posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 01:29 PM
Solid object body? Once but that was death dragging me off uninvited and dare I say what the experience actually is... Few realize that and think they
can control it when of course death is supposed to be a mystery or shrouded.
Here is the better practice sit until you can see statues get tired of their posture and move... Then you;; not only see death youll see a lot of
things but at that point death cant find you any more since it is always on the move so it isnt escaping death it is blinding death and youll remember
past lives and for some reason dummies think those people you know to be deceased as in those lives past not ones own having lived many loves
which is why a Zen koan is know to say that samsara and nirvana are no different.
Actual experience grows such wisdom exactly where it is lacking and sheds light on the actual truth... the ignorant do not suffer the wise do and
sadly rote knowledge or book knowledge or trusting knowledge that one is speaking teaching telling the truth is never required... as experience knows
how to stay silent in the three worlds of body speech and mind when one does not? Move to another if speech is not silent use mind to move body if
body is not silent use mind to move speech to silence it. The not self is an idiot and that should suffice until you realize you never needed one.
At that point however one is selfless others see the corpse as in dead but death cant drag the corpse off not knowing where it is meaning blind... But
smile really big as that means to you and being the cause of it? Death is then found guilty and cannot escape no different than any one else of it.
edit to add:
In old China lots of stories of faking death with a fake or poppet and running away one gets a new name when dragged back and yet keeps their mind;
but that hasnt really escaped death... but it leaves death to stand there sit there or lay there as "mara".
How did the Buddha say the way to escape mara was? Its an easier path; but by then the Chinese had faked their own deaths so many times that to play
dead is cultural and a heritage that is very rich in china's history... so it is a fun new years thing of all these animals racing around all year and
three "killings" occur of faking the death, moving to a new city, and the old name one had its a coming of age for youth to adulthood... as a man you
wouldn;t want to be stuck as a "chan" would you? As it means all at once "boy mind" of course! As the Peter Pan "complex" is well known... Pan meaning
genderless in that desire or craving and yet still do adult things.
The annoying is those traditions the worst? Marriage and court "ship" based on the parents desiring of it... So when the Egyptians all the way to the
vikings say "God boat" they suffered it too.
edit on 17-11-2023 by crowf00t because: barf