posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 09:44 PM
After watching this video and knowing something about the mental health field (I worked for 4 years specifically with mentally retarded/challenged
adults living in the community, taking care of all aspects of their lives they were unable to take care of themselves and encouraging them to learn to
do as much for themselves as they can), and also being somewhat autistic myself, I have a very horrible feeling about Ms. Ceto's situation. I believe
she has mental challenges, and know that she's stated elsewhere that she is autistic. I believe that she firmly believes everything she says, but also
that it's been pretty much "scripted" by those around her who wished to use her for their own benefit.
Being mentally challenged is not the same as being mentally retarded - Ms. Ceto probably has a very high IQ, but still has less social understanding
than non-autistics would have. Such a person can be very knowledgeable, and remember details about things that "normal" (or "neurotypical") people
would never remember even being exposed to. She is very convincing, but it's my belief that this is because she, herself, has been very convinced by
others, not because she came to these beliefs on her own. The person in the video came upon the funds to help her move when it suited them, but from
what I gather, she's stopped being of "use" to them at some point & had to find her own way back.
I don't think bad of her at all. I feel for this woman, I believe she's being taken advantage of and that she lacks the social awareness to understand
this. :-(
I hope I'm wrong, though. I am a believer in ET visitations/et al, and as far as what I think is "possible" in the world, I fully believe a story like
hers could possibly be true. I just don't believe it -is- true, however. Not in this case, not when the much more likely explanation appears to be
that she's been "coached" without her awareness of the fact.
I wish her well either way. :-
edit on 10-8-2011 by UncleClover because: I misworded a line that made it say the exact opposite of what I
wanted to say, and in a most confusing way. 1st sentence of 2nd paragraph, if you must know. :-)