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Overthrow the democratically elected president, "how patriotic"

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posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 08:27 AM
Jesus man -

this thread has gone wild west...

gotta get caught up, do the patrioticals still want to overthrow Obama and for why?

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Yes I am, and I'll be saving this quoted piece from you to be used for possible future references.

References? ha ha No, hey don't sugarcoat it SG, You will do with that quote like you have everyone elses in this thread and apply it as answers in context to things we have never said as quote mined response you will fit to make you look like you are winning the debate. Everytime I explain the facts to you, where you have been unequivocally drop dead wrong, you'll borrow that quote to make it look like I am saying you're right, like you have already.

I was not sayiing you are right to anything other than what the quote was reffering to and Ill bet you don't even remember do you.

Here let me make it easier for you SG, here is the alphabet in upper and lower case AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz

Now you can reconstruct my quotes even better having me say what ever you like and still say it was something I actually posted! Why not? it is what you have done to everyone you have responded to in this thread you have butchered their quotes making them look like posts your comebacks have nothing to do with a damn thing their original quote was reffering to. And why?

Well basically because you don't have the skill to do it honestly as you appear to conscientiously emulate, your hero your idol, the man whose ass you kiss everyday when you don't have a clue about the man and never did. You know NOTHING SG absolutley nothing about him but you have spent the last years campaigning for him, defending him and back then you used to do it honestly.

You were still naive and basically backing a traiterous communist who would sell us all out INCLUDING YOU, but at least you didn't have to restort to "cheating" by mis-representing everyone creating entire quotes that are taken so far out of context, you may as well have a conversation with yourself. EXAMPLE: see below:

When I said: " that wasn't what he thought he was talking about."

You said:

Ofcourse thats not what you "thought" he was talking about. I mean obviously you "thought" he wasnt really a liberal right? Obviously you "thought" he was going to continue on conservative policies to satisfy the rightwing. Maybe you should have thought about it alot more..

Now as clever as you might think it is to draw the readers attention to the word "Thought" by putting it in quotation marks, to sneak it past the readers, I have taken the liberty to bold out and underline the REAL and despicable tactic you used to take this from something I said "HE" was talking about to something you repackaged in a new context making it something you're saying "I" thought he was talking about.

What I said:" that wasn't what he thought he was talking about."

SG Version: Ofcourse thats not what you "thought" he was talking about.

I mean their aren't too many ways you can screw this up is there ?

Conventional wisdom would have suggested you respond to my quote by saying something like " You believe he thinks he was talking about something else?" If you were honest and wanted a real debate but no, it was easier for you to use it as a quote referring to me personally so you could attack me rather than address the person I was talking about.

Now imagine someone having to correct every damn thing they say to you in your long disected, reconnected discontextualized versions of your posts you have quoted them.

You just trying to piss people off or is that the whole idea because it isn't something you do by accident. I have seen you cover your tracks by reffering to quotes in greneral terms because even YOU forgot what they really meant and said "regarding your,, what you said" lol.

I would have enjoyed watching them press you to ask just what it is they DID say and if you even have a clue.

But then I'd have to ask what your doing posting here?

Well, Ill tell you SG, I don't think their is a person on this board that wouldn't find that classless method and tactic you have used to debate people, one, if not thee lowest forms of dishonesty, one can engage in when they don't have the skill nor the willingness to deny ignorance when you stand as a perfect example of the very motto of that ignorance we seem to not only relish in denying but I have never heard a name as repeated as one so appropriate for their ignore list as the one named "Souther Guardian" .

It is my hope, that this post will stand as a shining example, displaying the only method of debate you seem to know how to engage in, so others will not waste their time, back tracking their posts trying to recapture its original context and correct your incessant and childish sophistry of your intentional use to missrepresent everything they say.

