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Comet is comming fast and huge!!!

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posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 06:34 PM
you WOULD be, if NEAT were still to hit the earth, but we think we'll just pass through its tail. even so that close inland from a comet that size would save you naught. you would do better at that altitude farther inland. somewhere like detroit or in the highest points of the appelechians. depending on your distance from impact site, wheter the impact site is in or out of the water and if it doesn't strike at all. never have a site prepared with food and stuff like that cause any factor could make it a waste of money. have a list of places prepared for different situations

posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 06:36 PM
thats a possibility but if alot of people scrambled to the mountains there is not alot of places for me to go to, a few hundered miles up north , or about 75 miles west, or just sit tight about 50 miles inland in a relitively flat area...

posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 06:48 PM
yeah because i was thinking if it was a meteor shower i would probably be safer staying put were i am, and maybe trying to get underground.

with the war on iraq looming and me being a pesimist, i have started to put a survival kit together, at the moment got

12 ltrs of water,

maglite torch with 7 changes of batterys and 2 bulbs,

glow sticks incase the bulb in the torch breaks and i need to change the bulb and need alternative light without being power deppendant,

2 first aid kits,

tinned foods, and foiled wrapped foods nuts ect, about 10 days worth


thats all i have so far stuff i know i need is as follows

a multitool
a source of fire, matches/lighter more than one probably

i cant really think of anything obviosly that id need other than good boots and a thick coat so aperciated if you can think of anything obvious that i havent said..

posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 07:26 PM
here is what's on my to do list

to build an underground safe shelter maybe in a cave or something.

at least a months supply of water.

assorted tools and supplies etc... hammers, nails, screwdrivers, sword and knives, rope, gun to hunt with, lights and lighters, fire and stuff, even some flint stones if need be, water purifiers err actually part of first aid kit, and a portable radio with batteries and stuff.

if i am to go on my own i'm sure i could do pretty well, it's hard to survive on your own but it's not impossible. make sure that it's relatively safe and secret, but not far from a small town or something that i could go into for supplies or check out the ruins of??? if i should. i'm also reading a book or two about eatable plants and stuff in the wild. i advise anyone who plans on self survival do so as well.

posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 08:06 PM
I have heard several questions of what areas would be safe in the event of a large scale impact. I am not an authority on it, but I will share what I know on the subject. Please note, I am not an expert on the geography of the country, much less the world, so not certain as to specific areas... survivability will likely depend greatly on local topography... for that reason, I would strongly suggest that you obtain a set of topographic maps for your local area (I have a complete set, and have already made my plans according to them).

I have already mentioned the likelihood of an impact taking place in the southern hemisphere, as that is the direction NEAT is approaching from, and if it takes place, would likely be in the Pacific. Since we don�t know the exact size, velocity, or composition of the object, the best that I can do is use the Dino-Killer asteroid as an example, as that is the only event we have any hard evidence from. (I would like to make one statement however THAT NASA IS NOT HELPING THE SITUATION BY REFUSING TO SHARE SPECIFIC ACCURATE INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!)

Assuming that Dino-Killer impacted the south Pacific ocean (remember, Dino-Killer was about 6 miles in diameter, and the average comet nucleus is between 10 and 150 miles in diameter, however, something as small as 1 mile in diameter could still wipe out most of a hemisphere). From time of impact, there would be a double tidal wave generated, as well as tens of millions of cubic feet of water vaporized, and at least an equal volume of rock thrown into the stratosphere. The initial tidal wave would likely cause 100% fatalities in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii, the Phillipines, most of the coastal/island nations of the Pacific Rim, and would take out the US west coast, likely all the way to the Rockies (Las Vegas really could be ocean front property!) Most of central South America may well be spared, due to the high elevation of the Andes Mountains along the west coast of Chile and Peru. However, the Panama Canal Zone would be totally inundated, along with many areas of Central America. India and much of south Asia would share a similar fate. This would all happen within 0-3 hours or so of impact for the first tidal wave (estimated to be about 2-3 miles in height), with the second following less than an hour later (I doubt the 2nd would make any difference as there will likely be no survivors to notice). At this point we are talking at least 1 billion fatalities inside of 3 hours.

