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Why Do People Listen to Rush Limbaugh?

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posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

You do have a sense of humor!!!

I only read what he's said when its in the news or on one of the blogs I go to.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by weedwhacker
He, (Limbaugh) had already made fun of Chelsea Clinton, as a teenager....comparing her to being a 'dog'.

And how much moral outrage did you have when the press was raking Sarah Palin's daughter over the coals? I guess that was OK, huh?

And what about Biden's daugther? Her motto is "Party-Hearty!", but you aren't seeing too much about that in the MSM.

Well, if you think the MSM wasnt covering Biden's daughter, then you've unplugged your TV for the last several weeks.

As for Palin? Please. Palin drug her family into politics on her OWN steam. She used and manipulated her children AND her grand child to further her "soccer mom" image.

Then, when all hope was lost and the GOP tasted defeat, she starts publicly scrutinizing her daughter's babies daddy by using a person who's her political aid and whose salary is paid for by the tax payers of Alaska to spread her message about this young man.

Sarah Palin created everything negative thing we know about her, by herself.
To expect it to not hit the main stream media would be like expecting Rush Limbaugh to actually report some real news without lying about it first.

It's just not going to happen.

Sarah Palins' screwed up family life (that she created) was a journalists wet dream for news coverage.

Oh, and for the records, it was the BLOGS saying the child was not hers. The MSM covered it for ...oh a few days, under the approach of "is it true?' to which they answered their own question "No, its not true. This is her baby"

Seriously, stop distorting facts to spread your own conservative bigoted agenda.

This country is not as dumb as you, people like you, and Rush Limbaugh himself might think.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 10:45 AM
One of the most (if not the most) corrupt, immoral and insidious lies the hard right has promoted is that... if you are a liberal and/or a Democrat then somehow you hate America and want to see her fail, that you are a traitor and support terrorists... to those with neither the brain cells or nostrils to tell bullhooey when exposed to it.

And then they use(d) that lie to bludgeon us with when we dared object to their policies...

It is a nasty lie and not worth even debating anymore... anyone with half a working brain knows it for what it is... smear and slander.

And one of the biggest... if not the biggest promoter of that lie is mush loosebowels.

He and his ilk contribute nothing positive to either the political discourse or to this country in general.

[edit on 9-4-2009 by grover]

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 11:28 AM
I agree,

The whole morning cluster of idiots i like to call them. Rush limbaugh, chip franklin ETC.

They are all spreading misinformation, and absurd biased opinions to the people in america who dont have the ability to think for themselves. They are all nonsupporting of our current President, and its bull. When bush was president these guys were all over his coattails, sticking up for him such.

Which makes me wonder, who do these guys really work for?

It irritates me to the highest degree, the amount of ignorance that is prevalent in todays society and media

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 12:15 PM
It was one thing for us on the left to joke that mush loosebowels was the defacto head of the Republican party but when he starts saying that himself that is something entirely different:

During an interview Wednesday with Neil Cavuto, conservative radio king (and prime partisan target) Rush Limbaugh was asked to name his favorite "up-and-coming Republicans." Limbaugh's answer: two leading potential Republican presidential candidates in 2010 (and also prime Democratic targets).

"I -- I like the kind of things I am hearing out of Governor [Mark] Sanford from South Carolina," Rush said. "I have always admired Governor [Sarah] Palin. I don't think people have any idea what it's like to walk in her shoes, after what she has been through with the media coverage. But she doesn't back down."

As for the rest of the GOP, Limbaugh wasn't too effusive with praise. "Too many elected Republicans right now are just in fear, Neil, of being criticized, of opposing the Obama administration," he said. "You know, it's - it is a very special historical time. We're not -- we're not really to go - to be too vocal about opposing this, which I don't subscribe to at all. I mean, liberalism is liberalism, and it is to be defeated and to be opposed every time it's -- it -- it pops up. And, so I -- I have -- I'm the de -- you know, if I am a leader, then it's de facto, because the elected Republican leadership hasn't yet decided to speak out."

Just wait... his ego is going to run with this and by the end of the month he is going to proclaim himself el duce... and Mussolini will roll over in his grave.

[edit on 9-4-2009 by grover]

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 06:42 PM
Why we listen...Rush quotes 4/9/09

"The world didn't come together to bring down the Berlin Wall, as Obama said. If anything, the world came together to oppose the Berlin Wall coming down -- but that didn't stop Ronald Reagan."

"There is a concept of American exceptionalism, and this guy, Obama, hates it. He doesn't like it, doesn't agree with it, and thinks the only thing we're exceptional at is being bullies."

"Obama is on these world tours ostensibly to promote US interests, but he is out there promoting himself. As I said yesterday, he's traveling around as the world's leader, not ours."

"Obama said to reporters today, 'Guys, we're talking about housing right now, not pirates.' Translation: 'There's nothing in my teleprompter about pirates right now.'"

