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The story of Sanni Ceto (A Zeta-Human Hybrid) - Must watch!

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posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by seircram

Angels are man-made.... created centuries ago to fill the religions. Except for a couple of mentions of a 'messenger' in the bible, angels didn't become popular until recent history (like within a few centuries). We researched the origin of angels once years ago - I still have my notes. So whoever / whatever is talking about an angelic hierarchy in my opinion is simply feeding back to you what you believe... a great risk for """anything""" channeled no matter how warm and fuzzy it feels. (I personally believe we're manipulated by channeling as well - studied it myself for 20 years).

I believe in beings with wings - but they're not angels - they're beings with wings called the Akhu, spoken of in Egyptian history as the soul.

My point in saying this is the lies are endless and are perpetuated even when we think we're being told the truth.

Doesn't matter WHAT anyone calls God the Creator - as long as you understand what they're referring to - if they call God the Creator Yaweh, God, Big Guy, doesn't matter - its the intention - she was referring to the Creator as Yaweh as did others. "Life" is too big to be limited to anyone's definitions and boundaries.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 09:46 AM
Yes, I remember those days in school VERY well and still feel angst about how I was with others at times - children can be very, very cruel -
And add to that that when children are treated this way continuously they become that way - another reason for Sanni's unusualness - struggling between imposed ridicule and abuse most of her life and trying to be the best she can be...

Then she comes 'out' and speaks and gets blasted from the entire community (all people who come out do get blasted from skeptics) on top of it all. People in this field get flack, a lot of it. It isn't easy or glamorous or financially rewarding! People in this field do it because they have a story they believe is important for humanity to hear, that's all. What other reason is there? If they can make a living by doing it, they're the exception and not the rule.

She's probably monitored and those with her will be too... Ultimately we're all monitored one way or another anyway - but when known people like her are out there talking, they're probably sending live feed back to somewhere... she doesn't need to be locked away to be studied by the military - they already know all about her.

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by kshaund

As always - an honor reading your words.

My take is that a Zeti in a Terran 'shell' must be god damn awful. The conflict within would be not something anyone could go through with out some impossible struggle. And yes in her book she details of classic Mind Kontrol 101 - all the nastiness involved.

You ever remember back at school when you were little and you'd pick on "odd" kids in the yard - how cruel we can be even as children. Kind of puts another angle on "what if" these kids we picked on as a group may have been something other than just 'different'. yet those children served a purpose indirectly by reflection of what we are capable of doing - reptilian mind comes to mind...

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by kshaund
reply to post by seircram

Angels are man-made.... ...

My point in saying this is the lies are endless and are perpetuated even when we think we're being told the truth...

So, somehow, one should believe you are not spreading "lies" based upon what you believe but offer no proof?

The point being, I didn't come out and say, "I am Joe Zeta, human hybrid."

Prove it. Put the money where the mouth is. Do a DNA test. I'm sure the Discovery Channel needs some material...

On the other hand, if what she -- on anyone, channeled, living or dead -- says rings true and or has personal meaning to you, then that's all that matters.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 01:36 PM
If some one else has posted a comment along these lines, i somehow missed it. Thus, i would like to offer the following, which, although hardly "scientific", is quite "validating" in my mind, based on prior experiences. Like quite a few people, perhaps a number on this site, as well, i'm quite sensitive to energies/frequencies coming from people, places, objects, etc. Her vibration and frequency are truly remarkable. Her vibe is VERY powerful in terms of "presence", and frequency wise quite pleasant and "high", though a bit "unusual", in my experience. I have never personally met a human with a frequency this potent or of this vibratory level. But, i will say, for comparison, that Sai Baba's, which i have "read" from his photos and videos, is as potent, at least, and of a higher frequency. Ultimately, my POV would be that if she is "merely" human, she is quite unique, indeed. I personally, accept her "story". Quite amazing - thanks for the post !!!

[edit on 15-8-2009 by drakke1]

[edit on 15-8-2009 by drakke1]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by drakke1
Her vibration and frequency are truly remarkable. Her vibe is VERY powerful in terms of "presence", and frequency wise quite pleasant and "high", though a bit "unusual", in my experience. I have never personally met a human with a frequency this potent or of this vibratory level.

