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You have every right in the world to whoop ya kid's..PLZ start I am sick of all the punk's

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posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

I was beat as a kid. It did absolutely nothing. By age 13, my dad gave up. Just yelling and honest discussion activated some part of my brain to listen. I don't know, but I just did. And so I did.

Beating doesn't work. Sorry kid.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

You was getting beat?
Beat is abuse.
a spanking or whooping isn't big difference.

And yes Whooping don't work on all kid's.
They are head strong.
And not to mention if you whoop over every little thing the whooping are no different than getting talked to it stop's working.
That didn't hurt.

Maybe you was whooped to much?
you said you was i will take it you got beat.
sorry to hear that.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:09 PM
When i was a teenager, after my grandfather died, I became a seriously spoiled brat.

When my grandmother could not beat me sufficiently, and I would just mouth off to her and resist 100%, she would call the cops.

She only had to call them once.

When they arrived, they gave me the beating she could not.

Multiple cops put me in my place. They whooped me good.

Guess what happened? I straightened up. And I am thankful for that discipline that was given to me.

I hated it all as a kid, but now as a grown adult I am glad those cops whooped me into shape.

Also, I got whoppings at school when I did really bad things.

It was the only thing that made sense to me, because I was willing to resist them at all costs. Until of course they smacked me silly!

All it takes is one good example, and a kid learns fast how the world works. Respect others or face the consequences.

And to the guy posting the disinfo by linking murder with a silly whooping, your post illustrates why this thread can get derailed quickly by pure unfiltered disinformation.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

You know what many of these folks fail to realize Amused? That back in the 40's and 50's , not one single kid would EVER act like those horrible monsters posted in those videos earlier.

Back in the day kids knew the limits.

They may have done bad things, but you would never see the kind of disrespect and spoiled hate you see nowadays.

And if anyone saw a kid act like that, they would put them in their place quick and the issue was resolved swiftly.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:15 PM
Kids need discipline. It is up to the parents to be responsible for their kids and discipline them in the appropriate manner. And this is what's wrong with kids today, they don't have any kind of boundries, the most obvious one being moral boundries and this is why they behave the way they do. The problem is the power has shifted from the parents to the government so that the government can turn them into dumbed down morons with an ego problem.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by SpaceMonkeys]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:24 PM
I got hiddings lol they were sore at the time but now when I look back me and my brother and sister laugh at some of the hiddings we got. For instance I got a hidding with a walking stick from my grand mother. Anyone else got any funny hidding stories....?

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Totally agree with you! Back in the day,A parent could spank the next-door neighbors kid if he did something wrong,hell I was "whooped" for lighting off fireworks in a garage,with gasoline next to me,by my neighbor! My dad thanked the neighbor for saving HIM the trouble! So yeah,I have kids,and yeah,they do wrong,and they get spanked.My kids don't fear me for spanking,they respects me,just like they respects their grandpa,when my Dad gets the belt out.they KNOW they have done REAL wrong. When talking fails,and time outs,and Tickles,


By the way,Honor Roll students,and very proud of them!!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:27 PM
I am a father of 4 daughters, they know the last thing I will do is whoop them, however they are typical kids, and on occassion's have tried to dis-respect me or disobey me in a severe way, this pushed me to take my belt off and tear them up. Using my belt is always the last option, and it takes a lot for me to do this, at the same time my daughters know I love them very much, more than my own life. I have always told them, one day you will find the man of your dreams, he will love you very much, but you will never find another man who will love you more than me, whom you can trust and would never do anything intentionally to hurt you, (I stand by this statement till I die) Spanking a child or using a belt is all in the way it's done and what did the child do to have this punishment put on he or she. Raise your children with time-outs if you want too (I use timeouts, grounding, and several other ways) But most importantly I use love, because I lve them no matter what stupid things they say or do, I am and will always be "dad"

[edit on 27-7-2009 by Mr_XIM]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
reply to post by TheAmused

You know what many of these folks fail to realize Amused? That back in the 40's and 50's , not one single kid would EVER act like those horrible monsters posted in those videos earlier.

Yes that's right, back i the golde3n days ofmilk and honey everyone was so well behaved and there were no problems (apart from those fulthy commies!). Give me a break.
You don't hear about it because nonbody talked about it then and there was the god-given perception that they were doing nothing wrong.

Thankfully we are progressing from that god-blinkered, short-sighted abusive mindset.

It's interesting watching people try to justify their reasons to abuse: "It was good enough for my parents" etc etc.

It's really just laziness, frustration, anger and power melded into one.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

I completely agree. The reality is that parents today, for the most part, are raising their children WRONG ! Hate to say it but most kids today are spoiled punks with no respect for anyone or anything.

You parents who refuse to discipline your children are to blame for their poor, anti-social, destructive behavior and frankly if you're not going to raise them, why have them in the first place?

When I was a child and teenager, I wasn't perfect by I showed people respect as a rule unless of course they disrespected me first.
I was taught to hold doors open.
Be polite, aka THANK YOU !
I never road my bicycle in the middle of the road. I understood why roads were built.
I respected my elders and understood that they had value in their wisdom.

So I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those LAZY, IGNORANT parents out there who refuse to raise their children then actually have the nerve to complain when someone has to step in and do it for them.

I'd like to say thank you for building a new generation of criminals and serial killers.

I'd like to say thank you for making YOUR children, OUR problem.

To those parents I have 2 words for you: BIRTH CONTROL !

