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PID - Motivations for the Murder of Paul McCartney

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 02:41 PM
Switching Yard,

your theory could explain why there are some PID clues pre-replacement. They may have been planning to replace Paul for quite some time, & were dropping hints about what was going to happen.

Do you think the Baconists are connected to the Tavistock Institute?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:50 PM
Yes, I have been thinking that clues were planted as early as the Help! album but I have no proof of that, yet.

As far as Baconists being involved with Tavistock, I have no idea, however I think that both of those groups were simultaneously connected to British Intelligence, which was connected to royalty and the government.

Keep in mind Baconists are devout Rosicrucians and that helps explain the spiritual element of magic and mystery so prevalent in the Beatles' psychedelic period. Mixing Rosicrucians and Baconists (utopianists) with military psychologists and psychiatrists and the result is one powerful secret society, would be my guess. Whatever the cult was it must have operated directly with CIA. The royals must have been aware and played some role, as well. The secret society or cult (I'm theorizing) was keen to promote peace, love and utopia but had hidden secrets related to the inner sanctum of Rosicrucian ritual.

It just kind of lines up when you think that the most respected and well distributed words in the English language are 1) The King James Version of the Holy Bible; 2) the sonnets and plays of William Shakespeare; and 3) the lyrics of The Beatles.

Sir Francis Bacon was intimately involved in the first two and the third was taken over by cult followers of not only Bacon but heavily Rosicrucian with a definite agenda.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by switching yard
If, as has been theorized, Sir Francis Bacon was a contributor and possibly the Editor-In-Chief of the King James Version of the Bible, then he may have indeed written the following passage which can be found in Proverbs (how does this relate to PID? The whole Paul Is Dead clues thing could have been a planted encryption of a secret message with Bacon as precedent)...

"Remember that which thou hast just read, that the Divine Majesty takes delight to hide His work, according to the innocent play of children, to have them found out; surely for thee to follow the example of the most high God cannot be censured. Therefore, put away popular applause, and after the manner of Soloman the king, compose a history of thy times and fold it into enigmatical writings and cunning mixtures of the theatre, mingled as the colors of the painter's shell, and it will in due course of time be found."

We have popular applause as an effective sound effect in the beginning and end of the Sgt Pepper album. Popular applause can also relate to the millions of girls worldwide who were caught up in Beatlemania. Bacon was not only a brilliant writer, but he was a keen creator of 'enigmatical writings and cunning that would in due course be found out' just as all the Paul Is Dead clues would eventually be found out. I think whatever cabal engineered the Paul Is Dead clues in lyrics and album art probably were Baconists and knew very well what cryptology Bacon had accomplished not only in Bacon's ghost writing of the Shakespeare works but also as contributor to the Bible.

As the Proverbs passage continues, we have the idea of a Faul appearing on the scene...

"For there shall be born into the world not in years but in ages, a man whose pliant and obedient mind we, of the supernatural world, will take special heed, by all possible endeavor, to frame and mould into a pipe for thy fingers to sound, what stop thou please; and this man, either led or driven, as we point the way, will yield himself a disciple of thine, and will search and seek out thy disordered and confused strings and roots with some peril and unsafety to himself. For men in scornful and arrogant manner will call him mad, and point at him the finger of scorn; and yet they will, upon trial, practice, and study of thy plan, see that the secret, by great and voluminous labour hath been found out."

Sounds to me like the same guy who wrote that, wrote Shakespeare. Sounds like the cabal of crypto-analysts who helped the Beatles plant clues, were aware of things, shall we say.

That's very interesting SY, I had to study Hamlet when I was back in school. As a play it had everything in there and it goes to show whoever wrote these works was a literary master.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 10:28 PM
Is it possible this guy, Billy Martin, is behind Faul's songs?

Here he is w/ Faul at

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy
Is it possible this guy, Billy Martin, is behind Faul's songs?

Here he is w/ Faul at

Looks like he's penned songs for Elvis and Cliff Richard as well as two Eurovision winners for Ireland and the UK. The Eurovision is a bit of a joke today but back thirty years ago it was proper songwriting contest with a backing orchestra. He may very well have written a few for Faul, much of his solo career was mediocre. When he plays live today it's mainly Beatles numbers and some of his more well known solo hits.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 02:16 AM
People are finally starting to figure it out about replaCIAments. This podcast features PID.