It is my hope that even though some may agree with your position regarding the OP, they at least admit and speak up about the dishonest tctics you have used to raise tempers, destroy context, frustrate members and waste their time. I know if it were me, reading this post rather than having to write it, I wouldn't care if your opinions were in lockstep with mine, that garbage would piss anyone off and obviously has where as many here have'nt quite put thier finger on what it is you do to frustrate them so, but I am sure they are already checking back on their posts and saying "Ill be damned", and calling you some colorful expletive you couldn't care less about.

But ya know what, I don't give a rats ass how much they dislike you for it either. All I care about is that you don't justify my dislike for you by using such amateur and dirty tactics to win an argument, none of us can even recognize having anything to do with a thing we said, or meant to say.

If that is what it takes for you to win a debate, In the words of Clint Eastwood, you're a legend in your own mind.

[edit on 22-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

Kinda, your command of the English language is a real disappointment. "Suggest" and "may" have actual meanings, and not those you imply.

So I'm a faux patriot? Odd, that. I fought under my flag, bled under that flag, killed under that flag, and was decorated for valor.

But you're saying it was all "faux?" I can look myself over and some nice groupings of scar tissue, holes that have healed but are still indented, and long scars well earned - but it's "faux?"

What you fail to realize is that all men fear battle, but some go anyway. They do it for each other.

Counter to your suggestion (there's that root word again,) I did not follow the philosophy that "the end justifies the means."

Rather I activated all means to obtain my objective. Whatever it took, shortcuts and all. And I always got the job done. Always.

Your "modern era" concept of civilization where the past truths and truisms are suddenly obsolete? Since mankind is so enlightened now?

This "civilization" you see? It's the most fragile it's ever been. It's a paper-thin veneer, with stress cracks all across from top to bottom, left to right, corner to corner, and front to back.

One little stress, one little tick, and it will come apart into tiny little fragments.

And of course, THEN you return to the truisms and truths that mankind has embraced since start-times. Yep, even a return of barbarity.

And you are wrong about my idols/heroes being relegated to the history books. I knew Achilles, Theseus, Bellerophon, Odysseus, Perseus, and Aeneus - but with the names Ryder, Jones, Stauts, Smith, and Woods. They live even now. Men among men.

They shared the same, identical fear that did Achilles - they would willingly face certain death before showing cowardice. Fortunately for these men, they didn't kill worth a damn.

Another from the author you quoted: "Only through the struggle of battle and war can mankind periodically purify the rancid human condition, and restore the virtues universally valued by all. Like gold, men too, are refined and proven by fire." Michael Riggs

This President is a disaster. The US is becoming more and more rancid socially, politically, and now economically.

This President is accelerating the festering and rot.

And we'll all get exactly what we deserve.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Stylez
Everytime I explain the facts to you,

Explained what? I asked you about Ron Pauls 9 month solution, you failed to explain that to me. I asked you where Obama said "15 minutes", you failed to reference me that. Essentially all I recieved from you is bickering, nothing of the nation reegarding facts or explaining anything. Although If you can start doing so now would be much appreciated.

Here, maybe you could finally explain me this:

Whats Ron Pauls 9 month plan to fix the financial crises?
Why constitutionally should Obama be impeached?
Why was Obama not constitutionally elected president?
Where did Obama say 15 minutes? Do you have a source for that accusation or were you lying?

By all means start explaining the facts to me above, Im all ears.

because you don't have the skill to do it honestly

Where did I lie in my OP? Where wasnt I honest in this thread? When I asked you about Ronnies 9 month solution to the financial crises you went on an Obama bashing spree and ranted on about healthcare. When I replied to you, you then proceeded to tell me "this isnt about healthcare now stop going off topic, this is about Ron Paul". So asmuch as Im confused here whos failing to explain their side of the argument here? Would you care to start explaining the facts?

your hero your idol,

Oh, now his my hero and my idol? I'v heard messiah and God. Funnily enough I have never stated the man was any the such, just the politician I voted for and suppoted policy wise. But yes, you keep on throwing those terms. I dont see how it explains your side of the argument.

traiterous communist

Right. Because his not a good' southern conservative from cottonfield Alabama his a communist. I mean its a tired old cry out from conservatives these days. Its rather old but yes, let it out.