At the same time, from impact to 4 hours, expect large amounts of seismic activity, although not confined to the area directly opposite the impact zone. If you live near a known seismic zone, you will be affected. In the US, the San Andreas will be a non-issue due to the tidal wave, but I would expect severe activity associated with the New Madrid Fault Zone around Tennesee/Kentucky area.

Following these events, within 6-18 hours, the second round of tidal waves will arrive in the opposite side of the globe, in the Atlantic. Because a great deal of the energy will be depleted around the Pacific Rim, this one won�t be as high or devestating, although I would still expect a wall of water in excess of 1000 feet high to hit along most of the eastern seaboard, the gulf coast area, and along Europe/Africa. In the US, all of Florida will be gone, as well as large portions of the gulf coast region, and all along the eastern seaboard, likely as far inland for at least 10-30 miles, depending on topography. I would expect severe loss of life, as this is where a large % of the American population is concentrated, as well as in Portugal, France, Italy, Spain, the British Isles, and other exposed areas. At this point, I believe we may realistically be expecting 1/3 to � of the human population to have been wiped out.

Within 24-72 hours of impact, I would expect extreme downpours to begin around the world. This is due to the fact that the large volume of water vaporized on impact would begin to condense out of the atmosphere. Areas that survived the flood intact would still be at risk of localized flooding, as this is likely to be rainfall rates of feet/hour, and likely be global in extent. Also, this rain will likely bring down large amounts of rock and solid debris thrown into the atmosphere, so large numbers of mudslides are also likely.

Within 72-96 hours of impact, and lasting for at least weeks or longer, we will then have to deal with the mateial fall out of the impact. Large clouds of dust and debris will descend locally, depending on weather conditions. The density of these dustfalls could easily be great enough to cause suffocation/asphyxiation of anyone caught in the open. (Paleontologists have found evidence that large herds of animals were caught in the open in dustfalls, and hundreds dropped dead in thier tracks from dust suffocation.) This factor will likely be exacerbated by a spate of volcanism that will be induced and associated with the seismic activity immediately after impact.

One hazard that I just thought of also will be associated with these dust falls: Irridium. Irridium is a low grade radioactive material, that is rare in nature by relatively common in nickle/iron asteroids, and possibly in comets. This is the material that helped nail down the Dino-Killer Asteroid that ended the Cretacious by depositing an even layer of irridium across the globe after impact. Irridium is a very low level radioactive, so it will likely not cause radiation sickness in and of itself (although I suppose if you were coated in irridium dust for long periods, you could get surface radiation burns), however, it will likely be in the atmosphere in large amounts of dust.... if it were in sufficient density, and you were to inhale sufficient quantities, it would stay in your lungs in constant contact, and potentially cause lung cancers and other very unpleasant side effects. (Ironically, this and the dust falls may be the one job that the military MOPP gear is perfectly suited for).

Starting within a week or less, expect dramatic global climate changes, for the colder. There is no solid evidence of how long the nuclear winter could last, although it has been speculated that the Dino-Killer nuclear winter lasted anywhere from 50 to 200 years. Of course this doesnt mean the entire planet will end up as antarctica, but whatever climate you currently live in, expect it to be equivalent to moving 500-1000 feet higher in altitude at a minimum. Food production and the ecosystem in general will be very severely affected.

At this point, for the human survivors, cooperation on a scale never thought of before, combined with the best of technology and resourcefulness will be needed in order to make it through.

posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 08:54 PM
I remember seeing something posted in this thread that said the comet was near the range of 150 km/miles(?) ...
Say this is the case, would it be possible that the tail could have a 1km diameter astroid, possibly broken off from the solar flare?

posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 09:27 PM
In answer to the question about the size of the comet nucleus, I can only guess. (Again, this is a situation that NASA could help greatly if they decided to trust the American public with the truth!)