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Fremd
Well, if you think the MSM wasnt covering Biden's daughter, then you've unplugged your TV for the last several weeks.

Who watches TV? You have time to do that? And you actually believe what's being said? That's interesting.

Originally posted by Fremd
As for Palin? Please. Palin drug her family into politics on her OWN steam. She used and manipulated her children AND her grand child to further her "soccer mom" image.

I think the word you're looking for is "dragged". "Palin dragged her family into politics". You know, like any other politician out there. Clinton, Obama, Bush, you name it.

Originally posted by Fremd
Then, when all hope was lost and the GOP tasted defeat, she starts publicly scrutinizing her daughter's babies daddy by using a person who's her political aid and whose salary is paid for by the tax payers of Alaska to spread her message about this young man.

Political aide, not "aid". And that is a bit messed up, if you ask me.

Originally posted by Fremd
Sarah Palin created everything negative thing we know about her, by herself.
To expect it to not hit the main stream media would be like expecting Rush Limbaugh to actually report some real news without lying about it first.

Right after she was asked to be VP on the ticket with McCain, US Weekly had a story trashing her. We're talking only a week or so after. (Not that US Weekly is anything like the WSJ or NYT).

Originally posted by Fremd
Oh, and for the records, it was the BLOGS saying the child was not hers. The MSM covered it for ...oh a few days, under the approach of "is it true?' to which they answered their own question "No, its not true. This is her baby"

I actually wasn't too worried about that. Seems like you were hanging onto every bit of news concerning it, tho.

Originally posted by Fremd
Seriously, stop distorting facts to spread your own conservative bigoted agenda.

Yeah, it's all a "conservative, bigoted agenda". Hate to see what you libs are pushing.

Originally posted by Fremd
This country is not as dumb as you, people like you, and Rush Limbaugh himself might think.

I'm aware of that. Too bad the liberals aren't thinking those same thoughts.

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

RR....You posted four vile 'quotes' from Limbaugh.

THEY are all vile....they are pandering to his listeners, who he assumes already agree with him anyway.

OK....the third one wasn't as vile as the others...but, excepting that, the others WERE incredibly misrepresntative of the truth. They were, in fact, nothing more than hatred spewing out of his pie-hole into his 'Golden Microphone'

"OH!!! The arrogance!!!"

(small tribute to the Hindenberg disaster...)

EDIT, because on another reading....number 2 and number 3 directly them again. Essentially Limbaugh implies that the Pres is posturing too much, then he implies that the Pres is cowtowing....

IF he is the new 'face' of our Country, shouldn't he present a confident air, without being arrogant? I really watched Bush, and his swaggering arrogance, and cringed every time. Bush never exuded confidence....he was a scared little man....AND, when he was off-telepromptr, he was at a total loss for words, every time.

Obama can actually leave the telepromptr when need arises....IF the situation warrants. And, he can think on the fly, stay on his feet when served a curveball, then steer back to topic.

Remember, you opened up this topic in the discussion re: Limbaugh.

It seemed to me that GWB showed signs of mild Dyslexia. Nothing to be ashamed of, of course. Nor, in hindsight, anything to laugh at someone for. It just seems, again in hindsight, that when it comes to public speaking, the two men are Polar opposites. Chalk it up to Obama's experience as an attorney, if you will. (no, not to some pseudo-nonsense about hypnosis, as I've seen on this Forum...)

There are plenty of glib speakers, who are attorneys, on the Republican side as well. There's even a is Ron Paul.

Or, the glibbest of the glib snake-oil salesmen....RL!!

[edit on 4/9/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

RR is obviously a bottled and bonded ditto head... he accepts whatever mush loosebowels spews forth unquestionably.

No critical analysis going on there whatsoever... probably doesn't even know what the word contradict means.

BTW the first quote from mush:

"The world didn't come together to bring down the Berlin Wall, as Obama said. If anything, the world came together to oppose the Berlin Wall coming down -- but that didn't stop Ronald Reagan."

... is patently absurd.

The whole world was riveted and cheered when the wall was stormed and then torn down... by hand!!!

AND it happened after Reagan left office.

[edit on 9-4-2009 by grover]

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 10:07 PM
Politics aside, tonight (04-09-09) Michael J. Fox was on CNN's Larry King Live talking about Parkinson's disease. When asked by LK what he thought of the cruel statements made by Rush L., MJF replied he thought it was funny and he was glad because it helped the disease get more exposure. In my opinion, MJF is a class act and RL is the polar opposite.

I gain solace in the belief that Karma is a boomerang.


[edit on 9-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by grover

Originally posted by grover
The whole world was riveted and cheered when the wall was stormed and then torn down... by hand!!!

AND it happened after Reagan left office.

[edit on 9-4-2009 by grover]

There is no question that the background work to bring down the Berlin Wall was done by Ronald Reagan.

