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Koran Mentions Worm Holes Through Which Aliens Will Invade Earth!

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posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by jeddun

i'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well.
i hope you feel better soon. what will you be writing about?

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 09:00 PM
(95) "Bring me blocks of iron." At length when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain― sides, he said "Blow (with your bellows)." Then when he had made it (red) as fire he said: "Bring me, that I may pour over it molten copper."

why not build a bridge of rocks if gog and magog are humain

using iron and copper, means that we deal with magnetic and conductive material.... I thing more to stop some electromagnetic energy propagation

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 02:29 AM

The Koranic Speed of Light
A reader sent me a really wonderfully wacko link. It's a fundamentalist islamic site, which tries to use relativity to argue for the divinity of the Koran. It's remarkably silly.

Islam and Pseudo Science.
Several weeks ago, I found the article about Speed of light and Islam, very interesting. It seems he is a knowledgeable man in physics. But after reading his article I realized his equations (base on his interpretation of Al Quran) and also his calculation content many incorrect physical interpretation.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by Indigo_Child


If this is what you call debunking? Then you have only debunked your own mind. There are very good translations of the Quran, perhaps find one and then try again. I only have limited knowledge of the Quran, but I know you speak not the truth, knowingly or un-knowingly.

But for those with only a passing interest in truth i'll just take one verse:35:12

(12) He merges the night into the day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night are added to the hours of the day), and He merges the day into the night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the day are added to the hours of the night). And He has subjected the sun and the moon, each runs its course for a term appointed. Such is Allâh your Lord; His is the kingdom. And those, whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him, own not even a Qitmîr (the thin membrane over the date¬stone).

You said:

This reflects the scientific understanding of the time of flat earth and geocentrism. The earth has not been spread. The sun does move around the earth, nor the sun and the earth stop running, rather the sun and the moon disappear from sight because earth rotating on its axis.

I say:

There are many translations of the Quran. The truth the key is in the Arabic. Care to share which chapters you are copy and pasting from?

When you say the 'The earth has not been spread', it indeed has, but just by picking one small part it's very difficult to understand what you mean. So i'll just mention one instance of the earth being spread:51:47

(47) And We have spread out the (spacious) earth: how excellently We do spread out!

One meaning of spread out, is that we all don't live in the same area, but different areas in different countries all with resources and blessings to varing degrees. Or 71:18,19

(18) "`And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out)
(19) "`That ye may go about therein in spacious roads.' "

And when Allah mentions that "And He has subjected the sun and the moon, each runs its course for a term appointed.", this means that they will continue until such time as Allah wills, not forever.


Any mistakes are from myself not from Allah or the Quran.

When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes. For falsehood by it's very nature is bound to perish.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune

I am not sure what you are trying to refute. I said the Quran says the Earth is spread out like a carpet or a bed, and then you post a verse verifying that.

All I am saying is that the Quran does not contain any scientific information not normal for its time, and some apologists are trying to extract scientific information out of it(big bang etc) which is not there - wormholes is the most ridiculous extraction I have seen so far.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

Remember You wrote:

I am not the kind to attack somebodies religion, but when somebody makes a false claim about something, I cannot help myself but debunk it. These are the verses the author is claiming have this information:


This reflects the scientific understanding of the time of flat earth and geocentrism. The earth has not been spread. The sun does move around the earth, nor the sun and the earth stop running, rather the sun and the moon disappear from sight because earth rotating on its axis.

So i explained one meaning of spreading. But now you say you didn't say it, so we can agree.


posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 10:06 AM
As far as I can tell it seems to simply say the sun and moon go consecutively following each other.

A), the moon and Earth have always been, and never have not, been moving away from each other.

In other words, the Quran claims that they are in their areas as they are, suspended in their movements, until God says otherwise. However, they have always been moving, never suspended. So therefore, it is wrong.

B) sea shells pretty much have nothing to do with wormholes. And if they were trying to make an analogy, they failed. Why not use caves? or tunnels? Kind of easier.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Nuupio

The Koranic Speed of Light
A reader sent me a really wonderfully wacko link. It's a fundamentalist islamic site, which tries to use relativity to argue for the divinity of the Koran. It's remarkably silly.

Funny how the author of this article calls the concept of the variability of the speed of light as mentioned in the Koran as silly! Doesn't he know that the speed of light isn't constant? He says:

Their argument is based on the idea that the speed of light can vary in certain accelerated reference frames - and that, therefore, the speed of light is not a fixed quantity based on the speed of light in a vacuum - because the speed of light in a vacuum can vary!


Special relativity reveals that c is not just the velocity of a certain phenomenon, namely the propagation of electromagnetic radiation (light)—but rather a fundamental feature of the way space and time are unified as spacetime. A consequence of this is that it is impossible for any particle that has mass to be accelerated to the speed of light.


Fallacy Of The Theory Of Special Relativity

Having said that, take a look at the fallacy of the above effects. The diagram shows the approach to the CICS. Click on the link below to view the details in each box:

The Relativity Challenge.

