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conscious Oobe....It's Real!!

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posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 03:35 PM
I really want to experience this. If need be i would give my email to someone who can then contact me and me give them the info. What are the main things i need to do and remember to have a obe on my own? I have posted on another thread about some experiences were i felt like i floated above my body when i was really comfortable and thinking about nothing one day. I was not trying to have a obe i was just really comfortable almost like bliss. I hope i am explaining this right. My writing skills are horrible compared to my speaking skills. Can someone give me a yank or refer me to a good thread with the solid basic things one needs to do to experience obe? I think with my sheer desire alone and knowing how to start i can achieve this because i want to.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 04:01 PM
Hello Parasite.............

I know this thread is LOOONG and daunting....but...everything your requesting is allready in here waiting for you.
MANY folks have given excellant links to great OOBE sites...alot of people have gone into DETAIL about how to get to 'this place' on your own....I personally KNOW one ATS person who has achieved OOBE just from the advise on this very thread........only one person has told me about it but there could very well be joke.
Take some time and read is EASY to skip the posts not pertenent to what your seeking and find the real meat of the subject........catch up with those of us who allready have done this whole thread, and then let us know your progress.
Right now your asking for a repeat of things allready here waiting to be found by those who seek................good luck!

I am telling you this here because you do not yet have enough posts to recieve a personal site u2u.............I tried lol......

[edit on 14-3-2006 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 04:53 PM
thank you for the answer. I can sense you are a very kind person. I hope to find what im looking for and hopefully be able to share it

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by PaRaSiTeI can sense you are a very kind person.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Volatile
I'm not going to thwart your beliefs, because thats not where I belong, ]

LOL you not thwarting my beliefs. You just think differently and im cool with that

OK still waiting for that indivigual to contact me again and see if we cant get this thing done...

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 02:26 PM

I have some questions for someone who's already mastered this on a regular basis. I've been trying a lot more lately with no success yet. My main problem is this:

I can sometimes get to the point of hearing the wind like noise - I'll hear it for maybe half a second or so. I feel like if I concentrate enough I can almost invoke that noise myself, but as soon as I hear it I snap back to full awareness. I understand this is probably a built in reaction, but can anyone suggest a way around this?

I apologize if something similar has already been asked in the thread, but that's a lot of information to sift through and I've read a fair bit of it already.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 02:44 PM
I've wanted that 'sound' to come so bad at times...when it does I am like YIPEEE and this stops it right then and there, as I seem to jump back into full awareness....

I have been overcoming this......but not I am like, oh there it is no big deal....and let it get stronger if it wants to, of go away if it wants..........and honestly not care.............
I know in my heart the best outcome for me is whatever happens, and I am letting go of the desire for an experiance.......

I would advise, you notice the 'sound'......and kinda yawn at it....."oh there it is again, maybe it will stay maybe it will go" and let it just happen as it wil, and do what it wantsl.......I have found the less I TRY and care wether it happens or not the more often it actually happens.............the more often I am presented with the opportunity.....

Its very like the law of attraction, where you WANT something SO BAD you are actually pushing it away from yourself.....because in your mind the very act of desire is acknowledging the lack thereof......and your mind manifests what you BELIEVE in. If you really REALLY want something you believe somehow you lack this, so your belief system supports this 'lack' and produces the 'lack' for you to back up your belief system.............

( reading & listening to Wayne Dyer helps you grasp this concept better than my explaination)

Im hoping Enyalius (bad spelling THERE sorry) will come in and give us his take on this question as well.......or anyone else who may have an aswner as well please go ahead and give us your version.......

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I've wanted that 'sound' to come so bad at times...when it does I am like YIPEEE and this stops it right then and there, as I seem to jump back into full awareness....

I have been overcoming this......but not I am like, oh there it is no big deal....and let it get stronger if it wants to, of go away if it wants..........and honestly not care.............
I know in my heart the best outcome for me is whatever happens, and I am letting go of the desire for an experiance.......

I would advise, you notice the 'sound'......and kinda yawn at it....."oh there it is again, maybe it will stay maybe it will go" and let it just happen as it wil, and do what it wantsl.......I have found the less I TRY and care wether it happens or not the more often it actually happens.............the more often I am presented with the opportunity.....

Its very like the law of attraction, where you WANT something SO BAD you are actually pushing it away from yourself.....because in your mind the very act of desire is acknowledging the lack thereof......and your mind manifests what you BELIEVE in. If you really REALLY want something you believe somehow you lack this, so your belief system supports this 'lack' and produces the 'lack' for you to back up your belief system.............

( reading & listening to Wayne Dyer helps you grasp this concept better than my explaination)

Im hoping Enyalius (bad spelling THERE sorry) will come in and give us his take on this question as well.......or anyone else who may have an aswner as well please go ahead and give us your version.......

Thats pretty much it.

Though, try not to 'yawn' at it, just remove all the feeling you get. When you meditate, you are supposed to focus on, for example, breathing and when you do that, you do not become aware of everything else... Of course you know its there, and sense what comes and goes, but you don't react to it.

It simple: Don't react to any emotion, just go with it.