Excellently put
Lets hope this unusual vibe she has is not being manipulated for the gain of others.

I agree she is quite remarkable and most rare.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 08:33 PM
other than what may seem high functioning autism type stuff going on, i believe her and her experience.

I dont know about the alien stuff but i do know the treatment she speaks of.
I know the emotional state she speaks of, i know what it is to be called IT.

I also know about the conflict she speaks of with the reptoids, as far as i know everything she said is true, the only thing im not sure of is the alien aspect, i understand the hybrid aspect which could meen a higher evolution, it may be indigo and what is being done to Indigo children,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i know that much to be true we Indigo's have been treated just like this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i can tell she is a sceitific type officer type.

im more a spiritual,warrior,leader type,,,,,,,,,,,,she mentions the pleadians and such, who knows maybe there are more than one species being mistreated by the Reptoids,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i say this because i could understand her perfectly well as well as i could feel her emotions, it was like they were mine,,,,,,,i have similar experiences about a father figure or even father. i even see him smile at times and nod, thats about it though the rest is he gave me what he had to the best of his ability and the other part im supposed to mature into,,,,,,,the best way to put it is similar to the hive mind she speaks of yet it is more ancestoral, some have the acumulation of those that came before them and our essence travels along the genetic line, kinda like a reincarnation thing coupled with cellular/genetic memory.

I underwent what i was told hypnotheripie when i began talking about my dreams and such, those dream dealt with Vedic history, i was Rama in many of the dreams that i can remember as well as haveing the same internal code of conduct and such. So i know about the questions and conversations.

i remember after the hypnosis we then had finacial problems and began moving around all the time, my entire life i was lucky to live in the same place 6 months,,,,,,,,,then when we did settle down i always ended up having surgery for the annomoly's i was born with.

You see i have some very interesting differences with my vascular system as wel as other things, someone said i had a system like a bird(BirdTribe)and could probley take more G-forces than normal humans, i also have a better filtration system, more bloodflow to the brain when neaded, as well as metabolic diffences and such, yet i look normal and healthy and i am in all outwards apearances i look steriotypicle to most and im misjudged based on peoples perceptions instead of the content of my charactor. Yet after awhile those that thought i was crazy, knowitall, judgemental etc find out that i just process social structures faster than you colleges, about 100 times faster on a bad day.

That is right i can take a social structure apart and understand why it doesnt work the way you think, you egos get in the way,,,,,,,,then when you think you know what concete and darkego is and your above it, all i have to do is show up and your competive nature realy begins to stink spiritualy,,,,,,,,,,,someone that worked for the military told me once that my mane problem was others were extremely jeolouse, it was to the point that if i wasnt perfect i had 1800 fingures pointing at me, i also went throught the false diagnosises also.

Those false diagnosises were a bit funny, in one place on one peice of paper someone wrote scizophrenic, yet years later i was tested for a month and it was found i was the most emotionaly stable person they ever cam across, as well as being very high on the aptitude and iq tests, especialy abstract reasoning and social science, in other words abstract reasoning equates to problem solving put that with social science and walla, why wouldnt i be a spiritual warrior/leader/counselor,,,,that is why i felt i should be standing behind her.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:06 PM
As i watched her speak all i could feal was that i was standing right behind her supporting her and gaging the audiences responce to better comunicate,,,,,,,,,,,,the reason being is i am a differnt kinda comunicator, she is more apropriate at this moment to break the ice,,,,,my words are more of what you would call carry a warrior energy,,,,,,,,,my support for her is more for comfort and protections from the discomfort of this type of society,,,,,,,,,,more than one species for the job getting you guys straightend out for gallactic membership to put it simply.

For myself when i speak most might become intimidated and such, or even a bit condemd or convicted even thought that is not my intention or even my words yet for some reason i open a person to there inner turmoil to bring about a balance, it is just what happens and if i subdue my warrior energy some choose to use and missuse my presence because there are those that know of the effect i have,,,,,,,,,,that is why i mentioned standing by her and doing what i mentioned.

I just have to be honest and say it, lower entitys cannot tolerate my voice and or message for long,,,,,,even very spiritual people that have not done intensive innerwork and know the diffence between warrior,confidence,experience, knowledge and spritual truth, not an arrogant soldier or conqueror.

