Check out this interesting thread about Kubrick's EYES WIDE SHUT and do see the youtube vids the thread is referring to; there are three parts to
view on youtube. Please view the videos...
Just finishing the amazing book THE SHAKESPEARE CODE by Virginia Fellows, which I urge everyone interested in PID to get a copy and read it. It's
about the deceptions, secrecies, secret societies, cryptic ciphers (clues), things not being what they seem on the surface or in the "official"
stories/history of who wrote Shakespeare (Sir Francis Bacon, a guy who was not a Bacon but a Tudor --- outcast, and deprived of his natural born Tudor
heir apparent status.
It's about the many lies for public consumption and how deception masked the truth of what was going on in the high echelons of English nobility and
society. If you read this book, as I urge you to do, you will find haunting parallels to the conspiracy theory that we are on the trail of... the real
Paul McCartney was murdered and replaced.
Any references to kings and queens (Cry, Baby, Cry --- Her Majesty --- etc) in the Beatles' latter period song lyrics, in my opinion, are direct
references to the time of Francis Bacon and Queen Elizabeth I during the English Renaissance or what is known as the Elizabethan period. The use of
the word "bacon" in Harrison's song "Piggies", I believe is a direct reference to Sir Francis Bacon. "Eat their Bacon" means that the gullible
public whom have "bought in" to the official story of Shakespeare have been fooled. The truth can be known, but the shallow public knows not how to
find it
Sir Francis Bacon died mysteriously and was quite possibly murdered (the cover story is that he was packing chicken meat (just one chicken, not a lot
of them) in ice to scientifically test preservation of meat in ice, got a chill, caught a nasty cold, and died). The location of his remains is
unknown to this day.
Here are SHAKESPEARE CODE excerpts about Sir Francis Bacon...
" he buried at St. Michael's? (where Bacon had previously requested to be buried upon his death) No one has been able to locate his coffin. In
the early part of the twentieth century, the then Earl of Verulam told the prestigious Baconian Mrs. Henry Pott that he had checked the burials in the
crypt when his father was buried. There was no casket for Sir Francis Bacon".
It has been thought...that he may have been buried under the statue erected to him by his devoted servant Sir Thomas Meauty in the chancel at St.
Michael's. Oddly enough, the original wording of the monument had been obliterated --- intentionally or by accident? ... recent excavation shows no
tomb there and the present Verulam family insists he was never buried there. The relevant page from the burial register is likewise missing. ...
impossible to locate any reference to his funeral.
What are we to make of this confusion concerning the disappearance of so famous a man?
It was a major tenet of the Rosicrucians (secret society of which Bacon was a key member) that instead of being buried in tombs with identification
and headstones, they would be 'buried obscurely' so that their good deeds might be recorded in (another realm or parallel world) rather than on
earth (in this world)."
Bacon (who was the true author of the Shakespeare works) disappeared, whereabouts unknown.
I am working on an attempt to crack a cipher embedded in the song lyrics of the Beatles starting with the album Help! and continuing onwards through
the songs. I think there exists, in a key words cipher hidden within all the lyrics (key words disguised because they are surrounded by neutral
words); I think there exists the true story of what happened to Paul and why. I believe it is quite important to factor in the intelligible spoken
words one can hear in Revolution No. 9 Cracking this lyrics code is a laborious, painstaking process so I'm not nearly done yet.
I believe John Lennon and George Harrison, possibly with help from George Martin (control agent) and others, purposefully embedded a word cipher in
the Beatles' lyrics.
Another excerpt from the book THE SHAKESPEARE CODE...
"Francis wrote briefly about ciphers in 1605...
'For ciphers, they are commonly in letters or alphabets, but may be in (whole) words. The kinds of ciphers (besides the simple ciphers, with changes,
and intermixtures of nulls and non-significants) are many, according to the nature or rule of the infolding, wheel-ciphers, key-ciphers, doubles, etc.
But the virtues of them, whereby they are to be preferred, are three: that they not be laborious to write and read; that they be impossible to
decipher (unless one cracks the code); and, in some cases, that they be without suspicion.' ... the highest degree of cipher... signify omnia per
author's footnote re omnia per omnia: "Latin, lit. 'everything by means of everything': a reference to the fact that any cipher message may be
hidden within any outer message."
More info to come, as my theories unfold regarding how to find the truth about Paul's death and replacement. The visual clues on the album covers may
have to be interwoven with cipher text embedded in the lyrics or the visual clues may be there to signify that yes, 'something is rotten in the state
of Denmark' and as signs to look deeper so as to eventually crack a code or cipher.
As far as I know, there has NEVER been a satisfactory official explanation of why death clues are all over the place in latter period Beatles' album
cover visuals and in the lyrics (e.g. "dying to take you away" etc). PID researchers, we know we are on to something and it is just a matter of time
before we can get the facts out and break this story wide open.