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An attack on America by Europe

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posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Friend let me ask you a question. When was the last time you were born or raised here?

I was born and raised in America.

How would you know us any better than we know ourselves? Oh Yeah let me guess you've seen some stuff on TV or in the movies. No wait let me guess you watched some MSM news report on racism or Social equality?

See above.

Nobody ever said we were not divided. Hell that's the way we should be.

We should be divided? LOL!

However those divisions disappear when it matters.

And when it no longer matters then what? You go right back to hating and killing. I mean look at the Revolutionary War and look at how African Americans were treated afterwards. Look at the Civil War and how they were treated afterwards. Look at WWI and WWII and how they were treated afterwards. Look at the Korean and Vietnam war and see how they were treated afterwards. Racism, segregation, lynching’s, mutilations, rape, deprivation, you name it ‘buddy’, and it’s all there for your enjoyment.

What part of get over it can't you get over?

This is why yourself and others don’t make sense. If you go to a doctor and tell the doctor you have a problem, what does he or she usually do? They usually LISTEN first. Well...they might ask if you have insurance, but disregard that for right now. They listen to you and then they speak. Afterwards they diagnose the problem and then the doctor prescribes a remedy for the ailment. This is something that has NOT happened in America but needs to.

Oh yeah you can't that's why you feel the need to rant. Well if Bush and now Obama can't make us change our minds what makes you think you can persuade us? You can't so Get over it!

I’m not ranting and I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind. I already said you people live in a bubble, and the only way you take a peak outside the bubble is when it pops. However, I will tell the truth, so in that sense you’re the one who should get over it.

Listen to whom? You? Why would we want to?

NO! Listen to the people who said they’ve been wronged! Listen to the people who’re saying they have been ostracized and are underserved. Listen to the people in poverty, in war torn countries, in the hospitals. Listen to people who have been INFECTED by America.

Let me ask you a question. Would you listen to us on how to better the situation where you live? I highly doubt you would. Unlike you I wont use a woman's voice. I'm a man and I've said how I feel.

I live in America. I’m listening. How do we make it better? "We make it better by making it better. "That is the so-called ‘logic’ of many on this board, and if this board is an accurate representation of America, I can stand firmly and say this country is not doomed, but has already died.

We bitch and moan and sometimes come to blows over our differences. Is this bad? Or just an example of how we do things here.

It often extends outside of the country and has a negative impact on others.

Well that's your opinion. I'm pretty sure if we were discussing your country we could find all kinds of things to scrutinize.

We’re doing exactly that. Next you’ll say, “If you don’t like it so much leave”, and that in itself is preposterous.

Which by the way what is your country? Shall we go through it's past and present with a fine toothed comb as well. I'm sure the readers would love to hear a similar dissection.

America, now let’s go through it’s past and present with a fine toothed comb.

I haven't met too many Americans that would call themselves "Euocentric" especially not a New Yorker or a Texan!

They don’t have to call themselves that they live it. Whether they acknowledge it or not is the question. Take schools for example, I know it’s nothing but a breeding ground for worker bee’s, but what are they teaching the kids? European values and Eurocentrism.

As far as slamming Europeans, are you blind or just in denial? When you pull your head out of your backside take a gander at some of the threads posted or the replies in many I see plenty of US slamming all day everyday. Welcome to the club.

America deserves more than a slamming, and the Europeans in this thread have been slammed.

These are your words you'll have to live with. I'll let them speak volumes about you by themselves.

They speak volumes about me because unlike you, I’m not afraid to say that my country is most likely a curse to the entire planet. From the amount of resources used, to the damage we’ve caused other nations (‘sovereign’ or not), I can look at what we’ve done and can clearly say the bad outweighs the good.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Dermo

Dermo, first, let me go on record and state that I would never, ever, even HINT at the Irish being part of ANYTHING but Ireland.

Never in my greatest nightmare!

Clearly a most stiff-backed of people who refuse to bow to any other. (Much like Spartans, but who can joke, laugh, sing, and raise hell with those they don't take kindly to.)

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Has anyone here ever denied that? I dont think so.

On this board? Absolutely. In this thread, I'm not sure because I haven't read every post. However, I wouldn't be surprised if someone in this thread denied it.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by dooper
Clearly a most stiff-backed of people who refuse to bow to any other. (Much like Spartans, but who can joke, laugh, sing, and raise hell with those they don't take kindly to.)

Another stereotype.. albeit a nicely romanticized and flattering one

Its just too easy to get carried away with them lol

[edit on 22/10/09 by Dermo]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE
I'm not sure because I haven't read every post. However, I wouldn't be surprised if someone in this thread denied it.


Well at least you're honest. Please feel free to indulge yourself.

It may enlighten you.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE

I was born and raised in America.

I stand corrected then. However anybody can go back through your replies on this and any of your other replies in other threads. For somebody who is supposed to be an American you use the phrase "They" in reference to the US as if you are not one of us. Why is that?

Friend, you must realize a certain portion, if not the majority of Americans, do not want to bridge any divides. Oh yeah they'll say they want to, but ask them how to move forward and you'll see they NEVER offer a viable solution to achieve progress. They'll resort to the "get over it" mantra

As far as your opinion [Be it American or not] You have a right to express it. This however doesn't mean I don't have my right to reply and disagree with yours.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

How is that fail? I haven't read every post here in this thread, so I can't say if it's been done. But from reading other threads on this board, where it has been done, the possibility exists.

