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Images of Tehran, Iran (May shock)

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by and14263

Well just like any country or city it has it good places and bad. I could take to to parts of phila that you would think your in some third world country. Same goes for some of the richest parts of this country. The problem with Iran is not the people its the government. They have placed a leader that has said on numerous occations that he belives that there will be a "jihad" agaist america. That is our concern. To put it simply if the whole world is the size of one city block and you find out that that another the head of a family on your block does not like your family at all and is calling for your destruction, and wants to get the capalilty to do it own there own. You may not have a problem with the other members of the household but would you hesitate to hurt/kill them to save your self and your family.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Redpyramid
Ahhhh what a sweet video…and a nice song. Wake the hell up. I could do the same with Afghanistan and take pictures of a nice landscape and beautiful pictures of small children running around in the summer. I could film Kabul and its buildings with nice rolling backgrounds. Hell I could film crap on the ground as long as I hit the right angle and shadow something striking behind it to draw your attention. I hope all you female ATS members who thought this video was so cool, and for just a second fell in love with the great landscape of Iran travel their and see how your treated. Go their and talk about your democracy and how great it is. Walk down the street like anyone can in America and wear an American flag shirt and see what happens to you.
These are people who want to build a nuke for the sole purpose of the terrifying control and power it can give them. These are the same people who send weapons and aid into Afghanistan to kill YOUR American brothers and sisters every day. Is their some people in Iran who are good people just trying to work and raise a family…yea. I understand the fact that not everyone in Iran is “Bad”. Don’t forget behind the landscape is a majority of people who want nothing more than to make all us Christians disappear.
A twisted leadership of a decent religion has brain washed hate into millions. Take a wild guess who they hate...

This is a typical response from some one that has no real idea of the world. As some one who has had the pleasure of travling all over the world and having spent time in the middle east I can say with 100% certinanty that there are few people over seas that "hate" americans. A good amount may have a distaste for us because we come off having a holier then thou attitude. I have been welcomed into peoples houses while over seas. It is our government policies that they do not like. Unlike you they are able to tell the diffrence between the american government and an american citizen. It just so happens that the religous fanitics hate us. and thats only because we dont agree with what they teach.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:23 AM
s and f for you matey. it always amazes me how narrow minded people can be , we are fortunate to have been able to do a lot of travelling , something i would encourage my kids to do. only when you have been to different cultures and countrys do you realise what a fantastic place earth is . why should the rest of the world bow down and fall into line with america . we have lost so many customs and cultures because of do gooders sticking there beaks in . if im not mistaken then did'nt iran start to relax its borders a few years ago . i know there anti american[ who can blame them] but as long as you dont walk around with the stars and stripes you should be ok . the big difference between iran and iraq was that iraq had a dictatorship and ruling family that committed genocide. deprived thousands and lived a life of luxury. whrer as all iran has done is carry on with its culture and develop its identity. who has the power to say you cant have nuclear power ?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by and14263

why dont you amerricans stop watching your tv

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:16 PM
It is common knowedge that Iran has one of the most educated population in the world including master and PhD degrees especially among women. So, why the surprise? Is it not common knowledge in the states?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:16 PM
It is common knowedge that Iran has one of the most educated population in the world including master and PhD degrees especially among women. So, why the surprise? Is it not common knowledge in the states?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by and14263

Yeah, and this is just as indicative of the country as pictures of Beverly Hills are for America, right? Funny, I don't see the beheadings. Or the hands chopped off. Or the people being beaten for daring to protest. Or the women getting 50 lashes for daring to not wear a burka.

Keep your blinders on people. I don't hate the PEOPLE of Iran, or even the country. The LEADERS are MAD and want to hasten the 12th Imam.

Hey, they MUST be a wonderful country. After all, they want to see the DESTRUCTION of Israel and the downfall of the great Satan America. Never mind that America has been the force for the most good, inventions, cures, and charitable works the world has ever seen.


posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 01:16 AM
I found this 700 year old village to be as beautiful as any truly ancient I have seen.
Again, simple homes owned by simple farmers, then again, one or two of these digs could be comfortable for say Pablo Escobar...well somebody has to take care of the family business eh?
Anyway, if you have not enjoyed seeing somewhere where people have lived in peace for over 700 years, I invite you to enjoy Northern Persia.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 03:27 AM
This might sound a little naive or uninformed, but why were there no people of color? They were all Caucasian and I always thought that Islam was "mostly" followed by people of color, Black and Brown. I know that there are small pockets in almost every, if not all, countries that follow Islam. Just seems kinda strange, to me at least. By the way... Cat Stevens is the man!!

