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Overthrow the democratically elected president, "how patriotic"

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posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:02 PM
I'd very much like to see our president come through with his campaign promise of "Transparency in policy" of which he has been nothing short of opaque. I'd also like to see him defend our constitution (as he has been sworn to do) instead of pretending it is nothing sacred or revered. Show me a breakdown of where all the billions of stimulus money went and for what reason. Show me a detailed plan of action to improve the country instead of promising me some bland, watered down "CHANGE" with no direction and no real promise for enlightenment at all.
That's my Two cents... You can keep your CHANGE.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Though the Constitution was indeed written by patriots for the people, but I get what your saying on that. Many only read parts of the Constitution and make up their own interpretation of it. The party system is a joke and people need to realize this. Republican, Democrat, whatever, it does not matter. It divides the people into bitter arguements and fights. It's just like sport teams, yes there are different teams that play one another but they are in the same league, many of them are pals and probably hung out in college. But it's the division of the fans that make things competitive and often leads to violence. Just look at this thread alone, as well as other threads on this site. It's always Democrat vs Republican, Conservative vs Liberal, and then there are the other parties and other categories that will take just too long to name all of them.

As for people who think Obama should be hung, removed, either by force or vote that's just something you hear about from those that do not like who's in office. I remember a lot of people who didn't like Clinton wanted him shot dead. Many people wanted both Bush's dead. But would the founding fathers frown upon the citizens looking to forcefully remove a corrupt sitting president? You betcha. They themselves did it, of course it was a different kind of leadership they were facing but you know what I mean, why would they be against it? If a sitting president is going against the very foundations that they built this country on, then they would probably be the ones to do it themselves. It is patriotic for the citizens of this country to protect it's liberty and freedom from corrupt rulers. This is what people are mad about.

People are getting tired from the same old politics over and over again. The rich are getting richer, those in power are getting more powerful, and the people are getting the smelly side of the stick from it. Even though I truely believe that Obama was something planned by the powers that be (because be honest, the president is just a puppet/scapegoat) I think that the people who went out and voted for him, believed his campaign promises, really thought he would be something new. They were fooled and now they realize that he is just part of the crowd, the same old, same old. I guess you could call this election fair, seeing as it was obviously designed for Obama to win. Ever since he became Senator of Illinois, I kept my eye on this guy because that is where the media began to build him as our "messiah". The road was paved for him, and look at his opposition. John McCain launched a very weak campaign against him, in fact, it seemed to as though he didn't even try, and he probably didn't.

When you bring up Obama's birth certificate, yes it is about us. He is a public servant and people demand a straight answer. What people are asking for is not a difficult thing, so why the fuss over it? That is why people are obsessed with this particular topic. Any one else can just produce a birth certificate without making a fuss about it. But since it's about Obama, it must be racist to bring up such a thing, correct? My personal opinion of it, I don't really care, they are probably going to create an Amendment allowing foreign born citizens to hold the executive office anyway. But the main reason I don't care, because I don't think that's the most important issue. I'm more concerned with our rights being violated and sacrificed for security, and to satisfy the special interest groups that could care less about the regular citizens.

Also, where were you in the past 8 years? Are you kidding me? Who kept their mouth shut about Bush part two? Bush got insulted a lot more than Barry did, in fact where were the "patriots" then? Why is it that when people disagree, criticize, mock Obama that is becomes racist and Un-American? This crap was going on during the campaigns, if you didn't vote Obama, nor support him then you are a racist and the blacks will riot! That kind of tactic sounds familiar. Yes, that may not have been said by Obama himself, but those messages were out there. There's no denying that one. Either you jumped on the Obama bandwagon, or you are a terrorist, racist, bigot, Un-American. That doesn't sound too American or patriotic to me. But then again people are for a ruler with absolute power, must be the submissiveness tendencies of the citizens within this country.

