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Koran Mentions Worm Holes Through Which Aliens Will Invade Earth!

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posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:48 PM
You know the astronomy in the Koran is amazing. they also talk about the big bang and big crunch.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Donnie Darko

We're not really so sure, nowadays....about the 'big crunch'.

What I mean is, we aren't so sure that the mass of the UNIVERSE will collectively stop expanding, and eventually reverse into the 'big crunch'.

In fact, the latest data seems to predict the opposite....

Stuff THAT into your pipe, and ponder.....

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 11:58 PM
There is nothing of the sort in the Quran. There are some apologist Muslim interpreters which try to extract scientific information from the Quran by forceful interpretions. I have seen such attempts before with passages like, "There was smoke in the beginning" which is declared as proof for the big bang and then this is accompanied with the statement, "How could the Quran know 1500 years ago - it is proof that it was authored by god" They state the same with statements like, "The earth is the shape of an egg" and declare it as proof for divine authorship because how could the Quran have possibly known the earth was a sphere before modern times. What they overlook is that the Indians and the Greeks already knew it and has calculated the diameter of the Earth and other planets about 1000 years before the Quran.

[edit on 13-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

ermmm.....well, you've just shown that ALL religions are false, and falsifiable....BECAUSE it, the 'faith', relies on a certain 'belief'....

Without the 'belief', the "faith" falls apart.

Really, rational thinking should 'trump' irrational beliefs....

I'd like to belive in wormholes....I really really would. In fact, I do!

But, is see the opportunity of a 'wormhole' as a bit of science, and not some religious bull-puck!!!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:11 AM
i don't know about in quran, but in the texts of the ancient Mesopotamians, a mountain was often interchangeable with a holy mountain (a temple, a ziggurat, or a pyramid and in at least one case, some strange metal buildings that could fly, float, submerge, hover, glow, and so on).

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by Amagnon
Ok - seems you have it all figured out, and the mysteries of the universe fall before your omniscience ..

If you won’t to act like a child that's fine be me.....sigh.

Well - I believe that ET's are here now, and have been around for a long time - I'm not sure of their intent though, but I feel it isn't good. I believe they are responsible for the religious writings - Bible, Koran, Tulmud - they have been directing us for a long time now - and it looks to me like they want to create Armageddon.

That's just fantastic your argument is that you 'feel' aliens are reel. Damn that's it man you've got it, that's all the convincing i need. Aliens are real because you feel they are. Nice one

Now let's get back reality where the claims of the bible including this quran verse are nothing more then religious texts about the war between Satan and god. There's nothing real about it.

I think our entire planet and its location and everything is artificial - the Moon is too weird, its too old, its orbit is wrong, its not dense enough, the Earth seems to have too much water - and too much gravity to support the huge dinosaurs (especially the flying ones ) whose bones are buried in the ground.

???......You seem to be so ignorant about the world you live in it's sort of funny and sad at the same time.

truly, I can't understand their motives.

Yeah think about this for motives k......aliens come down to planet earth and lecture us that we need to stop the wars between us in order to achieve a higher level of spirituality and consciousness....... and yet, they have some crazy war with evil lizard people in outer space. LOL, a little hypocritical if you ask me.

[edit on 13-4-2009 by andre18]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:26 AM

According to some Muslim scholars, everything from genetics to robotics and space travel is described in the Quran. What nonsense.

Science has acquired a new meaning in certain Muslim circles. When classical Muslim scholars declared that "whosoever does not know astronomy or anatomy is deficient in the knowledge of God", they were emphasising the importance of the scientific spirit in Islam and encouraging the pursuit of empirical science. But today, to a significant section of Muslims, science includes the discovery of "scientific miracles" in the Quran.[/ex ]


[edit on 13-4-2009 by Nuupio]

[edit on 13-4-2009 by Nuupio]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

No, this is not true. There are religions that do not contain false information but contain accurate scientific information and are themselves based on scientific philosophy. Of those the only ones I know of are Hinduism and Buddism.

As Carl Sagan admits himself Hinduism is the only religion where the time cycles acually correspond to modern time cycles. He says this must no doubt be a coincidence. It actually isn't, the Hindu's understood the universes cycles and had mapped it out in astonishing details. They also knew that the universe contracts and expands and begins from a point-source through a tremendous release of energy. They also know that this expansion takes place because of the breaking of the supersymmetry of three fundamental forces, and when these forces fall out of this balance, the primordial atoms begin to aggregate and then space, time and energy emerges,and then matter begins to evolve because of the three fundamental forces being in a state of flux. Towards the end of the cycle the fundamental forces begin to resolve and the universe begins to contract on itself. This cycle is 311 trillion years.

