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Images of Tehran, Iran (May shock)

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posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by questioningall

Your post and most of the other posts are why I am the way I am.

A fiscal conservative and a Strict Constitutionalist.

If people do not know what that is a quick run down.

No law is broken, generally, if you do not hurt or infringe upon another. Hence, everyone is allowed their own beliefs. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, without the government dictating their elitist, religious, socialist, communist, fascist, or any other ist mentality upon another. The people and the state has the power not the federal government. Yes the states can enact other laws, but than their are 50 different states and than millions of municipalities to choose from. Than if the state or municipality becomes totalitarian or corrupt, it is much easier to either change or just move to another location. That is what is wrong with our country. We have no choice now, it is either follow our Unconstitutional Mandates or nothing.

Sorry about the rant, but it does have everything to do with this post. I want freedom for all people of the world, especially me and mine.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:37 PM
Tehran loks like a very beutiful city. rea;;y it was HUGE eye opener for me!!! Really does look like a fun and quiet place to do almost anyting realxing and professional. I had no idea, they had snow in IRan! that was the biggest eye opener for me.. BUt, i had a sense, it was playing on our sympathys too..putting up warm, peaceful phots. Ive never been to Iran, so i cannot say what the people are REALLY like..or the governemnt thier.
Kinda makes you think though..about IRans concern over Israel. Look at ISraole, its mostly all barren sand and desert shrubs, an occasianl tree here and thier. We have seen and learned on the news, about the Isali armys hatred of hte palestinians= Genocide. You never hear that baout IRan! someting to pnder on.
When i wa a kid, in the 80's, the Ayatolla Khamani? was featured as an evil man. ALl you ever saw on the news, was same thing..a cty covered in sand.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:49 PM
What's so shocking? The Persian people live under a tyrannical theocracy, not some undeveloped country in Africa. they have been civilized for thousands of years, you didn't think they could build a building or two? Was expecting shocking photos of the satanic republic's brutal repression and torture of their citizens.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:29 PM
Hey< I didn't see anybody walking no dogs in the park.

I wonder if they got cats? mmmm.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:35 PM
Iran is indeed a beautiful country,

too bad if you're gay you get sent to death.

Gorgeous land owned by ugly ruthless uncivilized apes.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by thomasc83

Originally posted by bettermakings

Try looking at Nazi Germany pictures. It might look like a great place too.

The Iranian government is very evil. I could give many examples, but I'll just mention persecution of minorities (Bahai leaders are executed, coverts to Christianity are tortured & sometimes killed, and even the native Zoroastrians have been persecuted.)

Sure, it's a beautiful & well-developing country, but if you're not a Shiite Muslim who follows all the insane laws and support Khomaini & Ahmadinejad, you will be persecuted. . . similar to Nazi Germany.

Iraq was wealthy & safe/stable up until the Ba'ath (Saddam's party) came into power. At least they were secular. Iran's government now is NOT secular, which means it is potentially more dangerous (to their own people) than Saddam's Iraq.

I'm not saying Iran should be bombed to hell. I say they need a new, more secular government, with more freedoms. That's what the people want. That's why there were protests & riots. Iran's government should be more like Turkey's, because the people are secular. Instead the government is more like Saudi Arabia, with strict religious Islamic law.

Exactly what I was thinking. Nazi Germany was a great looking place at the time. No one, regardless of any difference, should be treated the way Iran treats Non-#es.

Right on.

To quote ferris bueller: "Anything is peaceful from one thousand, three hundred and fifty-three feet"

What we are seeing is a microscopic heavy-horse-blinders-down handful of pictures that say nothing to the untrained eye. The same tripe could be found in any heavily government censored travel guide about why IRAN is a nice place to start a family... lmao

Btw those pictures didn't shock me. Only disgust me. I was absolutely expecting to see the results of heavy government handling. You know... no homeless people... no litter... the penalty to both is instant execution... you know... that sort of stuff. Where it looks nice on the outside but has a rotten core where the people... i don't know... all decide to take to the streets and riot for the downfall of their #ty government that they thought peaceful voting could fix... and now spend their afternoons in fear for their lives... ya.

To apply some lyrics to it... If Rage Against The Machine was performing in IRAN tomorrow... the song they'd play is "Know Your Enemy": "What? the land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!!"

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
As is typical in most nations and countries, it's Not the peoples, it's the damned governments that foment the issues, hype and media mentions we encounter from day to day.

Otherwise, we're all just folks trying to get by, make a living, enjoy life to it's fullest.

this post knocked it so far of the ballpark you can't even see the trajectory.
couldn't have said it any better amigo.
-- and that's all fueled by lobbyists! makes makes me feel kind of ill.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:49 PM
Nice photographs.

I'd hang onto them.

It may not look that way for much longer, and at least we can look back on the way things were.

Kind of like Perseopolis.

But at least some of Peseopolis still stands.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 11:56 PM
i think you think Iran is in Iraq,your showing pictures of Iran,and showing words related to Iraq,a bit confusing.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:05 AM
I feel so ashamed at my ignorance. But then again, when you are force fed lies from the MSM, you don't know untill some shows you differently. Thank you for opening up my eyes.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:13 AM
Let me break this down

Iran has a sophisticated infrastructure, modern technology, education and shopping

Just like America

Iran has a somewhat impressive Military, hardliners in control of it, and if you count Bio and Chemical Wmd's with which to defend itself

Just Like America

Iran is highly influential in the Oil market

Just Like America

Iran has a complex system of Laws that keep undesirables off the street and things appear to be beautiful peaceful and the people outwardly seem to be happy

Just Like America

Iran is strongly influenced by Monotheism

Just like America

In Every way one could say and this picture series illustrates Iran despite a somewhat different set of social judgments is really no fdifferent than we are, they really do have a system in place and a society very much:

Just Like America...