Now, I dont what you think you were doing wasting your time with the rest of that post. I dont know what attacks are going to bring out these "facts" of yours against the OP, but Im waiting.


posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by dooper

I sincerely commend your service to our nation and have nothing but the utmost praise and respect for veterans. You should be rightfully proud.

However, I do not condone your callous attitude towards the sitting POTUS.

We could exchange futile banter forever.

GOD Bless America and our President. May they both be a continued success.

Over and out.

[edit on 22-9-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

By all means start explaining the facts to me above,

Im all ears.

You're all mouth.


PAY ATTENTION to this POST SG because I am getting sick and tired of repeating it. I suggest we all watch each others posts too, if I see him butchering Jenna's post or doopers, I'm going to call him on it. If you all do the same. He will be so busy defending his asinine tactics, hopefully he will give up on them.


Stylez to prove

"Obama only gave the politicians 15 minutes to read the bill"
Put the evidence where your mouth is.

"Ron Paul would have solved this financial crises better than Obama"
Wheres is 9 month solution to the financial crises?

"Obama blamed republicans for rushing bills"
Where did he say that?

Why do you continue to dodge backing up your claims? Were you lying?


First Southpark, get this through your head! RON PAUL IS NOT THE PRESIDENT!

So why ask for his nine month solution as if he was for the last nine months! It calls for speculation! Is THAT what you want! Or will you give the FACTS a try for the first time in your life! THIS was my answer, if you don't like it well thats what speculation is my friend and YOU ASKED for it! Now shut up about it !


Southern Guardian asks for someone to give Dr. Ron Paul’s solution to the financial crisis. I think it is rather silly to ask such a thing of a man who is by definition a "constitutionalist" having written more books on the subject than all the books Bill Ayers could ever Ghost write for Barack insane Obama.

When I gave Ron Paul’s solution to the problem, is when I realized Southern Guardian didn't have the capacity to understand the solution as soon as he resisted the very first step of a Ron Paul fix for the economy arguing instead to be further duped by the false belief that the fed MUST be the answer or that we MUST do something RIGHT NOW infusing trillions of dollars into the biggest ponzi scam ever created. Don't let the media fool anyone, Bernie Madoff is a small time hoodlum compared to what Obama and his bank cronies have accomplished with fed. I think it goes without saying that if you don't get rid of the fed first, the efforts anyone makes WITH the fed is about as useless as putting out a wild fire using a bucket of gasoline. Obama has not only done that, but did it by the truck load.

The reason I can't give Southern Guardian an answer after he rejected the first part of a Ron Paul solution is summed up best in this summary for the book Titled "End The Fed" by Dr. Ron Paul

That not only answered your question, it gave a perfect reason for not bothering with the rest because YOU didn't want to hear it. By using your crystal ball and saying the first step was inadequate, as if you are some big economist, their was no need to go to step two!


Then I gave you the REAL numbers for you to refute as part of RP solution so you would know what the hell the game field even looks like!


The financial crisis is what we see below:

Banking 2009 update
Bank failures: 92
Total Deposits: $7,566 billion
Failed Deposits: $85.0 billion
Failed Assets: $102.3 billion
Estimated Losses: $24.4 billion
Actual Losses est: $47.2 billion

Failed Deposits/Total Deposits: 1.11 percent
Estimated Losses/Failed Deposits: 28.7 percent
Actual Losses/Failed Assets: 46.6 percent
Total loans & leases: -4.6 percent

DIF balance Q2 reported: $10.4 billion
DIF balance FDIC est: -2.7 billion
DIF balance actual est: -11.8 billion

FD/TD 1930: 1.65 percent
FD/TD 1931: 0.34 percent
FD/TD 1932: 1.99 percent
FD/TD 1933: 8.55 percent
AL/FD 1930-1933: 28.88 percent

FD/TD 2008: 3.21 percent
AL/FD 2008: 14.99 percent

But did you respond ? NO!

