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The story of Sanni Ceto (A Zeta-Human Hybrid) - Must watch!

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posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Before2017Victor

Very informative video. Great truth spoken.

As Sanni says

2012: An individuals outcome will depend on their conscious energy

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
Anyone interested in Sanni Ceto's new interview preview I posted above? Are any of you going to listen to the whole thing when it's released in it's entirety?

I will listen, but I already know what she has to say. Thank you for putting that here. Maybe others will listen and learn.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by Before2017Victor

I will be watching, thank you for posting the video

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 02:10 AM
When I watch/listened to that video I got a really funny visual.

I imagine now that most just laugh at Sanni's story...
and then I can picture her in 2012 as she gets taken up into a spaceship...and she leans out and says "Who's laughing now".

Oh, and BTW can anybody explain or know where those pictures are that were displayed in that video? I find them very interesting.
Or are they all photo shopped?

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Before2017Victor

I believe the photos are photoshop creations.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by StarDarter

Yea they do possess that photographed quality to them.

It'd be really cool if they were real, and I doubt they are real simply cause I am sure we'd hear more about them if they were...certainly on this forum.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:04 AM
By the way, there will be a chat with her on Friday at 21:00 Pacific Time at the show Web site: Veritas Show


posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Exopolitico
By the way, there will be a chat with her on Friday at 21:00 Pacific Time at the show Web site: Veritas Show


Yeah. She was telling me about the chat earlier. People are only going to use that to ridicule her more. Her method of writing is not easily understood by most people.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 03:35 AM
I just listened to Sanni Ceto on The Veritas Show (well the free potion of it anyway...I have to pay for the rest grrrr)

I jotted down notes/quotes as I listened to this fascinating interview for those who are interested. BTW, Mel was a great interviewer, very compassionate.
It's not that hard to find the interview, but I'll give a little bit of a summary.
(Sorry it's in point form, scattered, and probably not exactly in chronological order)


She first speaks of how she was incarnated.

Then she talks about the "hive". Which is how her home planet is set up. It's where there is no war. Everybody also has a job to do.

"We are like the bees and ants on your planet…but much more advanced…"

Also, Sanni makes this point early on during the interview.

"I am not no freaking kook!"

Also, she says that it's not a hoax.

Mel asks her about the prediction she made back in '04.
Now we see it as clearly being Swine flu.

She discussed about her premonition that she had.

It involved microchips (later she says it will keep track of literally everything we do) and forced vaccinations.

It's all bioterrorism to decrease the population.

Mel: Who's running this?

Sanni says in short, that it's a Secret government (reptoids/Illuminati) and the shadow governments (the one we see) don't have much involvement…
It's to enslave humans, and keep information.

Both the interviewer and interviewee talked about Chemtrails, and what's in the chemicals left behind.
They can cause Alzheimers and amungst other things.
It all has to do with decreasing population, and also creating illness to have people going to pharmacies where there is treatment....but no cures.
Swine flu is a fabricated pandemic.

Then, they discussion moves back into her early life for a bit.

-When she was 6 she was asked about space travel.

-She was taken away with other hybrids and questioned.

-Saw another hybrid that was albino looking like her.

-In Early adult life she was labeled as "Schizophrenic" and released into the world.

She says how the natives are more open and connected to ETs.

Also, during the interview she channeled her father to help her as she spoke.

Mel basically asks: What are humans?
Sanni responds: "Pladians...Trying to learn understand grow
Love and peace solve problems diplomatically

We don’t evolve with war we only de-evolve.
We've been conditioned and manipulated.
Need to see…lift the veil."

"I probably shouldn’t bring this up. But it's like the concept of God on this planet.
You believe in God it without proof at all.
But, they knew that this God was really an extra terrestrial.
But, that would change the way they think because then there'd have to be UFOs also as Gods.
Because the UFOs created all this planet and other worlds.
Humans came from many different planets, but that was erased in your memory early in evolution by the Reptoids."

There are many Other hybrids on this planet. Who are 'sleeping'. Blinded. They don’t know who they are or where they came from.
If they do come forward they are so controlled.
Lost their identity.

Sanni doesn’t like the new age movement, "if you go on a ship you go physically. People say, "oh I left my body", but that’s bull crap!"