I stated, and believe, the average comet size to be between 10 and 150 miles in diameter... Also, speculatively, I believe NEAT to be somewhere on the larger end of this spectrum due to the immense size of its tail and coma. However, it is my understanding that most comets consist of approximately 60-75% volatiles. It appears that the vast majority of volatiles have been burned off of NEAT during perihelion (apparently with help from CMEs incited by HAARP, which would NOT be a coincidence) as it appears NEAT is no longer producing a tail, or at least not a very sizeable one. Hopefully, this would have reduced the size/mass of NEAT by 60-75%. However, if NEAT were to the larger end of the size spectrum that could still leave a body somewhere around 10-20 miles in diameter, and likely composed largely of nickle/iron or other very dense material.

If the nucleus did fragment during perihelion (a good chance that it did), all the large fragments would likely continue along "about" the general ballistic trajectory of the original nucleus, assuming that this trajectory was not greatly changed during perihelion and breakup. What this means is, if any sizeable fragments are likely to impact the planet, the majority of the nucleus remains have an equal chance of impacting the planet.

I don't believe that we are likely to encounter a very dense tail, since most volatiles have been burned off the comet, although some smaller fragments are possible for encounter. I doubt that something 1 km or larger would be encountered, however, fragments between 10-100 meters in diameter are a possibility.

Fragments between 10-30 meters would likely detonate in the high atmosphere, but with upwards of megaton force. This actually happens a couple dozen times a year, and is captured by the US KillSats that constantly monitor for nuclear detonations. However, these detonations lack the EMP signature, and therefore are discernable from a nuclear detonation, which is why one hasnt caused a nuclear war yet.

A fragment in the size of 100-300 meters would survive to the surface with an impact energy of multi-megatons. This would obviously totally wipe out a medium sized city. (Meteor Crater Arizona was formed by an asteroid estimated to be between 80-150 meters in diameter, about the size of a small freight train). There is the added risk that such an event could possibly cause a nuclear exchange. Fortunately, the odds are very great against such an event in a populated area. Such a strike in the ocean would likely kick up the surf, but wouldnt be the global killer that Dino-Killer would be.

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 12:35 AM
This is from NASA is now lumping us in with the guys that say the moonlanding never took place (there is actually a lot of evidence that Apollo never did happen...) Granted, a lot of really wierd stuff was put forth, but to be honest, if NASA was up front, it never would have gotten out of hand... Still have to ask, why is NASA hiding something, and now so eager to cover it up??????

Alleged NASA Cover-up of Menacing �NEAT� Comet Threat is Pure Bunk, Experts Say

By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 02:30 pm ET
28 February 2003

Internet accounts of a comet, supposedly bigger than Jupiter and possibly bearing down on Earth, have concerned citizens e-mailing astronomers and journalists worldwide asking if the end is finally nigh. True to form, the rumors also include allegations of a cover-up by NASA.

Scientists say there is absolutely no danger and call the suggestions of cover-up false and even silly.

The inaccurate portrayals on various Internet sites range from suggestions that the comet�s electromagnetic field will drastically alter Earth�s weather in coming days to even wilder notions that it is not a comet but instead the long-missing and hypothetical "Planet X." In some accounts the object is destined to fulfill dire Biblical prophecy.

Comet NEAT near the Sun on Feb. 18 as a coronal mass ejection billows out. The horizontal line running through the comet�s head is an artifact caused by saturation of the imager. The circle in the middle is created by a device that blocks out the main disk of the Sun.

The rumors are all based on a comet called NEAT, discovered late last year and imaged in mid-February by the SOHO spacecraft, which is operated jointly by NASA and the European Space Agency.

Photos behind the rumors

SOHO took dramatic photos of the comet as it rounded the Sun. The spacecraft has imaged more than 500 similar so-called sungrazing comets in the past. NEAT was the brightest comet ever photographed by the observatory, but it is not remarkable, size-wise, compared with comets in general.

Adding to scientific excitement during the comet�s trip around the Sun was a chance event in which a solar eruption, called a coronal mass ejection (CME), appeared to hit the comet on Feb. 17. SOHO captured the interaction, something scientists had not witnessed before. A kink appeared to propagate down the comet�s tail, which astronomers say is energized, or ionized.

Comets are chunks of ice and rock that form in the outer reaches of the solar system and orbit the Sun. When they approach the inner solar system, on elongated loops, solar energy boils material away. This gas and dust shines with reflected sunlight, creating the telltale heads and tails that make popular viewing targets out of the icy visitors.