You were too busy butchering my post to make it look like I never said a damn THING!

You either start giving some respect to those doing the research you request or we may just alert your ass to kingdom come either the mods get real and straighten you out or you will have nothing but a forum fulla of enemys hating your guts and be perfectly justified!

You STOP putting words in peoples mouths and STOP the quote hacks.

As I told you the very THIRD TIME I answered you and you deliberately played STUPID as if I have never answered you.

I posted this AGAIN!

See Below!

If Southern Guardian is not willing to read the many best selling books by this wise gentle man, while he continues to badger, berate, belittle his interlocutors by miss-representing the context of their arguments using bits and pieces of posts strung together in comments he has created his own comebacks for he thinks make him look really "cool n stuff" but they are not arguments with me or anyone else he responds to but of himself because No one can recognize the posts of ours he is responding to because they are of comments in contexts of things we have never said. Between the last two President's Bush and now Obama, I believe this country is now under control of something that has no name you can label it under.

That would suggest since it was back a few pages that even back then I had already given up on answering you because you IGNORE the answer and blame that on US!

Then you asked me to prove this
See Below:

"Obama blamed republicans for rushing bills"

Watch it and weep!

Then yopu asked me to prove Obama gave only 15 mins to read his bills.

Unlike recent bills that you voted in favor of that had hundreds of pages and just a few hours to read, this bill can be read in under 5 minutes. I encourage you to take the time to read it, and then move to support it. - Ron Paul

Read the Complete Stimulus Bill (American Recovery and ...... on Stimulus Bill Compromise: In the past few minutes, the conference including ... Since none of the congressional staff had time to read the bill in its ... don't permanently hire IT professionals, you only use them as consultants. ... 13 raz April 15, 2009 at 3:11 pm. Hey, the government wants to be able to ...

Lawmakers challenged to read health care bill before voting ...Jun 30, 2009 ... Group wants lawmakers to read bill before voting. ... 擢or 46 hours and 8 minutes, the senator from South Carolina has had an opportunity to go to the Internet and see this bill in its entirety" ... Also, only one copy of either, as I understand it, existed. ... Reply #15. Jul. 3, 2009 - 2:39 PM EST

In 15 Minutes: the One & Only Nocturnal Warrior on No Quarter ...IN 15 MINUTES, tune in to NQR tonight for The Nocturnal Warrior, ... to read the bill and we cannot get the five days to review the bill as he promised, ...

Some had only fifteen minutes and the most others had was two days. It doesn't matter really does it? I mean a bill full of legalese 1100 pages thick ? It doesn't matter if they got only 15 mins or two damn days, the fact is THEY DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO READ IT !

Which was the point I was trying to make! Obama is a Hypocrit and this nations worst nightmare!

If you can't take responsibility for your willful want and intentional disregard for the facts SG, That is YOUR problem,


[edit on 22-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Right. Because his not a good' southern conservative from cottonfield Alabama his a communist. I mean its a tired old cry out from conservatives these days. Its rather old but yes, let it out.

Are you saying he isn't ? is that what I am to understand ? Would you like me to post up the news paper clippings from Illinois of his communist and socialist affiliates celebrating his "coming aboard"?

I say it because he is it.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:33 PM
We are on the brink of a revolutionary transformation of our system of government and our way of life -- one that will turn us into a European-style social-welfare state where only politicians, government bureaucrats, and their favored interests are able to thrive and where the "liberty" that remains is the government's unlimited freedom to control every aspect of your life.

Would you want to live in such an America SG? Is that what you want? Ill tell you, that is what Obama wants and his actions to the effect speak louder than his teleprompted pre written and rehearsed carefully selected, and deceitful words.

We don't have to go there SG and we would mow you down trying to stop us. We didn't elect Obama so he could intimidate Radio talk show hosts or Fox news opinion speakers. We didn't elect him so he could unconstitutionally fire CEO's or nationalize the banks so he can climb in bed with the fed. That's why we're leading the fight to stop the Obamacrats from destroying our country SG.

we are seeking to protect our nation against enemies of our republic NOT from those outside terrorists Bush warned us about but from those he didn't.

