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Images of Tehran, Iran (May shock)

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posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 06:52 AM
yeah, i have some iranian friends here..they are cool ppl..i am a chinese btw from malaysia and living in an arab country now..
sometime the reports in the MSM is very one sided and misleading..

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by ArcAngel

Again. Iran has signed the non-proliferation treaty, therefore they DONT have WMDs.
Unlike Isreal and the US, that HAVEN`T signed, and never will.
Stop beeing hypocrites

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:02 AM
btw, i have had some interesting conversation with some iranian friends who lives outside of iran..
i can tell u that the mood for change in iran is strong..but they are being surpressed from freedom of speech..however..they do say one thing that got me laughing though..

they say..this crying wolf of iran will attack is israel and provoking wars is just a mean to divert attentions from domestic corruptions and issues tht is more towards the betterment of iranian ppl..NOW my friends said..if the govt suddenly goes quiet about attacking israel ? that is when u need to be scared..


posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by and14263

Does look nice and i'm sure it is a nice place with a lot to see but it's the people who run the Country who bother me and as i'm British i don't think i'd be welcome there... i also think the Religion would get in the way still as i don't really like the rules of Islam...

I met a nice Irani girl while i was in Las Vegas.... she was free from all that religious stuff and was enjoying herself as well as looking good!!

Edit to add: Although it looks like a Country on the up it will soon be submersed in as many buildings as we are over here in England and then it will just look like any other built up City.... tons of concrete and brick!!

[edit on 13-9-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by and14263

Not so long ago two friends and I rode our motorcycles from Southern India to Western Europe. We found Iran to be the nicest country with the friendliest people, closely followed by Turkey. As soon as we entered Europe we needed to lock our bikes when parked and secure our luggage.
This had not been needed anywhere on the journey. Although the press and certain governments would like us to believe otherwise we found the mosllim world to be a very safe and firiendly place, with people who are genuinly interested in other persons wellbeing. And as these pictures show Iran is a beautiful country. Just google Esphahan city square and see if your town/city can match that

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by The-Hammer

i'm melodramatic ... yes i m with no shame ... like those men...

and there are many others all this men and women talkin about peace are they all crazy ? are they all melodramatics ? can you explain me why fighting for peace is bad, explain me you point of view because i dont get it .

1) explain me why making war is important?
2) and good for witch people ?
3) what are you winning ?
4) what is your valour ?

it's not a personal attack, but all those question are for evreyone, even for me, to think about witch road we want take.

i keep telling you i'm melodramtic and proud of it and not afraid to see the ugly face of this humanity, the two side of the coin are bad,as i say we loose all the time and to keep focus on this idea it help me to think how i can change it.

thank you .

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
reply to post by and14263

as i'm British i don't think i'd be welcome there... i also think the Religion would get in the way still as i don't really like the rules of Islam...

[edit on 13-9-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

i am british too - i've been there three times and am going again in April.
No problems at all!

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 09:31 AM
Iran: Tehran Officials Begin Crackdown On Pet Dogs

Iran: Tehran Officials Begin Crackdown On Pet Dogs

nope, not the kind of place I'd want to be.

Its a place run by control freaks.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 09:55 AM
the people in power need enemies to justify their power, this applies to north korea, iran, russia, as well and the united states and europe. we are a war species, we are still in our infancy as how to get along with each other, while at the same time keep the arrogant, insane, madmen from gaining power. we give in to people that show strength, because it is hoped that they will overcome the problems of our society. but, often they are the ones that become selfish and arrogant, reaching the point of killing innocent people, and thus the cycle begins again, with war, truce, and rebuilding, promising a better future for all.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:13 AM
Earth is a beautiful Planet it this human race that is destroying her beauty.

I believe all people want to live free but once Leaders get in they become so power hungry and greedy.

Look at each Country on this Planet and who is running them and you will see that there are only a few handfulls of people that have control of the masses but yet the masses do nothing to stop them.

It's so sad that man has made boundries to satisify there greed because I believe all people would love to travel and see what this planet has to offer from there landscapes all the way to how the people live.

This race has screwed up big time and it won't get better unless everyone joins together to bring change as one for this entire Planet.

Thanks for the beautiful pictures.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:19 AM
wow, I didnt really think anyone believed the tv that much.
did you think iran was a big desert full of terrorists?
Now consider what else you may have been brain washed to believe....

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by and14263

It really is pretty shocking isn't it?

The way the media portrays Iran, you'd think they are living in shacks or roaming the desert as nomads raising camels for profit and carrying AKs everywhere.

The Iran people aren't who I worry about, it's just the religious fanatics that have their seats of power that are cause for concern. I worry about the same for the US.

What's also shocking are the number of Americans who believe the government/military industrial propaganda, portraying Iranians and other middle easterners as camel riding, desert dwelling savages. Fear controls the masses and too many Americans are willing to just accept whatever is told to them by the govt. controlled media. The same thing happened during the entire cold war with Russia.

And I agree with your statement about the religious fanatics. The Christian fanatics are just as frightening and radical as any muslim or islamic extremist.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 11:24 AM

public school made me picture Iran as a place like North Korea.

Pictures of a few ghettos in a gloomy day. That's all I was shown and taught.

I saw pictures of Iran, and Iran is not a desert because of its rivers and mountains.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by and14263

I am glad to see that you have had your eyes opened to the beauty of the heart of Persia. I wish more could be. However, what you see on the media is not necessarily all lies - just extremely one sided. The link you posted in your OP is merely the extreme counter. Iran is a mixture of both, but wholly neither.

While I wouldn't consider it an authoritative source, for some greater context from a personal perspective - I would suggest checking out Marjane Satrapi's biography Persepolis. I don't know if they made an english language version, but the French version is available on "Watch it Now" streaming video if you have a Netflix account.