Does the CIA use body doubles?
Jan 1, 4:07 PM
Over the past decades, the CIA has been accused of everything from selling guns to assassinating people. Yet that's not the craziest part: Some people believe the CIA is actually replacing its enemies. Tune in and learn more in this episode.


posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 08:06 AM
This op-ed piece appeared. It was linked to by a popular Beatles News site...

The interesting thing is that although, as usual, these opinion pieces ridicule PID as "the great hoax", these articles are now acknowledging that Italian forensics experts have shown scientifically that there's an impostor.

I know this News Blaze site, which I've never heard of before, is more like a blog and not in any way mainstream, but I just find it interesting that the "play it down" stories are now admitting that yes, Italian forensics experts believe that their findings are consistent with the idea that Paul was murdered and replaced by a double. Something that's increasingly obvious the more that serious researchers delve into it.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 08:11 AM
switching yard

I think you might find this article interesting. There is a suggestion that an English nobleman - Fulke Greville - authored at least some of Shakespeare's plays.

There is also mention of him being a Rosicrucian. It's a long read, but extremely interesting.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by berenike]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 09:09 AM
Thanks, Berenike!

'Twas an enlightening read! Thanks for the link!

I find the Elizabethans to be fascinating. The period was quintessential Renaissance not unlike the heydey of the mid to late 1960s in swinging London.

Also, the topic of Rosicrucianists is shrouded in mystery, and quite fascinating.

The book THE SHAKESPEARE CODE by Virginia Fellows is, in my opinion a 'must-read' for PID researchers. I am in the process of code breaking the Beatles' song lyrics. Will report findings when the work is complete.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by switching yard
This op-ed piece appeared. It was linked to by a popular Beatles News site...

The interesting thing is that although, as usual, these opinion pieces ridicule PID as "the great hoax", these articles are now acknowledging that Italian forensics experts have shown scientifically that there's an impostor...

Here's what it said:

... It is undoubtedly impossible to struggle against PID though recent Italian physiognomic research revealed there are many cases of anthropometrical and craniometrical incongruence between Paul's picture taken before 1966 and those that were taken after his alleged car crash. Therefore, they are supposed to be two different people...

The Great Hoax: The Beatles Death Curse
Alessandro De Arcangelis

Uh, yeah, when facial features & bone structure don't match up, it's not the same person. Why is that so hard for some people to grasp?

And the "car crash" is total disinfo. They are just hoping people will latch onto that & not delve deeper into the sordid tale. JMO

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 10:30 AM
If there had been a crash and the body of Paul recovered and the whole thing plastered all over the media, then I would think that maybe they staged it as a cover for a murder. The idea of a secret crash staged in order for police detectives to conclude that Paul died in a car crash has crossed my mind, but I think it would have been very difficult to hush the police unless they were hushed by the Queen or British intelligence or both.

However, I tend to agree that there was no car crash at all and it was just a rumor purposefully put out around London as perhaps a diversion. It could have served as an "explanation" if another rumor was going round that a double had taken over.

It would seem to me that a car crash, real or staged, "killing" a Beatle would have been hard to coverup and keep from the press even if a hush had been put on it by TPTB.

I do suspect that Brian Epstein felt guilty about the switch from original Paul to the phony. He may have blabbed to friends about what he knew of it and was snuffed as a result. We do know that after 1966, Epstein was not really managing the group. Legend has it that his role had diminished because they were no longer touring. Whatever. Here's a guy who was handling every aspect of the group's success then suddenly he's out of the picture?

He's out of the picture, along with Cyn, Maureen, Jane Asher, and others. Something major and bizarre happened for so many in the inner circle to step aside. I believe that Paul being replaced obviously turned off insiders who didn't want anything to do with it and probably feared for their lives.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by switching yard
I do suspect that Brian Epstein felt guilty about the switch from original Paul to the phony. He may have blabbed to friends about what he knew of it and was snuffed as a result. We do know that after 1966, Epstein was not really managing the group.

My impression was that Paul was pretty much calling the shots by 1966. I think he had to be forcibly removed by TPTB b/c he wouldn't comply & he wouldn't quit. JMO

Paul being replaced obviously turned off insiders who didn't want anything to do with it and probably feared for their lives.