Those from within.

Many of us are protesting the present and perilous political direction of Washington with their Outrageous borrowing, excessive bailouts, massive spending, and his "stimulus" plan that would make a meth addict green with envy if he wasn't already for the environment.
His universal hell care and his clearly made efforts and determination to bring us to socialism if we are lucky that is as far left as he wants to go.

You keep playing tit for tat as if anyone that is against this maniac, was a Bushie. You mean you weren't a bushie too? You didn't make threads about Bush telling everyone here who by the way were also NOT for bush, you weren't standing up for him like you are Obimbo?

After all I don't see why not, I mean if screwing up is all the both of them know how to do and you love defending screw ups so much, here tell me political blogger Josh Ray has this message for you:

Bush vs Obama

If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?

If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the non-existent Austrian language, would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?

If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current on their income taxes, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to Cinco de Cuatro in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the fourth of May (Cuatro de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?

If George W. Bush had mis-spelled the word advice would you have hammered him for it for years like Dan Quayle and potatoe as proof of what a dunce he is?

If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a hypocrite?

If George W. Bush's administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?

If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a teleprompter installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?

If George W. Bush had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans, would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?

If George W. Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had proposed to double the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had reduced your retirement plans holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to take Laura Bush to a play in NYC, would you have approved?

So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can't think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 5 months.

So you'll have three years and seven months to come up with an answer

So while you keep using the "where wee you when bush was doing the same things" ploy, Be Advised: Most of us were protesting him also, I can prove I was. But where were YOU?

More than that is where are you now, because the way I see it, you are a member of the democrats for socialism. In other words, the enemy of freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of our legal idea of what makes us happy. You didn't know Obama was a socialist? You mean you didn't know his daddy wasn't a goat herder but a communist political figure? You didn't know that he stumped for raul odinga? That all his cronies are socialist or communist? You didn't know most of his catchy little sound bytes are taken right from his favorite book "Rules for Radicals" by his favorite communist author "Saul Alinsky"?

You think that is all some casual interest? Something he just likes to know everything about but,,,never wants to try? Naaaah he wouldn't do thaaaat.

You STILL think he doesn't have every intention of crushing our economy and ushering in his new Obamaniacal DICTATORSHIP?

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

I appreciate your kind words, and we do share one common goal"

God bless America.

And any President who follows the intent and letter of the Constitution.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Stylez

No he isnt, but that wasnt my argument. My initial argument was whether Ron Paul would have turn around the economy in a matter of months, as others accuse Obama of not doing. That was my question and argument to you. It would have been rather simple if you admitted that he wouldnt have either as you did here, but ofcourse it took a number of posts before you decided to.

So really, the blame on this man "not stopping the job losses" is rather hypocritical.

When I gave Ron Paul’s solution to the problem, is when I realized Southern Guardian didn't have the capacity to understand the solution

The solution to ending the worst financial crises since the great depression in a matter of months is not ending the FED and kicking out lobbyists. I stated this to you and you kept on rambling on. I asked you again for Ron Pauls economic solution in 9 months. You have failed to do so time and time again.

You and I both know ending the FED will not fix the crises in a matter of months yet you choose to continue to ramble on and support those who blame the current president for not having already "turned the economy around by now".

we MUST do something RIGHT NOW infusing trillions of dollars into the biggest ponzi scam ever created.

And hows he going to bring down those trillions? He certainly isnt going to cut our overgro own over priced military in half that would save us $250 billion. How was he going to save us trillions? He intends to end income taxes, and cut the fed and kick out lobbyists... this supposed staunch free marketer is going to kick out lobbyists.

No real solution to the economy from Ron Paul. Just talk. Like his followers.