NEAT (officially C/2002 V1) has already made its closest approach to Earth and is now headed harmlessly to the outer solar system, where it will remain for another 37,000 years before looping around the Sun again. It did not break apart, as some have suggested. It will not change Earth�s weather. It will not hit the planet.

In fact NEAT turned out to be slightly disappointing, after some astronomers had speculated it might become bright enough to astound nighttime skywatchers and possibly even be visible during the day. Instead, few casual backyard stargazers even noticed the comet�s passage.

"The orbit of NEAT is pretty well understood, and it�s on its way out, not in," said Philip Plait, an astronomer at Sonoma State University in California who writes about misinformation in astronomy in an effort to set records straight. "The orbit of the comet doesn�t bring it any closer to us than 120 million kilometers [75 million miles], and that was two months ago. So there�s nothing to worry about."

Range of errors

The accusations of cover-up result, in part, from a few alleged missing images, or images that NASA tampered with, in the series snapped over few days by SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory).

Plait called the tampering suggestion silly.

Bernhard Fleck, a SOHO project scientist, said it is common for delays to occur in posting images to the SOHO Web site, primarily because the public release of the large number of photos is done without funding and on a mostly voluntary basis. He said a heavy snowstorm in the Washington, D.C. area on the days of NEAT�s closest approach to the Sun prevented most scientists from getting to the office and processing the images.

"I can assure you that nobody manipulated any data," Fleck said today in a telephone interview. "All the images are there now." He called the accusations of cover-up "pure nonsense."

One Web site,, misidentifies NEAT as a planet, saying it formed only recently and has a nucleus the size of Mercury. The account accuses NASA of covering up this "fact" and of hiding images from the public. Another Web site,, fuels fright with more subtle language: "Maybe it is nothing. Maybe it is something. If something, it could be the most significant occurrence in recorded human history."

Plait, author of "Bad Astronomy" (Wiley & Sons, 2002) and founder of a web site by the same name, told these latest conspiracy theories share a common trait: "They all have the distinct disadvantage of not being based on facts."

But conspiracy allegations spread rapidly in the Internet age, propagating to other sites such as Rumor Mill News (perhaps there�s a clue in that name, for those trying to sort fact from rumor). Plait said his own inbox had been
"hit pretty hard" in recent days with questions about the alleged cover-up and the safety of our planet.

Plait said the idea that NEAT is as big as a planet is just plain wrong.

"The actual comet itself, the chunk of rock and ice, is only a few miles across," he said. "What we see in the [SOHO] images is the cloud of gas surrounding the nucleus, evaporated off the surface by the heat of the Sun. That cloud is huge, but the comet itself is tiny."

Consistent fodder

Plait said SOHO images have given fringe thinkers and writers plenty to chew on for years now.

"According to them, SOHO images show UFOs, giant planets, the eye of God, and probably even Bigfoot if you look hard enough," he said. "All of these facts are based on these people not understanding how digital cameras work."

Many of the "sightings" claimed in SOHO images are the result of bright spots generated when solar radiation hits the spacecraft�s detector, Plait explained.

Other claims result from artifacts, or flaws, known to exist in the camera. SOHO engineers have detailed these shortcoming of digital imaging and have even gone so far as to explain "how to make a UFO" out of a SOHO picture in their effort to combat the conspiracy crowd.

Plait complains that the alleged cover-up is "insulting to NASA and the astronomical community. These conspiracy theorists seem to forget that three people can keep a secret only if two of them are dead. You can hardly ever shut up an astronomer; how would you keep thousands of them quiet?"

He also points out that before the comet came into SOHO�s field of view, and since it has left that circle of electronic vision, it has been photographed by several amateur and professional astronomers around the world. These images and other observations were used to determine NEAT�s trajectory -- a path that is widely agreed upon.

Credibility issue

Benny Peiser, a social anthropologists at Liverpool John Moores University in England, has also been fielding questions on the alleged dangers of comet NEAT. Peiser studies "neocatastrophism" and press coverage surrounding potentially threatening events.