Long before we came to Earth we made an agreement with the Grey’s. We agreed to give our genetic material to help them. To create a race/species that had the characteristics of both to survive the planetary changes about to occur on this planet.

Abductions are done with positive intent.

Mel gives an analogy: It's like if you are driving and see a turtle on the road, and stop your car to help it move it across the road so it doesn’t get run over. It probably pees and has nightmares.

Sanni gives another one involving fish.

The horrible abductions are done by reptoids shapeshifting.

ETs are superior; they have evolved beyond war.


The interview stops there after Mel tries to let Sanni know that that was a generalization.

Personally, I liked the interview. Wish I could here the rest of it.

Sanni had pretty much the same attitude as others I have heard on that show.
They've been ridiculed. They don't want to release too much information cause people will think they are crazy.
Also, they sound like they are angry when really they've just been hurt and left unappreciated. She's even gotten death threats.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 07:16 AM
Originally posted by Before2017Victor

Mel basically asks: What are humans?
Sanni responds: "Pladians...Trying to learn understand grow
Love and peace solve problems diplomatically

What all of us??? Were all pleiadians? This I find a little hard to believe, this would make us ALL hybrids. yet later on she says there are some hybrids here that if they dont wake up soon they will be taken like the rest of us. Does she mean hybrids of other races or what?

There are many Other hybrids on this planet. Who are 'sleeping'. Blinded. They don’t know who they are or where they came from.
If they do come forward they are so controlled.
Lost their identity.

what does she mean when she says they must come forward? that there are many hybrids that also need to go public like she has or they will loose their identity forever? What type of hybrids? More Greys?

But, they knew that this God was really an extra terrestrial.
But, that would change the way they think because then there'd have to be UFOs also as Gods.
Because the UFOs created all this planet and other worlds.
Humans came from many different planets, but that was erased in your memory early in evolution by the Reptoids."

God/Source is not an alien! Yes maybe aliens made/altered us but the whole Universe was not made by an alien.

Maybe we have all come from different planets, many hybrids probably do go to make us up but God is not an alien in any way.

People should not see aliens as Gods. maybe an alien did create life in most of our galaxy but even this alien has a God. Maybe they can be classed as creators within themselves but never gods. Humans create life now from cloning/IVF/genetic engineering but we are not Gods.

Humans came from many different planets, but that was erased in your memory early in evolution by the Reptoids

I do agree that humans have had a part of themselves erased by means of alien intervention but many are remembering the link that was taken. They took our link to our spirit, but we still remember it all this time later. Yes its a distant memory but thats all we need , once remembered there is no stopping the reconnection.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

I just listened to the Veritas show. I have a lot of questions.

Her "Mum" tried to kill her?
Sanni is "half grey" but why not show the DNA proof that would surely shut the skeptics up?
Her mum was a druggie and alcohol user??? yet used for Sanni's gestation.
She is from a superior race that has relegated her to a half breed with an inferior race of war mongers from Draconian(reptile genetics) with a drug and alcohol using mother?

She is not allowed to disclosed her history due to "death threats".....death threats for what exactly?
Sanni seems upset as Mel pushes for her history. Mel appeases Sanni as she gets on the defensive over his question of her origins.

Mel brings up the Video from the OP.
Pandemic is brought up.(no mention of SARS panic that was in 2003?)

If Sanni's predictions of Fema camps, compulsory Vaccines, chemtrails etc does not come true?
Sanni's reasoning for Mexico being the Epicentre of swine flu is ridiculous, as the epicentre it should have seen camps, compulsory vacinations, chips etc. that her Visions describe.
Sheeple, reptoids, blah blah. Sanni falls from Hybrid to secret governments, fema camps, rockerfellars, draconians, black projects, shapeshifting rulers that have us all fooled.

What if Sanni is a shapeshifter dis-info agent? Possible, she has got some sheeple here fooled? Valid question is it not.

