posted on Mar, 14 2003 @ 06:34 PM
heres a sample of mother shipton if you want to get deep, now i do not myself belive in fate but something inside me is telling me to get prepared
because i think something major is going to happen quite soon, now weather that is a comet hitting, world war 3, or something else its a judgement
based on personal feelings and it freaks me out because its not based on rationality like my normal decisions i am trusting my feelings and its
messing my head up, i seriously hope nothing major will happen in the next few months, but based on feeling i would say i would be supprised if
nothing majorly significant has not happened within 3-4 months with a ratio of 60/40 for, i hope nothing happens my brain is saying no but my insides
are saying yes and get prepared because the next few years sh1t is going to hit the fan and your going have to look after yourself.
mother shipton
In nineteen hundred and twenty six
Build houses light of straw and sticks.
For then shall mighty wars be planned
And fire and sword shall sweep the land.
When pictures seem alive with movements free
When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea,
When men like birds shall scour the sky
Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.
For those who live the century through
In fear and trembling this shall do.
Flee to the mountains and the dens
To bog and forest and wild fens.
For storms will rage and oceans roar
When Gabriel stands on sea and shore
And as he blows his wondrous horn
Old worlds die and new be born.
A fiery dragon will cross the sky
Six times before this earth shall die
Mankind will tremble and frightened be
for the sixth heralds in this prophecy.
For seven days and seven nights
Man will watch this awesome sight.
The tides will rise beyond their ken
To bite away the shores and then
The mountains will begin to roar
And earthquakes split the plain to shore.
And flooding waters, rushing in
Will flood the lands with such a din
That mankind cowers in muddy fen
And snarls about his fellow men.
He bares his teeth and fights and kills
And secrets food in secret hills
And ugly in his fear, he lies
To kill marauders, thieves and spies.
Man flees in terror from the floods
And kills, and rapes and lies in blood
And spilling blood by mankinds hands
Will stain and bitter many lands
And when the dragon's tail is gone,
Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on
To apply himself - too late, too late
For mankind has earned deserved fate.
[Edited on 15-3-2003 by The Blade Runner]