Also read my other related post...
Comet NEAT and China earthquake
China Earthquake Kills Over 250, And Counting...02/24/03
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
A 6.3 earthquake hit near southern Xinjiang, China late last night killing at least 250 people. Rescuers on the scene believe the fatality count will
rise as the rescue workers begin to clear the damage. The official Xinhua news agency said it had a magnitude of 6.8, while the US Geological Survey
said it measured 6.3 magnitude.
A "swarm" of earthquakes have hit southern California over the last two days. It started on February 19th with a 2.9 mag. No less than 15 quakes
have occurred since the first one, the largest of which has registered 4.8 mag.
Volcanic activity has escalated since February 18th. New Activity/Unrest: | Lokon-Empung, Indonesia | Nyiragongo, D.R. Congo| Ongoing Activity: |
Etna, Italy | Kilauea, USA | Kliuchevskoi, Russia | Popocat�petl, M�xico | Santa Mar�a, Guatamala
| Shiveluch, Russia | Soufri�re Hills, Montserrat | Tungurahua, Ecuador | Veniaminof, USA |
One would have to ask the question..."Does the current escalation in earthquake activity and volcanism have a connection with Comet "C/2002 V1"
flyby near the Sun?" I will leave the answer up to you.
It appears NASA removed Feb. 18 2003 SOHO photo of comet "C/2002 V1" flyby. It would also appear our American Space Agencies are stating "no
comment" to new evidence indicating the photo showing a CME chasing the comet was turned upside down. This means the CME (coronal mass ejection) was
Earth bound.
An intuitive notion told me to save this photo to my hard drive. So I did. I had a feeling Nasa would take it down, and they did.
(See Attached Photo At Bottom of Page)
Tonight on ECTV "Radio Hour" (Feb. 24th)
My guest will be Adam Rubel and Zoraida Palacios:
Adam (27) and Zoraida (31) are co-directors of Saq� Be�: Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies, a non-profit
organization committed to supporting the efforts of Indigenous communities in the rescue and preservation of their ancient
traditions including sciences, medicines, culture and spirituality. Saq� Be� also works to open doors of opportunity for those
communities and keepers of ancient traditions to share their teachings with the world, especially young adults. The organization
is primarily focused on working with the highland Maya of Guatemala whose traditions and knowledge run deep, including the
complete knowledge of the twenty sacred calendars, healing and medicinal practices, prophecies and the Mayan cosmovision;
which have survived in tact throughout the centuries and presently face threats from the forces of globalization and fundamentalist
churches. Mayan Ajq�ij and elders consider the times in which we are living to be of great significance and of great
transformation. Considering this, in 2000, Adam and Zoraida were asked by Ajq�ij in Guatemala to open doors for the Mayan
priest and elders to transmit their knowledge directly to the world and to identify support for their efforts to rescue and preserve
their ancient ways. This eventually led to the formation of Saq� Be�. Adam and Zoraida also hold a strong interest in addressing
issues of decolonization as a way to open the capacity of �modern� civilization to better receive the ancient teachings.
Click Here to Access Tonight's Show : (7 - 8 PM Pacific)
A Reminder: There is still a few days left to take advantage of ECTV's 2 for 1 special. Until the end of February, you will
receive 2 years for the price of 1. You won't regret gaining full access to the number one rated website in Earth Science and
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Survival Tips:
Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV
hear the buzz...
Sorry I couldn't add the gif