No doubt.

Brian Epstein - dead.
Mal Evans - dead.
John Lennon - dead.
George Harrison - attacked.
Heather Mills - threatened.

Anyone I'm forgetting?

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 02:40 PM
In this interview off of the Anthology, Faul says he was 1 1/2 years older than George. George says Paul was 9 months older than him.

The Beatles -interview with John Paul and George.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 07:36 PM
Thanks for the clip, someotherguy!

I've watched that several times before and never picked up on the discrepancy. But as you're pointing out, it's obvious something is wrong. These two should both know exactly what the age difference is but one of them is not getting it right.

McCartney was born 18 June, 1942

Harrison was born 25 February, 1943

That's about 8 months.

For "Sir Paul" to be off by 10 months seems to me to be unacceptable. George had no trouble remembering it as 9 months, pretty close to the truth. "Sir Paul" is way off and I suspect that's another brick in the wall of circumstantial evidence this guy is a fake.

Four boys in a boy band are going to be keenly aware of the age differences. I would guess the same is true for girls, for example The Supremes. People bonded that close in a gang at that age (let's face it, The Beatles were Lennon's gang in the early years) just know very well the exact age differences between them.

Also consider that from the day they joined together as a group (and one would imagine sometime before that) up until the Beatles broke up, George and Paul either celebrated each other's birthdays partying together in person or at least were keenly aware when one or the other's birthdays happened (or when John's or Ringo's happened). They knew very well when it was one another's birthday year after year after year.

So, for "Sir Paul" to forget and to get it way wrong is a bit telling that he slipped and didn't quite have his briefing facts right at that moment. Perhaps he got the time gap between birthdays mixed up with the gap between Original Paul and one of the other Beatles, other than Harrison. Who knows.

posted on Feb, 15 2010 @ 08:02 PM
Also the way the discrepancy is presented on the Anthology, i.e. back to back.
Faul: I was 1 1/2 yrs older than George.
George: Paul was 9 months older than I.

The producers of the Anthology must have been aware that Faul made that mistake. So, it just makes me wonder if the slip-up could have been placed on the Anthology as one of the myriad clues that Faul isn't the real deal?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:43 AM
Yes, I agree the producer may have been intentionally juxtaposing those clips back to back as if to say "look here folks, do you catch anything odd?" but this is precisely why those of us in PID research are determined to get to the bottom of this mystery or to dig up anything and everything we can to show that something is terribly amiss.

This is why all the released media and materials and so-called "facts" relating to The Beatles pre and post 'the switch time' merit intense review with an eye for things that don't make sense.

I am convinced there are lots more problematic nuggets to be found. This birthday gap issue is a prime example of how the masses are conditioned to believe that everything "Sir Paul" says is innocent. Myself included. As I said, I have watched the entire Anthology video series, which I own, many times. I didn't catch the birthday gap issue until it was brought to my attention. Why? Because just like everyone else, I've been conditioned to accept what Beatles say and not think twice about the accuracy. It's the conditioning that is such a big stumbling block and devised so by TPTB.

The reason I'm so intrigued by the Francis Bacon thing is that the deceptions are similar. When the Bacon cipher was cracked, a whole very different, secret history of the English royal Tudor family emerged that runs counter to what the masses have been CONDITIONED to believe over the years. Traditional history of the English royals still being taught in classrooms today is a false cover story for what actually happened.

Francis Bacon was not a Bacon but a Tudor. His mother was 'the Virgin Queen' Elizabeth who had illegitimate sons, according to the cipher. If Francis had not been born a 'bastard', he would have ascended the throne to become king instead of James. But because Francis was born secretly and out of wedlock he was given a FALSE IDENTITY and denied his true place in the Tudor dynasty. The grandfather of Francis Bacon was Henry VIII, king of England.

The cunning deceptions, the falsified documents, the counterfeit identity, the machinations of political subterfuge, and so on... have been an accepted facet of English power since the beginning of civilized society in England.

