who said all those horrible things about him... when an international group looking into human rights violations showed up unannounced he naturally sent a peace envoy to greet them...

On September 18, we released a report in Caracas that shows how President Hugo Chávez has undermined human rights guarantees in Venezuela. That night, we returned to our hotel and found around twenty Venezuelan security agents, some armed and in military uniform, awaiting us outside our rooms. They were accompanied by a man who announced—with no apparent sense of irony—that he was a government "human rights" official and that we were being expelled from the country.

Grow up and stop whining... you have no idea how bad, bad can get! Hugo Chávez is no saint or savor... that's not a happy to see you smile on his face either


[edit on 19-12-2009 by DaddyBare]

[edit on 19-12-2009 by DaddyBare]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 05:24 AM
Everyone plays an angle and Chavez plays his. All these angles are about money and power, nothing more. The has and has not, and in this case Chaves is a has. Being a has means he will fight tooth and nail to keep it. I don't see the poor in his country any better off than before he was in office. I don't see a middle class either, nor any real change for the good.

Chaves is also incline to stay in power as long as Castro did, well you know...its good for the people.

Last time I looked every country is out for themselves, so America is no different than any other country other than we are the 800 pound gorilla and Venezuela is the 3 pound Chihuahua, but would love to be the 800 pound gorilla in a second.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:00 AM
What made this country ? Years ago, big waves of european inmigrants came to this country escaping from misery...what kind of ideology was spreading out there in those days?....exactly you guessed.

There is nothing wrong with capitalism and the seek of economical progress, all little business belong to people with faith in our economy and they create jobs for more persons.

Ideas like socialism are now been used like a mask for powerfull evil people like bankers and dictators. Different from the socialism that came out as an option in other countries years ago, that one came from poor people trying to find an option to fight back misery mostly created by wars.

Today we have the richest and powerfull people of the world raising this same flag and playing with us. They just want total control.

There is nothing wrong with Socialism neither if it comes from decent people wishing a better distribution in the world.

We live in polarity terms, that's the way everything is, we got hot summers and cold winters, we need days and nights. Is the balance of 2 what keep us safe in the middle. When one of the forces is missing, freedom is at risk.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:29 AM
Wow. Dont you love it when a sucker misses the point? Capitalism, communism, socialism... its all the same bull . It doesnt matter a godamn what political system you favour. The FACT is that there is not a single model for political governance that cannot be corrupted by a few powerful or adequately insane individuals or groups.
You have to realise that what ever system you happen to subscribe to , the same suit wearing , douche that controls you now, would still have risen to do so in a different system, or one just like him. What people need to realise is that in a world where our choices have been taken from us, and our ability to determine the course our individual nations take has NEVER been further from the grasp of the people, there is no fair way anymore. There is NO ONE you can trust to steer your course for you, and so many are now incapable of steering themselves that the governance that was once pointless and wasteful, is now required to prevent catastrophic breakdown of social order.
The only civilians who get to change things are people with tones of cash to buy politicians with. They all live off the fat of OUR land, while doing NOTHING to actualy benifit it. They merely choose who to screw and how to cream off a bit of any potential profits for themselves and the dark dismal creeps who own thier souls.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by truthquest
reply to post by Misoir

I don't know where Chavez has seen any capitalism. I have not seen much of it anywhere in the world. I see people agreeing with Chavez. Okay, point out the capitalism then.

Well the Russians love Chavez's form of capitalism something to the tune of 6.2+ Billion and counting in recent arms sales.

Well consider it's a drop in the ocean to the spending by the US on military hardware and a second drop on the amount given to Israel gratis in terms of weapons. Chavez is spending their oil revenue (or part thereof) on military upgrades.

From my point of view more should be spend on the countries infrastructure, but that has not been the case anywhere for the last 1000 years.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by donhuangenaro
Don't tell me you believe all that garbage about how the US is responsible for 90 or 100 millions death worldwide since the end of WWII? Because if you actually look at those figures you will note that the Communist were accountable for half those numbers.

Absolutely true, if someone were lobbing explosives in your direction would you try to fight back?

Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. etc. all the ones in between and always an excuse about how "they" treat "their" citizens of their "sovereign" country. So you drop death from the air and call the citizens "collateral damage".

Not forgetting all the other things you leave behind, from Agent Orange to Depleted Uranium.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by prof-rabbit]

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