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The story of Sanni Ceto (A Zeta-Human Hybrid) - Must watch!

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posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by prof-rabbit

Originally posted by StarDarter
reply to post by prof-rabbit

Absolutely. The Star Beacon is published by Ann Ulrich Miller, Sanni's book publisher. Ann edits the material Sanni writes so readers can understand Sanni's answers.

And that becomes very convenient when you realize Ann also writes books, people such as Sanni who make claims about being from another world are everywhere, the internet gives them a flag to wave and a soapbox to stand on.

I notice you did not comment on Sanni's other sideline as a psychic ?

What comment did you expect on Sanni's psychic ability? Are you offended that she will do a psychic reading for a fee? She does that due to the numberous requests that are for readings to tell some jealous woman if her husband is cheating on her, or someone wanting her to give them lottery numbers. People have tried to turn her ability into a form of entertainment for themselves. She is not an act. Her time is valuable and she deserves to be treated with respect. Since most Americans only know respect as a dollar sign, she was advised to put a price on the readings to help curtail some of the requests. People will rethink their request before they waste her time. Sincere requests are taken seriously.

I will not play tag with the credibility of Ann Ulrich Miller or Sanni. Ann is an upstanding, caring, helpful, and honest woman who works hard in the business she established. She is a talented writer, artist, and has moral values that rise far above calling others names or making loose accusations towards them. She does not deserve the accusations or implications made by those who attempt to discredit her. None of you know these people to a degree that you can make these remarks about them.

Why don't you contact Ann Ulrich Miller yourself, and talk to her one on one? Find out who she really is. Do that with the dignity one should present when meeting someone for the first time.

Too many here are the victims of the New Age movement that some have accused Sanni and Ann of following. Both of them deplore the New Age "Ashtar Galactic Command" sort of thinking. There is where the seeds of deceit are sown, grown, and harvested. Sanni is not a part of that.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by StarDarter

Hello StarDarter - I think it would be awesome if she was into coming to talk to people, but doing it in these forums would likely bring a bunch of unkind, negative posts much like has already shown up. Going through negative posts takes time and energy (both of which are very precious) - people genuinely interested can contact her outside of here I would think. I've seen other people try to share really good stuff that just gets all shredded (sometimes relentlessly) before you know it and it all just gets muddled because there's seems to be such a general lack of respect 'out there' in cyberland

And on the other hand, if it wasn't for this cyberland I wouldn't have seen her for the first time a few weeks ago - for that I'm grateful.

Cheers - k

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 05:16 AM
This is by far the most interesting video I've seen as of yet.

I'd like to think she was tellign the truth, but one can truly never be sure. But that doesn't necissarily mean I don't believe it. I like to have an open mind toward anything, as it causes less arguements.

She raises some interesting things to think about, especially the way she explains how the technology to alter DNA is definitely a possibility. She gives a detailed description on many points.

It is clear that she's had a very long time thinking about it, as her story is rather fluent. Sure, it could've been rehearsed... but at this point I'd like to think otherwise.

I'm not going to say I don't believe it or I believe it... all I will say is I feel very sorry for that poor lady either way. Watching this truly did bring tears to my eyes.

Thank you so much for posting this video. It has intrigued me.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 05:23 AM
WTF its rubbish like this that gets us all a bad name!! If you believe this you either have mental issues or you are extremly gullible!!!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Irishpaddy
WTF its rubbish like this that gets us all a bad name!! If you believe this you either have mental issues or you are extremly gullible!!!

Gullible or otherwise it may be better to say WHY you disagree with the video or the posts.

I will add in my opinion there is more here than meets the eye in regards to the story, including the multi-talented lady in question.

Lastly who is the "all" that get a bad name?

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Irishpaddy

Originally posted by Irishpaddy
WTF its rubbish like this that gets us all a bad name!! If you believe this you either have mental issues or you are extremly gullible!!!

