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Comet is comming fast and huge!!!

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posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 10:20 AM

Maybe it's Nibiru !!!

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 03:58 PM
Maybe it's Nibiru... That would explain why the US wants Iraq doesn't it. Wouldn't their first stop be the last place they visited(summerians).

Isn't this board suposed to be a place to post things like this?

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 04:09 PM

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 04:19 PM
Byrd, you need to go back and re read my post... I stated that the comet HEAD (coma) is 300K miles in diameter... this is the gas envelope around the core... the core can be anywhere between 10 miles and 150 in diameter, as I stated in my post.

Due to lack of reliability of NASA data, exact size, mass, and trajectory of object are conjecture. However, the comet head measures approximately 300,000 miles in diameter, and the tail is approximately 3-4 million miles long. Comet cores can be anywhere from 10 miles to 150 miles in diameter, usually composed of nickle/iron, water ice and frozen gasses. We dont know for sure the size of the core, however, based on the known size of the coma, estimates are to the larger end of the spectrum.

It is of course a large solid body within the coma, based on the size of the coma it is producing. But then, keep in mind that the asteroid that ended the Cretacious period was only 10-12 km in diameter (about 6 miles).

As far as HAARP goes, first of all, yes, CMEs do produce volume of disruption than the planet earth... however, there is no density to this volume... a CME is virtually a hard vaccum, so its not like you are throwing huge amounts of physical matter into space. What you are throwing out is a large amount of radiant energy... and to excite such an ejection, you dont need to supply 100% of the energy involved... HAARP routinely emits far more energy than its generators supply to it... how does this happen? Ever read about Zero Point Radiation? In order to get such an activity going requires very little energy actually, as long as you can get a sympathetic wave form going, in such an electromagnetically charged environment, it will usually be self sustaining.

posted on Feb, 23 2003 @ 07:33 PM
Well, let's say that an astroid/comet is going to hit us sometime soon ... This would explain the sudden secrecy around such an event. I mean, really, if there isn't a threat comming soon, then there is no need for what they are doing, so that mean's there must be a threat and they want to minimize the chaos that will happen if we were aware ...

But, why are they so calm about it? Prolly already prepared for it. Now we know what some of those underground cities were built for ...

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 12:11 PM
isn't there anything we can do? i mean we know something's up with the people who act up when something big is up. so that mean something big is about to go down. the brass have decided we going to go save our asses not tell anyone and sit back and watch as everyone like you and i die. and you people are weird too! you're sitting here discussing this and not trying to figure out some way to keep your own arse out of the fire. it's true it'll probably be useless but hey you have to try right? i mean we can easily sit back and wait for this thing to hit us. i haven't actually seen any news say it will but that's the black out ya? so i think i'm going to do what you are doing. i'm going to sit back and see what's going to happen

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by dragonrider
Byrd, you need to go back and re read my post... I stated that the comet HEAD (coma) is 300K miles in diameter... this is the gas envelope around the core... the core can be anywhere between 10 miles and 150 in diameter, as I stated in my post.

So you did. My bad! You're certainly correct that the coma portion can be several thousand kilometers in diameter.

Due to lack of reliability of NASA data, exact size, mass, and trajectory of object are conjecture.

At this time, amateur astronomers are reporting that they have had no trouble finding it, imaging it, and tracking it and that the current estimates of nucleus size is around the order of 10 miles or so:

Furthermore, it's already passed the Earth (made the closest pass on December 24.) I think we'd have noticed any effects by now, eh? So it's long gone. Long, long gone.

Some good info by the experts at the Bad Astronomy board: iewtopic&topic=3909&forum=2&start=29

As far as HAARP goes, first of all, yes, CMEs do produce volume of disruption than the planet earth... however, there is no density to this volume... a CME is virtually a hard vaccum, so its not like you are throwing huge amounts of physical matter into space.

Ohyeah. I'm familiar with this. The sun CAN generate more than enough energy for all its little fits and starts and sunspots to affect the Earth. However, the reverse is NOT true.