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:44 AM
I'm British. from the UK & have had the pleasure of spending time in Iran. The people we met were friendly & helpful, numerous offers of cups of tea, often so locals could 'practice' their english language (it really should have been the other way around...!). We were there in 2000, fuel was 80 litres for $1, yes you read that right, the roads are better than in the UK, & we never felt threatened at all. We had 1 taxi ride that the driver refused payment for (that's never happened before!) due to a mutual appreciation of Pink Floyd (although the driver had to keep his tape hidden away). The architecture is stunning, especially Esfahan.
There was some anti US grafitti, but hey, who can blame 'em.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 09:51 AM

I guess they are missing some pictures. Where are the ones from Iran of hanging the gay people? I must have missed those. How about the ones showing women must walk BEHIND their husband? Yep, must have been on the same CD that was included with the others. Amazing how people can look at the land and think how beautiful it is and not realize what else they are looking at. How about the land at Auschwitz? Really nice, especially in the winter. The way the snow just lays nicely on that area. Romantic..

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Redpyramid
Ahhhh what a sweet video…and a nice song. Wake the hell up. I could do the same with Afghanistan and take pictures of a nice landscape and beautiful pictures of small children running around in the summer. I could film Kabul and its buildings with nice rolling backgrounds. Hell I could film crap on the ground as long as I hit the right angle and shadow something striking behind it to draw your attention. I hope all you female ATS members who thought this video was so cool, and for just a second fell in love with the great landscape of Iran travel their and see how your treated. Go their and talk about your democracy and how great it is. Walk down the street like anyone can in America and wear an American flag shirt and see what happens to you.
These are people who want to build a nuke for the sole purpose of the terrifying control and power it can give them. These are the same people who send weapons and aid into Afghanistan to kill YOUR American brothers and sisters every day. Is their some people in Iran who are good people just trying to work and raise a family…yea. I understand the fact that not everyone in Iran is “Bad”. Don’t forget behind the landscape is a majority of people who want nothing more than to make all us Christians disappear.
A twisted leadership of a decent religion has brain washed hate into millions. Take a wild guess who they hate...

Dude.. what are you babbling about! I'm Persian! I lived and grew up in Iran, what do you know about it's people/culture other then when you been brain washed with over the Media. For your lack of understanding in this let me enlighten you on on what REALLY Iran is all about! Do some research before you just dumb all your hate towards my people!

Iran is probably more civilized then US and some European countries, it was in the past and it is somewhat today. Here's why, if your hurt, need food, help of ANY type, you knock on anyone's door, they'll take you in, feed you and help you get on your feet WITHOUT an exception. Most Persian are VERY caring people, it's in the culture! Children have HUGE amount of respect for oder people/parents. They're NOT fighters but lovers (for the most part). Persians (being one of the oldest cultures in the world) grew up with PRIDE, not EGO, but pride, very 2 different things, you can see how I'm demenstrating this in this post (my way of thinking and your way)

Our country has been stolen form us by these religious fanatic, I don't care what religion it is, but ANY religion in my mind is corrupting humanity (taking our humanity away form us). There is NO need to be religious to be spiritual. Even now, through such hard times in Iran, people have the guts to get out and demonstrate their need of FREEDOM, our freedom of speech is stolen from us and so we're left with gambling with our lives when we want to speak our mind, to me that takes more guts then coming to some website forum and bash other people, without having a clue what they're talking about.

Go lookup "Cyrus the great" one the ONLY kings (at his time) that created the FIRST human right for all the countries take over in war, he did NOT enslave the people, but paid them to work by their choice, he encourage ALL religions to be practiced not just Muslims/Christianity. At the time and even now there are MANY Christians live among Muslims in Iran and guess what, most are Persians.

Now, regarding the Nuclear issue, I think it's so dumb when people assume that Iran is building a Nuclear facility to create weapons. First, if they were gonna build Nuclear weapons, do you honestly think with the type of landscape available (mountains, caves, underground) they would build it in an open area, by one of the most active cities? Second, what makes you think Iran does NOT already have a nuclear missile? What do you think happened to hundreds of Russian nuclear missiles that went missing after the cold war? Who's got the closest ties with Iran at the moment? Iran already has many Nuclear missiles and their intention is NOT to blow them up as of yet, or else they would have by now.

Even people in Iran are against ANY type of weapon other then defensive weapons. They truly need a more powerful mean of generating electricity. 70 Million people with the land mass that is pretty much filled up, need more power! When I lived there every month the power would go out in the busy cities.

US/Brittan/Israelite do NOT want Iran to move into the next generation, since they will loose tons of money, a third world country has the the same technology as a first world country! It is about Status and power!

You can't judge a country by just small "few" people running it, you need to see it for what it WAS and IS. Old country, hard working people and fueled by art/passion, something you can use a little of!

