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Comet is comming fast and huge!!!

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posted on Feb, 20 2003 @ 05:37 PM

posted on Feb, 20 2003 @ 08:13 PM
I didn't see anything on that site that said a comet was comming... prolly read it to fast....

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 01:50 AM
This is something to be concerned about... I'm surprised more aren't raising their brows.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 03:03 AM
more people are n`t raising their eyebrows because this is a load of horse crap. You are no more in danger now than you are at any other time.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 09:03 AM
This is from another board...

From: "George Ingraham
Date: Fri Feb 21, 2003 7:01 pm

Here is a good summary of what has taken place and current
information, including timeing of the home land security's warnings
as compared to this comet's passing.

There is some discussion on other boards of concerns of some debri
comming at us. But nothing confirmed yet. I could not help but notice
the increase in earthquake activities. Seems over the last few days
during this pass by of V1 that the average seems to be 4.0 on an
average. Guess I have to be honest.... I am not an astonomer but I
have been monitoring the discussions. I get the impression it is not
over yet.....


We have witnessed far smaller and less relevant comets being given
more publicity and hype...yet when a few thousand year event takes
place with a comet larger than a small planet, there is MEDIA

This when added to the data manipulation and silence from NASA and
other observatories leads us to one conclusion...that this event has
everyone in authority extremely scared and that they have no idea
what may be the final results of its trajectory or its passing.

Silence is a strategy that a top advisor to the US government has
already stated (read story) would be the policy for impact or
dangerous objects moving through space...We may be seeing this policy
currently being enforced.

The warning that was issued by the office of Homeland Security on
February 19th (the day after the comet was taken off its trajectory)
for citizens to stock upto 3-days worth of food, water and to have
flashlights and first aid kits in case of power outages seems to be
a 'hidden warning' to have people prepared for the worst...

The only advise to readers is to BE VIGILANT/BE PREPARED and to take
the warnings issued by the Homeland Security VERY SERIOUSLY (even if
you are not in the US)...Have supply of food and drinking water for a
few days at least, have extra blankets and an aid kit, have lighting
equipment (flashlight/gas lamps), and most importantly, have a PLAN
for what you will do after such an even takes place (if it does take
place)...Where will you meet with your loved ones, where will you
move to if the services are all disabled, etc...

This event and information is being shared amongst common people on
the following discussion places:

hear the buzz...

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 02:10 PM

We have witnessed far smaller and less relevant comets being given
more publicity and hype...yet when a few thousand year event takes
place with a comet larger than a small planet, there is MEDIA

So that would make this comet around the size of our moon or bigger. I don't even think our moon is considered a small planet, so the comet should be bigger ...

I STILL can't find anything indicating this comet is comming at us or is even a threat to us in any way ...

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 05:26 PM
It's called comet NEAT.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 05:31 PM

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 06:25 PM
that really sucks. i want more info now! it's not fair.... oh well i'll get ready for martial law and all that.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 06:25 PM
that really sucks. i want more info now! it's not fair.... oh well i'll get ready for martial law and all that.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 08:52 PM
heres a site i visit often to get my astro info

and also here

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 08:52 PM
Fluxgate Magnetometer reading for 2/18/03

Please note the extreme spike in activity on 2.18.03 which is when numerous astronomers claim that a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME or solar flare) erupted apparently in the immediate vicinity of the NEAT comet. Some amateur astronomers claim that this CME may have collided with the comet, based on the SOHO Lasco images. Some astronomers claimed that the comet then appeared to develope a second or split tail, indicating that it may have calved and split into two/multiple bodies. This is the last set of images before the set that many claim to be evidence of NASA faking information, then leading to the web blackout on the subject.