Ever read about Zero Point Radiation? In order to get such an activity going requires very little energy actually, as long as you can get a sympathetic wave form going, in such an electromagnetically charged environment, it will usually be self sustaining.

And it's small-scale, unproven on large scale, and still obeys the 2nd law of Thermodynamics: Ya can't get somethin' from nothin.

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by phoenix_cross
isn't there anything we can do?

Hang out with your buds, do something cool, have a chillin' good time. It's already passed the Earth and is leaving the solar system.

i mean we know something's up with the people who act up when something big is up. so that mean something big is about to go down. the brass have decided we going to go save our asses not tell anyone and sit back and watch as everyone like you and i die. and you people are weird too!

And some of us weirdos are heavily into science.

you're sitting here discussing this and not trying to figure out some way to keep your own arse out of the fire. it's true it'll probably be useless but hey you have to try right? i mean we can easily sit back and wait for this thing to hit us. i haven't actually seen any news say it will but that's the black out ya? so i think i'm going to do what you are doing. i'm going to sit back and see what's going to happen

As with most of these things, the answer is "nothing."

If you hang around long enough, you'll see that the one thing the information age has NOT brought is the ability to distinguish threat from non-threat. "Comet head 1/4 the size of the sun" = non-threat/great show for astronomers. "Bush Declaring War"= quite a bit of threat and involvement for most of the planet.

Anyway, the comet show is over, the thing's headed out to deep space by now (you can see some reports from some of the astronomers who followed it here: iewtopic&topic=3909&forum=2&start=45

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 06:35 PM

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 06:41 PM
Here is a NEAT movie...

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 06:55 PM
Actually it has NOT passed the earth yet, and it wont until May 5-12....

You are thinking of NEAT passing the earths orbit on the way INTO the solar system, and were correct in December... however, it is still on its way out.... And currently, we really dont know which direction it is going to take getting out..

From what I have read, NEAT was finally imaged in the Southern hemisphere today. I dont have hard data as to its position and trajectory (will likely take a couple more concrete observations to nail that down), but it was observed emerging from behind the sun, and it apparently survived perihelion intact (largely). Its luminosity is far lower than when it approached the sun (as I noted, it likely lost most of its volatiles in perihelion). However, this will significantly hamper observations.

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 09:10 PM
Date: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:14 am
Subject: NEAT survives perihelion

Hello all,

Good news for southern hemisphere comet enthusiasts.
I observed NEAT C/2002 V1 this evening with difficulty, a mere 3
above the horizon on Feb 24.43 UT through 25x100mm binoculars. Solar
elevation was -9 degrees and the comets elongation from the sun was 16
degrees. Due to bright twilight, low cloud and dust haze, it was not
possible to make an accurate magnitude estimate however at best
guess, I
would say 2nd magnitude. The comet had a starlike core with a hint of
I�m hoping for a clearer horizon tomorrow night.

The comet came in from the north (relative to the planet) looped around the sun, and is coming towards the earth from the southern hemisphere.... It will likely be here between May 5-12

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 09:27 PM

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 09:31 PM
Also read my other related post...

Comet NEAT and China earthquake

China Earthquake Kills Over 250, And Counting...02/24/03
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
A 6.3 earthquake hit near southern Xinjiang, China late last night killing at least 250 people. Rescuers on the scene believe the fatality count will rise as the rescue workers begin to clear the damage. The official Xinhua news agency said it had a magnitude of 6.8, while the US Geological Survey said it measured 6.3 magnitude.

A "swarm" of earthquakes have hit southern California over the last two days. It started on February 19th with a 2.9 mag. No less than 15 quakes have occurred since the first one, the largest of which has registered 4.8 mag.

Volcanic activity has escalated since February 18th. New Activity/Unrest: | Lokon-Empung, Indonesia | Nyiragongo, D.R. Congo| Ongoing Activity: | Etna, Italy | Kilauea, USA | Kliuchevskoi, Russia | Popocat�petl, M�xico | Santa Mar�a, Guatamala
| Shiveluch, Russia | Soufri�re Hills, Montserrat | Tungurahua, Ecuador | Veniaminof, USA |

One would have to ask the question..."Does the current escalation in earthquake activity and volcanism have a connection with Comet "C/2002 V1" flyby near the Sun?" I will leave the answer up to you.