Basically, here's the deal... Francis Bacon, knowing who he really was (his adoption mother told him the truth) channeled his frustration into writing the some of the most ingenious literary works in the English language and presided over the King James Version of the Bible. It was his way of showing the deceitful royal court that they missed out on having a brilliant king by not recognizing him. He got back at them by producing works that would stand the test of time and never be forgotten. He is immortal through his works of 'Shakespeare' and the Bible. It was his way of saying, in essence, 'Right, you want false identities? O.K., how about I produce works that will live forever and to spite you I will use pseudonyms instead of the false name you've given me.' Sir Francis Bacon was also very, very much a Rosicrucian and utopianist.

I just get the feeling and suspicion that the powers behind the scenes in England saw writing talent and unprecedented mass appeal in The Beatles that they wanted to take over and use and put on the same level of timeless classics as Bacon's works. Maybe they want to advance the Rosicrucian cause of moving the world towards utopia just as Bacon tried to do.

I agree with someotherguy that Original Paul got in the way or wouldn't cooperate with the takeover of the group and was replaced. I don't know how they held the other members of the group under this sort of spell of cooperation, but they got away with it. Was it just that the other Beatles feared for their lives or were there additional techniques (Tavistock) used to keep them in line.

The search for new clues goes on.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:54 PM
Really fascinating info about Bacon, SY.

Originally posted by switching yard
This is why all the released media and materials and so-called "facts" relating to The Beatles pre and post 'the switch time' merit intense review with an eye for things that don't make sense.

Biographers have complained that Faul is constantly "re-writing history." He is probably just forgetting the cover story. It would be good to review everything w/ a mind for picking out the discrepancies. For ex, Faul has about 3 different reasons for why he wasn't wearing shoes on the Abbey Road cover. I think we can assume none of his explanations were the real reason. lol

Faul's Abbey Road Shoes

Because just like everyone else, I've been conditioned to accept what Beatles say and not think twice about the accuracy. It's the conditioning that is such a big stumbling block and devised so by TPTB.

Agreed. Also, when one is watching TV, most people's brains go into alpha state. Most people just passively receive the information without critically thinking about it. But of course, if your intention is not just to watch but to catch slip-ups, you'll be more on your toes.

I just get the feeling and suspicion that the powers behind the scenes in England saw writing talent and unprecedented mass appeal in The Beatles that they wanted to take over and use and put on the same level of timeless classics as Bacon's works. Maybe they want to advance the Rosicrucian cause of moving the world towards utopia just as Bacon tried to do.

If that is true, then they took out the one w/ the most talent! Faul has fallen flat, IMO. But yes, I do think they were trying to use the Beatles/Featles to advance their agenda - esp the drug agenda.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by someotherguy]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by berenike
switching yard

I think you might find this article interesting. There is a suggestion that an English nobleman - Fulke Greville - authored at least some of Shakespeare's plays.

There is also mention of him being a Rosicrucian. It's a long read, but extremely interesting.

Hi Berenike,

That article is none too long, if only there had been more. Nonetheless it reveals among many interesting tidbits something of noteworthy nature for us in our contemporary investigations.

We learned that Lord Brooke (the real Shakespeare Fulke Greville) was a Master Spy in addition to being the first Rosicrucian Grand Master. His death is not without reminding us of that of others by intelligence agencies.

"On September 1, 1628, Greville - by then the 74-year- old Lord Brooke - was being helped to dress by a 'gentleman retainer' called Ralph Haywood.

Haywood, who had spent years in Fulke's service, suddenly drew a knife and stabbed him twice in the left side, before turning the knife on himself.

The motive for the murder remains a mystery, though some have suggested Haywood was infuriated on discovering he had been 'cheated in his master's will'."

This closely resembles the Modus Operandi of a Mind Controlled Manchurian Candidate instructed to erase all traces of the order givers by committing suicide immediately after completing the murder. Many such cases occur, the most notorious of which are the terror inspiring random murder rampages which invariably end in the perpetrator's suicide.

While greed is often invoked as a cause for all ills and an excuse for any misdeed, things are seldom so simple. Often, in most criminal acts there may be a component of greed without it entirely explaining all that transpires. In conspiracies there may well also be a component of greed, but is it the prime motive? Seldom, especially if death prevents one from cashing in.

His death may have also been disguised as a murder / suicide pinning the guilt on his loyal servant who was unable to defend his master and used as a patsy for the crime? Being himself dead having reportedly committed suicide out of shame or fear of reprisal, there were no witnesses left behind.