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 05:57 PM

Thanks both, sounds like good advice, I shall try it.

I don't really know much about meditation however I've been counting to 100 and back with two numbers for each each breath gradually getting slower and slower. There definitely seems to be something to this approach, but like you said I'll try not to get too excited when I hear the noise (I tend to stop counting and start thinking wehhh heeeyyy!


posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I have been overcoming this......but not I am like, oh there it is no big deal....and let it get stronger if it wants to, of go away if it wants..........and honestly not care.............
I know in my heart the best outcome for me is whatever happens, and I am letting go of the desire for an experiance.......

Wait a minute.... Are you telling me that the experience controls you? YIKES, I was lead to believe you control it or gain control with more experience. Even though as I grow older I'm understanding control is an illusion, but I'm more comfortable with my illusions.

I see you refer to it as though there is an intellegence behind it. Could you explain this or give me your take on it?

posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 11:46 PM
no...the experiance does not control me.
I can choose to allow it or not, to go with it or to stay behind.....I can choose to return to my body at ANY given moment.....
I can not however, bring on this state just because I wish it. I am not that strong yet. I feel as I grow stronger this ability to bring it to myself as I wish will come to me as well.......
If I was all IN CONTROL of this experiance it would have happened YEARS ago.
I put ALOT of meditation time in, breathing exercises and visualisation to gain this experiance. Over 35 years of 'wishing' and still did NOT come to me without actuall 'outside help'.
Once the door opens for you to this experiance, you can never shut it now that I am doing this, I will continue to do this, but I do have A CHOICE........if your interested in having this experiance as a one time thing ONLY...then do NOT persue it, for once that door is 'open' it reamins open.

If you are NOT ready to accept this as a REGULAR PART of the rest of your life DO NOT PERSUE THIS! This can not be 'dabbled with' it is ~FULL ON~ or not at all.

Sometimes the sound comes unbidden and I am just to sleepy and choose to react with strong emotions to the sound wich send it away.......if I am open for the experiance the more ho hum yet accepting I react to it the more likely the sound deepens and takes me out.......if I react really strongly once out, like YAHOOO I DID IT, that will send me back asap.....remaining emotionally calm is essential to success.

[edit on 16-3-2006 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 08:16 AM
Just a note to anyone who is being disappointed in TRG's statement, that she was 35 years from achieving an OOBE: Don't give up, some people are much faster at it because they probably just have a talent for it or better ability at focusing and concentrating on the breath.

You're probably only months from doing it, if you just meditate the way it purposed to be done.

Btw. you don't need a teacher to help you with meditating, just research in the subject and you'll eventually understand what is required. For example, many have trouble with the breathing, because they don't know if they have to focus on the nostrals, the lungs, the air, and sometimes one tries to focus on them all and that leads to the THOUGHT about focusing on the breath, not actual focus on the breath.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 11:53 AM
*yawns and stretches*
Work is tiring. well at least I'm nicely rested after my nap so I'll see what I can come up with as an answer

Volatile partially explained the question of Nova. It seems that you're a bit mixed up here in the mind, putting your focus somewhere...and doing stuff backwards.

It is important not to focus on that what you want to achieve. Make it known once or twice and not more. Once you start to focus to much on the goal that you wish to achieve you will only push it further away. Walk the path and see where it'll take you. Once you've reached your destination, as in experiencing the OBE's, then it becomes time to grow more aware of its process. How does it go and work. Then you'll have to casually follow it and try to understand how each aspect can be induced at will.

Here is where it goes "wrong". You're focussing on one specifiek aspect, the sounds. Which aren't really important. Just let them be and don't care for them, don't give em any attention yet. Trying to understand the process should be done backwards I feel. At least that's how I did. Noticing that I was having an OBE usually happened during the last stage when I was actually out. And then you'll try to notice that you're having an OBE sooner and sooner.

With the sounds I don't give them a seconds notice and keep doing what I was doing. Perhaps this is also why I rarely to never hear sounds myself, because I don't spend time on noticing them so I sorta block em out. It is an indication that you're on the right track and not something that you have to do something with.

I'm starting to repeat myself so signing off here

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 11:29 AM
At times, when I read Enyalius posts, I begin to question myself: "Why did I give up on trying to achieve understanding in Quantum physics?"

[edit on 18-3-2006 by Volatile]

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 03:40 PM
Enyalius is a VERY interesting person thats a fact. He told me how old he is and what Country he lives in.....(English is his 2nd lanauge)

Enyalius why don't you tell the people a little about yourself along these lines.........I know they are curious & interested, for your posts are wisdom filled and compelling

(FYI you don't HAVE TO...I just think it might be nice) If you do not want to please take no offense and dont worry about it.......