It appears NASA removed Feb. 18 2003 SOHO photo of comet "C/2002 V1" flyby. It would also appear our American Space Agencies are stating "no comment" to new evidence indicating the photo showing a CME chasing the comet was turned upside down. This means the CME (coronal mass ejection) was Earth bound.

An intuitive notion told me to save this photo to my hard drive. So I did. I had a feeling Nasa would take it down, and they did.

(See Attached Photo At Bottom of Page)

Tonight on ECTV "Radio Hour" (Feb. 24th)

My guest will be Adam Rubel and Zoraida Palacios:

Adam (27) and Zoraida (31) are co-directors of Saq� Be�: Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies, a non-profit
organization committed to supporting the efforts of Indigenous communities in the rescue and preservation of their ancient
traditions including sciences, medicines, culture and spirituality. Saq� Be� also works to open doors of opportunity for those
communities and keepers of ancient traditions to share their teachings with the world, especially young adults. The organization
is primarily focused on working with the highland Maya of Guatemala whose traditions and knowledge run deep, including the
complete knowledge of the twenty sacred calendars, healing and medicinal practices, prophecies and the Mayan cosmovision;
which have survived in tact throughout the centuries and presently face threats from the forces of globalization and fundamentalist
churches. Mayan Ajq�ij and elders consider the times in which we are living to be of great significance and of great
transformation. Considering this, in 2000, Adam and Zoraida were asked by Ajq�ij in Guatemala to open doors for the Mayan
priest and elders to transmit their knowledge directly to the world and to identify support for their efforts to rescue and preserve
their ancient ways. This eventually led to the formation of Saq� Be�. Adam and Zoraida also hold a strong interest in addressing
issues of decolonization as a way to open the capacity of �modern� civilization to better receive the ancient teachings.


Click Here to Access Tonight's Show (7 - 8 PM Pacific)

A Reminder: There is still a few days left to take advantage of ECTV's 2 for 1 special. Until the end of February, you will
receive 2 years for the price of 1. You won't regret gaining full access to the number one rated website in Earth Science and
Space Weather. Join Today...

Survival Tips:

Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV

hear the buzz...

Sorry I couldn't add the gif

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 10:10 PM
If it were to hit, best guess ... where ??? Northern or southern hemisphere?

Now you guy's are getting me all freaked out. With possibilty of NASA changing the image and telling us they wouldn't tell the public about a comet/astroid hitting us ...

Would there be any chance of survival since we have about two month's warning if it were to hit in may?

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 10:44 PM
If there is an impact, since it is approaching from the southern hemisphere, that is likely where it would hit... Statistically, it is likely to hit water, since about 3/4 of the southern hemisphere is water. Continuing with that logic, most likely, it would hit the Pacific, since that is the largest water body.

If it were to hit the south Pacific, it would flash millions of cubic feet of water into steam, and would litterally blow millions more cubic feet of water up and out of the impact area. If the comet was any decent size (a mile or larger) it would likely impact the oceanic crust at the bottom of the ocean, throwing millions of cubic feet of rock into the high atmosphere (would certainly contribute to the nuclear winter). It would likely not be impossible that it could penetrate as deep as the upper mantel, exposing a large area of raw magma.... The shock wave from the impact would send a huge tidal wave across the ocean (more on that in a minute).. The water rushing back into the cavity would flash into steam on contact with the impact heated rock, and the exposed magma, which would cause a 2nd multi megaton steam explosion, powering 2nd tidal wave.

In a Pacific hit scenario, expect 100% causualties for residents of Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and most of the Pacific Rim island/coastal nations. The tidal wave would likely totally inundate the Baja Peninsula, large portions of central America, and would likely run right across the West Coast of north America, at least as far inland as the Rockies.