In Peiser�s view, the issue has become one of credibility for the science community revolving around public perception of whether NASA could -- or would want to -- hide knowledge of an impending impact.

Peiser and other analysts inside and outside NASA agree that secrecy is not even possible given the number of non-NASA astronomers who have instant access to the data and imagery.

"The conspiracy mania regarding comet NEAT is a reminder of just how important a pro-active communication policy can sometimes be," Peiser told He said rumors need to be debunked quickly and squarely by scientists so that public trust of science is not diminished.

"Regrettably, most in the scientific community ignore or underestimate these developments that are often driven by political extremists," he said.

In a separate event now tied into the NEAT affair, graduate student Geoffrey Sommer, speaking at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) on Feb. 13, suggested that the government might consider keeping secret information about an impending impact if the result were to be global destruction and the end of civilization. A few poorly conceived comments -- Sommer said he was misquoted in an AAAS press release -- spun out of control and fueled conspiracy chatter around the Internet earlier this month.

Peiser warned at the time that the Sommer comments might serve as supporting "evidence" for future conspiracy allegations. That is one prophecy that has come to pass as spoken, based on this reporter�s survey of NEAT chatter on the Internet.

The AAAS "blunder is now being flagged up as clear evidence that the alleged cometary impact risk is covered up by NASA," Peiser said.

More doom

For those keeping track, comet NEAT is not the first space object purported to present terrestrial doom in 2003. As early as last summer, Web prognosticators said a Planet X would pass so close to Earth in May of this year that its gravity would generate natural disasters and kill 90 percent of the people on Earth.

That nonsense was based not on NASA images, but instead involved pure efforts at prophecy led by people like Nancy Lieder, who says she "channels" aliens called Zetans (from the star Zeta Reticuli) who�ve explained all this to her.

(Given that comet NEAT�s arrival is well ahead of Lieder�s May timeframe, it appears to represent a separate doomsday problem.)

Planet X is often discussed in conversations that include Nemesis, a possible companion to the Sun that�s sometimes also called the Death Star. No real evidence for either of these objects exists, though real scientists have put considerable effort into looking for them.

However, the possible presence of another object as big or larger than Pluto, lurking somewhere in the fringes of the solar system, has not been ruled out. If one exists, astronomers agree, it would not pose a threat to Earth.

Doomsday aficionados might also recall that a chance alignment of planets in the year 2000 had been cited as a moment that would bring great gravitational calamity to Earth. Nothing happened, just as reputable scientists had predicted.

Plait predicts the same non-occurrence of the present prognostications.

"I wonder what those conspiracy theorists will say a week or two from now, when nothing has happened," Plait said. "Will they say NASA covered up the destruction of the Earth?"
More Stories:
Philip Plait: Top 5 Cosmic Myths
Comet NEAT: Images from SOHO
Nemesis: Does the Sun have a Companion?
Not Planet X: Largest Solar System Object Since Pluto is Found

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 01:12 AM

Documentation of an observed impact on the moon.... for those who are interested, it was 20 meters (66 feet) in diameter, and impact energy was estimated to be 500 to 750 kilotons.

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 03:09 PM

In summary, the primary evidence that NASA has faked the flyby of comet Neat lies in analysis of three sets images released by the SOHO satellite. The first is the February 18 image ( time-dated 2003/2/18 06:54) which shows evidence of tampering. The second is the February 20 image (time-dated 2003/02/20 23:42) which is the smoking gun that NEAT did not leave the sun�s vicinity in the path predicted by NASA. The third are the February 22 images that show an object, possibly NEAT, being expelled from the sun (time-dated 2003/02/22 19:31). Circumstantial evidence is the following. Firstly, delays in release of images that depicted NEAT at critical stages in its passage. And second, hacking of amateur astronomer discussion boards that were attempting to analyze the data as it was emerging. When the evidence is analyzed, one is forced to choose between one of two choices. Either NASA is correct and nothing extraordinary has occurred other than the routine passage of a small but bright comet that will return again in 37,000 years. In this case, all the anomalous images and delays have plausible explanations. Alternatively, deliberate tampering of satellite imagery by NASA has occurred in order to suppress from public attention the true passage of Comet NEAT and its significance for humanity.