I am going out on a limb here and would like to propose another theory regarding Sanni Seto.
By her own admission her mother is Native American and she used drugs and alcohol.
Sanni also on her site has talked of her institutionalized childhood. She has trouble writing etc.
Could Sanni have suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
FAS has an extremely high incidence in Native American Women as Maternal Alcoholism is extremely high, at 20% of all births suffering FAS.
This would explain Sanni being rejected by her mother, in conjunction with her mothers drug and alcohol use, FAS results in some metal retardation, learning disabilities as well as physical difficulties. Sanni cannot write properly and her drawings, artwork and even her speech seem rather immature.

Here is a photo of Sanni-

Figure 7: Characteristic facial features in a child with fetal alcohol syndrome. Findings may include a smooth philtrum (the vertical groove between the base of the nose and the border of the upper lip), thin upper lip, upturned nose, flat nasal bridge, skin folds covering the inner corner of the eye, small openings between the eyelids and small head circumference (Source: American Academy of Family Physicians)

Sanni claims in the Interview she has Albinism, but her eye pigment and early photos of her argue against Albinism
I believe she suffered FAS which would explain certain characteristics and she may have constructed the beliefs we hear in the Interview and the Video as a coping mechanism to cope with a horrific history of abuse.

I would like to hear any thoughts on the idea I present being as possible as it is that she is indeed a hybrid ET.
That this may explain the situation, FAS, a history of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, abandonment as a child, 12 foster homes and institutions.

I think these are valid observations and come from sincere reasoning. I would also like to point out that if I am correct, do we really need to parade people like Sanni about just so we, those that are interested in this field have books, threads, radio shows and "proof".

I'll leave you with these thoughts, that struck a chord with me.

"I look at [fetal alcohol syndrome] as a wicked fountain of youth. Nobody acts the age that they appear to be. You are forever a child."
- Monica Adams, an adult with FASD

Read the article it is excellent and there are a few cases that resemble Sanni's upbringing.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:00 AM
I can understand her perfectly and I'm not even a native english speaker. If she is def then why does she talk english? I mean def people don't even bother with languages right? anyhow


posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by atlasastro

You know I see all this ..the for and against of Sanni Ceto. Is she isnt she?

To be honest I dont really care one way or the other but one thing she has brought back to the surface in me is the possibility of alien hybrids upon Earth. This is not a new area of interest for me, since joining ATS I have done many threads on hybrids.

I do think though that the real deal just gets on with its mission (the raising of the human soul frequency) quietly in the back ground and doesnt really have time for all these radio shows, books, and other stuff.

Maybe she is breaking the mould and speaking but really why? whats the point? whats the aim? Hybrids can do exactly what she is going on and on about quietly and still make a difference, they are more effective this way, they do not draw attention to themselves and by doing so do not become targets for the illuminati/NWO. They are free to get on with their mission outside of the limelight.

why is she asking hybrids to come forward? what so they too can be taken and messed with in bases? Hybrids can still do what they came here to do without being know, infact they are best off being unknown.

Sanni claims in the Interview she has Albinism, but her eye pigment and early photos of her argue against Albinism

Yes I too have a problem with this albino claim. She is quite clearly not an albino and for me this is an issue. Is she wearing that hat so we cant see the roots of her real hair coming through? Every person that dyes their hair knows their real colour can be seen at the roots and when a persons hair is dyed extreamly white/blonde from brown the roots are very evident. Is there any picture of sanni without a hat on???

[edit on 5-9-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 11:09 AM

I found this one but still her roots are being hidden by the blue hair band and her eye colour is also hidden behind the glasses. why does that picture of her appear with brown hair in google images? Which is she...brown or white haired

Im not anti Sanni I just want the reason for this discrepancy and why her head is always covered in the pictures where her hair is white.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Awhile back StarDarter explained that the picture of Sanni with brown hair was when she dyed it brown, otherwise it is/was white.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by kshaund
reply to post by Mr Green

Awhile back StarDarter explained that the picture of Sanni with brown hair was when she dyed it brown, otherwise it is/was white.

but on this one she quite clearly has brown eyebrows
albinos do not have brown eye brows they have white...why would she let her hair go back to white but continue to dye her eye brows brown

mmm for some reason the link isnt working I'll try to find another

hopefully this will work, its very clear her eye brows are brown but her hair is white. why is she still going to all that bother of dying her eye brows??

[edit on 5-9-2009 by Mr Green]

[edit on 5-9-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by kshaund

Geez, that clears everything up, "so and so explained it so I'll just have to believe it"?