Although the force of the double tidal wave would be mitigated somewhat for those on the other side of the intervening continents (IE, those on the east coast of the US), dont count your blessings yet.... seismically powered tidal waves can transmit huge amounts of energy very far distances... Although NYC may not face a mile+ high wall of water like California did, it would still be inundated. Similar effects would spread to the rest of the coastal regions globally within 12 hours of impact.

The exact severity of effects would depend on the size and mass of the comet, which we currently dont know, thanks to NASAs diligent efforts to cover it up. However, taking the Dino Killer Asteroid as an example, (6 miles in diameter), computer models indicated that the nuclear winter it generated lasted for between 50 and 200 years. Even with our current technology, and assuming that we didnt suffer too great losses in the initial impact, the human race would be hard pressed to survive such a scenario.

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 11:25 PM
Guys, this is some scarey sh-t. Most of the links to this information are vague at best and of course 1/3 of them are false and 1/3 are made by "nut" cases, but there seems to be some info in the other 1/3 that is based on what seems to be some truth here. We need to pull together on this and post some links that have "very credible" sources. The "vital" info is to scattered!!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm getting a little shook up here.

[Edited on 29-11-2002 by Skeptical Believer]

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 11:28 PM
I totally agree.... As far as the links and photos that many say show proof that NASA was faking data, I dont know that I really believe that.... however, when NASA goes and pulls the entire board down, and goes to great lengths to shut down dozens of boards and internet sites posting such info, you have to suspect that they are hiding something....

If you come to that conclusion, the next logical question is why would they do that? When you ask that question, you dont get anything but VERY bad answers....

posted on Feb, 25 2003 @ 05:01 AM

Found this site

On there, it has this link titled "Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazards", So I'm assuming this link discusses the possible hazards of an astroid/comet impact with earth. Guess what ... The link is dead, I can't get to it.

Funny it link's to NASA ... I guess this mean's, not only are we NOT going to be told about an impact, but we're also not going to be told by the official's about the possible danger's and effect's of an impact. Nice huh?

posted on Feb, 25 2003 @ 07:40 AM

I would direct your attention to the above link, the direct link to the flux magnetometer reading from the University of Alaska, which monitors realtime the emissions from the HAARP facility at Gakona Alaska.

Starting at noon of Feb 15, 2003, (about the time our weather nationally started acting wierd) there is a series of very sizeable emissions from HAARP. These emissions increase in output through out the week, up through Feb 18, and up until yesterday (Feb 24). All emissions take place at or immediately after 12:00 noon, Pacific Standard Time. This is noon in Gakona Alaska, obviously. The significance of this is that the sun is immediately overhead during the times that these emissions take place.

Emissions would have begun before Comet NEATS arrival, as it would take some lead time to build up enough harmonic resonance in something the size of the sun to create a CME large enough to affect an orbital body... as Byrd pointed out, the sun is a very large object. Keep in mind, these emissions are likely well into the gigawatt range of output, and as I have mentioned before, we have 4 HAARP facilities in the US, and numerous others owned by foreign governments. I would assume that as the Earths rotation carries each facility around to its respective noontime, each facility is releasing a similar burst of radiation.

Also of interest, you may note according to the magnetometer readings, that emissions have ceased on Feb 24.... this is most likely because comet NEAT has emerged from the far side of the sun, and is no longer close enough to be influenced by any solar event.

For those of you who are concerned, I would forecast improving weather conditions across the nation, if not globally in the next 48-72 hours, if HAARP emissions remain turned down. Also, likely a cessation of seismic activity, at least for a while.

We can only hope that HAARP lived up to the expectations its users had, and it has done something to divert the comets trajectory. I believe it likely would have, as the comet has lost most of its volatiles, (hence, it is not producing a tail), and in comets, typically the volatiles make up at least 60-75% of the mass. However, the projected HAARP mission could not have been totally successful, as the comet did in fact survive its perihelion largely intact, and was observed yesterday making its outbound departure from the sun.

We can only hope that the power that be, really do know what the hell they are doing.... For me at least, this is by far the scariest aspect of the entire situation.

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