In a nut shell:

There are several implications associated with the model of Complete and Incomplete Coordinate System (CICS). Some of these are listed here:

1. The speed of light is not a theoretical speed limit.
2. The speed of light is constant, but can vary by coordinate system.
3. This model applies to all types of waves.
4. Special Relativity is invalid because it fails Einstein's requirements.
5. The twin paradox goes away.
6. Length contraction does not occur.

In other words, 'c' or the speed of light is a variable! Instead of the author calling it 'whako', I siggest he reads the many papers dealing with the subject in the LANL archives.


posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Hi Mike

The description of the trip to Jerusalem I have always found interesting,
a bit like Ezekial in the xian/judaic texts.

That trip is what gave importance to the temple on the mount today, it clearly describes that he was transported there for a short time.

I know I'm backtracking in the thread a bit here....

The only thing about working with the Koran, is it really isn't possible to translate. You can't read the Koran in any language other than Arabic, You can't pray in any other language other than Arabic.

I know we have 'translated' what is being said, but the translation doesnt really work, it's hard to describe. Just keep in mind the minute this happens you are dealing with a tainted source for your research, not that it should stop you, but the Koran is not considered translatable. Just keep that in mind
Great thread

[edit on 15-4-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by visible_villain
This, IMHO, is a very sophisticated notion for a 'primitive' people ...
I always ask myself the question -
Did we have 'a little help' in 'concieving' of these 'very sophisticated' ideas?

I've always felt that what we term as 'Gods' are nothing but people from an ET culture who have hastened our evolution by artificial genetic mutation and given to us knowledge that otherwise would have taken hundreds of thousands of years to evolve.

Unfortunately, the translators/writers/poets etc have interpreted these concepts and written them from word of mouth and passed them down the ages, which turned out to be something very ambiguous as they could not of course have been expected to possess the knowledge and scientific percepts that were meant to be handed down to coming generations.

Here I'm referring to the Prophet, Christ and the plethora of deities one finds in religions all over the world. Were they the leaders of an advanced ET race who had come to Earth for giving guidance and helping in modernizing society? But where 'God' or 'Allah' or 'Bhagvan' etc are concerned, they are probably the one and same supreme power, not of skin and blood but an incredibly powerful energy with an intelligence which is impossible to comprehend, beyond imagination.

Well, that's my take! And will always be!


posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 02:52 AM

There is no end to the strange things Muslim Fundies will claim. A new one is in A New Astronomical Quranic Method for The Determination Of The Greatest Speed Cby Dr. Mansour Hassab-Elnaby. There are hundreds of bogus arguments like this on the web (or at least were when I wrote this). But one need only see how bogus one or two are to see it isn't worth bothering investigating any more (see, for example, my other essay: Cosmology and the Koran: A Response to Muslim Fundamentalists, 2001). I guess this is the shotgun strategy--make so many wild claims that skeptics couldn't possibly rebut them all for shear lack of time, and claim victory. Someone has rebutted the speed of light argument already: see the simple Review by Dr. Arnold Neumaier of the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Vienna.


posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by FamiliarBoyOfGoodFortune

I understand there might be other meanings for the word spread, but how it has been used in the Quran and considering other verses which indiciate flat earth and geocentricism, I have taken spread to mean "flatness" Indeed the sense of flatness is betrayed by the similes it uses for the earth - "flat as a bed" and there are some verses which explicitly say the earth was flattened.

Then considering that it treats the sun and moon as moving around the earth makes it pretty clear that the Quran is geocentric. Again not uncommon for the time and place.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh

I've always felt that what we term as 'Gods' are nothing but people from an ET culture who have hastened our evolution by artificial genetic mutation and given to us knowledge that otherwise would have taken hundreds of thousands of years to evolve.

Unfortunately, the translators/writers/poets etc have interpreted these concepts and written them from word of mouth and passed them down the ages, which turned out to be something very ambiguous as they could not of course have been expected to possess the knowledge and scientific percepts that were meant to be handed down to coming generations.

I agree.

Which is why those who further analyse what is passed down from our past, word of mouth, pictographic and symbolic, to the written etc, articulating into context within our more advanced perceptions and understandings.

Can lead to elements of knowledge destroyed a couple of thousand years ago, give or take several centuries, where we are just about catching up on the curve we certainly would have achieved had ancient knowledge not been eradicated and scripted out.

Be finally realised in the present and near future.

In the past few hundred years, since the renascence, we have acquired and compounded much knowledge that into the Aquarius age, we are capable of understanding that of the ancients as never before in homonin history.

I believe we are finally growing up as a race as we evolve knowledge exponentially each passing decade, from the child race we once were, some fear and fight change, i embrace it.

Indeed, i believe what our ancestors believed as goddesses and gods, are in fact non terrestrial beings of space faring extraterrestrial races and entities originating in higher levels of dimensionality.