I for one, haven't liked one president this country has had while I have been alive. After studying about each president, I realize that we haven't had a good one for a long time. In my personal opinion, I think Theodore Roosevelt was the last good president we had, but then again that's probably just biasness on my part because I have similar interests he had, and not to mention what an interesting character he was. I think the whole system has been corrupted and the people are feeling the effects of it. It has gotten old and people want real change. Do I think there should be an open, bloody rebellion? No way, because It will not accomplish anything. We'll just rebuild what we already have, the revolutionaries will become the corrupt leaders they fought against. I feel instead of cowardly starting over, that the mess that exists be fixed. Problem is, is that it's more difficult to do that.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by rocknroll

Really? YOU think they would be rolling over in their graves?

Where all children can go to school? Where everyone has the right to vote? Where anyone can buy property? Choose their careers? Well, the rich can choose their careers, they can afford college.
Where you are not forced to join the military?

John Adams had a daughter die an agonizing death of breast cancer. I am sure he would of been appalled to think that America has become so capitalistic that many are dying of cancer simply on the premise that they can't pay.

Especially since he was the one who started the merchant mariners medical coverage program:

sailors health

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by 2 cents
I for one am not a republican or democrat. The parties are meant to divide us and used to label people so that they can be dismissed and not heard. Don't like Bush's policies? You must be a left wing socialist democrat. Don't like Obama's policies? Your a right wing fascist republican. "Our guy, your guy, we won, you lost". I've got news for all of you - WE ALL LOST!!

As someone who is neither a Democrat or Republican I get lumped into one of these categories all the time. Here's a novel idea - TRY THINKING FOR YOURSELF!

The quicker you let go of these party loyalties the quicker you will see there are no parties!

..... pssst ..... a little secret ....... it's all a scam.

[edit on 12-9-2009 by 2 cents]

I too once thought I was just a voter, not a democrat, not a republican, but simply a voter and I voted for who I liked. I did that for a few elections, but then, I started to listen to what each candidate wanted to do, what they wanted to get done as president. I found that once i threw out the sincere smile and happy face, and looked at their goals.. I found that i despise, and am disgusted by republicans. I also found that I agree with everything democrats want to do, two thumbs up, 4 fingers up and 10 toes go go go

so if your neither, if your just a voter, it means your just going by who you like... without knowing the details. voting like that, hulk hogan could be president.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by I_am_Spartacus

When he was elected on lies and deceit when his true intent is to drastically change the ideology of this country to marxism/fascism and change the constitution to fit the deluded modern "liberal" Frankenstein vision of new age environmentalism and old failed utopian dreams, then yeah, he should be impeached and it would be unpatriotic NOT to suggest it.

I have NO problem with people voicing dissent, or expressing their frustration. What I DO have a problem with, is when the ignorance of some (and honestly, right now the ones with the most ignorance seem to be the loudest) completely overshadows any potential argument they might have. Marxism/Facism???? SERIOUSLY?! You can't really have both at the same time. Get your socio-political ideals straight before you start making accusations like that.

That being said: whats wrong with blending the old with the new? I don't see any problem in combining a modern sense of worth to the environment, while still holding the values and virtues of the past to be true. In fact, one could say that they work phenominally better with each other than what has come before. Touting humility and respect while gobbling up everything in sight in some strange perversion of consumerism hasn't really seemed to have worked.

What IS unpatriotic is hating someone just to hate them, or because you've been told you should hate them. If you disagree with his methods or motives, so be it. But until your rights start being taken away, don't claim to live under a dictatorship.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:23 PM
I don't recall electing the Federal Reserve, which owns and controls our government like a shiny toy. The Federal Reserve is the true ruling body of this country. They speak and manipulate the masses through the mainstream media, influencing our votes when that works and disregarding our votes when that fails.

Don't bother overthrowing the President, or Congress for that matter. Just overthrow the Federal Reserve and the Mainstream Media, and watch the propped up puppets shrink into obscurity when the people they've been oppressing all these years are finally put back in control.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian
I wondered what the Libs would come up with now that calling everyone that disagrees with Obama "racist" is getting old,now if you disagree with the empty suit you are overthroughing the govermint,great idea but it just continues to show how desperate you really are.

