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Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Our strict rules against the discussion of personal recreational use of drugs -- including naturally-occuring mind-altering substances -- is still in place. Any member discussing, promoting, or otherwise alluding to personal recreational use of drugs in this forum will be immediately banned from ATS without warning.
Why is this censorship necessary? Why restrict freedom of speech on a topic relevant to so many people regardless of race or social status?!?
I understand where you're coming from with this line of thinking, but then again, would you say to such people, "You sir, have made a career out of being the lackey of an increasingly fascist state."? Not if you value your freedom, eh?
Would you say it to a cop or judge? If the answer is no, then you probably won't want to say it in this forum either.
You sir, have made a career out of being the lackey of an increasingly fascist state.
Originally posted by Mr Mask
Or do you "not" look at the "rules" put in place by the owners of houses you visit?
Originally posted by whatukno
someone who can't possibly understand some simple guidelines want's to push it to the point that the administration of the site will be forced to once again shut down the discussion altogether.
Originally posted by whatukno
My advice to you, if you can't understand what can and what should not be said in this forum, please by all means stay away from this forum.
Originally posted by whatukno
if you find difficulty with it please, don't ruin the forum for everyone because of your lack of reading comprehension ability or insane need to push the envelope of decency and decorum.
Originally posted by whatukno
Or to put it simply, please don't tell us your personal stoner stories.
Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
This site claims to offer space for discussion on alternative topics, yet they censor pretty much every topic of genuine interest an importance. Not only does that make no sense whatsoever, it is deceptive towards those who seek genuine enlightenment and keeps them thinking inside the box.
Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
Why? It makes no sense for a forum on "alternative topics" and "conspiracy" to censor the discussion on the use of marihuana, psychedelics or empathogenics from a therapautic point of view.
Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
This sounds like Marxist totalitarianism: "if you won't agree with us, please shut up." How does such an attitude match the purpose of this forum?
Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
This forum would only be enriched by eliminating this silly censorship and allowing free debate on substance use.
Originally posted by PC equals Newspeak
There are three kinds of drug users : stoners, psychonauts and patients. Stoners use drugs in an attempt to escape reality. Psychonauts use drugs in an attempt to better understand reality. Patients use drugs for therapeutic purposes. Although the first group is probably the vast majority, this doesn't change the fact that there are different ways and reasons to use drugs.
I'm not a stoner but a psychonaut, just like many great thinkers in the past and present. Why should I not have the right to defend the psychonautic or therapeutic use of either chemical or natural substances on a website dealing with alternative medicine, conspiracy and sedition?!?
Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by Goathief
You can U2U it to any Super Moderator and they can see whether or not it's acceptable. Super moderators have jurisdiction over the entire site not just one forum.
Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by Goathief
I am sure they will assign some poor overworked under appreciated mod the thankless task of overseeing this forum.
Until then, might I suggest Mirthful Me as the Super Moderator you send your query to? I understand that he is quite fair.
Originally posted by whatukno
It is the owners site, they can do what they want with it. If they forbade the use of the word "Spam" the only thing you could really do about it is start up your own site dedicated to the specific use of the word "Spam" as much as possible.
Originally posted by whatukno
For many of us, the simple rules the owners have provided aren't a hindrance at all.
Originally posted by whatukno
Makes perfect sense as far as a successful business model goes, the owners here don't want this place to devolve into 4chan.
Originally posted by whatukno
Or perhaps saying it like this, please don't ruin this for the rest of us because you have personal issues.
Originally posted by whatukno
Free debate is one thing, swapping drug stories is another, you know, self incrimination right?
Originally posted by whatukno
Maybe, just maybe, they don't want you to be blathering on about your own personal drug habits online so that you can be just a tad bit more secure.
Originally posted by whatukno
See, this is what they don't want you to be talking about. The reason is that it just screams to people that might want to put you in jail that you might just be doing something you shouldn't.
Originally posted by whatukno
Again, yes this is an important discussion topic, please be mindful of the small amount of rules they want you to go by so that the topic can be discussed and everyone can join into that discussion. I don't see what is so hard about that.
Aren't my rights protected by the First Ammendment and the fact that I live in Europe?
Originally posted by whatukno
Well, no, living in Europe means that you have no First Amendment rights at all, you have whatever form of free speech rights whatever country you live in has. Funny thing about American laws, they only apply to Americans.
Originally posted by whatukno
But I see you probably would rather that no one be able to discuss these issues at all, rather than slightly limiting your scope of discussing these issues. For all of us that will be effected once they decide that thanks to people like you that can't leave well enough alone and want to whine and break whatever rules you find unfair please don't.
Originally posted by whatukno
Some of us understand the rules as given, and accept them, and want to post in this new forum within the guidelines given.
The ATS server is located in the US. To my knowledge, US legislation applies to any speech expressed on this website.
If rules are unjust, it is only normal people want to break them. Considering the scope of this forum, the censorship of topics on history, anthropology and narcotics is in contradiction with that scope. Also, it's pretty totalitarian.
I don't see the point of contributing much of my spare time to a forum that forces people to think outside of the box and censors or bans anyone who dares to think beyond, especially when that forum is supposed to be decidated to alternative topics like alternative medicine and conspiracy.