NASA has reason to believe this object is on an "earth intercept" or collision course. NASA/fed gov institutes media black out (have you heard of this in the general media???), and attempts to shut down those on the web who may have incriminating evidence. Due to the overwhelming spread of this information, this is impractical, therefore Plan B is activated, which is to discredit those posting such information (there are currently several statements floating around indicating that the website mentioned in the previous email at frauds, disinfo sites, ect.... never heard of amateur astronomers who wanted to spread rumors for no other reason though....)

Possibility, based on the flux magnetometer record above, that HAARP may have been used to incite a CME coincident with its closest approach to the sun in order to attempt to destroy it or break it down into "survivable" fragments? Is such action within HAARPs capabilities? If the former is true, what is the likelihood of succees?


Due to lack of reliability of NASA data, exact size, mass, and trajectory of object are conjecture. However, the comet head measures approximately 300,000 miles in diameter, and the tail is approximately 3-4 million miles long. Comet cores can be anywhere from 10 miles to 150 miles in diameter, usually composed of nickle/iron, water ice and frozen gasses. We dont know for sure the size of the core, however, based on the known size of the coma, estimates are to the larger end of the spectrum.

The object is making a very close pass to the sun, at .099 AU (AU=Astronomical Unit, or distance of the Earth from the sun) or approximately 9 million miles from the surface of the sun, well inside the orbit of Mercury. Perihelion, closest approach to the sun, took place Feb 18-19 (coincident with extreme emmission spike from HAARP, and observed CME). Due to the close proximity to the sun and possible collision with CME, most volatiles are expected to burn off of the object.

Because most volatiles will likely be burned off of the comet core, and unknown perctage of mass of object that these volatiles compose, several potential problems arise. First, due to loss of mass, and likely "thrust vectoring" to trajectory as this mass is expelled, significant changes in trajectory are likely: current orbital calculations are no longer reliable. Also, due to the unknown internal structure, there is a possibility that as volatile mass is expelled, the core may break into multiple bodies, thereby compounding the preceding point. Finally, if most or all volatiles are expelled from the object during perihelion, no tail will form. This, combined with the fact that it will be "coming out of the sun", and lack of appropriate observing platforms in the southern hemisphere, indicates significant difficulty in observation, detection, and tracking of the object or objects.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 09:30 PM
also one the best places to checkout is Spaceweather

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 10:52 PM
Back around the 18th of Feb, when the east coast was being buried by snow, I checked the Univ of Alaskas magnetometer site for HAARP (try to do so every 24 hours or so). At the time, I wasnt even following the NEAR comet situation, as I didnt pick up on it till all the websites went down (didnt ATS go down about then as well????)

At the time, I put the HAARP emmission spike together with the weather, and considering the deteriorating state of affairs overseas, combined with the high probability that Chinese Scalar weapons were used to bring down Columbia, I thought that we were seeing a match with China over weather manipulation. I now think I was wrong.

(Speaking of Columbia, at least one live broadcast had a spokesman mention something about Columbia monitoring an incoming object..... keep in mind, coincidents dont happen)

I believe that HAARP was being cranked up on the 18th in an effort to incite a Coronal Mass Ejection (solar flare) in the vicinity of NEAR comets perihelion... the weather we were seeing was likely a side effect of these emissions, as well as assorted seismic effects at the time....

One time is an accident.... multiple times is enemy action.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 11:11 PM
Yep I see what you are saying- although I was under the impression that HAARP merely heated aspects of the ionosphere, and didn't have the range to make it one complete AU to the sun.

Regardless of whether HAARP caused the CME, I am in full agreement with you about the current weather situation-- the entire east coast is experiencing unusual activity. For example, Florida, the Carolinas, and friggin TENNESSEE are experiencing tornado warnings. This, in the very least, is likely connected with that CME.

I live very close to an emergency response depot around Philadelphia (note: State and Volunteer Fire & EMTs), and all day today it has been sirens non-stop.

I can't even imagine how many people are completely ignorant to what is happening in our own solar system.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 11:24 PM
I just posted something related with my thread about The Plan.... please read it, it helps shed some light on things.