Those people in the Entourage of Francis Bacon were involved in the dark arts of espionage, intrigue and conspiracy - - which is the trade of intelligence agencies which have entire teams dedicated to conspiring against enemies and often even against friends and allies. This helps better understand why today's alphabet agencies don't like conspiracy theorists because by definition they attempt to decode and undo their very own alphabet conspiracies.

We have been led to believe that, due to the recent evolution of technology, we are far more advanced in all fields than our ancestors. But in the dark arts of Occult Hermetic Groups associated since then with Intelligence Agencies things may have not changed so much. There is likely a GREATER CONSPIRACY which has lasted for centuries at least since those times under the rule of King James - - of Biblical Renown.

More importantly than the confirmation that either Francis Bacon or Fulke Greville is really the author of Shakespeare's works, would be the possible discovery of a secret biography of James I that might shed light on what he sought to hide of the biblical knowledge still accessible in the early 17th Century. The involvement of the Rosicrucians in the affairs of State and the role they may have had in controlling the minds of the educated class would also be revealing.

Those behind Tavistock, the Beatles and MI-5 are very likely just as inevitably connected to the modern extensions of the Rosicrucian order and assorted satanist Illuminati secret societies. Under the cover of allegedly infiltrating them for intelligence gathering purposes they can in all impunity engage in the most devious deceptions - - subverting government and culture to the vile Agenda of a corrupt sect.

We are still today under the yoke of the same occult groups who have been increasing their stranglehold over the Globe. Rather than focus on the political puppets or edutainment pied pipers that the media promote with obsessive intensity, we should uncover the deeply buried Secret Societies which are the real power center of the world. Within them, ruled by satanic high priests and accompanied by rituals of such inhumanity to preclude rebellion, those ruling over us decide our fate.

They only emerge in a fragmentary way, from time to time and in place to place. Never are the dots connected worldwide exposing the satanic Elite's devious perversions which, while condemnable on their own, are revealing of who is really running the show.

Scotland's Lord Advocate concealing top-level paedophile ring?

This only reveals the tip of the iceberg of the pervasive satanic corruption of our governing Elites. Former FBI chief agent for Los Angeles County Ted Gunderson has more to say about the CIA feeding abducted "Missing Children" to these Illuminati satanists.

Ted Gunderson - The Great Conspiracy Exposed

It is not only an American problem as can be evidenced by the shattering revelations of the Dutroux arrest and prosecution which brought clear testimony involving the Belgian Royal Family as well as other participants the identity of which has been withheld.

Dutroux Royal Bloodline Pedophile Ring

This reaches into all areas of political power and the European Union not only isn't spared by probably harbors one of the leading COVENS of satanic abuse.

Are Kate and Gerry McCann Victims of MK-Ultra Mind Control Programming?

The McCanns have hired 2 private investigators due to the inept police inquest which produced nothing. Since being cleared after being presented as the prime suspects in their own daughter's disappearance, they have filed suit for slander against Policeman Goncalo Amaral who said they hid her body.

We should not be surprised that Stanley Kubrick was executed after directing Eyes Wide Shut.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Getsmart]

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 12:12 PM
Yes, I suspect Kubrick exposed something that hit a raw nerve of the Illuminati. He seems to have been "taken out".

By the way, the film is, from first to last frame, someone's dream and there is at least one dream within the dream. The whole occult secret society sex ritual enforced by violence and murder may have derived from first hand accounts of the real thing. Kubrick lived near London and circulated in wealthy, sophisticated circles.

I've been thinking more about the possibility that Billy Shears was a reference to William Shakespeare (a fraud). Take out the K and P from Shakespeare and you get a reduction to Shears. Could the K & P stand for Killed Paul?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 03:20 AM
Agents for change: Beatles, '___', & social-engineering

As discussed in Entertainment industry & mass manipulation, celebrities are used to sell the power that be's (TPTB) agenda. They are particularly well suited because they are popular and influential. Many people will emulate them, because they set the standard for what is "cool." It seems TPTB used the Beatles as agents for change in their social engineering efforts. In 1972, John Lennon admitted that "[c]hanging the lifestyle and appearance of youth throughout the world didn't just happen - we set out to do it. We knew what we were doing."