What is really unique about Hindu science is that this event of creation happening is actually said to be an illusion, there never was a creation. What has happened is that an observer has collapsed the superpositioned state and this causes events to manifest in a binary space-time. In actuality Hinduism supports the many worlds theory, that at the start of creation infinite universes have come into being in which all events and possibilities are happening at once and all times, past, present and future are happening at once. Therefore, the notion that there is a linear sequence of time events is false, and actually the original source that started this cycle of creation was not transformed but underlies all of creation as a universal quantum field.

It should not be surprising thus why Hinduism is the favourite religion of many Quantum physicists.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 03:22 AM

In the Islamic world, opposition to science in the public arena takes additional forms. Antiscience materials have an immense presence on the internet, with thousands of elaborately designed Islamic websites, some with view counters running into the hundreds of thousands. A typical and frequently visited one has the following banner: "Recently discovered astounding scientific facts, accurately described in the Muslim Holy Book and by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 14 centuries ago." Here one will find that everything from quantum mechanics to black holes and genes was anticipated 1400 years ago.
Science, in the view of fundamentalists, is principally seen as valuable for establishing yet more proofs of God, proving the truth of Islam and the Qur'an, and showing that modern science would have been impossible but for Muslim discoveries. Antiquity alone seems to matter. One gets the impression that history's clock broke down somewhere during the 14th century and that plans for repair are, at best, vague. In that all-too-prevalent view, science is not about critical thought and awareness, creative uncertainties, or ceaseless explorations. Missing are websites or discussion groups dealing with the philosophical implications from the Islamic point of view of the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, chaos theory, superstrings, stem cells, and other contemporary science issues.


posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
There is nothing of the sort in the Quran. There are some apologist Muslim interpreters which try to extract scientific information from the Quran by forceful interpretions. I have seen such attempts before with passages like, "There was smoke in the beginning" which is declared as proof for the big bang and then this is accompanied with the statement, "How could the Quran know 1500 years ago - it is proof that it was authored by god" They state the same with statements like, "The earth is the shape of an egg" and declare it as proof for divine authorship because how could the Quran have possibly known the earth was a sphere before modern times. What they overlook is that the Indians and the Greeks already knew it and has calculated the diameter of the Earth and other planets about 1000 years before the Quran.

Very well said-I suppose given enough subjective interpretation (and emotive agenda) a sufficiently motivated person could find all manner of corellations and superimpose/shoehorn just about anything onto abrahamic lore.
Objectively speaking,it has been debunked again and again and again and again and again..

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:51 AM
That aliens are real is almost certain, and here is what an argument looks like;

1. The earth has life, so the probability for life existing at a star is greater than zero
2. There are an extremely large number of stars in the universe
3. Any positive probability multiplied by a very large number approaches 1
4. Therefore the probability of alien life approaches certainty

The question whether or not they have any contact with our planet is completely different. Not that long ago I was very skeptical of any possible alien contact.

My resistance to the idea that we would contact alien life any time in the near future was based on another argument;

1. The universe is vast, with stars spread out by many light years, our galaxy alone is over 120, 000 light years across
2. A signal from Earth travels at light speed
3. To respond they must receive and understand our signal, which will be weaker and more distorted the further it travels
4. If another civilization detects our signal it may be hundreds or thousands of years after that original signal emanated
5. To visit us they must meet certain conditions; have technology to receive and understand our signal, want to visit us, have the means for interstellar travel - these pre-conditions may eliminate a number of planets with life on them
6. It is possible that light speed is a real limit to interstellar travel, therefore any species wishing to visit us may have to travel through normal space - the journey is likely to take a very long time
7. Therefore the probability of any alien visiting earth at any time soon is extremely low probability

I have since developed a counter argument to the position I held before;

1. Due to the above argument, alien life is unlikely to travel to visit our world in response to any signal we send out
2. The above argument does not preclude that alien life already exists here
3. The Earth, Moon system has a huge number of anomalies that are not explained convincingly by 'generally accepted' scientific theory (this is pivotal to the argument, but requires a great deal of space to elucidate - forgive me if I err on the side of brevity to state my main argument, I will address this point in more detail later) - in fact, the accepted theory bears closer resemblance to a kind of scientific dogma
4. Circumstantial evidence provides hints to early intervention by alien beings; building of advanced structures (pyramids), oral and written records of contact with divine type beings (captured as religious texts), written information in religious texts that possibly suggests advanced knowledge, crafted artifacts captured in coal beds millions of years old, preserved footprints millions of years before man was supposed to be evolved
5. Circumstantial evidence indicating ongoing influence and visitation; UFO sightings, reports of contact from such places as Area 51, government secrecy, abandonment of projects - such as moon exploration, NP Propulsion technology
6. The large body of circumstantial evidence added to anomalies in the Earth Moon system, point strongly to ongoing alien intervention in Earth history

Religious texts do have many passages that could be interpreted being related to direct contact with ET's, and pointing to advanced knowledge.