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 04:22 PM
My ATS interface locked up like a week ago for some reason, now I can't see profiles, but I would just like to say that for those who do have a solid interface, you don't need to hear Enyalius speak out about himself; Its all in his profile xD

mod edit: censor circumvention

[edit on 19-3-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 06:27 PM
Hi guys,(brillant topic by the way)anyway here goes ive been in touch with astral projection since i was about 17 years old at first it was very scary did not no what was happening when the rush came and the heavy force on my body even heard the sound of water running and i always got bright green flashing lights and a loud banging noise before i was ready to go,but now this is the thing this is where it all stopped because just as i was ready to go it was always the same thing,in the corner of the room something was there watching me and boy did this thing feel evil put it this way i was not going out when that thing was there what ever it was,it was like this thing was saying this is my place u stay where u are u come out and i will get u!.right anyway im now 28 years old and i moved to a new house about one year ago now this is the strange thing,this evil thing is not there any more i do not no if its because of the new house or because i have started asking to be left alone before i go to sleep i really dont no,but i do no one thing shortly i will be fully out reason being and this brings me to last night normal things were happening first the heavy force then the rush of wind then the loud bang but all i could see was a purple haze normally its green and then it happened somebody was there i felt there hands on my sides and they tried rolling me off the side of the bed and it scared me to death after that i woke up and had to sit up in bed for about one hour i really wish i could just go along with it and let it happen but boy its scary,anyway can i ask u guys if any one has been rolled out before or felt something evil around u when u have been nearly out?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 02:42 AM
not because you feel it evil means it is necessary evil, i have read that there are not alot of chance to find an evil force on the astral plane.

you could also try an astral punch on it

mod edit: removed quote of previous post

[edit on 19-3-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 02:48 AM
yes I know of course it is!! I have had many conscious O.B.E experiences, they are also called Astral Projection experiences too I believe. Any ways, I love to do it, you can go anywhere you want. I've been three days ahead of time too, it was so much fun. Do you like it? Oh...but sometimes it is scary...I believe in demensions, and believe that I have encountered many wierd beings...possibly aliens on the AP. Have you ever had an alien dream? Or anything of that matter?

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Enyalius is a VERY interesting person thats a fact. He told me how old he is and what Country he lives in.....(English is his 2nd lanauge)

Enyalius why don't you tell the people a little about yourself along these lines.........I know they are curious & interested, for your posts are wisdom filled and compelling

(FYI you don't HAVE TO...I just think it might be nice) If you do not want to please take no offense and dont worry about it.......

Uhm...well what is there to say. I'm currently 22 and live in the Netherlands. Been projecting unconciously ever since I was 7-8 and since my 17th I've been able to control it more and more. Since 2 years I can go and do as I please. English is my second language, German I can talk fluently, read fluently but writing I'm rusty, French dissapeared entirely, Japanese I can to some degree (just enough to get by), Latin and Hebrew are languages that I'm getting more familiar with at this time.

One of the first unconcious experiences was very scary, especially for a child, seeing that I was "pulled" out of my body in the middle of the night towards the camping of my grandparents. They were on a holiday. I saw my grandmother get out the trailer, slip, fell, die. My mother stood at my bed to wake me up and said she had a phonecall from somone concerning my stepmother to which I replied that I just saw hwat had happened. This also got comfirmed by eyewitnesses.

My first controlled experience was during a mothers day ritual in which I went to visit Gaia, the spirit in the Earth, with a few other people.

I'm also clairvoyant at will and my telepathic skills I'm still working on. Closest I got was some random individual who wanted to aid me and had 1 long password of 22 characters in his mind of which I had the first 8 correct. Still needs work there. Communicating with the dead and spirits is fairly easy as well for me. Delving more into telepathy ever since last summer when I found that trees communicate with me. That scared me at first.

Studied many religions, esoteric streams (gained a reiki master degree) and been studying the occult for quite some time now (Alchemy, Kaballah etc). The occult is my kind of place and is anything but evil (lots of misunderstanding and prejudice). Also studied parapsychology, theosophy, psychology, philosophy etc etc. Seeing that ICT didn't hold my interest, other then a hobby, I currently work as a logistic planner for cargo trains at the national railways.

People say you can only project over when you have their name or location. This is not true since people leave their energetic traces all over the place. Even in words placed on the net. Everything is energy after all. So learn to trace the energy back to its owner and tada.

That's a short summary...don't know what else to say

@Castle Hill
The being you have seen in the corner of your room in the previous house sounds like a ghost/being that was there, obviously. However during death there are a lot of people, still, who can't let go of their life and can have a very strong attachment to someone still alive or an item/area. It could be that what you saw was a previous owner and thought of you as an intruder.

In the new house it isn't there so makes me belief it isn't person bound to you. Don't be suprised you never see it again. Now you're comfortable to try to OBE again and go through all the stages. Someone is assisting you to get out of your body, this kind be your partner who does it unconciously or a benevelont spirit that watches over you and helps you out. The sensation of something there and touching you can be frightfull at the beginning, needs time to get used to.

Keep in mind that spirits, daemons, angels...whatever you call them are not bound by manmade moralities such as good and evil. When you experience something as evil it is in conflict with your personal moral values and beliefs, but doesn't automatically make that being/individual evil/wrong. But my personal beliefs are...when something feels wrong to you then don't associate yourself with it. Your emotions are your navigational system on the astral. Just make sure you understand yourself 100% and agree with all that you belief and get rid of the aspects of yourself that you do not feel comfortable with. This also applies to every day life.

[edit on 19-3-2006 by Enyalius]

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