You don't believe in anything? Believing in anything means taking a chance on reality or imagination. Which way would be best to err towards? Reality or imagination? Imagination can't hurt you if you take a chance on it? Wrong. If you consider the Bible to be the imaginations of a bunch of religious fanatics, and you are wrong, where does that leave you in the sight of God?

Would believing that Sanni is a fake hurt you? No. So why would you hurt her because of your unbelief?

I appreciate what prof-rabbit said:

Originally posted by prof-rabbit
Gullible or otherwise it may be better to say WHY you disagree with the video or the posts.

I appreciate someone who has wisdom, and prof-rabbit's advice is wise. Are you wise enough to follow it? This is where I'm willing to believe you aren't, and that's the reality of that. You can't prove me wrong.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by StarDarter
reply to post by Irishpaddy

I appreciate what prof-rabbit said:

Originally posted by prof-rabbit
Gullible or otherwise it may be better to say WHY you disagree with the video or the posts.

I appreciate someone who has wisdom, and prof-rabbit's advice is wise. Are you wise enough to follow it? This is where I'm willing to believe you aren't, and that's the reality of that. You can't prove me wrong.

Thank you, I would add that one should not be so open minded that your brains fall out. If I suggested I owned a pet pink Dragon you cannot prove me wrong either.

To make a claim about Sanni from a third person perspective is unfair also, people claiming to be reincarnated aliens have been around since the 60's, the Internet has given such people a place to advertise and gather followers. An example is the Raelian's.
Raëlism, or The Raëlian movement, is a UFO religion founded by a former French sports-car journalist and test driver named Claude Vorilhon. Followers of the movement, called Raëlians, believe that Vorilhon, or "Raël", received special knowledge and instruction for mankind from the creators of life on Earth
end quote

Wiki here:

If you wish to read just how far back all this goes there is a wiki article here

Everyone is entitled to their own belief system, however common sense suggests you should not believe every story you hear.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 03:27 AM
...watched the whole enchilada but we had a helluva time getting started - because - "the commander" is a dead-ringer of this gal we knew a decade or so ago... everyone called her "old drunk cathy" cuz she was and marcellina beckwith has that "old drunk" look, skin and stance...

...had a long list of things considered bs but most have been covered very well by others, so here's the short list...

...she said her grandmother was native american who had a scrap book full of ufo photos - but - spoke of a "silver canoe in the sky"... we had to put it on pause AGAIN cuz everyone was laughing too hard to hear the video... true to form for a newager con-artist, marcellina beckwith thinks that ndn old folks speak some kind of chopped up harlequin romance novel version of english...

...she's not retarded, autistic or mentally ill... aspergers, ptsd - aint buyin' that either...

...she's fairly intelligent and a rookie actress... she needs to work on her story a lot more because she made several "ooopsies"...

...did you notice she said she came home to her mountains in colorado?... marcellina mountain is in colorado, so is beckwith mountain... so, whats that mean?... i dunno, shrug, but i do wonder why she didnt use her real name in the video...

...what i would be interested in is the truth of who marcellina beckworth really is... if she was really in 12 foster homes, i'd like to see proof of that... which schools did she attend?... what kind of grades did she make?... what do her old school chums remember about her?... was she in the drama club?... did she graduate highschool?... i'd like to see her senior yearbook... whats her blood-type?... are her reproductive organs human?... does she or has she ever menestruated?... has she ever given birth?...

...last but not least, what is up with that gawed awful bleach blonde hair?... jeepers, seems like a half superior-being-alien would have better sense than to use toxic chemicals on herself, especially after the crap she told that fake mother whose child had been abducted because of the poisons on Earth...