I dont know if HAARP has range to reach out to the sun or not, however, it is NOT limited to simply heating layers of the atmosphere... for instance, it is known to be capable of creating standing reciprocal harmonic waves in the mantel (IE, capable to artificially creating a localized earthquake).

Also, the HAARP facility at Gakona Alaska is only one of 4 in the US, but is the only monitored.... There are also HAARP/scalar facilities in China, Russia, Australia, Japan, Israel, and likely other numerous countries as well.... Although one facility likely could not make such a operation successful, multiple facilities, possibly with international cooperation, might be able to.

posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 11:29 PM
I still don't see any threat from this comet. Even if it did break up, there still isn't THAT much of a chance that any fragment's would hit us. Atleast, I don't think there is ...

Personally, I think this is being played up to be more than it really is ...

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 04:44 AM
"I just posted something related with my thread about The Plan.... please read it, it helps shed some light on things"

your wrong it does n`t shed light on anything other than the crap you are peddling (sorry I`m not attacking you but the alternative plans you talk about are a load of crap, great posts but fundamentally false). I`ll still be here ten years from now to tell you that your latest theory for the destruction of man is more rubbish and that you`ll spend your life believing in something which is n`t going to happen.

[Edited on 23-2-2003 by cassini]

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 08:59 AM
Draganrider, the strange thing about the magnetometer which I found out about on the 20th (I think you posted it) was that on the same night/time it spiked I remember waking up hearing/feeling a very low hum which I could not explain.

My wife also heard it along with hearing high pitched squeeling noises on other days and times.

It seems strange that at the same time the US issues an orange alert it coinsides with the haarp readings. Then the prime targets get walloped with a snow storm which grounds air traffic. No planes= no air attacks

On a side note: What if the US is using haarp to lay down heavy moisture over the country to soften the heat wave from the comet. What if they are moving the military out of the US so it can be saved to later protect us? Maybe thats why the war threats? An excuse?

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 10:14 AM

Due to lack of reliability of NASA data, exact size, mass, and trajectory of object are conjecture. However, the comet head measures approximately 300,000 miles in diameter, and the tail is approximately 3-4 million miles long.

So you're claiming that the head of the comet is therefore 3 3/4 times the size of Jupiter .

Jupiter is the 4th brightest object in our night sky. At nearly 4 times the size of Jupiter and much closer, the thing should have the gravitational pull of a brown star (since Jupiter is just about at the maximum size for a gas giant planet... after that, it goes to stellar mass) and should be brighter than our moon.

Now, I've glanced at the sky in the past month and haven't seen anything that size or that bright. As far as I know (and I haunt the astronomy boards), nobody is reporting that a huge stellar mass is yanking planets and asteroids out of line.

believe that HAARP was being cranked up on the 18th in an effort to incite a Coronal Mass Ejection (solar flare) in the vicinity of NEAR comets perihelion

Again, let's look at the science of the thing.

The sun is over 100 times the size of Earth

Coronal ejections are several dozen times the size of Earth.

This is like saying that you've just made an electromagnet with a D-cell and wire wrapped around a nail (common way of making a "science experiment" magnet and you're going to go outside and point your D-cell science magnet at the HumVee parked across the street and it's going to turn its engine over when you connect the wires to the D-cell battery.

All the amount of energy that the Earth can collect and generate is just about the same as the power of a single D-Cell battery compared to the sun (a HumVee). If you're talking about the energy output of the entire US compared to the energy output of the sun, then it would be like comparing the energy output of a nearly dead D-cell battery to the total engine output of a HumVee.

Frankly, guys, I don't buy any of it: A comet that's 4 times the size of Jupiter sneaking around the solar system, causing the sun to disrupt, and heading for Earth, directed by or interfered with by HAARP? A Hollywood producer might buy it as a movie script if you poured enough drinks into him or her, but the subsequent ridicule from everyone who'd read some basic science texts would guarantee that the movie would be a mega-flop.

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