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The story of Sanni Ceto (A Zeta-Human Hybrid) - Must watch!

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posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by BridgETeyes
reply to post by Jehoel

i am greatfull for this thread its helping me accept what i am as well as feeling kinship to SanniCeto.

You do not need a hybrid, alien, new age web site and especially a thread to show you who you are..and neither does anyone else

Yes she is very connected to the Universe...more reason for her to tell us all to look within and not outside for answers...

You have everything you could ever need right now inside you...the Power is within.

Forgive me but you seem just a little TOO into this woman, maybe I am wrong but you almost sound like you are one of her publicity people

i pr no one,to much attitude
read again just very similar expeirences, i just agree with her more than i do most people, just as i agree with many true Elders, and i have done a very large amount of so called innerwork, maybe you dont have that capacity to realize what is taking place and that is OK, things are more like multi dimensional spirals in the expeirence of creation, so tell me this does every one mature at the same rate in everything, then ask yourself this, does that have anything to do with experience and processing those experiences and mature with them, then ask this, under 45 years with more than 80 in spiritual and sociological etc combined with a great deal of trauma, humilitation and neglect only to be acknowledged when someone neaded help or healing of some sort,,getting attacked by a witch doctor or other type of bad mojo call Jehoel.

Sorry to sound so harsh,,but i know how it is to understand certain higher(other) aspects of understanding and trying to explain it to so called PHD's and such. Then it usualy is after what is said over and over again do the realize that its true. It was elders that knew and helped, it was other students that caused the conflict and charector assasinations, the provokeing of angry emotional responces and such,,,,,,,,

You heard her story well mine is not much more pleasant, a bit differnt, no airport, or group homes, actualy i used to hear about group homes as a boy and acutualy thought of that as im sure some imagrants thought the same of america. My experiences pushed the emotional boundrie that may exist in this body, the physical pain ive endured the Dr's said the only equivalant to it is child birth, the differnce there is mine was just pain and no birth, a miricle still though that is survived, i even went that way a year every day i experienced the equivelant of birth and still interacted with people, oh innerwork i know very well,,,,,,,,,,,let me see they even were creeped out when i dropped my heart rate to 27 while coherant and interacting with the DR's,,,,,

When you have endured the physical emotioanal pain i have you understand why some people make the choices they do, you also understand that the pain is not the people around you,

Now im going to say this hear and now, most that make those types of comments are in disbeif that someone not completely broken or display something that you can point out readly as inferior to make you feel good about your inner self by matching it with someone elses outer self in the way you see it presented,,,please read carefully when i write,,,A chief a spiritual elder of the Lakota in front of many others includeing chiefs elders and others told them to listen, and they did not, some of that group later on follewed his brother and a man named Ward Churchill(look it up)the medicine man with Ward i know, he and others thought they deserved what cannot be manipulated and bought, i was then told by another it is jeolouse that is why they attack me,
i was dumfounded, jeolouse of me, why, look at my experiences and hardships, how could they be,, maybe it was becuase i freely gaveand a Fire Chief not only by nature but also by cerimony and dirt time

[edit on 17-8-2009 by Jehoel]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Another instance where Cmdr. Ceto has used her unique connection to the society of grays in order to pass information on to me was a few years ago, in 2003.

After taking a family member to the airport to catch her flight from Texas to Massachusetts, we decided to drive on over to the neighboring state of Louisianna and purchase Powerball tickets for the lottery that night. On our way home from Louisianna, we spotted a brillant white light off on the distant horizon as we were traveling westbound. The setting sun was a little to the right of the hood of the car and the object was a little to the left of the steering wheel. It almost looked like Venus but was at the same level in the sky on the horizon as the top of the sun, which it's bottom appeared to be sitting on the earth's horizon. The sky was very orange with the setting sun's glow.

I saw the object first, and pointed it out to my spouse. We were talking about it and wondering if it could be Venus, when it suddenly shot toward us and passed at a high altitude above us and disappeared behind us. I tried to locate it, but it was gone. I turned around and sat back down in the car seat. We continued to talk about this odd thing, but within seconds it shot past us again going away from us back to it's original spot on the horizon and still brillantly lit. We just looked at one another, then back to the object.