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by stevegmu
reply to post by MischeviousElf

The KKK disbanded years ago. Terrorists deserve no civility. The 3rd pic is from a movie.

Lol more lies

This photo from a KKK meeting in broad daylight in a town in the USA pointy hats and all taken 2006

KKK In Broad daylight very scarey!

And further a court trial in 2009 for murders by KKK in late 2008

The alleged leader of a Ku Klux Klan group was indicted on a second-degree murder charge Wednesday in the shooting death of an Oklahoma woman who police said was killed during an initiation in south Louisiana.

A grand jury indicted Raymond Foster, 44, and three other suspected group members in the death of Cynthia Lynch, 43, of Tulsa, Okla. She was recruited to join the group over the Internet and was shot to death when a disagreement arose during an initiation in November, authorities have said.

Investigators said they found weapons, Confederate flags and six Klan robes at the campsite where Lynch was killed

Seattle Times

And further proof February this year:

NASHVILLE, Feb. 12 (UPI) -- Fliers in support of a Ku Klux Klan faction were found on driveways and lawns in a Nashville neighborhood, area residents say.

Residents of a Nashville neighborhood said the fliers had been placed inside free publications that were in turn put on their driveways and lawns to be discovered, The (Nashville) Tennessean said Thursday.

The distributed flier featured a link to a Web site for the Ku Klux Klan The Knights Party, USA. The flier also included racist comments that compared black people to savages, the Tennessean said.

Tennesee Times

Ok so proven wrong.

No Terrorists deserve no civility, I totally agree therfore you agree that CIA should be disbanded and attacked as they funded and helped the "terrorists" in Afghanistan, Mexico, Bolivia, etc etc?

No Civility then to America?

The Third Pic I posted, yes you are right it is from a movie,

However a movie written by people involved in the Abu Garaib torture and such like of actual events. It is a Reconstruction of actual events rather than a Fictional movie.

4 stars for 3 lies you must be happy?

But wrong and so very very misguided.

Kind Regards,


[edit on 18-9-2009 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 03:33 AM
I really have no idea why these photos are shocking. Maybe they are only shocking to people who don't realize that every place on this planet holds its own unique and often similar beauty. Never mistake a surrounding for the jack assssses that are controlling the place, and that goes for whatever country you are living in, including my own.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by KSPigpen
Thanks for that.

I was watching the news last night and that Sting song came to mind about the Russians loving their children too....and I tried to make it work with Iranians, but ti didn't sound right...

We needed this today. Thank you very much.

I can get outwardly callous and seemingly unsympathetic when I envision the next round of fights the US is going to get involved in. It helps to have some reminder of the reality of the people of nation that is vilified so readily.

I suppose the actions of the Iranian regime are as much a fault of the average Iranian as the actions of the US regime are the responsibility of HER people.

Thanks for bringing some humanity back to the table and reminding us that real people live over there, with kids and love and dreams of their own.

You know, "I can get outwardly callous and seemingly unsympathetic" is really true of me. I am very jaded. I have been around awhile and seen some bad things. Done some bad things. I am desensitized to the world mostly, a mean bastard to put it succinctly. But I agree with you. This was pretty eye opening. We need more information like this, about many countries. And we need to learn that, even if your country ISN'T beautiful, you are "still a human being goddamn it", and you "have worth."

We could all buy a ticket for the Peace train, but the War train makes alot more stops.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 10:24 PM
The cities and people of Nazi germany were beautiful and sophisticated as well. It didn't stop their government from killing millions. The government of Iran is corrupt and their own people recognize this. They will not blink an eye at the prospect of nuking Israel and even the US once they get their hands on nukes. Moreover they support terrorism the world over.

Nevertheless I do not favor a preemptive military attack against the regime. Obama is trying to surrender to the muslims as fast as possible, so I doubt we will be attacking anytime soon.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by pitchdragon

The thing is, we that like to _claim_ to be "civilized" countries really aren't so "civilized" after all.

War is evil. It's a sick, twisted evil.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by nunya13
When I think of this. I realize it's no wonder they feel the pressing need to build weapons.


So maybe if they didn't have a nuclear bomb program when we first started making threats, they might be thinking of doing one now... In which case it's "our" (USA's) fault, not that of Iran, and we are creating more "threats" to us through our own dark actions in the world.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 02:19 AM

Germany is a beautiful place and you all thought Germans were evil.

When the time is right, a beautiful place will be destroyed.

YOU can't stop it.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 10:34 PM
Yes, it's fantastic how ignorant we are kept! Think about all those other countries that suffered death squads and coups funded by the US through the CIA - Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Chile, East Timor and others too numerous. A lotta goddam Karma to make up for there.

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