It probably actually wouldn't strategically be a bad idea to bomb the living crap out of them if we can get away with it before they are as powerful as we are.... since they are Just like us we can make certain assumption as to how they will use that power and influence... Just like us

(takes one somewhat fascist somewhat ideology Culturally imperialist, Elite driven Nation to know one applies here)

I happen to really like most Iranians, they actually are at least the under 40 generation pretty cool people, just like us.

And it is a shame... really it is... looks like a nice city... Beautiful in fact, does a fine job of showing how horrible what is going to happen really is... and making us imagine and feel guilty and understand the truth of things.

And yeah... on the flip side...

Iran totally would given the chance use Military Force. Nukes or WMDs to eliminate it's enemies...

Just like we would...

They are very much like us...


Maybe ...

Maybe one day the people of all Nations that are just like us will stop following leaders, living by ideologies not thought, defining themselves by codes not human instinct, judging people as less than themselves, seeking power by association, allowing themselves to be controlled by systems of laws and rationalizing reasons why these things are good.

Maybe.... one day we will set an example and stop being blind ourselves

But until that happens Our leaders will be dropping bombs on anybody who is "just like us" because they know what will happen from experience if anyone just like us has enough power.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:22 AM
you couldnt pay me enough to go to any part of the middle east.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by bettermakings

Try looking at Nazi Germany pictures. It might look like a great place too.

The Iranian government is very evil. I could give many examples, but I'll just mention persecution of minorities (Bahai leaders are executed, coverts to Christianity are tortured & sometimes killed, and even the native Zoroastrians have been persecuted.)

Sure, it's a beautiful & well-developing country, but if you're not a Shiite Muslim who follows all the insane laws and support Khomaini & Ahmadinejad, you will be persecuted. . . similar to Nazi Germany.

Iraq was wealthy & safe/stable up until the Ba'ath (Saddam's party) came into power. At least they were secular. Iran's government now is NOT secular, which means it is potentially more dangerous (to their own people) than Saddam's Iraq.

I'm not saying Iran should be bombed to hell. I say they need a new, more secular government, with more freedoms. That's what the people want. That's why there were protests & riots. Iran's government should be more like Turkey's, because the people are secular. Instead the government is more like Saudi Arabia, with strict religious Islamic law.


This is why we should be a more Christian nation!


posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by hisshadow

Originally posted by ChemicalSubstance

Just a note... pics of the usa didn't look evil while bush was in power either

gotta seperate the people from the government..

but the pics of the americans bombing and invading places looked pretty evil to me, the dying and the wounded, the lies and deciet is enough to make any country want a nuclear deterent against america invading

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:03 AM
Ok, I have to respect people learning something from this thread.

On the other hand I have to point out that you cannot blame MSN for not letting us know that Iran is quite developed. MSN is accusing Iran of developing nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons is no simple task, so I can't really blame MSN for misleading anybody.

There was actually a thread about this about a year or two ago. In my personal opinion these pictures don't mean anything to me. I don't care what people do or how nice the places they live in are, human life means the same amount to me regardless. I could care less if the guy in the pictures house looked just like my next door neighbors house.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:03 AM
Great thread starred flagged to the max. No more wars no more profiteering from them no more lies we can only hope to see that one day.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by stevegmu
reply to post by guillotinegleam

Yep, sure look civilized to me-

I hope you realise that this doesn't represent the majority of Iranian's. The regime purposefully allowed these pictures to be a false representative, as it helps their own agendas. Many in the regime who burn Israeli flags etc, are actually Arabs, not Persians. You'd be surprised at how these kind of demonstrators are all linked to the regime, and not the ordinary Iranian man or woman!

I'm not saying that the regime isn't a danger, as it most definitely is. But you have to see things with perspective, and so should western media as well!

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by ArcAngel
The common people never want war, because it is their sons (and now daughters) that pay the price for the old men.

Unfortunately, Iran has weapons of mass destruction and at this point, it is not about if ... but when they use them.

As beautiful as these pictures are... their governement would unleash the dogs of war to destroy Israel and any other western country whose policy they disagree with.

Iranians are one of the most diehard people on earth. During the Iraq Iran war waves of Iranian children, old men and even women ran at Iraqi troops unarmed in allot of cases, Iraqi machine gunners mowed them down for hours only to be overran (A million martyrs). An invasion of Iran is akin to Genocide for this reason. There is no victory to be had in Iran!

We definitely need a new approach here. Iran will have nukes, because no one is willing to commit to this type of warfare. Our vise grip strategy of holding both the eastern and western fronts of Iran is a waste of time, money and human life. Plus were are now seen as warmongers by most of the world.

Israel had best get used to the idea of mutually assured destruction!

[edit on 13-9-2009 by Donkey_Dean]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:11 AM
Excellent thread, brilliant minds think alike...

The pictures I posted in this thread dissapeared though.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by bettermakings

No. They aren't entitled to live their own way, in their own country. They have to live your way. Iran is not bothering anyone. The USA is bothering lots of countries though. I think they quite bothered Iraq - but that has improved their lot, hasn't it? And Afghanistan? Yeah, making great strides there. Things are definitely better for it. Pakistan? Yep. I agree. Let's just let the USA tell everyone how to live and whether they are even allowed to live. It's better than all these rogue governments all over the world.

The Germans got caught up in Hitler's rhetoric, just as you all did with Bush. You are going to have to go back and apologize to the world for what you've done to all those countries you're messing with, just like Germany has had to apologize for Hitler. Don't be so cocky. Face that reality. You need to feel the shame.

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