It is generally ambiguous, so at best its circumstantial evidence - but I think it has a significant contribution to make in holding open the door of possibility.

I am an agnostic, so I will look for alternative interpretations (from religious instruction) to anything written in these ancient texts.

[edit on 13-4-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by karl 12
Objectively speaking, it has been debunked again and again and again and again and again..

Wasn't that a little extreme? Who are the guys who have 'debunked' it again and again and again and again and again.. ? That seems more subjective than objective!

Not too long ago, in 1530, Copernicus completed his work De Revolutionibus, which asserted that the earth rotated on its axis once daily and traveled around the sun once yearly. This was a fantastic concept at that time.

This was then debunked by the thinkers of the western world again and again and again and again and again as they believed in the Ptolemiac theory that the universe was a closed space bounded by a spherical envelope beyond which there was nothing.

Do you see where I'm going? Similarly, interpretation is what it's all about. Can anyone claim to have cut the 'code'? I don't think so. Therefore, it's more prudent to have an open mind on the real meanings hidden in many diverse religious texts that have indicated the same modern scientific concepts. Now that's a coincidence if ever there was one! This boils down to corroboration and therefore the possibility of the interpretation mentioned in the OP as true!


[edit on 13-4-2009 by mikesingh]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
reply to post by weedwhacker

No, this is not true. There are religions that do not contain false information but contain accurate scientific information and are themselves based on scientific philosophy. Of those the only ones I know of are Hinduism and Buddism.

As Carl Sagan admits himself Hinduism is the only religion where the time cycles acually correspond to modern time cycles. He says this must no doubt be a coincidence. It actually isn't, the Hindu's understood the universes cycles and had mapped it out in astonishing details. They also knew that the universe contracts and expands and begins from a point-source through a tremendous release of energy. They also know that this expansion takes place because of the breaking of the supersymmetry of three fundamental forces, and when these forces fall out of this balance, the primordial atoms begin to aggregate and then space, time and energy emerges,and then matter begins to evolve because of the three fundamental forces being in a state of flux. Towards the end of the cycle the fundamental forces begin to resolve and the universe begins to contract on itself. This cycle is 311 trillion years.

What is really unique about Hindu science is that this event of creation happening is actually said to be an illusion, there never was a creation. What has happened is that an observer has collapsed the superpositioned state and this causes events to manifest in a binary space-time. In actuality Hinduism supports the many worlds theory, that at the start of creation infinite universes have come into being in which all events and possibilities are happening at once and all times, past, present and future are happening at once. Therefore, the notion that there is a linear sequence of time events is false, and actually the original source that started this cycle of creation was not transformed but underlies all of creation as a universal quantum field.

It should not be surprising thus why Hinduism is the favourite religion of many Quantum physicists.

Exactly so brother!

I am a Neopagan and pantheist, have unreserved respect for Hindu teachings and knowledge.

Ive already posted about the documentary called Ancient Aliens, previous page.

Perhaps more ATS members in denial of non terrestrial interactions throughout known history into prehistory even with cave depictions, should download it and watch, read some more books on the subject etc.

Instead of remaining locked in erroneous perception of what their own religions actually say and point to.

Because the evidences are there.

It is a height of arrogance and ignorance to simply deride somebody who cannot articulate everything which has led them to "feel" non terrestrial beings exist, they feel such because they take in informations over time.

Tell you what, try starting an argument with Erich Von Daniken, when he first published, his viewpoints were also derided, now there is so much corroborating evidences found since his early findings, he'd tear your ignorant denials of non terrestrial life apart.

Me, i can't be bothered arguing with people who prefer to wear blinkers, i won't get in a cycle of validation, people can accept what i post and say or not, their choice.

They can disbelieve if they want, but just like this planet is billions of years old not thousands, the evidences are there.

Like, explain the Naska lines in Peru!!! For one instance.