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 04:00 AM
What I find to be most interesting is that even if you do not believe her, even IF she is not who she says she is, there is still no need, and there can be no excuse, for the intolerance, and unconcious behaviour displayed and littered throughout this thread and so many others across ATS. There is nothing wrong with not believing what shes saying, but this unconcious, lack of awareness, and disregard for mutual respect on this planet is what is ruining this planet for everyone. Sanni sent a very clear message of love and compassion, regardless of whether or not she if the gray mind or not, and what she said regarding hugs being the universal language of love was POWERFUL. She was not condescending, aggressive, malicious, or disrespectful to a single person here or anywhere else on that video, and it's still beyond my comprehension why so many of you cannot understand and recognize that.

If you do not like what she has to say that's fine, but treat people the way you would like to be treated. It's a very simple thing to uphold and yet so little people do it. It takes real strength to do that, nobody here is attacking you, certainly not Sanni.

To me her message was wonderful as always, and I don't care if it's the message many others have said before, we need more of that on this planet so we can truly heal and be at one with it. It's seems its so much easier for people to put others down for their differences and their beliefs, rather than hold them into the light and see how wonderful they are on a deeper level.

And as far as money is concerned, I could genuinely care less. We live in a reality based around money, so its incrediby unfair to lessen her because she is making some sort of money to support herself. We do it everyday, and usually doing things with little to no meaning. Thats not everyone, but many people do. I am sure she would not think less of you because you may work at a gas station to support yourself, or in a restaurant making food that probably should be provided to humans for free. Right now if we want to continue to live in this paradigm based around material possession, we have to make money. Artists sell their music and people worship them and still love their music. Painters sell their paintings and people still enjoy their art just as much. Actors make wonderful, and not so wonderful movies, rake in ludicrous amounts of money, and people still support them and idolize them. When a person in this field sells something, or tries to make a little bit of money to support themselves, people lose it and call them a charlatan or some other derogatory term, I do not understand this line of thinking.

I just hope people can develop more respect for others and themselves regardless of whether they believe or agree with anything they say or not. I do not blame her one bit for not wanting to come to this site to explain or prove herself to anyone. Show some kindness because we've ALL had it hard, and we all have more to overcome.

Be In Peace.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 01:17 PM
As ever Asmus an excellent post. You have said it all and there is not much more I can add . I do like your posts very much and always read them when I see your name in a thread.

I have a feeling this person is on ATS...maybe someone from her people could confirm this to me by U2U. I obviously will keep it confidential on that they have my word. I hope she is as it would be a nice confirmation that the energy of peace and love she gives out is true and is even possible to pick up under an anon avatar.

(It could of course be another Grey hybrid on here that I picked this unusual presence from...cant rule that out !)

[edit on 27-8-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Asmus

Well said - and I absolutely agree - unfortunately this forum doesn't have a manners and decorum policy that's enforced at all - and it's way too easy for anyone to write something and hit send without thinking... I also don't understand why others feel it necessary or consider it participating to instantly be belittling and disrespectful.

I personally found her in the video to come across as very genuine and open and someone I'd be very interested in meeting some day. You just never know where nuggets of real truth and insight come from next...

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 09:53 PM
First, to those who sent me U2U messages, I can't respond to them due to Administrator's policy of needing a certain number of "points" before you are allowed to use that feature. However, you are welcome to email me. I realize there are warnings about personal information, but my email address is not something I worry about. Email me at [email protected] if you wish.

Second, I have an old email forwarded to me in May of 2007 from Sanni. She was asking me to explain what she was trying to get across to a person who had gone through the Star Beacon's "Ask an ET". I will share that information which also talks about the Sanni's view of New Age information if you think it would help you understand her. I would have to remove email addresses and name of the inquiring party. I know these emails are not "proof" of anything, but perhaps her manner in it will show you more. I expect that some will again use it as a vessel of ridicule, but some may truly benefit from it.