What strengthens the case for the latter explanation, is that some extraordinary weather patterns began to appear on February 24 that would be consistent with the intense solar activities beginning from February 18. For instance, it takes approximately about five days for coronal mass ejections from the sun to reach the earth. Aside from the snow and icy conditions that surprisingly appeared in the USA on February 24, a foot of snow has fallen in Jerusalem and elsewhere in the Middle East on February 25. Children and police in the GAZA strip, and elsewhere in Israel/Palestine were having snowball fights! Such bizarre weather might be simply welcomed as a respite from the turmoil of the Middle East or may signify something extraordinary has occurred.

What is even more troubling for NASA�s account of the NEAT comet, is that on February 28, NASA released a space weather report that said the "Earth is approaching a cometary debris stream that might trigger an unusual Antartic meteor show this weekend" (science.nasa.gove...). The disturbing thing is that when one investigates the meteor showers and associated cometary debris predicted for 2003, there is no mention of the comet Bradfield. According to a comprehensive list of meteor showers and associated comets scheduled to pass the Earth in 2003, the last meteor shower was the Quadrantids between January 1-6, and the next are the Virginids in late March and Early April ( If indeed, the comet�s interaction with the sun did have an effect on recent weather patterns, and the �surprise� cometary debris which the Earth is passing into on March 1 is associated with NEAT, then it is plausible to suggest that NASA�s depiction of NEAT�s passage is contrived.

Based on the evidence, it may be concluded that Comet NEAT was diverted in its interaction with the sun over the period February 18-22. The reopening of the LASCO corona graphs on the SOHO observatory on February 27, signified that the comet NEAT had moved out of the vicinity of the sun into a flight path known only to NASA. The cometary debris which NASA claims is associated with the comet Bradfield, is in most likelihood, the first physical manifestation of the comet NEAT�s break up and/or changed flight pattern. The meteor shower predicted for March 1 is possibly part of the tail of NEAT which has been widely dispersed and may continue to cross the Earth�s orbit for some time yet. More significantly, it is not clear where the major portions of comet NEAT are, and how they will interact with the Earth or affect weather patterns when they cross the Earth�s orbit. There continues to be uncertainty over where exactly comet NEAT�s flight path will take it, and the amount of cometary debris it will bring in its wake. Comet Neat�s fly by of the sun has truly been an extraordinary event and despite the uncertainty over its significance, we might take comfort from the cosmic eye seen to be overseeing NEAT in the SOHO satellite image of February 18, that perhaps Providence is indeed watching over humanity.

Copyright � Dr Michael E. Salla (Feb 26, 2003, updated March 1, 2003)

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 04:17 PM
One other very real possibility is that if the planet were to suffer an impact at a very oblique angle to the surface, it could have a VERY bad effect on the entire planet.

I read a couple of years ago that one hypothesis for why Mars has such a thin atmosphere (approximately 1/100 of Earth atmospheric pressure, although evidence shows it at one time had an atmosphere at least 1/2 of Earth normal) was that it was hit by an asteroid at an angle less than 45 degrees. The shockwave from impact litterally ripped a large percentage of the atmosphere off of the planet, and threw it out into space. If such an impact were to happen on the planet, it is doubtful that anything could survive....

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 09:42 AM

What is going on here?

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 03:57 PM
I have read many posts speculating at NEAT being Nibiru, or Planet X. Most of these are driven by the extreme secrecy that NASA is starting to impose on this event. As I have mentioned before NASA IS NOT HELPING MATTERS BY CONCEALING INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!

Because of a lack of credible information from NASA, who controls about 90% of all observation platforms in the free world, we frankly don't know a damn thing about NEATs size, composition, speed, trajectory, or anything else.

However, I seriously doubt that NEAT is any kind of a planet or other seriously large celestial body. I believe that the uppermost limit to NEATs nucleus size is probably 100-150 miles, and that may be an overestimation. Anything larger than that would begin to exhibit substantial gravitational effects during its passage and would be fairly obvious even to amatuer astronomers. (The reason I say 150 miles as an upper limit, even that size would have gravitational effects, although small enough to require sensitive instrumentation to monitor, which NASA has, and which again, NASA ISN'T SHARING.)