The reason I can't give Southern Guardian an answer after he rejected the first part of a Ron Paul solution

You and I both know ending the FED and chasing out lobbyists was not going to solve the worst financial crises since the great depression in a matter of months. It certainly wasnt going to bring down our debt significantly. Ron Paul has no solutions and yet his supporters, like yourself, continue to heckle the current president for not having changed the economy. Thats my point.

The financial crisis is what we see below:

Banking 2009 update
Bank failures: 92
Total Deposits: $7,566 billion
Failed Deposits: $85.0 billion
Failed Assets: $102.3 billion
Estimated Losses: $24.4 billion
Actual Losses est: $47.2 billion

Failed Deposits/Total Deposits: 1.11 percent
Estimated Losses/Failed Deposits: 28.7 percent
Actual Losses/Failed Assets: 46.6 percent
Total loans & leases: -4.6 percent

DIF balance Q2 reported: $10.4 billion
DIF balance FDIC est: -2.7 billion
DIF balance actual est: -11.8 billion

FD/TD 1930: 1.65 percent
FD/TD 1931: 0.34 percent
FD/TD 1932: 1.99 percent
FD/TD 1933: 8.55 percent
AL/FD 1930-1933: 28.88 percent

FD/TD 2008: 3.21 percent
AL/FD 2008: 14.99 percent

This was my very point. Ofcourse banks will continue fail, ofcourse jobs will continue be lost. Neither Obama or Ron Paul or McCain for that matter would have fixed this crises in a matter of months. This is why I asked you what facts you have to show that Ron Paul would have turned this nation around, instead I got the same old "end the fed, he would have kicked the lobbyists out" garbage. Not an economic solution for a matter of months.

You either start giving some respect

You will not get any respect from me if respect is not given sorry.

Then you asked me to prove this
See Below:

"Obama blamed republicans for rushing bills"

Watch it and weep!

Thankyou for referencing me that. I asked for a source and finally you gave me one. By the way, the patriot act was signed into law on October 26th 2001, 1 month and a half after the 9/11 attacks. H.R. 3200 was introduced at the the beginning of the year. I find it rather ironic that you continue to complain about the length of the bill as more months pass by. I guess though it'd be convenient to wait till 2010 until you stop complaining about that 15 minutes given.

Unlike recent bills that you voted in favor of that had hundreds of pages and just a few hours to read, this bill can be read in under 5 minutes. I encourage you to take the time to read it, and then move to support it. - Ron Paul

Ron Paul is a liar. 5 minutes was not given, however, since you are a ron paul supported I'd ask you to back his statements up with proof, since you so happily referenced him.

Nowhere in this reference does it say 15 minutes. However the fact its been dated since February of 2009, and the very fact your still complaining about the time to read the bill. Its very telling.

Reply #15. Jul. 3, 2009 - 2:39 PM EST

Nowhere do they say 15 minutes.

In 15 Minutes: the One & Only Nocturnal Warrior on No Quarter ...IN 15 MINUTES, tune in to NQR tonight for The Nocturnal Warrior, ... to read the bill and we cannot get the five days to review the bill as he promised, ...

Says nothing of a 15 minute time limit to read the bill.

Some had only fifteen minutes

None of the links showed me where they had been given only 15 minutes.


posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Stylez

Conservatives and Libertarians decided to turn their backs on Bush the minute they, or yourself, couldnt excuse the man any longer. Will not be any different for future rightwing leaders to come. You eat your own, sometimes just to keep face.


posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Ron Paul is a liar. 5 minutes was not given, however, since you are a ron paul supported I'd ask you to back his statements up with proof, since you so happily referenced him.

Had you bothered to figure out where that quote came from you'd know he (Ron Paul) was talking about HR 1207 which you literally can read in five minutes. Well I can, slower readers will probably take a little bit longer and faster readers will get through it quicker.