I also know this because inocents does not fear me, yet it does respect and treat me as an elder, this took allot of getting used to i did not feal worthy, and then i realized it did not matter how worthy i felt because my mind is poluted with shame and guilt of not being what every one wants me to be, but the mind of the inocent is not poluted with falseego.......children and animals let me know and guide me much of the time and tell me im on the right track and they are praying for me,,,,,,,,,,,imagine that looking into an animals eye's and seeing God or a childs eys and expretions,,,,,,the way a little boy that is rambuncios,currios andfull of energy slow way down and look up at me acting like they wernt running (like an inside joke) and aknoledge me and then go on there way,,,,,,,,,,,oh ya it is kinda an inside joke because the animals and children know as long as they are just being children and not taking the other kids toys or hurting eachother there cool around me and no one is going to get to abusive with me around other than maybe a harsh word then for some reason after the harsh word the adult is fearfull even if they dont know me, so ya when a little boy that is a Warrior at heart runs by me and then slows down and struts that is an inside joke on a spiritual level that took me along time to feel comfortalbe with, i learned from the animals they helped me understand what this was and part of it is i dont hear you realy or feal comfortalbe comunicating with almost all adults because of for lack of better terms or words there sinful natures.

Some pcycics have wonderd as well as others why i dont use certain gifts they knowi have and that is why becuase of the negitive natures in your minds and hearts, once most of you reach a certain age that type of comunication is less frequent for me to listen to from most of you, yet some hear me loud and clear, the reason why is you are the ones that nead to learn yet want to call me arrogant, if i was arrogant i would have put my gifts to use amasing wealth and power, instead i remember when i was a boy the animals and how we spoke to one another in the spirit and looked at what someone was trying to make me into. I am very greatfull as others should be to (to be honest)because the intentions others had for what i was to become is very scary and i dont like to think of it.

now conside this she is a scientist and Zeta-Human hybrid, i am not only bird tribe-human hybrid i also have a bit reptilian, i gues you might call me a featherd-serpent-human hybrid as some have told me, i was also told this is why im not trusted(by reptoids)now you know why i am.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:44 PM
i am greatfull for this thread its helping me accept what i am as well as feeling kinship to SanniCeto.

I have also just now accepted what someone told me years ago about being both Bird-Tribe and Reptoid- human hybrid,,,,,,,,,it explains why i intimidate them so much, almost like that movie Blade or Underworld,,,,,,,,,ive had what some might call reptoid freinds probley because of kinship to some degree and now i know why they liked me around, they used me to push other reptoids around at times and such just with my presence,,,,,,,,,,,,,it also explains why i know them so well yet cant stand them at the same time, and yes i do at times change a bit, and this is why i confuse many becuase those in the know dont know how i fit in it all,,,,,,,,good thing my nature is that of human and birdtribe accept in War, of which i cant stand. I abhor death and violence yet when it is in the protection and preservation of life and the welfare of life forms i go into more of the Reptoid mentality and in animalistic terms dont let go like a pitbull, yet i still have all my birdtribe facultys to temper this along with the human kinship to not give up no matter what because this to is my home,,,,.

Like SanniCeto i am to genteicly desinged to acomplish a mission yet it is not like you understand, bird tribe and such kinda might drop a sead like the bird does flying over head after its eaten berries and a plant not native spings up and begins interbreading with others.

I think i might just be possible what has happend here on earth is a result in the conflict between the reptoids and others and is why birdtribe has been around awhile on this planet, long enough to be spoken of by the native americans.

But then there are the fish people and after much research there is most likely that in the woodpile also.

So might be that because of my genetic design coupled with the crossbreading of certain bloodlines of differnt species puts me into a strange catagorie of what is termed Royal. Yet not being reptoid and more bird causes me to have allot of attacks because they know one of a few things is true,,,,,,,,,ive either been toying with them, or giveing them the chance to change, bluffing, or the desicion is out of my hands, the answer chance to change and not in my hands,,,,,,,,,and they know when that time comes that what they think my kind is capable of falls short of what will happen,,,,,,,,,,,all of there systematic planning and such cannot account for possiblitys uknown,,,,,,,,,,,,they also know that if i choose i dont have to absorb there attacks(absorb there negitive energy)to keep them from getting hurt,,,,,,,,,,,ya its like a hulk thing or DAmage comic book hero,,,,,i get attacked and if i dont redirect it then they get harmed by there own stupidity, to do that causes me great distress and harm but not to do that they then recieve what they sent sometimes manyfold.

