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Images of Tehran, Iran (May shock)

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posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:04 PM
Nice pictures and all that but pictures are just a tool of propaganda don't allow these pictures to let you forget about the oppression these people suffer at the hands of there government, it wouldn't surprise me if these didn't emanate from an Iranian government body, as for America starting war with Iran who the hell does she think she is! She did it in Iraq and opened a whole can of worms those people are drawn between religious and tribal lines but she never even bothered to research this leading to the trouble today! America has no right doing what it does let these people find there own way forcing democracy on people must be undemocratic, funny how millions of Africans die because of war and rouge dictatorships yet we hear nothing about that.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:12 PM
check out google earth for more pictures of tehran. it looks like any othe rmodern city to me. id like to go there because i think Persian woman are hot!!!

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:13 PM
beautiful pictures of Iran. Iran regime is still evil.


posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by The-Hammer

i dont know what you realy want proof but i can show you a picture of new york the 11 september 2001 after the attack and now, we will have the same result , life goes on.... but the only difference people in new work are not dying evreyday ...

now if you want argu about how this people have normal a peacefull life i can tell you, you will need a solid argument and not only a picture...

most of people on this topic are talking about peace i dont understand some of you who are arguing for war and hate is it smart ? you are free to show and say what you want and think those people deserv it and i'm free to say no more violence and no more war and i will fight for my right and for the right of eatch human being!!! even your if you will need it, this what we call being a human...
this what we are brother and sister...

and you can laugh when i say it's just peace but i'm not alone and we will build this world of peace with or without you.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by stevegmu

Yes it does look civilised eh, people can protest and make their views known, I am sure as recent events in the USA have shown you have the right to a full and peacfull protests without stormtroopers and media blockout?

However maybe you are right those flag burning lunatics I am sure deep down just cant wait to get liberated and have a


Culture impossed on them, I am sure they look forward with relish to :


I mean they are all brainwashed religious fanatics right?

Maybe the burning crosses can keep them warm and light, as they are the only advanced country in the world not "civilised" enough to be allowed to have nuclear power!

Yippee the americans are come to teach us Civilisation?


Well certainly seem to like their hoods eh? some similarity with the ragheads already?

Maybe though as More Porn than they can handle is cabled in to their homes the newly civilised Iranians will learn from their liberators how to commit sexual acts, and torture people at the same time, I am sure the Christ on the burning cross being worshipped would find that appealing?


Any civilised god fearing American knows it makes him happy and he surely Blesses America?

Excuse my sarcasm to the normal rational Americans reading this, but the post I replied to is the height of ignorance, rascism and fox propoganda available. The same as all Americans dont condone or support the above and are good and decent people, as the same with Iranian people, however

"Civilised" OMG reminds me of what was it again, of course Bushs speech on the Axis of evil....

In my mind I can see evil plainly above, but NONE in the pictures posted by Stevemgu, maybe ignorance and propoganda but no Evil unlike above.


[edit on 12-9-2009 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:25 PM
[edit on 12-9-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:29 PM
I would really like to meet the people there!

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by and14263

Oh yes I knew that Tehran was a fairly modern city. There are also poorer village areas in Iran though with mostly working class people, and even the middle classes in the cities are getting hit by the economy and lack of jobs. But yes, I have friends from there who originally who tell me about this all of the time, with their family still living in Tehran.

Before 1979 Queen Farah (yes a woman!) was in charge of the military. Now we have people like Ahmadinejad and Khamenei in charge. It's very unfortunate!

Before the Islamic revolution, the cities of Iran were very much like the west, and even many of the people are still very much like us. Iranian women are often extremely beautiful as well!

So when I say most of the educated people in Iran don't want a war, and they don't want to destroy Israel, then they've woken up to this regime, and no longer support it. It's not the minority, even though western media like to portray the protests as few in numbers, actually it's many many more! The recent flashpoints were the result of years of oppression by not being allowed to speak out about the regime. In a way Iran is unique, and not like the other Muslim countries, and they're persian.

It's a shame that the people in charge are complete lunatics, and without them, the Iranian people would prosper because they have the potential, the intellectual skills and a modern culture despite the Islamic oppression. And as a secular state, Iran would have its rightful place back in the world.

It's sad how we are looking at a war most likely very soon, but we also have to consider the threat the regime poses to the world. Unfortunately western media never portray Iran very well, and still now they don't report on the news stories that are important that outline the regime gradually crumbling apart. Instead western media focusses on the regime activities, rather than the more important issues - the Iranian people who deserve to have their country back.