I know looking up the quote is an extra step that would've been easier had a link been provided for you, and I'm sure I didn't find it the same place Stylez found it, but that little bit of research to make sure you know what someone else is talking about goes a long way. It also prevents situations where you call someone a liar without actually knowing what they're talking about.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Jenna

Thanks for the heads up

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by Stylez
We are on the brink of a revolutionary transformation of our system

Iv heard this broken records for the last two liberal administrations. Its tiresom but theres always somebody bringing it back.

one that will turn us into a European-style social-welfare state

You mean helping the working class man get cheaper healthcare from working his backside to pay taxes? But anything that doesnt allow the corporate thugs to dictate the welfare of the people of this nation is "european styed socialism"!. Seems more like common sense to me.

Its interesting, conservatives ramble on about their "allies" of democracy. I guess its time to let them know you want nothing to do with them since their "socialist" governments dont stand for democracy right? The British, Australians and Canadians are laughing at the fear mongering and ignorance over universal healthcare. I dont blame them one bit.

where only politicians, government bureaucrats, and their favored interests

Favoured interests? You seem to believe that "favoured interests" and free marketeers are unrelated. I mean I find it rather odd that supposed "anti-regulation" individuals like yourself are hypocritical enough to go on about the "favoured interests" in washington.

government's unlimited freedom to control every aspect of your lcife.

What freedoms were stripped from you? Im not interested in what you think is going to be stripped, what has been stripped exactly?


What is the matter with you fellas and the teleprompter? Who cares?

We didn't elect Obama

No you didnt vote for President Obama, thats correct.

so he could intimidate Radio talk show hosts or Fox news opinion speakers.

Its rather ironic. When rightwing radio show hosts and opinion speakers intimidate, its called "exercising freedom of speech. When a liberal exercises freedom of speech its "intimidation".

Im sure freedom of speech is applied to both sides.

We didn't elect him so he could unconstitutionally fire CEO's

He didnt unconstitutionally fire anybody liar. GM let go wagnor to get bail out assistance. It was their choice. So, you can shape that how you want, but wagnor was cut loose through business ties to get the bail out money.

Maybe you should be barking up those supposed "free marketers" at the top of GM who decided to cut Wagoner loose for the bail out money.

destroying our country

His destroying your country. His bring back the good ol' USA for me. Good riddence to "your country".

Many of us are protesting the present and perilous political direction of Washington

Many of you are protesting you dislike for the candidate that won the presidency. Its your right to do so by all means though. It doesnt change the election process nevertheless.

You keep playing tit for tat

I'll keep on posting here dont you worry.

So while you keep using the

Sylez your welcome to potray yourself as whatever on this forum. I have my conclusions though. You can stop trying.

his new Obamaniacal DICTATORSHIP?

Yes. Now Im sure theres a protest near to you somewhere you can go to now to demand "your country back". After all, your more than welcome to protest under this "dictatorship" of yours.


posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

You mean helping the working class man get cheaper healthcare from working his backside to pay taxes? But anything that doesnt allow the corporate thugs to dictate the welfare of the people of this nation is "european styed socialism"!. Seems more like common sense to me.

No SG I mean what I say and I say what I mean STOP PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH! If I wanted to say what you are suggesting, you know what it would have looked like?


" helping the working class man get cheaper healthcare from working his backside to pay taxes? But anything that doesnt allow the corporate thugs to dictate the welfare of the people of this nation is "european styed socialism"!. Seems more like common sense to me.

Its interesting, conservatives ramble on about their "allies" of democracy. I guess its time to let them know you want nothing to do with them since their "socialist" governments dont stand for democracy right?

They don't? we should? I don't think it is any of our business to tell you the truth, they got their form of Government so what. If you want to assume Obama's healthcare is going to be cheaper while their is nothing wrong with our healthcare their is a lot wrong with areas that if we didn't allow such practices it woldn't be a problem.

The British, Australians and Canadians are laughing at the fear mongering and ignorance over universal healthcare. I dont blame them one bit.