Part of there experiments showed them this, and they used the get him pissed method, i can use my healing methods and such more effectivley when asked and know why,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and there is that,,,,,,,,,,,,and i usualy know when the healing is going to be missused or they are going right back into there spritual,mental or physical sickness(evil) yet because i care about humans and others i do it and pray that they learn because there will come the time when they are going to be held accounable and you will have to heal yourself or die or even worse become what you call a demon,,,,,,,,,,now to the social science part from another world yet holds true here to at certain points under certain cercumstances at specific times in evolution and advancements of life, people like myself come around as well as SanniCeto. Especialy when the demonic starts to influence way to much to the point that the human free will is deminshed.
Basicly enslavement of another species is frowned upon by many of the other races in the universe.if u mst knw Zeta/bird is like a human.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by BridgETeyes

Originally posted by drakke1
Her vibration and frequency are truly remarkable. Her vibe is VERY powerful in terms of "presence", and frequency wise quite pleasant and "high", though a bit "unusual", in my experience. I have never personally met a human with a frequency this potent or of this vibratory level.

Excellently put
Lets hope this unusual vibe she has is not being manipulated for the gain of others.

I agree she is quite remarkable and most rare.

she is truthfull, i agree with what you both say about here essence.
i got a bit wordy in other posts to express how greatfull i am to her for her courage, i know how she feels very well and have had very similar expeirences and treatment. I also understood her very well, it helped me realize that what ive noticed to be true about how the human perception has been alterd with an evil lense clouding there hearts.

today i went somewhere i havent for awhile and felt the same way she describes, just as she i go through it around many people when they are manipulateing and such,

maybe that is why the most comfortable i feel around large groups is in a Native Amrerican cerimonies, go figure doesnt she mention Native family,,,,,,,,,,,maybe this is to why the more i came into acceptance of myself then my cerimonys caused jeolousey of many so called medicine men, they were jeolouse because i was half there age and have gone through much more without making the same mistakes they did or sell out and just my presence made them feel judged and such, then as i taught those i was close to they then took that and tried to elevate themselves just as they have done since i was a small child, since i was small there has always been someone around taking notes in one form or another, etc.

Ever seen the show Pretender, there is some truth to that, just like they asked her questions about the cosmos and such i was asked sociological-spiritual-pcycological-cause and effect questions and or scenarios. Makes sense to me why i ended up at the inipi and sundance later on in life as well as why they with the help of 1,800 people distanced me from native american cerimony, and God forbid they allow me to do cerimony yet they sure would like me to do something about the drought,,,,,,,,,,,sorry i made that mistake to many times and offerd song and cerimony knowing you might just go back to the evil ways and each time you did that my life became unbearable until you neaded help again then you would correct a wrong or help me to heal to but you always only did the bear minimum, you always then would take the credit and steal more sociology-spiritual knowledge, and i would shake my head get upset because i know what ever you gleaned and thought you manipulated is and did backfire, and ever time the choice learn or become more arrogant because you thought you controled me, even after i kept telling them, you dont know who your doing this to, it will come back on you and you most likely wont survive, what was done to me might kill most just with what happend before the age of 10 or even 7 lets try 6 or 3 heck lets take to the limit withing the first 24, my grandmother even did an emergency baptism with me with a drinking water fountain on the way out of one hospital to drive to the other, then the hydrocloric acid, but then ther to was WATERBORDING (ya like what they did to terrorists)when i was around 5-6.
no one ever understood why i could take so much punishment and humiliation and move on and leave it in the past, usualy the reason is just what christ said they dont know what there doing, they think they can use it and are wiser than i, im not the wisest or most knowledgable but i do know how its supposed to be used, true science isnt what you think,without spiritual training science becomes evil sooner or later,social science is a good example