Some people are just too obtuse to be real man! Shows how egocentric people can be in their interpretations of their religions, disbelief because they cannot understand their own religions accounts of our history properly


posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:08 PM
well the bible is a mixture of many things. Its put into one book and story for unilluminated people to follow and worship. God in the begining of genesis is a planet called nibiru, later called marduk by the ruling god marduk/ra. Then in genisis when god makes the first homo sapien he is enki and a goddess ninmah also called MAMMI later called hathor by the egyptians. Then when humans r bossed around and brought to garden to til it and be there workers god is enlil. It goes back and forth, the bible is a bunch of old old old storys squished into one for the unintelligent sheepish people to worship. So having said this, dont u think that the quran, since it was written like 900 years later is similar? This is extremely important to understand before any conclusion is come to. Most of the knowledge is generally easy to understand but remember most of this stuff has been passed down threw the ages of like 5000 to 100000 years and threw 4 or 5 different languages. Trying to figure out what a word like Maarej is supposed to mean is almost senseless. But then again this is a stargate we are talking about and that would be worth more research. Keep up the good fight!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by gilgamesh12

i happen to believe the biblical texts are telling an important story AND that the story is corroborated by the sumerian-akkadian texts, egyptian texts, hindu texts, inca texts, mayan texts, and even some of the post flood chinese texts. does that make me less intelligent than you? i'd like some proof that i'm less intelligent and "sheep"-like. this should be interesting.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by gilgamesh12
well the bible is a mixture of many things. Its put into one book and story for unilluminated people to follow and worship. God in the begining of genesis is a planet called nibiru, later called marduk by the ruling god marduk/ra. Then in genisis when god makes the first homo sapien he is enki and a goddess ninmah also called MAMMI later called hathor by the egyptians. Then when humans r bossed around and brought to garden to til it and be there workers god is enlil. It goes back and forth, the bible is a bunch of old old old storys squished into one for the unintelligent sheepish people to worship. So having said this, dont u think that the quran, since it was written like 900 years later is similar? This is extremely important to understand before any conclusion is come to. Most of the knowledge is generally easy to understand but remember most of this stuff has been passed down threw the ages of like 5000 to 100000 years and threw 4 or 5 different languages. Trying to figure out what a word like Maarej is supposed to mean is almost senseless. But then again this is a stargate we are talking about and that would be worth more research. Keep up the good fight!!!


Genesis is a reworking of earlier mythologies, retooled with emphasis to a one god rather than The Goddess and pantheon which construed many pagan systems, such was the order back then.

As is said, those who originated those mythologies, were plagiarised by those constructing the elements of the early bible, reflected events very similar to those in civilisations elsewhere on the planet who will never have had any contact, yet they all say the same thing almost.

Later the bible which took those elements of earlier mythologies carefully edited out a lot of what indicates extraterrestrial interactions.

Some, a couple of millennia ago, tried to prevent this but did not previal and were sadly overwhelmed, see Gnosticism in relation to early Christianity, a start is here...
It's complicated but truths are discernible if one looks, that early intents were diverted from what was advocated by Christian Gnostics, that the truth be written.

Had that not happened, extraterrestrial involvement with our species would be a common acceptance now, in my most humble opinion, but as knowledge deemed evil as well as technologies, fervently destroyed, so was knowledge of extraterrestrials in ancient texts etc, carefully written out and eradicated.

Luckily they haven't influenced Sanskrit texts etc and we do still have evidences and finding more all the time as the future unfolds.


[edit on 13-4-2009 by DeltaPan]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:03 PM
not retooled. the biblical version is a retelling of an oral history that was kept for several generations, presumably by the human slaves of the sumerian, akkadian, babylonian, egyptian gods and their progeny.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:04 PM
Ya well the Koran also states VERY clearly in Surah 5:20-5:21 that the land of Israel and Canaan belong to "MUSA" (moses) and his why all the fighting?????? id be wary of reading these texts.....the koran is an instrument of war used by a tribal chieftain to bring together tribes of pagan desert people....

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by jeddun


that's assuming that allah was a pagan god. he was not. his name has the same etymology as the hebrew EL.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by jeddun


that's assuming that allah was a pagan god. he was not. his name has the same etymology as the hebrew EL.

I am glad you made it to this thread. Your research should prove particularly useful, and this thread may make a nice cross reference (as well as fuel to the fire) for your Stargates thread/research.

Allah was no pagan god. Allah is the exact same as "El", and results from a newer iteration of the same story seen in Judaism and Christianity.

However, it is interesting to note the pagan infusions into Christianity in subsequent years, as Christian rulers began to conquer the pagans of Europe. Much of Catholic dogma (including a large portion of the saints, and several Christian holidays) result from the infusion of pagan beliefs/heroes into Christian doctrine. Christmas is a great example, as it was instilled to placate pagans who still wished to celebrate the winter solstice.

If the church would not have done this, converting these people would have been much, much more difficult. It is brilliant politics, honestly. The same was done with Amerinds, as the church "sold" them Christianity by demonstrating and highlighting similarities in belief (although it was much harder to do when considering some of the more bloodthirsty aspects of Aztec life).

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