You want to seek there approval sg, be my guest I don't give a rats ass what they think

Favoured interests? You seem to believe that "favoured interests" and free marketeers are unrelated. I mean I find it rather odd that supposed "anti-regulation" individuals like yourself are hypocritical enough to go on about the "favoured interests" in washington.

who said I was anti anything SG, I'm not married to any party

What freedoms were stripped from you? Im not interested in what you think is going to be stripped, what has been stripped exactly?.

Better read the post again SG I think youll see it as a warning of things to come but you go right ahead and keep BUTCHERING my quotes mis-representing me. Now are you talking about the freedoms we had back when I was 10? or those we had left after Bush? or the ones Obama is working on. I remember when a Man could become CEO of a major auto manufacturer and not have to worry about the Government A hole sitting in the white house firing him.

I remember when I had the freedom to keep money that the Government could not tax to bail out Private sector corporations.

I remember when you had the freedom of speech to speak you mind about the Government without them making threats or using its members to start boycotts.

I remember when we didn't have a government telling me I have to "volunteer" in some asinine utopian communitarian BS like the Obama jugen. Oh and by the way, your brilliant idea that the financial crisis is over is HYSTERICAL!

Gawd are YOU in for a surprise.

What is the matter with you fellas and the teleprompter? Who cares?

Well sg that is what you get when you only read one word in a sentence. You don't get the message when you do that but it looks real cool as a quote!


When I said:

We didn't elect Obama

as you quoted me saying above. Did you not read the rest or was it too much exercise for you to get the ENTIRE CONTEXT!

No you didnt vote for President Obama, thats correct.

I'm sorry SG?? Could you please show me where I mentioned in that post ANYTHING ABOUT WHO I DID OR DIDN'T VOTE FOR!


Its rather ironic. When rightwing radio show hosts and opinion speakers intimidate, its called "exercising freedom of speech. When a liberal exercises freedom of speech its "intimidation".

Im sure freedom of speech is applied to both sides..

Sorry pal but we aren't even talking about the same thing anymore. Oh and by the way, it is VERY different when the liberal has the power to fire CEO's unconstitutionally and has the "button".

I really wouldn't care which "side they are on it is wrong for a president to bully private citizens.

He didnt unconstitutionally fire anybody liar. GM let go wagnor to get bail out assistance. It was their choice. So, you can shape that how you want, but wagnor was cut loose through business ties to get the bail out money.Maybe you should be barking up those supposed "free marketers" at the top of GM who decided to cut Wagoner loose for the bail out money.

Maybe you should shut up and get the facts ignatz

Many of you are protesting you dislike for the candidate that won the presidency. Its your right to do so by all means though. It doesnt change the election process nevertheless.

Who was talking about that?

Sylez your welcome to potray yourself as whatever on this forum. I have my conclusions though. You can stop trying.

You got that from this?:

So while you keep using the

The what?

Good riddence to "your country".

No thanks to you

His destroying your country. .

Aye commrad the good ole USSA.

your more than welcome to protest under this dictatorship

looks like two can play your way slick

[edit on 23-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Will not be any different for future rightwing leaders to come. You eat your own, sometimes just to keep face.


yeah? where you get that sg off a bumper sticker?


posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 09:47 AM
Let me just say for the record, just so I'd be the first to say it, Stylez is hilariously angry!

But in all seriousness, its all just a bunch of hot air. Let's face it, no 'revolution" will ever come. And thsoe who oppose the president will NEVER put the Constitution where their mouth is. Why? Because they're not too different from us. They all have bills to pay and mouths to feed, to borrow a line from that song. Its the thought that the country could experience one of these conspiracy theories that gives their lives meaning and thrill, nothing more.

Believe me when I say this, if you are truly that concerned about something, you do something about it, illegal or not.

As for those who fear the European-style socialist system, its funny how nobody ever speaks to a European about it. If you talk to a European about it and start bringing up this fascist, government-is-the-answer, New World Order drivel, they point and laugh at you for being so stupid.

And then, our beloved American patriots wonder, tearfully, why everyone calls them "close-minded."

posted on Jun, 22 2018 @ 11:14 PM
Past proves Present as they say.


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