oh dear, as a european who's fairly vocal about my views i'm sure i've contributed to your rage -sorry mate.
You gotta understand that Europe has been around for a real long time, we've got complex political and social sensibilitys which a developing nation
like america simply hasn't had the time to develop. I'm not trying to say that europe is more advanced or anything of the sort, simply that our
cultral traditions are more 'complex' than yours - now don't get me wrong; i watch your telly, observe your politics, radio, internets, music, etc,
etc because some really great stuff has come from america and i truly respect and like the american nation.
That said, many of my favourite people from america suffer greatly the injustice of the modern world - everyone from Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker,
Hunter S Thompson, Bill Hicks, etc, etc, etc - you do not live in a perfect nation. I live in a protofashist courporate monachy i'm not saying i'm
any better off than you, i'm no more or less polite about the system i live under.
The system in america is of course a continuation of christendom or 'the european empire' now called the western empire, much to the annoyance of
australia... Whatever anyone says or however much we may try to deny it europe and america are closely entwined - like old friends with more than a
few old quarrals and debts remembered, it feels like we have to say something when we think you're slipping into err -because we love you, even if we
don't always like you
Think of it like this, most american 'patriots' (nationalists) will tell you that Muslims should be speaking out against the terror attacks - even
though one side is sunny and the other shia, even though one side is arab the other oriental, even though one side is at war with the other. Yet you
don't think that english people have the right to speak out against our friends, our alies, our former colony?
You delve deep into history and thats a good thing, we must always remember history and try to learn from it - but never, never hang onto it - it'll
drag you away -nothing can slow it's tireless conveyer belt. Whatever happened in the past has happened, the only thing we can change is the future
and the only way we can do it is by doing the best was can in the present.
America has massive power and influence, mostly because rich europeans moved their banking enterprises over to the new world as europe began to
fracture towards the end of the 19th century - it has scientific excellence, mostly because its a continuation of the scientific enlightenment began
in europe - it has some degree of culture, although disney usaly buys anything good from the counter-culture covers it in plastic and inserts a prowar
progreed fantasy induceing delusion in place of the original honest truth which made it worthwhile in the first place.
It pains me to admit it but in many respects modern america is better than modern europe! of course most americans are too fat to get to the libary
to borrow a book they would be too dumb to read and so will never understand exactly what they're saying when they repeat their 'i want guns not
healthcare' mantra so it goes both ways....
Personally i love it when american comedians talk about british people, never taken offence once (lol he's so right i DO have bad teeth!) nor have i
when other nations attack us for our misdeeds - i'm glad they do and i hope someone listens and it helps to steer us back onto a better course.
I want to do my bit to help those suffering the oppressions of the system where ever i can in the world, i want to make help people to think of all
sides of an issue and choose the best option, i want to make sure that the world i will have to live in for atleast 50 more years will be a good,
honest and stable one. We can't let crazy TV Evangelical exstreamists hijack the democracys flagship nation, we can't let good people down and we
can't ignore people doing wrong; whoever they are or whyever they do it.
in short, only people who know they're in the wrong say 'mind your own business' and no i won't - because i love you.