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:36 PM
thank you SanniCeto for your courage and love especialy to you father and your love for him.
thank you your heart helped me accept what i could not before, you see i am a sort of feared type, ive known and accepted the Birdtribe-human hybrid but i could not accept that i am also crossed with a bit of reptoid, it hurts but i know and have known yet because of my distaste towards the enslavement vibe and control of other species i could not truly believe nor accept because to do so would mean that i hate part of myself, yet i realize that i am not reptoid i am something else, yet i understand it better now, because unless it is real evil i cannot and will not do violence upon it, i am unwilling to be cruel or to humiliate another, yet i know how very well and have used it to put reptoids in there place, and remove a few pedastals by pointing a few things out.
Some have seen it come out yet its not reptoid but a combo and especialy reptoids dont like it, humans some are uncomfortable yet realize that i have there best interst at heart and in mind, yet most dont understand because i have a presence that causes unease in some, usualy those with allot to hide or when there conning or controling, i am a good mirror, my glass is clean, oh and by the way the mirror is not the reflection and the reflection is not the image you see so be carefull judgeing my charector and words because you may just be seing the part of yourself you need to see, and if you listen to my words you will hear them and understand and realize that is not what i look like or said at all.

so thank you very much,,,,,,,,maybe that is why i have a bit of that shapeshifting thing going on at times,,,,,,,,,,

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Jehoel

i am greatfull for this thread its helping me accept what i am as well as feeling kinship to SanniCeto.

You do not need a hybrid, alien, new age web site and especially a thread to show you who you are...and neither does anyone else

Yes she is very connected to the Universe...more reason for her to tell us all to look within and not outside for answers...

You have everything you could ever need right now inside you...the Power is within.

Forgive me but you seem just a little TOO into this woman, maybe I am wrong but you almost sound like you are one of her publicity people

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 04:49 PM
After reading the responses here concerning Cmdr. Sanni Ceto, I can see many are still in denial about the fact that there are extraterrestrials among us. Some of you should be ashamed of what you've called this woman since none of you know her.

Sanni is a friend of mine. She is highly intelligent, talented in so many ways, and would never harm a living thing on this planet. She appreciates all lifeforms here, from the smallest to the greatest, and honors all life. She does not deserve your ridicule.

Is she who she says she is? Yes. How do I know? I've seen Khinyeo's ship as well as ships of others of her kind. Not only have I seen them, but others who were in the area when Khinyeo disclosed his ship to me.

I know people who have been healed of conditions that were death sentences to them because they had been in contact with Sanni, and her people came to help Sanni send healing energy into these people. What is tragic about that is that one who was saved from death now has turned vicious like some of you here who make these slanderous and libelous remarks against Sanni.

No one can change the intelligence level of an idoit, so no one will try to convince those who are idiots and have closed their minds and hearts towards Sanni's true existence that Sanni is a genuine hybrid living on this world. But, remember that kharma can be hell.

Sanni speaks slowly because of physical handicaps from a lightning strike many years ago, and from an auto accident that almost killed her and paralysed her for some time on one side. She was struck by a car while she sat on a bench on the sidewalk. She received permanent damage from that, which added to the damages that had already been done from the lightning many years before.

Sanni was considered by government (mostly military) leaders to not be a threat to anyone because she was injured so severely and handicapped from it. They know human nature well, and knew humans would more than likely ridicule her instead of believe her, which that's been proven here quite well.

I am writing this to you with Sanni's blessings, because she was shown this site and thread, and she has been greatly hurt by the vicious attitudes of some, but by the same token, she was pleased to see that a few are, at the very least, willing to keep an open mind and heart.

Sanni does not write English well, but wanted to post to you in defense of herself. My advice to her would be not to come here to post anything because of the uncaring some will show and the stabs that will be made against her by those who call her names and ridicule her. She is sensitive to that sort of attack, and she becomes physically ill from the negativity of libelous attacks.

It takes a well adjusted, mature being to accept things that are different from what is considered normal and to keep an open mind and heart to learning the truth.

If you think I am one to just jump on the UFO bandwagon for the sake of doing so, you're wrong. I am a Christian who believes the Bible, and I teach it's ministry to those who want it, so the prospect of ETS was not in my system of belief in the way it is understood by most. I have, however, discovered that these beings do exist, along with the reptilian species Sanni spoke of. I can't explain their existence, and don't feel it is necessary to attempt to. But, I do know their existence is real and not in the imagination of Gene Roddenbury.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by StarDarter

Thank you so much for this - I just hope Sanni takes this with a grain of salt, as many immature closed minded people are on this site at the best of times.