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused
reply to post by 2theC

you said
i have made it to three and the punishment is a severe grounding, but he also thinks i have the option to 'whoop' him. which i don't,

You allway's have a option to your the father or mother are you not?
Care to explain?
But you say You DON'T HAVE the option..
So are you saying your spouse forbids it?
or what?
You totally warped my mind there.

sorry for warping your mind !!!!! (welcome to the club!)

i have the option to 'whoop'

but i don't 'whoop' , that's my decision, my discretion, my dedication to not wanting to hit my boy.

sure i got 'whooped' and remember them all, and i tell my boy about my 'whoopings'
so he knows that whooping 'exists'. I have even got to the point of getting him over my knee, and the fear was enough ( for both of us!) to leave it at that, 'pre -whoop'.
he doesn't want to go the next step and neither do I.

but... if i set up a precedent of actually physically hurting him, then what am i going to do when he is 17!!! and probably six inches taller and 28 years younger.

well, maybe the same as my old man did, punch me so hard and slam me into into a door with such force that i wouldn't dare take him on again.

but maybe that's a coming of age thing i will just have to deal with when it happens, but for now, i think i am pretty well set up that it wont come to violence to solve issues with my boy.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

You parents who refuse to discipline your children are to blame for their poor, anti-social, destructive behavior and frankly if you're not going to raise them, why have them in the first place?

So,wait, are you saying that because I don't smack/pat/whoop/abuse my kids I'm not disciplining them?
I'm sorry, I fail to see the logic here.
There are plenty of non-violent methods for disciplining children with the result that they are respectful, courteous, polite, and yet still children, not automatons.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused

It has been proven time and time again my friend.
In court's of law...
A whooping is not abuse.
A spanking is not abuse.

So sir you are giving a misleading statement when saying it is abuse.
It is not.

"Proven in a court of law" is using subjective logic to establish what you emotionally want to be "objective fact." There is nothing even remotely scientific or even "right" about something just because we have a law about it that judges uphold when making their decisions.

Since a society or culture is in essence just a big group of humans, the ideas of that society or culture are totally irrelevant to what is "real."

"Proving" something in court doesn't mean a thing.

That being said, spanking is abusive. I don't care if it makes being a parent easier. Y'know what would make it even easier? A taser. Just give the little bastards a quick zap when they get out of line, and your problem is solved!

If you took the time to read some literature on the subject you'd find that modern psychology has repeatedly demonstrated that positive reinforcement is way more effective than negative reinforcement. It takes way more patience and intelligence on the part of the parent, but it does work.

Whaling on your kid because they defy you is just perpetuating the notion that violent reaction is the ultimate "good" and will produce adults who solve their political problems through violence.

I think that I read somewhere that "violence begets violence..."

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Ya kow something....THAT kind of response is the reason that the kids today act like they do! "Mom and Dad won't do anything to me because they are hippies who don't believe in punishment!" One of the reasons that kids behave the way they do is because there is no "Parental Intervention" The Local, State,and Federal Government has us parents so buried in family law and the consequences, that we can't see the right from the wrong! PARENTS NEED TO STAND UP FOR THERE RIGHTS TO RAISE THERE KIDS AS THEY SEE FIT!!!!! ( to a moral extent)

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I did not engage in disinformation, and if you had taken the time to read my entire post you would've realized that the examples I cited were clearly "whoopings" taken to the next level. I am of the opinion that most "whoopings" are a result of anger and frustration by the parent or guardian in being incapable of rationally dealing with a child's negative behavior. As such, once you're willing to cause physical pain to your child as a result of the blindness that anger and frustration has credated, than you are no longer in a position to judge where "whoopings" ends and abuse begins.

My contribution is completely relevant to this discussion.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:44 PM
White people beat your kids, you don't want that little white kid to feel left out do ya?

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
reply to post by TheAmused

You know what many of these folks fail to realize Amused? That back in the 40's and 50's , not one single kid would EVER act like those horrible monsters posted in those videos earlier.

Back in the day kids knew the limits.

They may have done bad things, but you would never see the kind of disrespect and spoiled hate you see nowadays.

And if anyone saw a kid act like that, they would put them in their place quick and the issue was resolved swiftly.

Preach it to them man..i have got a callus from trying to explain that FACT to them all day.

If my neighbor caught me doing bad they had a right to get me.
setting a cat on fire or destroying property.
I got whooped by a old man for stealing cardinal bird's from a nest and putting them in a blue jay nest ...
It was cruelty to animal''s.
i know this know that's for the whooping stranger .

I am going to sit back and read reply's for awhile i can;t keep arguing the fact a whooping is not abuse.
and a beating is not a whooping lol
i can;t take the stupidity anymore.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:48 PM
Talk about hypocrisy at its all time high.

It's ok to hit your kids, lash them with a belt if they do something wrong, well, I have news for ya'll, don't bitch the next time you do something wrong and a police officer stops you and slaps you around.

How about if your child see's you do something wrong does he or she gets to hit you or lash you with a belt?

Just because your older, larger, stronger, and think your wiser you actually need to loose control and hit a child?

Wow! I guess you really have your act together.

And by the way I have children of my own and never hit them ever.

Parents result to physical violence because they don't have any control themselves and lash out in frustration, they don't have the social skills to communicate their intentions to the children so they result to physical violence, which solves nothing but instill, anger, fear and confusion.

I have seen more than my share of violence my entire life, and I have a former career to prove it.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by BarryZuckercorn

If you took the time to read some literature on the subject you'd find that modern psychology has repeatedly demonstrated that positive reinforcement is way more effective than negative reinforcement. It takes way more patience and intelligence on the part of the parent, but it does work.

If you took the time to examine a consensus of America's families, you'd find that, probably. 85% of those families will tell you that positive re-enforcement doesn't work more than 30% of the time. I don't know what literature you're reading.... but I want nothing to do with it because it's flawed!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:57 PM
Beating a child is nothing like giving them an old fashion spanking on the butt! you people need to get your priorities straight!

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