You were active during the campaign Guardian,it is obvious now that Obama is being seen for what he really is (empty suit) the left are bringing back there big guns to Shill for Obama.Just my opinion but shows deperation.Oh and before you say Im defending people that wish harm to the potus your way off,you and i both know this is just another move by the left to rally the usefull idiots in defence of there idol.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by hisshadow

I don't agree. Just because you happen to agree with everything the Democratic Party stands for, doesn't mean we all have to subscribe to one particular party over another. I'm just fine being an Independent, voting for who I think stands for what I believe in. Sometimes they are Republican, sometimes Democrat, and sometimes neither. Blanket statements like that are what's caused this whole argument in the first place.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by dwiggen
reply to post by hisshadow

I don't agree. Just because you happen to agree with everything the Democratic Party stands for, doesn't mean we all have to subscribe to one particular party over another. I'm just fine being an Independent, voting for who I think stands for what I believe in. Sometimes they are Republican, sometimes Democrat, and sometimes neither. Blanket statements like that are what's caused this whole argument in the first place.

It's not a blanket statement, i haven't seen anything good come from a republican yet. Well, the one exception would be Arnold, but he's really an independent.. .he took the name republican cause ronald reagon was one. Arnold's views are democratic though, not republican.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:35 PM
Its alittle bit different when you begin to see this administration start heading down the same road as the last. What about those who didn't vote for him? What say you then? Supporting your government is all well and good but shouldn't your government be supporting you as well, rather than screwing you over time and time again and lying? This campaign for this administration was based on transparency...transparency we have yet to see.

Wear your obama shirt with pride because pretty soon they'll be worthless.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:35 PM
For all those who claim to be neither Democrat nor Republican, i.e. Independent:

Despite the valiant and noble intentions of our forefathers to form a Republic, the American political system has morphed into predominantly a two party system comprised of Republicans and Democrats.

It is largely a two party system. As such it does satisfy the desire of our forefathers for a "balance of power" and "checks and balances." If two parties cannot coexist how could ANYONE in their right mind think that three might?

Sorry, but you'd look pretty silly to show up at a Football game wearing a Hockey jersey.

Like it or not, one must choose which side most closely represents their ideals. Sorry.

Just ask Ralph Nader if you don't believe me.

Dems have the ball, and the Republicans are playing Defense. Period.

It is the first Quarter and it will be a long hard fought game.

[edit on 12-9-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by hisshadow

The track record of most ex-presidents speak for themselves.
Whether Dem or Repub, we have been screwed over by both sides at different times in the past. The system is corrupt, and I completely agree with a previous poster who stated that the Fed Reserve is running the show.

Just because a politician promises you this and that, doesn't mean that they are actually going to go thru with it. I have yet to see Obama make good on nearly all of his campaign promises. I have yet to see a Congress that will actually do anything worthwhile FOR the American people.

Healthcare reform is apparently the big issue right now in DC....never mind those two ongoing wars that we're fighting, the illegal immigration issue, the crumbling economy, the precarious dollar. Let's spend hundreds of billions of dollars instead!!

Government here in the 'States is just TOO damn big.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
It is largely a two party system. As such it does satisfy the desire of our forefathers for a "balance of power" and "checks and balances." If two parties cannot coexist how could ANYONE in their right mind think that three might?

I think the founding fathers would disagree with you...

One of their great fears was party politics. They repeatedly warned against political parties, as you can see in the Federalist Papers, and some of Washington's speaches. Obviously, if they opposed a two-party system, they would not have favored one. They did form parties, the Federalist, the Democratic-Republican, the Whig and various others. The Democrats didn't even form until andrew jackson ran for office. The Republicans waited until the 1840s. They later took care to create ballot access laws to keep Independent and third party candidates from competing.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:50 PM
I for one think we need health care. I haven't had health insurance in 15 years. I once had it, blue cross & blue shield insurance, every year they would raise my monthly payments even though I only have a scheduled doctor checkup every 6 months. Finally, it got to the point where it took a whole weeks check just to pay the insurance each month.

with that, i called them up, and told them to kiss my ass

i cancelled it, and haven't looked back since.

i wasn't paying for my insurance, i was paying for some fat republican insurance salesman to live in a million dollar mansion and take cruise vacations. Insurance should be a non-profit organization, where my payment goes to care, and care only.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:51 PM
My God absolutely incredible. Probably anti-birthers starting again to spout their crap. If you are really that shallow and blind, you deserve it. The stench has totally encompassed your humanity if that even applies. All of a sudden I need to throw up. Oh, your reasoning is like someone unhappy with the paint on their walls so they burn their house down.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
Despite the valiant and noble intentions of our forefathers to form a Republic, the American political system has morphed into predominantly a two party system comprised of Republicans and Democrats.