The fact that it was actually destroyed in 1989 is largely irrelevant,except for being testimony to the outstanding work by Reagan.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by jsobecky


Really??? You buy into this???

Oh, come on! There were other factors at work, 'behind the scenes'....economic, social, attribute this to a 'former' Adminstration....well, it's just Revisionist History to the extreme!!!

Sheesh...this is the Geo. Washington fallacy that "I cannot tell a lie, I cut down that Cherry tree" baloney taken to a new level....

Sorry....we tell these tales to children as part of a paradigm for them to begin to understand the underpinnings of our form of 'democracy'.

Even though, as we know that 'Santa Claus' is not real, we know that we actually, per the Constitution, live in what's known as a 'Representational Democracy'....or, shorter form, a 'Representational Rebublic".

EMPHASIS on the words "Representational" and "Republic".....

PLEASE keep this concept in mind, at all times....

'Representational' means, that as one leg of the 'tripod', the PEOPLE elect 'Representatives' to 'Congress' as, well...'surrogates'....this represents the 'local' level. As the Power of the 'States' became apparent, the Congress of the US devised another Body, in know as the 'Senate'.

The 'Congress' is, in de-facto ideology, supposed to represent ONE 'leg'....but in fact, over time, the 'Congress' has been's getting dangerously close to a Parliamentary System, except there are built-in safe-guards....

THOSE safe-guards are the Judiciary and the Executive 'branches'....and, it's getting more and more obvious how, in the last Administration, the power struggle between these alternate Branches has shifted...and tis is NOT the intent of the Founders!!! Certainly, the Founders could not foresee the technological advances nor the societal changes that we encounter today....BUT, the Constitutition is supposed to be the backbone, the modern equivalent of the 'Magna Carta'....yet, look at how desperate we have become!

Why?!? Because of the greed and excess promulgated by the rampant free-for-all that was the George W. Bush Administration!!!!!

EDIT because....I DID just come full circle to blame a previous Administration...but not Reagan....although, he's dead now....but his ideas....

[edit on 4/10/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by grover

I believe most listen because he is entertaining and good at what he does. He isn't my cup-of-tea but those that like him maintain a very loyal following.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Weedwhacker, I realize that is would be impossible for you to admit Reagan's successful role in the fall of the wall. That's OK...history has proved you wrong.

Reagan was the single most influential individual in the fall of the wall and the former USSR empire.

God Bless America, and God Bless Ronald Reagan.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

Oh I suppose Gorbechov and his policies had nothing to do with it huh Josbecky?

If it weren't for his policies and their impact on the Soviet world all of those people would have been shot dead.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by grover

Since this post is about Rush Limbaugh, your comments about Gorbachev would be referred to by Rush as a "Gorbasm"!

A Gorbasm basically is that feeling of uncontrolled joy and excitement that explodes, or I should say exploded, when Mikhail Gorbachev landed in Washington in 1987 to save the world from Ronald Reagan's finger on the nuclear button. You had all these people, the Drive-Bys and the state department people gathered there on the tarmac, and here came the Aleutian 62, bringing Mikhail Gorbachev to visit with Ronald Reagan. They were panting out there on the tarmac, and they were excited, they could barely contain themselves, and the door to the plane had opened and Gorbachev appeared with that birthmark, and, "Ah, ah, ah, he has come. He's here," and they went nuts. Thus the term Gorbasm was born, created by me on air in Sacramento about the same time we came up with the word feminazi, by the way.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by jerico65

i love it.
When someone knows they are beat....they call in the grammar police.

It's amusing and suffocating to watch people stand up so blindly for a man like Rush Limbaugh.

It just goes to prove that the Nazi's aren't gone quite yet, and lynch mobs have a new strategy.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Fremd

Bravo Fremd. (*) If they can't go toe-to-toe on issues, your are labeled "combative" or they attack semantics or syntax. Which is often the case with me.

Back On Topic:

I suggest that those who find RL entertaing, are the same ones who find their own flatulence aromatic. (Hope I didn't leave any participles dangling.)


[edit on 10-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by RRconservative

Do you have any ideas of your own RR? If so I can't recall any... every time you start spewing forth you channel mushy loosebowels.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Fremd
i love it.
When someone knows they are beat....they call in the grammar police.

Well, if you're going to whine, at least spell things correctly. People will pay attention to you more, and it helps with getting your point across. You can be hitting the nail on the head, but if things are spelled wrong or the grammar is wrong, people will blow you off.

Oh, yeah, and you sure "beat" me. You couldn't even school fish.

Originally posted by Fremd
It's amusing and suffocating to watch people stand up so blindly for a man like Rush Limbaugh.

I don't recall that I was.

Originally posted by Fremd
It just goes to prove that the Nazi's aren't gone quite yet, and lynch mobs have a new strategy.

Wow, once again, the "Nazi" label comes out. Well, I seriously doubt that most women have fantasies about being ravished by a guy dressed as a liberal.

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