Let me know if any would like it posted. Otherwise, I will assume it is not of any interest since it is nothing more than a forwarded email from her with the conversations she was having with this person attached.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks

...what i would be interested in is the truth of who marcellina beckworth really is... if she was really in 12 foster homes, i'd like to see proof of that... which schools did she attend?... what kind of grades did she make?... what do her old school chums remember about her?... was she in the drama club?... did she graduate highschool?... i'd like to see her senior yearbook... whats her blood-type?... are her reproductive organs human?... does she or has she ever menestruated?... has she ever given birth?...

It is all a bit much. She should have been named 'Lucky'. But, that's the way with charlatanism, and the confidence game. Surround the persona with this incredible hard luck story, that way nobody would dare question it, and it makes it easier to play the rubes. Well, I question it, others have questioned it, but there's no proof forthcoming. It's meant to be bought into hook, line, and sinker. As you can see from the believers it's incredibly effective, and leaves no room for logical conclusions... just 'feelings'.

It's like people that beg for small amounts of money. Their car broke down on their way to see their dying child, the puppy they were taking to that child became ill, they haven't eaten for two days, etc... But, instead of begging the New Age charlatans have books to sell, psychic readings to sell, etc... So, not only has she had this incredibly bad life, she's some sort of reincarnated alien commander (it's never a cabin boy, engineer, etc...), and on top of that she's psychic! ZOUNDS! Sounds legitimate to me! I'll run right out buy her books, get a palm reading, and subscribe to the news letter! Heck, I would be surprised if she can't talk to the animals just like Dr. Doolittle!

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by SpacePunk

...i might have come closer to being tolerant if the video had started with or been attached to verifiable facts of who marcellina beckwith is... she's in her late forties - so it stands to reason that lots of people have crossed her path... if i was in her shoes, i wouldve started off with the truth of my human life, then morphed into the other stuff - because - sooner or later, the truth will come out and people from her past will pop up and disclose their views of who she is...

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Thank you

And truth be told I should say the same about you! There are times when I will focus in on a thread just because your energy is present there. I get so involved with some of the things you post I lose track of everything else, LOL!

On a more serious note, I didn't even get halfway through this thread and realized I had to chime in, I'm usually more observational on these forums and less participational in a direct sense, but conflict deeply troubles me and especially in this case where she isn't even here to participate.

I genuinely hope people can tone it down some and not let their emotions dictate everything for them in such a negative/unconcious way. There is no need for us to be more divided than we already are as a race, lets get it together here folks even if we dont believe or agree with someone. Don't judge anyone, and especially someone you've never met. That's definitely one thing the Regressive NWO would LOVE for you to do!

Give it more love! There can never be enough!

Be In Peace

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:43 PM

[edit on 28-8-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 10:28 PM
I'm totally interested in it - and you're right, it will be used as a vessel of ridicule AND some will truly benefit from it (the important part)

Originally posted by StarDarter

Second, I have an old email forwarded to me in May of 2007 from Sanni. She was asking me to explain what she was trying to get across to a person who had gone through the Star Beacon's "Ask an ET". I will share that information which also talks about the Sanni's view of New Age information if you think it would help you understand her. I would have to remove email addresses and name of the inquiring party. I know these emails are not "proof" of anything, but perhaps her manner in it will show you more. I expect that some will again use it as a vessel of ridicule, but some may truly benefit from it.

Let me know if any would like it posted. Otherwise, I will assume it is not of any interest since it is nothing more than a forwarded email from her with the conversations she was having with this person attached.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 08:15 PM
Anyone interested in Sanni Ceto's new interview preview I posted above? Are any of you going to listen to the whole thing when it's released in it's entirety?

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
Anyone interested in Sanni Ceto's new interview preview I posted above? Are any of you going to listen to the whole thing when it's released in it's entirety?


I'm not going to listen to it.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 11:38 PM
La passion de Jeanne d'Arc

A movie that reminds me of this thread about Joan Of Arc - a silent movie made that was almost lost - found in a Norwegian mental institution and restored with a soundtrack by Einhorn called 'Voices of light' ...

Highly recommended - especially to Sanni if she ever gets a chance to watch it.

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