My intent was to have a mature discussion, and if I helped fan the flames rather than trying to nip 'them' in the bud, then I owe an apology to her.


posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Sanni can be very sensitive to attacks, but you did nothing wrong.

I want to share some stories and information that Sanni shared with me years back. It was a critical moment for me in my own acceptance of what I already knew deep down, but wasn't sure about speaking out loud.

If you know anything about the Mars Rovers that went to Mars during 2004, the first one, Spirit, landed on January 3, 2004. It wouldn't be until January 25th that the other rover, Opportunity, would arrive. In that short time between the landing of the Spirit and the second landing of the Opportunity, the Rover Spirit encountered some difficulties, and NASA lost communication and command capability with the Spirit.

I received an email from Cmdr. Sanni Ceto on Monday, January 19th, telling me the rover that earth had sent to Mars was dangerously approaching a Zeti outpost on Mars, and her people would be shutting down the cameras and communication in 2 days in order to keep the outpost from being photographed. It is an underground post but the entrance to it would be visible. I called Sanni and asked her to explain this further to me. She told me they were going to allow it to continue to move across the surface until such a point they felt they should turn off the communcations. The ability to move across the surface would not be interrupted, and when it had moved a safe distance and direction away from the entrance, they would restore the communications. I laughed jokingly and told her I should call Steven Squyres and inform him his rover would be shutting down in 2 days so he should not panic. She even told me to call him if I wanted to. I didn't, but wished afterward I had because who better to confirm the warning than he? Steven Squyres was one of the lead personnel in putting the rovers on Mars. He is also my cousin. But, Sanni assured me that the rover would go down, then return to normal once it was clear. It did go down on Wednesday, just as she had told me it would. I spoke with her again on Thursday night by phone. She told me it was moving away and would come back up sometime on Friday when it was far enough away. Friday, NASA suddenly got communications and images back. They did not know what had happened to the rover, but since then made several "logical" explanations for it.

This is only one instance of Cmdr. Sanni Ceto telling me something would happen ahead of time. She has shown me things that would boggle the minds of some here, but she has always done it in a way that made me know she is most assuredly who and what she has told you she is.

I spoke with her tonight by phone, and we discussed this site and what has been said here. I have assured her that she should not worry herself about what those who are closed minded and ignorant of the facts have said. I have told her there are those here who do show support for her truths she has shared. She is most appreciative of those who have not judged her, but have taken what she has shared and learned from it.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Jehoel

Jehoel, look at ancient history, and , in particular, ancient Egypt. Carian (bird) and reptilian figures have flourished in the cultures of Egypt always. Their gods and goddesses are portrayed in these forms most often, along with feline and canine examples. These same figures for gods and goddesses have transcended time and cultures world wide. Examples in ancient writings, on cave walls, on stones found in deserts have depicted these forms over and over. The ancient drawings were not just pictures from imaginations, but had a foundation in time and was recorded for posperity.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by StarDarter
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

I want to share some stories and information that Sanni shared with me years back. It was a critical moment for me in my own acceptance of what I already knew deep down, but wasn't sure about speaking out loud.

Thanks for admitting you do know her very was very obviouse to me you did and you have done the right thing admitting to ATS members that you have infact known her for many years.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by xynephadyn

Courage comes to mind for posting this. Thank you

So from my (limited) understanding - the real grays (which are not subservant to the reps) are loving? The artificial (clones) ones are just robots and are used by black ops to 1. learn about your real encounters and 2. install fear and resentment toward the real Zetis?

The mantis are another race - related to the Zetis - and are like sages and help over see your experiences?