Who is Stardarter?
Stardarter joined ATS in the Middle of the Discussion and has defended Sanni's position without addressing the many problems with Sanni's story.

Why did Sanni change her name?
How come Marcellina Beckwith comes into being when she moved to be with Anne Miller. Was it Anne who suggested the name change?
Are you infact Anne Miller-Stardarter? You seem to do a lot of writing on Sanni's behalf.
Where did she come from?
Why has Sanni not sought DNA evidence to prover her hybrid nature?
Why has Sanni not sought to show all those people that have stereotyped her so negatively by showing them the chip behind her ear, as she claims?
Why does Sanni contradict herself, as man posters point out in many posts, can you resolve those issue Stardarter, besides clearing up Sanni's hair dying activity?
Why does Sanni insist that she cannot reveal information due to death threats on Mels show, yet the STAR BEACON has published her full Address and telephone number(are you people insane????).

Why if Sanni is from a superior race would they make a hybrid with humans who are genetically derived from reptilian war mongers, why would they use her mother, a "druggie" in Sanni's own words.

Also why do you now have a disclaimer distancing yourself from Roy Timm?

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Im not anti Sanni I just want the reason for this discrepancy and why her head is always covered in the pictures where her hair is white.

Well, my theory is that either her hat has white hair, or she needs the head cover to secure a wig.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

I have many photos of Sanni at different ages. I'm going to say this once more only. People can try to understand it or not. Sanni's dark hair is hair color. Her nautral color is white. It was always white, not brown. She colored it to "look normal". Now people want to say she is coloring it white. That's not the truth.

Sanni's earth mother was chosen at a young age by the grays. When she was chosen, she was not an alcoholic or druggie. She became that later in life. Her dna was used to create Sanni. You have to try to understand the technology of the grays is extremely advanced AND you should understand that the cloning humans do now came from the grays technology. Not only the cloning but now the gene manipulation that can be done to prevent many of the conditions that are "inherited", such as many of the forms of cancer. Gene manipulation technology was passed on to humanity by the grays in order to improve future human species for grays to have better specimen for their own continued species. After the creation of Sanni (the fetus) it was placed back in the mother to develop to a point, then again removed and placed in the incubation tubes used by the grays to develope these hybrids. When the fetus is removed from the mother, deformaties are detected and repaired by gene/dna manupilation in their labs. The fetus is then completely developed in the incubation chambers she spoke of. They are perfect in all ways because any deformity has been repaired and then continuing "growth" and cellular development is normal for the being they are creating.

The problem with trying to teach humans any of this is that MOST humans close their minds to what they don't know or understand. They can't understand these things because they have no comparison. That is why Sanni's past predictions are important. It's no different than her giving me the schematics of one of the propulsion systems of one of their ships to show me how the ship functioned. Then, after explaining the system, she explained the fuel or energy source for that system. She gave me this information 7 or 8 years ago in writing and drawings. The energy source used in these ships is what scientists here now call Element 115. Element 115 was not "discovered" until February of 2004, only 5 years ago. At least that is what scientists and governments want the public to believe. Russian scientist took the majority of the credit for this "discovery", but scientists all over the world have had this "element" in their possession since the late 1940's when they managed to obtain some from one of the ships they recovered from a crash site. They learned it was extremely volitile. They couldn't find how to stablize it. They have worked on it over the years until in 2004 they managed to finally stablize it and announced to the world that this new "discovery" could now make "time travel" possible and would revolutionize space travel. Believee it or not.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by StarDarter
reply to post by Mr Green

The problem with trying to teach humans any of this is that MOST humans close their minds to what they don't know or understand. They can't understand these things because they have no comparison.

OH, there are comparisons. Every confidence game in the books is a good comparison.

That is why Sanni's past predictions are important.

Now she's also a seer?

It's no different than her giving me the schematics of one of the propulsion systems of one of their ships to show me how the ship functioned. Then, after explaining the system, she explained the fuel or energy source for that system. She gave me this information 7 or 8 years ago in writing and drawings.

And neither of you shared this wonderful information with the world? Bad world citizens! Oh, that's right... "the world isn't ready for that information"

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