War may still be inevitable in the coming years... but if it happens, I hope it's a struggle of the people for their own nation and heritage. I've been noticing a rather strong anti-arab/anti-muslim sentiment among many of the Iranian YouTube posters I've encountered. Many of whom dream to restore Persia to what it was prior to the Roman and Arab invasions. I hope they are successful in resurrecting a modern day Persia. While they did conquer by the sword, their rule has traditionally been the exception of ancient civilizations - by accommodating their newly conquered cultures, rather than enslaving them.

Darius also continued the process of religious tolerance to his subjects, which had been important parts of the reigns of Cyrus and Cambyses. Darius himself was likely monotheistic - in royal inscriptions Ahuramazda is the only god mentioned by name. However, there is considerable evidence that Darius worshiped, funded, and honored various pantheons of gods. This was important as the majority of the empire's inhabitants were polytheists. Also, like many other Persian Kings, he was strictly against slavery: for example, all the workers at Persepolis and other construction projects he commissioned were paid, which was revolutionary at the time. His human rights policies were also common to his ancestors and future Persian kings, continuing the legacy of the Cyrus Cylinder.

Wiki Source

(Those of the Jewish and Christian persuasion should recognize the name of Cyrus the Great from your Holy Books, where he's referenced as a liberator of the Jewish people)

Following the conquest of Persia and Darius III by the Macedonians, Alexander adopted many of the governing models of the conquered Persians, though his successors would not stress the infusion of Greek culture Alexander intended. This gave rise to the Hellenistic era, and the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt - the most well known of Alexanders partitioned empire due to the Ptolemaic dynasty (such as Cleopatra) and the Great Library of Alexandria.

After the conquest of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great, Hellenistic kingdoms were established throughout south-west Asia (the 'Near' and 'Middle East') and north-east Africa (mainly ancient Egypt). This resulted in the export of Greek culture and language to these new realms, and moreover Greek colonists themselves. Equally, however, these new kingdoms were influenced by the indigenous cultures, adopting local practices where beneficial, necessary or convenient. Hellenistic civilization thus represents a fusion of the Ancient Greek world with that of the Near East, Middle East and Southwest Asia, and a departure from earlier Greek attitudes towards "barbarian" cultures. The extent to which genuinely hybrid Greco-Asian cultures emerged is contentious; consensus tends to point towards pragmatic cultural adaptation by the elites of society, but for much of the populations, life would probably have continued much as it had before


There's an excellent documentary on YTube concerning the early history of Persia and their conflicts with Rome and the first major abandonments of the old ways of governing and conquering. The first few minutes are fairly cheesy, like the opening to a older video game, but otherwise well worth the watch. Plus, narrated by Terry Jones of Monty Python.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:39 PM
excessive quotes removed

[edit on 13-9-2009 by stevegmu]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:41 PM
What is so shocking about those images of Teheran? Just a normal city, with people loving and carrying and taking care of their lives... As New Yorkers do... But if you believe what you hear and see from your media, than those images could seem shocking....

In my oppinion something was lost in the western civilization --- people don't think anymore, just they are passing through life and everything is happening to them... Do you think that a country who fought so many years with Saddam defending their lands suddenly say: let's counquer the world, let's kill everyone ? Why Iran and not China or India --- they have chances to succeed ? Cause USA can't sustain a war with China or India, to get control of their resources , but with Iran - which is not a heavily industrialized country - it can sustain.... The goal is the Caspian oil wells... Of course, it will cost american people around 5 trilions dollars, but hey, you must fill the pockets of your great corporations using public taxes --- the great american way --- since 1913....I've had Iranian friends in college, and I never met more humble people than them... So, next time you hear about Iran on your TV, go to Internet and check 10 times on independent media --- if you discover you've been lied, take action....

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Dynamitrios
reply to post by ArcAngel

Again. Iran has signed the non-proliferation treaty, therefore they DONT have WMDs.
Unlike Isreal and the US, that HAVEN`T signed, and never will.
Stop beeing hypocrites

HAahahhaha. If you think that Islam goes by Western borders then maybe you should learn Arabic.
57 OIC countries do indeed have nukes and they will use then against non-muslims.
But please go sing Kumbaya and hold hands while the others prepare for the real Islam to show their colors.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by IBeenThereDoneThat

I've never seen Iranians portrayed as camel riding terrorists. I do know, however, that Iranians are quite capable of murdering their own people like Neda, who was a Christian.

Understand that Islam is not a plural religion. There is no equality of Christians and Jews within Islam. Instead, non-muslims are invited to join Islam or die. This will come into effect when the 7 phase plan of Islamic world domination progresses at the end of Ramadan and according to 2010-2013 schedule. There is also an Islamic custom to warn the enemy and allow him to prepare in 10 years for full confrontation. 911 until now.

Meanwhile, yes, Iranian people are probably really cool. That's not really that important because the Iranian government calls the shots when it comes to conflict and terrorism, and even how women dress with the fashion police.

Wish all you want for peace, Islam isn't wishing for the same thing.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by stevegmu

Originally posted by Dynamitrios
reply to post by ArcAngel

Again. Iran has signed the non-proliferation treaty, therefore they DONT have WMDs.
Unlike Isreal and the US, that HAVEN`T signed, and never will.
Stop beeing hypocrites

Since when does signing a treaty equal compliance with said treaty?

Exactly. Islam doesn't recognize Western law or treaties.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by JJay55

It's always the MINORITY who spoil it for the MAJORITY!!

Sadly we are a target for these mad mullahs and probably will always be a target until they are wiped out........

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