Again it shot toward us, over us and disappeared behind us. Again, I jumped up in the car seat and leaned over the back of the seat to the rear of the car trying to find it. No luck. Again I sat back down, but as soon as I did, it shot past again and went to it's original position. We were both very glued to this object by this time. Before we could speak, it came toward us again. I jumped to try to see where it went behind us but couldn't see anything.

As I turned around again, I got a glimpse of something to my right, out the passenger's window. I leaned and looked up. It was following above us at an altitude of what appeared to be roughly1000 to 1500 feet. It was a bright white ball of light. It followed along at the speed of the car. As I watched it and was explaining it to my spouse, the light began to grow dim. As it dimmed, I could make out a gold colored metallic object. The light dimmed until it went completely away leaving this metallic object shining in the sun's glow. It followed us for a distance of about 2 miles, then the light began to come back around it, brightening until I could no longer see the gold object. When it was no longer visible as a gold object, the ball of light sped away back toward the place on the horizon where we initially saw it, but it did not stop there. It disappeared in the distance.

When I arrived home, I checked my email. I had an email from Cmdr. Ceto that told me Khinyeo had agreed to show me his ship sometime that day. She told me to just be aware and observant. Her email was time stamped 10:32AM. We saw this object at 5:15PM.

I called Sanni and told her what we saw. She was not surprised, but said she had sent me a message to tell me to be observant. I told her I had gotten the email, only AFTER we had seen the object. But, I did notice the time stamp on it.

I must add one more thing. A internet friend from long ago had sent me photos he took from a video he shot from his home in Scotland. In some of his photos (frames he processed as stills from the video) there is the sudden appearance of an object the exact same style and shape of what I saw.

[edit on 18-8-2009 by StarDarter]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by StarDarter
After reading the responses here concerning Cmdr. Sanni Ceto, I can see many are still in denial about the fact that there are extraterrestrials among us. Some of you should be ashamed of what you've called this woman since none of you know her.

I am writing this to you with Sanni's blessings, because she was shown this site and thread, and she has been greatly hurt by the vicious attitudes of some, but by the same token, she was pleased to see that a few are, at the very least, willing to keep an open mind and heart.

Thank you for adding to this story and clarifying some things (like being struck by lightening!) - I absolutely agree if Sanni came on this thread it would be a waste of her time and energy and anything but productive. She doesn't owe anyone anything - those with open minds will get it, the rest of the population won't no matter what and will only use up your energy trying to help them get nowhere.

Best thing she can do is radio shows with call in guests or write more books... I, for one, would be listening to her words very earnestly. Again, thank you for adding to this thread.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by kshaund

I absolutely agree if Sanni came on this thread it would be a waste of her time and energy and anything but productive. She doesn't owe anyone anything - those with open minds will get it, the rest of the population won't no matter what and will only use up your energy trying to help them get nowhere.

Perhaps the problem here is in this fact. I see if Sanni herself had come and spoke her own words and presented this OP as hers things may have been different.

Correct Sanni owes nobody anything but remember nobody owes her anything either. We are all free to think and do as we please.

Ive said her message is significant, Ive said she is a remarkable individual and maybe if she had come here with her own energy and spirit this thread may have actually helped opened a few closed minds...instead all its latter ego driven posts have achieved is to switch off ATS members on mass to her and her message.

She speaks of unconditional love across all species yet her message is conveyed in a way that is in resistance to this.

I actually question if she has seen this thread at all, for if she is a true being of love and light I have no doubt she would be troubled by what has been conveyed and communicated to others in her name by her followers.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by BridgETeyes

Hi there - I respectfully disagree that if she had come herself and posted that it may be a different 'flavor' so to speak. I've seen on ATS too often posters be allowed to be rude and disgregarding of sincere and genuine information to the point of driving people with real information away.

I requested previously that posters who disagree be allowed to say so once and then be gone (another thread a while back now) - That they not to be allowed to continue posting negatively and badgering to the point of ruining an entire thread. This of course was not allowed (in the name of censoring) and the result is fewer quality posters because the 'naysayers' always insist on getting in there fast and furious to the detriment of the purpose - sharing information. I'm not talking about questioning or discussing - I'm talking about negatively impacting the threads, not contributing anything except dissent and blah blah.