...In 1978, [Lyndon LaRouche] wrote that "[t]he Beatles ... were a product shaped according to British Psychological Warfare Division (Tavistock) specifications, and promoted in Britain by agencies which are controlled by British intelligence." ...

The views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement

... [T]he Beatles [played a] key, pivotal role in the mass social experimentation carried out by Britain's Tavistock Institute in conjunction with covert intelligence agencies like the CIA, NSA and Britain's MI5/MI6...

Lennon was murdered shortly after he gave an interview to Playboy magazine in which he blew the lid off the fact that the Beatles were part of massive experimentation in social control/engineering unleashed by Tavistock and intelligence agencies, as was the deliberate introduction of drugs like '___' into the burgeoning "counterculture" scene during the 1960s and 1970s...

Harrison Stabbing & Masonic Symbolism
NewsHawk(r) Inc.

...MKULTRA was divided into 149 Subprojects. One group of Subprojects involved the development and testing of mind control drugs. The goal was to identify compounds which would assist in interrogation and in the creation of amnesia. The CIA sponsored '___' research through MKULTRA. It also financed '___' conferences and books. An undated document entitled “D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LDS-25),” states “Some of the more outstanding effects are the mental confusion, helplessness, and extreme anxiety which are produced by minute doses of this substance. Based upon these reactions, its potential use in offensive psychological warfare and in interrogation is considerable. It may become one of the most important psychochemical agents.”

Project "Bluebird"
Colin A. Ross MD

This is from the interview with John Lennon that was conducted shortly before he was assassinated on December 8, 1980:

PLAYBOY: "Acid?" LENNON: "Not in years... We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for '___'... They invented '___' to control people and what they did was give us freedom..."

There is a question about how one might "market" a mind-control drug to the masses to where they would take such a thing willingly. In this case, a super-famous, popular rockstar would, no doubt, fill the bill. The unsuspecting fans might want to try it because it's "cool."

Paul McCartney seems to have been unsuitable for this task. He seems to have been rather reserved in his drug use. For ex., he limited himself to one prelude usually and outright refused to try heroin.

...McCartney's introduction to drugs started in Hamburg, Germany.[142] The Beatles had to play for hours, and they were often given "Prellies" (Preludin)... McCartney would usually take one... ... Help! director Dick Lester said that he overheard "two beautiful women" trying to cajole McCartney into taking heroin, but he refused...

Paul McCartney

Perhaps Paul had a moral compunction about "selling" '___' and other drugs to the kids. Perhaps he resisted being a change agent for inducting the NWO drug culture, and that's what got him eliminated. We will never know for sure, but Paul was not involved in promoting '___' use, since he was replaced by September 1966. [See Was Paul McCartney replaced in August 1966?] Obviously, his replacement, Faul, had no such moral compunction. Here he is talking about taking '___' in a June 1967 interview:

At 4:40, Dick Cavett astutely remarks that the Beatles' huge influence might have influenced people into taking drugs. George Harrison admitted that after "Paul" said he took '___' on TV, the "whole world went crazy."

CIA asset, Timothy Leary, said:

The Sgt. Pepper album... compresses the evolutionary development of musicology and much of the history of Eastern and Western sound in a new tympanic complexity. Then add psychedelic drugs. Millions of kids turned-on pharmacologically, listening to stoned-out electronic music designed specifically for the suggestible, psychedelecized nervous system by stoned-out, long-haired minstrels. This... is the most powerful brainwashing device our planet has ever known. Indeed, if you were an observer from a more highly evolved planet wondering how to change human psychology and human cultural development ..., would you not inevitably combine electrical energies from outside with biochemical catalysts inside to accomplish your mutation?"

Dr. Timothy Leary, from his "Thank God For the Beatles" essay

'___', then was a psycho-chemical, psychological warfare agent, which was used as a "brain-washing device" in combination with psychedelic music. Inducing mental confusion and helplessness in people makes them easier to control and manipulate. The hippie music fans became too busy turning on, tuning in, and dropping out to effectively resist TPTB's other agendas, such as expanding the war machine in Southeast Asia. The anti-war movement was thus rendered impotent.

[edit on 26-2-2010 by someotherguy]

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