Lets just hope we don't destroy ourselves or Terra herself before we have chance to develop technologies that allow us to prevail, the biodiversity and biosphere of Terra including ourselves, past consequences of moving into a density wave of the galactic arm we traverse within and the resulting gravitational anomalies within the system of Sol, to Sol itelf, far more destructive than the environmental and climatic phenomena which construe global warming in itself.
[Not the script of a sci fi movie yet, but sure as Hades will be at some point, methinks. **Winks**]

For our corporeal existence, in time, is short, as our future unfolds, is it not.

What seems written in the Koran would seem to have parity with ancient consensus in summation and without pointing to the differences and primative expressions, but the similarities to broad context, basically has similar or same messages as everywhere else.


[edit on 15-4-2009 by DeltaPan]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:50 PM
Mike, people have known for quite some time that light alters per gravity's affect on it. More gravity = slower light, because timw is slowed. My post a while back detailed how one could use this concept to make such an engine.

This is not something that is hidden by the government nor restricted by some group of elites. it's common knowlege for those who seek to persue the field in science.

Gravity is to this century what electricity was to the 19th. We don't have a damn clue how it works, but we know how to use it for our advantage.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
Mike, people have known for quite some time that light alters per gravity's affect on it. More gravity = slower light, because timw is slowed. My post a while back detailed how one could use this concept to make such an engine.

This is not something that is hidden by the government nor restricted by some group of elites. it's common knowlege for those who seek to persue the field in science.

Gravity is to this century what electricity was to the 19th. We don't have a damn clue how it works, but we know how to use it for our advantage.

So true.

Is why i also find David Sereda's theories on phasing matter to achieve faster than light velocities required for non terrestrial vehicles to get here from, well, elsewhere, based on gravity and manipulating light frequencies basically speaking, as being intreguing and plausible.

[Ancient of days. - David Serada.]

Pardon the off topic, but i think what you are referring to also accounts for recent postulations in the scientific community, that the expansion of the linear universe is actually now slowing.

I don't think so, in my opinion, it's because gravity in galactic space surrounding the stable Solar-sphere we reside, is causing our outward perception of speed to indicate slowing but more to do with our region of space-time stretching a little as we enter an area of denser gravity in the galactic arm, so expansion appears to be slowing from our relative viewpoint in the galaxy looking outward to the linear universe from within an area of denser gravity on the galactic arm.

Factoring gravitational effects in our local galactic space and how this influences our outward looking telemetries will allow us to tell properly if expansion is slowing or not, until then the suggestion is simply theory and we need more probes to penetrate solar space, into galactic space and relay their telemetries back to us to be factored into extant knowledge and adjustments made if necessary, before we can understand fully.

That's my theory anyway, but off topic, sorry.


[edit on 15-4-2009 by DeltaPan]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:31 AM
Not only that! Numerous papers have been written on 'gravity shielding' and instantaneous interstellar communications which are available in the LANL archives.

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has several papers on esoteric subjects, one of which contains details of spacecraft utilizing gravity shielding not only for propulsion but for the internal dynamics within the spacecraft in order to eliminate the effects of massive G-forces on the crew. And then it has described Quantum Gravitational Antennas for instantaneous communications across the Universe! And there’s more in my thread here….

Instantaneous Interstellar Communications And Gravity Shielding For Spacecraft!


posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

You have to tell that to the people that say that these more "esoteric" subjects are ignored by science...

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 12:29 PM
Why are people so amazed by this? The Bible tells more revealing secrets and was written a lot longer before and yet people are praising this like some new found alien code.

First all let me describe some of the supernatural events of the Bible and visions.

Peter's Vision

11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air. 13Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat."

Book of Revelations

12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

15Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"

1The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. 3And out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. 4They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

Anyway these are like for like examples, there many other mysterious not even mentioned, like Eziekiel's wheels, the Ark of the Covenant, the Giants on the earth, the star signs and the zodiac, the transfiguration and many other prophecies. But have people looked into it or are they just amazed about hearing it from another source like some new age concept.
The difference today is they stopped the youths of today finding out these things for science fiction stories, when man has catalogged alot of mysteries already, why would they not want you to know?

[edit on 16-4-2009 by The time lord]


posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by mikesingh

hi mike,
just slightly off present thought line, i was at my spotting location (in the sticks) on saturday night, sky was clear and i was observing orion which was low in the west at about 1 am bst. above orion a ring of light appeared briefly and an object transited and coursed to the south from the centre. i have seen two of these in the past year now. i do hope this is of relevance to your thread. cheerz

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by cdi
I was observing orion which was low in the west at about 1 am bst. above orion a ring of light appeared briefly and an object transited and coursed to the south from the centre.

Hi cdi! Hmmm...That's interesting! You said 'transited' from the center. Was it like 'emerged' or 'materialized'? Through some sort of a worm hole? Or a time portal?

I wish you had clicked some pics. However, have a look-see at this thread of mine. You may find it interesting. Alleged UFOs around some sort of a portal!

Alien Spaceships Around Stargate/Time Portal? Take Out Your Telescopes Now!


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