I'm going to watch, study a bit more then will probably U2U you - due to the mess that will follow after your posts.. Also ATS member 'mystiq" believed Zetis were friendly too - but she has been banned (?) and we can't get her take on this...


and they taught the Vatican to do the same in the human arena here in America, if you studdy or just know you will find they used this tactic against the collonists and christians and that is apparent and obviose what the outcome is,,,,,,,,,,,,it is obviose that the Vatican runs the same type of ops the Reptoids do,,,,,,,,makes all the sense in the world now, why the Vatican hunted my family for 1,500 until we came to america and now our backs are iin a corner, or exactly were we want them,,,,,,,,,,,it is crazy i know but not accepting what has happend and is happening is crazier,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe it is that Celts were are birdtribe decendents of sorts, as well as some natives, then the fish people of the Merovingians, maybe this is what most celts were i dont know for sure,,,,,,,,,,,,,al i know is the line of Pendragon plays a role in all this,,,,,,,,,,what pendragon meens is head of the dragons, doesnt meen that he is a Dragon,,,,,,,,im begining to realize that galactic treaty's and such were broken hear, i also believe that some were framed so to say and set up, and those that did it have limited mobility yet other dont,,,,,,,,somehow i think that 500 years holding Rome off was part of this between the Reptoids, is this why the first Pendragon united the Celts of Britton in 5AD just before Rome came to invade, while at the same time Mary Magedeline came to the area around france,,,,,,,,then let me see around the time after the surrender to save the people all of a sudden after my ancestor(me) surrenderd the Merovingian dynasty came about again,,,,,,,,,,,maybe there are see reptoids of sorts and this is the difference of the mind set,,,,,,,,,,,,,,she speaks of a water type of race or fish, so, im not sure on it all but i do know that some Royal family's have fought for the people and showed up at the right time's at the begining and end to then begin again on another part of the planet, a very complex game of chess the difference hear is this the Kings are on the board,,,,,,,,,,,could be a decision making process between two races of alien human hybrid for stewardship, as in who might be more apropriate to mentor mankind, think a bit if you knew about potential mentorship you would kissarse of whomever gave you candy and lied the best, so higher beings through us all into this kinda process for all to learn and then the desicion would be more of a natural thing based on co-evolution, now is the hard part which would you want to co-evolve with a bird or snake, learn to fly or slither,,,,,,,,,,,,,this all may also have to do with how humanity chooses to evolve but also how they would naturaly and which type fits,,,,,,,,,looks like both types may fit to a degree or are/where neaded but one side got gready and hungry for the for lack of better term they crave evil/destructive/angry energy and use many as recharge stations, and then there are those like myself that for a very long time have been doing the oppisite by healing and teaching,,,,sparta got a bit out of hand i will admit,,,,,,,,,but look at what weve had to deal with,,,,,,,each path has its hardships.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by kshaund

As always - an honor reading your words.

My take is that a Zeti in a Terran 'shell' must be god damn awful. The conflict within would be not something anyone could go through with out some impossible struggle. And yes in her book she details of classic Mind Kontrol 101 - all the nastiness involved.

You ever remember back at school when you were little and you'd pick on "odd" kids in the yard - how cruel we can be even as children. Kind of puts another angle on "what if" these kids we picked on as a group may have been something other than just 'different'. yet those children served a purpose indirectly by reflection of what we are capable of doing - reptilian mind comes to mind...

what you say is very true,,,,,,,,,and ive given it allot of thought about some of the programing and its effects and triggers,,,,,,,its kinda like having roveing refueling stations for there lack of soul, that life force energy they feed off of,,,,,,,,celstine prophecys touch on this, that and much of the info on such subjects is a two way streat because some learn to defend themselves and use it positive and devine and others choose the vampiric feeding path, i cant stand negitive energy or fear base energy, it gives me a charge i wont lie, but that charge is for a different purpose than the reptoids.

Ive learned to take it, in otherwords not from an incent but an attacker and use it in battle,,,,,,,,it also happens with others especialy if they are haveing sorrowfull emotions ive been able to aleiviat the heart suffering but they used me and abused me to do this (greedy humans) some of you seek someone like me and dump you crap litteraly, then i just have to pray for them that they use what theyve stolen to heal but most just return to there vomit,,,,,,,,,,,,that time is ending, and the warlike purpose of this gift will come about to bring a healing,,,,,,what i meen is i am getting more of a graspe and remembering how to better transmute it, deflect it, brush themof like little geicos.