But it is what it is because people are what they are... I'm not interested in changing the system so I choose instead to be a less frequent visitor and contributor as have others I know of.

I'm grateful for hearing about Sanni - I'm all for anyone with some positive news because from where I sit it looks pretty dam dark and bleak!

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 07:37 PM
I don't know if my posts are the ones being referred to as ego based or not, and I don't care. I'm going to put an email here that was from Sanni to me about this thread. Let's see how you react to that. Even though her email address is clearly on the internet, I am removing it here as well as my own from the email. Yes, you can claim I have tampered with the email, and that's ok for you to do as well because I am not the one losing out by ridiculing Sanni. I am blessed with her friendship and her knowledge. I will also ask her to come here and speak for herself. She doesn't because she has been constantly ridiculed and attacked both verbally and physically by humans. Her video clearly tells you that. She does not trust humans anymore.

To her, I am her grandmother. I am not a young woman, and I do have wisdom enough to accept the things she has shown me, told me, and given me over the years. Call that ego based or whatever. I call it unconditional love for her and her own wisdom and knowledge that has not failed yet.

Below is a short email she sent after reading more on this site. She does not write as we do, so expect to have difficulty reading the way she writes. This is why I told her not to come into this forum. If you can accept her ways, then give her a chance to speak to you here without fear of you. I disagree with her a lot, but not in a way that attacks her character or demeans her. I fail to see why "intelligent" humans can't be more mature and learn to disagree without ridicule or degradation.

Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 17:17:23 -0700
From: sanniceto@
Subject: Above Top Secret video on Sanni
To: stardarter@

dear granni i likd wht u wrte tu them an i du thnk u fr this ase ths ws so ugli an on top ther demandin i giv mi dna tu be tested an thy claim tht anne mi publishr used me wch is wrong an untru -lov cmndr sanni

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by StarDarter

Hi there, thank you for the message

I didn't get that anything was personal about you at all (ego you mentioned). There's always such a mix of types it gets confusing sometimes.
Looking forward to hearing more -

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Riposte

Originally posted by BartS
There are many other things an enlightened being could do to make a living.

Haha, that girl is not an enlightened being. If most aliens are just as caught up with their own minds and storylines like this girl, then they are no more spiritually advanced than the vast majority of humans.

My thoughts exactly.

I think that any one publicly walking around saying they are an alien hybrid, or just a plain an alien, should have something tangible to back that up. My guess is the US Govt. has already done the background checks and passed her by. I'd start with a DNA test, for beginners. I would have much bigger eyes, especially if I am supposed to be a GREY hybrid. If I couldn't teleport, at least I could manifest something in real-time.

Supposedly she has also said she was struck by lightening when a child. This could have opened up a whole channel of psychic talents, that if not properly prepared for or accepted, could lead to some sort of personality conflict. But who knows? Without proof of who she thinks she is, you might as well just go down to the local New Age store and see the psychics, they probably have better track records and as much proof that they are "psychics" as she has she is an alien/alien-hybrid.

Really, it's not about her. It's the old adage, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." I see nothing to back up her claims, and she could just as easily be "channeling" the information or regurgitating it.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by seircram

Originally posted by Riposte

Originally posted by BartS
There are many other things an enlightened being could do to make a living.

Haha, that girl is not an enlightened being. If most aliens are just as caught up with their own minds and storylines like this girl, then they are no more spiritually advanced than the vast majority of humans.

My thoughts exactly.

Really, it's not about her. It's the old adage, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." I see nothing to back up her claims, and she could just as easily be "channeling" the information or regurgitating it.

Please do not overlook the possibility that the girl may have been unwittingly drawn into the the fabric of the story and cannot see a way out.

There appears to be a certain amount of preparation in her appearance and her "minders", earlier photos show a woman with medium length brown hair, the video shows much longer and thicker white hair complete with the hat. (for the semi-indian look)

Many web sites that have attached her story have also attached the "please help Sanni" money ticket and those sites are interrelated.

There will always be other people who claim an experience that mirrors the original, these generally are seeking the same level of attention and hope to jump on the "wagon", this is a universal constant within the "new age, new UFO" type groups.