Anyway Iran is definitely no Afghanistan, or even Pakistan, and I would definitely visit Iran when the regime has gone.

[edit on 12-9-2009 by john124]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

The KKK disbanded years ago. Terrorists deserve no civility. The 3rd pic is from a movie.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by pitchdragon
reply to post by The-Hammer

i dont know what you realy want proof but i can show you a picture of new york the 11 september 2001 after the attack and now, we will have the same result , life goes on.... but the only difference people in new work are not dying evreyday ...

now if you want argu about how this people have normal a peacefull life i can tell you, you will need a solid argument and not only a picture...

most of people on this topic are talking about peace i dont understand some of you who are arguing for war and hate is it smart ? you are free to show and say what you want and think those people deserv it and i'm free to say no more violence and no more war and i will fight for my right and for the right of eatch human being!!! even your if you will need it, this what we call being a human...
this what we are brother and sister...

and you can laugh when i say it's just peace but i'm not alone and we will build this world of peace with or without you.

When you stop being so melodramatic.
How did you get any of that out of what I posted?
I'm just curious.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:41 PM
Thanks for the link. Enjoyed the beautiful pics.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by hisshadow

Wow, I guess political sniping is allowed. You know, Doctor Who was one of my favorite shows growing up. The character on yours came out right when I was 12 years old. And I am getting sick and tired of your posts. Are you a troll. I hate both parties equally, but your # is vitriolic and vindictive. Must be a plant.

What I was saying about Doctor Who is that I am going to get subconscious disgust when I watch all my old Who shows.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Amazing isn't it, how the media spins things - to make us believe and imagine a place of unruliness and horror all the time.

Yet, that could have been anywhere in the U.S.

The problem is, will the Israel "mistake" happen next month - we all need to seriously pray it does not!

Because the language around it, due to the targets hit and then the jet stream that will go around the world 9 times and eventually kill one to two billion including all the food and animals being tainted - that includes the U.S. by the way - it is too horrible to even think about! The southern hemisphere is suppose to be fine - it is suppose to only affect the northern hemisphere of the world.

That language is from a certain program - it has been coming up for a few years - now more specifics about the bombing "mistake" is coming up.
My hope, is that the person that called the bot dudes - and said "because of the report, they were relooking at the targets" - never left his name and it was an international call. Will be serious about it.

Why is it, that our govt. officials want us to Hate others from other countries? Just as other govts. want their people to hate - is that a way to keep people apart and not coming together for the good of mankind?

I am sick of it - we are ONE world - but different personalities - but all the personalities is what makes things more interesting. We should honor each other and accept each other, NOT hate each other!

Oh yeah - S and F!!

[edit on 12-9-2009 by questioningall]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Muundoggie

Start a thread man.

It is your obligation for bringing it up.


3 lines + hahahahahahaha

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by questioningall

Maybe Fox news spins stories on Iran, but over in Britain the BBC just omits rather than spins. Still as annoying though. It doesn't make the BBC a liar, but it makes them ignorant and a liar of omission, and I've said that all along on ats.

[edit on 12-9-2009 by john124]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:00 PM
What I never understand is why all the time politics are even mentioned. People just "know" right from wrong, yet they have to try and reaffirm this by making sure the media is telling them that what they agree with politically is the right thing.

Politics shroud perception. What good are eyes when we cannot see?

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:02 PM
The common people never want war, because it is their sons (and now daughters) that pay the price for the old men.

Unfortunately, Iran has weapons of mass destruction and at this point, it is not about if ... but when they use them.

As beautiful as these pictures are... their governement would unleash the dogs of war to destroy Israel and any other western country whose policy they disagree with.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by karl 12
Here are some other shocking images from Iran before the religious cultists took over -look at how free,liberal and happy everyone looks.

I know one or two posts touched on this subject already..from wiki:

The 1953 Iranian coup d’état deposed the democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq.[1][2][3]

The United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) overthrew the government of the popular Prime Minister Mosaddeq at the request of, and with minor support from the British government. In what the CIA called Operation Ajax, the U.S. enabled Mohammed Reza Pahlevi to become an all-powerful monarch, who went on to rule Iran with an iron fist for 26 years until he was overthrown in 1979.[4]

Ive heard too many ignorant people from the US saying "if only Iran had a democracy..." Well they used to, before religious cultists took over the US.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by ArcAngel

Is this in line with the supposed comment from Irans leader of wipe Israel off the map? It's funny to see so many people say its the govts now because what I read of the actual quote was "wipe the Israeli REGIME off the map", ie the govt.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:08 PM
To the OP great vid and great music.

Thank you.

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