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 05:52 PM
Informative site...

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 05:52 PM

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 05:58 PM

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 06:42 PM
Energy Wave, thanks for the posts, they are very good.

I noticed that the last one made a point to mention that NEAT had NOT changed trajectory due to impact by a CME, and was NOT on impact trajectory with earth... I just wish I could believe that, as that is likely info from NASA: Due to NASAs recent actions, they no longer have any credibility....

The post regarding the orbital information may be far more useful... unfortunately, I am inexperienced at calculating orbits.... anyone with such experience, please give us your opinion on the likely trajectory of the comet.

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 10:11 PM
dragonrider, great information coming from your posts...keep it up.

It bothers me that NASA (not a single admission) feels that it constantly needs to withhold information at the expense of the the very least, the american taxpayer.

The disgusting arrogant self-righteous deceitful behavior of NASA puts us in a position of questioning every single statement made by them. This sends all of us on a mission to collect what we can of the truth.

I occasionally visited a website beginning about three years ago. This site made some *interesting* claims about future world events. The last article on their site was dated almost a year ago (june 2002) in which they claimed that the earth was to be affected by a planet X in May 2003. This now seems to coincide with NEAT.

Keep in mind that if you were to browse that site for content and convincing, it will take you a while...very heady stuff.

The point I am trying to make is that we have heard all of the prophecies, read all of the books, done all of the homework, formulated opinions, and still nobody knows with any certainty what the heck is really going on.

What is one to do?

Dig a hole in the sand

Go on an extended cruise

Maybe the best recourse would be to shadow an important employee of NASA and when he/she ducks for cover, so will I.


posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 10:33 PM

Thank you again for an insightful post and response. Also, thank you for the link, it is very interesting.

To answer your point regarding the possible habitation of Mars, it really wouldn't surprise me. I am totally disillusioned at the way NASA has been lying to us lately, as far as I'm concenred, they have burned any credibility they may have had, and all information they likely release is now highly suspect at best.

If you have read my thread regarding the Cabal and Alternative 3 (now Alternative 4) it appears that the Cabals plans to relocate to Mars has fallen through, apparently due to the fact that someone is already in residence, and not too keen to let them trespass.

However, as a scientist, I am restricted to making hard scientific analysis with hard (supposedly) facts. Therefore, for the purpose of this thread (I am trying to be as accurate with my estimations as I can be) I am reverting to known experiments, analysis, and hypothesis that have been put forth from respected scientists and scholars (even if some of them are NASA....)

posted on Mar, 2 2003 @ 11:46 PM
In answer to your question about what to do, that is hard to say.... I have found a possible route to higher ground, although I am not sure that would be enough in the event of an impact. (I was serious when I mentioned going to Denver, if not to the Himalays, or Kilamanjaro)

Again, we are very hampered due to LACK OF INFORMATION FROM NASA....

I dont want to advocate anything that is going to cause a panic. I also don't want to advocate doing anything drastic (would be a bad move to get all excited and leave your job, ect, and run to the hills to find out its not going to hit)

I guess all we can really do is what would be prudent in any situation (especially considering war looming)... be aware of what is going on around you, be vigilant, keep yourself informed. Have supplies, have a well stocked 72 hour kit at a minimum. If you are in an area that is likely to be inundated, it is not a bad idea to plot out a relocation path, with at least 2 backup routes.

In this situation, you are looking to get HIGH. (The chance of actually being in the impact zone is very small, the damage will come from the tidal wave when it hits water). I recommend that you get a set of topographic maps for your area, and find the highest accessible location in your area (with at least 2 backups if possible), and see how long it will take to get there in an emergency.

Realistically, this is about the best that you can do.

I believe that the PTB have been employing HAARP to do SOMETHING with the comet... I would like to think, if there really was a chance at impact, they were working to change its trajectory.... If that is true (and it is scary as hell for me to put my trust and faith in a group that is known to have screwed the entire planet over time and time again) we can only hope they know what they are doing, and they are doing things in the best interest of the planet.

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