As for the message, the originals go back to the Native American Indians, you can read some of their quotes here.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 09:52 AM
It's nothing more than new age claptrap in a 'UFO' wrapper that's carefully crafted to impress rubes that are easily seperated from their money. This sort of thing, indigos, etc... are just the modern snake oil salesmen that push feel good books, tapes, etc... This hooey is just a continuation of the Valiant Thor type of chicanery with new age feel good thrown in. It just muddies the UFO phenomena, and study of that phenomena with anti-science, pseudo-religion, and neo-spirituality. There is no place for it in connection with the UFO phenomena by those that rely on science more than they rely on bs.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 04:11 PM
I wasn't going to post again in this thread.....

However, in view of some of the commentary being made, I stand by my many posts in this thread to the effect that:

"Commander Sanni" is either complicit in an elaborate money-making hoax, or...

"Commander Sanni" is being used by others for their own advantage.

If the latter is the case, the people taking advantage of "Commander Sanni" should be held accountable for their actions.

Either way, this is just junk ufology & the sort of thing that makes people laugh at us.

Before you tear into me for this, please carefully read what I have written in my previous posts.

None of it is rude & all of it clearly focuses on the welfare of the lady involved.

[edit on 22-8-2009 by Sam60]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:21 PM
Christ was asked for proof and he gave it. So many miracles and amazing lessons. Instead of believing and listening they crucified him. What would the world do to Sanni? I don't blame her for not wanting to be tore to peices by unbelievers. Those who want to believe will and those who dont will stop at nothing to make those who do believe and who they choose to believe lose their faith.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by celticdragon23
Christ was asked for proof and he gave it. So many miracles and amazing lessons. Instead of believing and listening they crucified him. What would the world do to Sanni? I don't blame her for not wanting to be tore to peices by unbelievers. Those who want to believe will and those who dont will stop at nothing to make those who do believe and who they choose to believe lose their faith.

I do hope you are not suggesting Sanni is godlike, I have suggested that many of the so called "new age" people are rewriting material from Indian lore. Vis.

Black Elk Oglala Sioux Holy Man


You have noticed that everything as Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round..... The Sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours....

Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves.

There is a lot more here.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by prof-rabbit

The Eighth Tablet of Thoth explains circles and angles. Staying on the circles is the only path of escape from those who would try to kill the soul.

If we don't readdress the things of the past, there will be those who aren't wise to it. Teaching the Bible today is readdressing the past, but it is to teach. Sanni is a teacher, and some of her message is of the past to bring into perspective the future.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 03:04 PM
She sure knows allot about the crash site as far as resin marks etc..
She must have got out and walked around and looked at the damage before she died and was reincarnated.

For her to be an albino she sure had some dark brown hair in the picture.
Maybe being a hybrid causes you to go out and bleach your hair at some point to get back to your roots!

Note to ET's comming to earth:

Please don't write books and articles under multiple names, its confusing.
Please come with something that will corroborate your story.
Please don't come to Earth with the same ole tired message about all of us joining hands and loving one another. Thats not how humans work and if you have studied us you would know that already. Come with a real plan that will get us out of this mess.

[edit on 24-8-2009 by Digital_Reality]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

Sanni's hair has always been white. Every photo of her where you see dark hair is due to hair coloring, not her natural color. It's not unusual for a person to use hair color. Sanni did not die immediately after that crash. She lived around a month in captivity. Some of the occupants of her ship were thrown outside the ship. She was one that was thrown from the ship. She remembers seeing the people around her and remembers seeing the crashed ship as she was taken from the site. She was placed in a box that contained wood shavings and was removed from the site. The other bodies were also put into boxes for removal. Those were then loaded into trucks belonging to the military. The ones removing the bodies knew she was a live. There was another that was alive but died in a short time.

I don't have to convince you that any of it is true. But, it is unfair to everyone when others who choose not to believe try to undermine, discredit, and libel her name.

By the way, since some have mentioned her "name", let me clear something up for you on that as well. For whoever was concerned about the why different names, Marcellina Beckwith was not her name. It has become her legal name, however. She changed her name in 2000 to Marcellina Beckwith after moving to Colorado with the help of Ann Miller Ulrich. Sanni's strong attachment to the mountains around Paonia, Colorado was the reason she chose the name of Marcellina Beckwith, names of two mountain peaks near her new home. Sanni is a very "spiritual" being, and is connected to all things around her including mountains, trees, and even rocks. She loves all of nature and all life. Before she changed her name to Marcellina Beckwith, she was Sanni Ceto to those who knew her, and before that she was a number in the facilities she was kept in.