Take your fail and know what to do with it.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

I stand corrected then. However anybody can go back through your replies on this and any of your other replies in other threads. For somebody who is supposed to be an American you use the phrase "They" in reference to the US as if you are not one of us. Why is that?

This is an easy one to answer. I feel no connection to this country. However, when I used the term "they" I was speaking in reference to the hypocrits, who say they want change and to bridge gaps, but in reality don't want to.

As far as your opinion [Be it American or not] You have a right to express it. This however doesn't mean I don't have my right to reply and disagree with yours.

You have the right to reply and disagree, I would never imply or state you can't do so.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE
This is an easy one to answer. I feel no connection to this country. However, when I used the term "they" I was speaking in reference to the hypocrits, who say they want change and to bridge gaps, but in reality don't want to.

Ahh I see.

So can we say that maybe your opinion of the US is a bit Biased?
And if others don't agree with your opinion or version of morality then they are a Hypocrite?

[edit on 22-10-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

Simply put:

I'm European and since in the past there has been horrible things happening in Europe, I'm not "qualified" to critize anything at all what is wrong with America's policies and what's going on in that country? I should just shut up and watch since someone in other country than the one where I am from happened to do some crimes against humanity 200-400 years ago? Where that kind of thinking leads would be:

Obama's goverment goes and makes some concentration camps kills 10 million people and then claims everything is still fine, Stalin was worse! He can be claimed from a lot bigger number of dead people.


posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by dooper

i'm not going to discuss this with you or SLAYER69, because both of your perceptions of me are terribly wrong. I'm not even European. This just go to show...ah nevermind.

And FYI: I've had plenty of luck in the real world

[edit on 22-10-2009 by cenpuppie]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Ahh I see. So can we say that maybe your opinion of the US is a bit Biased?

Absolutely not because I don't have a preference that leads to being impartial.

And if others don't agree with your opinion or version of morality then they are a Hypocrite?

No. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when that opinion comes in the form of a boot on someones neck I have a problem with it. They are hypocrits not because they don't agree with my opinion or morality, rather, they are hypocrits because they fit the definition of hypocrits and live their lives as such.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie

Take it from me and my recent experience in another thread. When people are predisposed to thinking a certain way, or have a certain view about you, it is best to say as little as possible and move on. It took me 2,000 ATS points to figure it out, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE
but when that opinion comes in the form of a boot on someones neck I have a problem with it.

Oh I see...

Well when was the last time someone placed their boot on your neck or attempted to?

Or mine for that matter?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

9/11, when our government flew planes into buildings, said the great boogyman did it, led us into a war where people have been slaughtered...and did it all in the name of democracy and peace.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE
reply to post by SLAYER69


Edit to add your change.

when our government flew planes into buildings, said the great boogyman did it, led us into a war where people have been slaughtered...and did it all in the name of democracy and peace.

How has that affected you?

Did you loose a family member that day? Have you like me had a son serve overseas? Are you not able to live your life free enough to express your opinions here in this forum unhindered? Are you living in the states now?

[edit on 22-10-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

Yea well, i try not to call out the attack dogs on someone's opinion unless it's seriously muffed.

What i find hilarious are people's tenants to make assumptions of you when you have a position and defend it. Then comes the your "this" or "that", heh. I find it quite funny really

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

How has that affected you?

As a tax payer it has affected me. If we're not a trillion dollars in debt now we'll be there soon. Moreover, as a citizen I'm affected by Homeland Security and the Patriot Act, so yes, I'm affected. For example, my brother like myself, didn't loose a family member. However, he had some money saved and that money would have been used to fund our company. After 9-11 the money went down the tube and know we're trying to bounce back and pick up the pieces.

Did you loose a family member that day?

No, loosing a family member to 9-11 is not a prerequisite to being affected by it.

Have you like me had a son serve overseas?

No, and I'm sure you didn't get much sleep. However, my father, rest his soul, was a WWII vet (smokescreen and gunner), some of my uncles (his brothers) were also army vets. Four of my brothers served (one overseas during the persian gulf war), have two brother in laws who served, and had a niece who returned from the Afghans like 2 years ago, a nephew who recently returned from Iraq, and a nephew who recently ended his stint with the navy. So again, while I've not had to endure the things you did (it's different because you're a parent), I do know what it's like to worry, what it's like to send those care packages out (I sent a many of those to my niece and nephews and they were large packages they were to share with their company) and what it's like to only have a five minute call or an email once every six months. Morover, I know what it's like when that person gets home and they have to readjust to life back home (yes it is painful.)

Are you not able to live your life free enough to express your opinions here in this forum unhindered?

Absolutely not. Because I can express my opinions here and those who are unfortunate to not have logic on their side will take them out of context.

Are you living in the states now?

Yes, and building up my business so I can eventually leave. I'm not concerned with all the doomsday stuff, collapse of the economy, etc. I'm pushing forward so I can do what I need to do so I can leave this country. I can't leave without an infrastructure in place, so best believe I'm working night and day to build it.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by EMPIRE

Are you living in the states now?

Yes, and building up my business so I can eventually leave. I'm not concerned with all the doomsday stuff, collapse of the economy, etc. I'm pushing forward so I can do what I need to do so I can leave this country. I can't leave without an infrastructure in place, so best believe I'm working night and day to build it.

Edit to Add: Star for your honesty

Well then I wish you a hardy good luck in your endeavors.

[edit on 22-10-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

I agree with Slayer on this.

If you're leaving, then good luck and Godspeed.

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