Some of the story's of Pendragons talk about how they had a devine protection that extended to there warriors and people, how they made them stronger spiritualy,,,,,,,,,,,,,then there is Jehoel, an Arch-angel, the vatican erased almost all refernce to this angel, some know him by Metatron or Kemuel but the name is Jehoel, he is the Scribe of God, the Keeper of the Akashic Records, the only one that can sit in the presence of Yaweh, Jehoel is the one that holds the Keys to the Abys, Jehoel defeats Satan, Jehoel is even realy the leader of Gods army when it comes to ending a conflict and this is why Jehoel is the first and last, just as your protectors use this as a motto, where did you think it came from,,,,,just like martial arts and what scriptures teach this war is against pricipalitys and powers type stuff not against flesh and bone,,,,,,,,,,,,so on the 15th i had a major breakthrough on the 16th i watched a what i call press release by Drunvalo about what the Mayans say about 2012, the first time they spoke to the outside world about there prophecys, everyone else were just guesing,,there is a reason why i point out the 15th.

So also by Jehoels title heavenly son of man tells me Hybrid,,,,so mankinds history has been seeded for just this time not only for Mankind but also Hybridkind, i have memories of being Rama as well as some others includeing the tower of Babel incident, i underwent hypnosis as a small boy, they caused it so that those memories would be repressed, even so my instincts would take over at times and it was obviose, and now we all find ourselves at this point in it all. So now i know why ive been feared since 6 years old, i suppose a being like that might intimidate those with the best intentions as well as loving hearts just missguided and mistaken

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by StarDarter
reply to post by Jehoel

Jehoel, look at ancient history, and , in particular, ancient Egypt. Carian (bird) and reptilian figures have flourished in the cultures of Egypt always. Their gods and goddesses are portrayed in these forms most often, along with feline and canine examples. These same figures for gods and goddesses have transcended time and cultures world wide. Examples in ancient writings, on cave walls, on stones found in deserts have depicted these forms over and over. The ancient drawings were not just pictures from imaginations, but had a foundation in time and was recorded for posperity.

allot of what you say is true, i have not studdied much on this subject exactly, yet i have come to a peace and understaning with acceptance on aug-15-09 about it,,,,,,,funny my crest is of two lions, one red the other gold, both rampant yet the one above has a sword there is more, but what you say also coincides with my astologie as well as my names, names recieved by completely differnt sources, then in my studies i found the name Jehoel, which is Joel just his higher self, funny because Joel was a prophet, as well as one of the angels that guarded the camandments in the ark of the covenant, as well as the Heavenly Son of Man, keaper of the akashic records.
What i mean is the comming together of the bird and snake, or dragon and lion, etc. or better yet the devine nature of man finnaly getting through that thick skulll of a sinfull nature that has been nurtured by those that feed of of that lower vibration, it may be a comming together that is the only way to save the Reptoid species, but im sure most reptoid dont agree, maybe that is why that whole human pure blood crap got started, a reflection of the reptoid frame of mind, maybe that is why the reptoid greys are robots without emotion,

Funny thing about those Underworld movies especialy for me and all of this, and to tell you the truth watching some of the movies that came out helped and hinderd me, for many reasons. But underworld realy kinda hit home, maybe if yous guys havent seen it especialy the new prequel go see it, and think about the blue guy that comes about later on in history, the one that the Vampires think an abomination.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:41 PM
im just going to say it about contact date,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,on the 15th i watched and accepted and came to peace with some troubleing things in my life experiences and such,,,,,,,,,,then aftwards i found out that such a thing was to happen on the 15th, it all fits, Sanni it all the Mayans comming forward to tell there story for the first time in about 1,000 years Drunvalo releaseing the info he was asked to give us by the Mayan councel of elders and there head president elder, i found that after a fellow member and freind pointed me to him and a video about indigo children (which i did not like to much, looked like a sideshow) but i dont like judgeing someone without finding out exactly what it is im judgeing, then i saw a recent interveiw of him and noticed a remarkable change a healing, and i knew someone found him and healed him and was very greatfull for that, then i found out who it was that did this and what was being said so i then watched that.

The Maya Of Eternal Time - Drunvalo Melchizedek 2009

he even mentions this takeing place, as well as other tribes in new zealand on the 15th, they also mention it might not be a large happening at first but it will begin.
I wonder if my watching Sanni is part of what is spoken of by the Mayans

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