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 11:00 PM
You suggest Sanni writes thus.


dear granni i likd wht u wrte tu them an i du thnk u fr this ase ths ws so ugli an on top ther demandin i giv mi dna tu be tested an thy claim tht anne mi publishr used me wch is wrong an untru -lov cmndr sanni"

Yet we find the following:

Psychic Readings by mail. Include photo (which will be returned), self-addressed stamped envelope and $25 to: Marcellina Beckwith, (PLEASE E-MAIL SANNI FOR HER MAILING ADDRESS.)
COST: $25 (Please make check or money order out to Marcellina Beckwith)
end quote

and this;
from the July 2009 Star Beacon

By Commander Sanni Ceto

Q: Dear Commander, (snip)

A: Dear Jean-Philippe,
First of all, the Andromedans only slightly resemble humans of Earth while Pleiadians are humans from a more advanced star system that seeded Earth with their human cousins. (etc)
end quote

more can be found here

So Sanni does "Psychic Readings" as well?

Note the wildly different writing styles also.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:38 AM
I usually think twice before making a comment, and so I did with this thread.
Ok, the message gave for Sanni it's nice, full of hope and light for humanity and she really knows and believes in what she's talking about... but there's certainly something weird here.
I have a friend that haves this not-so-uncommon autism type called Asperguer's. She acts exactly like her. With hugs to strange people and all!. Her IQ and memory is beyond normal, she talks 4 languages (japanese incluided) and have memorized the complete history of a certain sport I'm not telling because i want to keep her safe. But the most complex and intriguing part about her brain malfunction is that she believes everything you say, even if you're joking or telling blatant lies

What's my point. From what I've seen, it's very possible that Commander Sanni haves this malfunction too and somebody (maybe this Ann girl) is trying to profit from her, writing a nice script full of cliches about aliens and love and making her to believe and memorize it as it was real. She's not a retard, absolutely.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by prof-rabbit

Absolutely. The Star Beacon is published by Ann Ulrich Miller, Sanni's book publisher. Ann edits the material Sanni writes so readers can understand Sanni's answers. It isn't changed, but is corrected in spelling so the reader won't misunderstand. Not everyone can honestly grasp Sanni's ways of communication. That publication is read worldwide, and the unique writing of Sanni would confuse many, plus bring more ridicule on Sanni. Sanni's books were edited the same way after Sanni completed them. People have ridiculed Sanni's method of writing to a degree that she does not want to write in her own method, and asked that it be put in "our" way of writing. But, people are vicious, and attack her for even that. She only wants to share with people the knowledge she has but is attacked continually. Some try to use her hair color. Some the different names. None of those ever tried to learn the truth about any of those things before jumping to conclusions.

Questions would be answered if they were presented as questions instead of attacks or snide remarks. She asked me to try to answer questions here after seeing this thread. Some say they doubt she ever saw the thread. That's ok. If anyone wants the emails she sent to me and another who frequents this forum and is the one who showed her the thread, then I'll share them with you. Otherwise, it's almost a complete waste of time to try to answer anything here. I won't share the email addresses for obvious reasons. I will try to get her to come here and share her accounts directly here if anyone would appreciate her doing that, but I'd have to caution her at the same time. She is sensitive to negative response.

I would even be willing to do a three way call with anyone here who would want to talk with her over the phone. I can't give anyone her number due to threats she has gotten in the past over the phone, but anyone is welcome to my number and to share a three way call with her. You saw the video, and heard her speak, so you should recognize her voice over the phone.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by StarDarter
reply to post by prof-rabbit

Absolutely. The Star Beacon is published by Ann Ulrich Miller, Sanni's book publisher. Ann edits the material Sanni writes so readers can understand Sanni's answers.

And that becomes very convenient when you realize Ann also writes books, people such as Sanni who make claims about being from another world are everywhere, the internet gives them a flag to wave and a soapbox to stand on.

I notice you did not comment on Sanni's other sideline as a psychic ?

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