It is largely a two party system. As such it does satisfy the desire of our forefathers for a "balance of power" and "checks and balances." If two parties cannot coexist how could ANYONE in their right mind think that three might?

Sorry, but you'd look pretty silly to show up at a Football game wearing a Hockey jersey.

So, what you are saying is that you are willing to live within the rules as they have been written for you? No original thought for you, eh?

It is sillier to show up at the football game looking exactly like everyone else. Right?

Conform or perish!!!!


[edit on 12-9-2009 by Satchmo Bevins]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by 27jd

Hmmmm, you must have missed this part of my post:
"Despite the valiant and noble intentions of our forefathers to form a Republic, the American political system has morphed into predominantly a two party system comprised of Republicans and Democrats."

Besides to cut and paste a response from Wiki Answers (replete with typo) seems like a weak sauce reply.


[edit on 12-9-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

10 U.S. Presidents would have you in diapers when Kennedy was in office and coming of age during Regan.

I know you were responding to OldDagger, but I gotta say OldDagger could easily have been in his twenties or thirties for JFK, in his forties or fifties for Regan, and now in his sixties or seventies. I dare say some people live to be over 100, so your diaper and coming of age comment is a bit attackish don't you think?

I am assuming the old dagger was a bayonet left to you by a great grandfather from World War I, which is likely about as sharp as your arguments so far.

Attacking him and insulting his intelligence is not a class act. What he said so far is that advocating for the violent overthrow of our government is wrong. In my world that sounds like the voice of reason speaking. I see nothing there for you to attack.

You are and have clearly advocated for a notion that once elected to office representatives are no longer bound or need tolerate or accept dissent and debate amongst the populace and that it is wrong for anyone in the populace to dissent or debate against any policy initiative of said elected representative.

Those are your assumptions.

While many might lack the temperance or wisdom, maturity or critical mind despite the lengths of their teeth to understand or comprehend this process it is a critical one that must be continually engaged to prevent dictators and dictatorial power from falling into the hands of a leader in Washington.

Do you know what humility is? Can you give me an example from your own life?

I stand corrected, that Atari machine is worth a pretty penny to collectors, you might want to consider selling in such a poor and poorly run economy.

XBox is Microsoft, not Atari.

I agree with OldDagger. To advocate the violent overthrow of the gov. is wrong and I add seditious. In a few years you can cast your vote and get him out(if the majority agrees with you).

[edit on 12/9/09 by John Matrix]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 01:13 PM
The only chance to get a non democrat, or non republican as president lies with Jessie Ventura...

He would win by name alone, votes would pour in. But without the name reconigition, is useless.

The last independent to be a sure win, was ross perot, and I voted for him! He would have won, if he hadn't quit the race like he did. Note to sarah palin, the people don't like quitters.

Lets see.. an independent that could WIN, Jessie Ventura, Hulk Hogan.. Howard Stern, Arnold Schwarzenegger but he'd probably be Jessie's Vice Prez.. Anyways, without names like that, your throwing away a vote if you vote independent.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 01:13 PM

In addition to this, the mere fact you all kept your mouths shut over the last 8years only the speak up now clearly shows that this has nothing to do with the constitution and everything to do with cultural shock and fear and to be frank, that isnt sufficient enough to remove him from office.

my feelings exactly!

and may I also add that, It's extremely hypocritical for the right to say that "democrats would stoop to any level for political gain" (or something to that effect). from the same people who brought you the Bushes

We're seriously never going to prosper as a nation if we keep bickering over BS. first it's a birth certificate, now it's some random BS documents. It's frustrating to no degree that people think no one bothered to check whether or not Obama was born here, like everyone in the white house is just a bunch of bumbling fools, falling over and talking really fast over each other.

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