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Why Do People Listen to Rush Limbaugh?

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posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

Thanks JSO for expounding on your theory. I enjoyed your salient rebuttal.

I sincerely feel that the majority of his listeners are not as intelligent as yourself and take his words at "face value." That is to say they are not as inclined to consider any broader, underlying concepts as they have been worked into a frenzy. Incited into a mob rage. Perhaps too angry to think clearly. Like "Professional Wrestling."

However, to belittle a person's mental or physical disability in public "crosses the line" as far as I am concerned and points my moral compass due South.

MJF is inflicted with a serious disease. The notion that by not taking his medication he exacerbated its ill effects in order to "gain exposure" is a claim I could live with if true.

So I will concede a "draw" on this one but thank you for the benefit of your reply.

For me, the choice is simple. I'll not tune in to his show.

Ah, ain't America grand?


posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

I sincerely feel that the majority of his listeners are not as intelligent as yourself and take his words at "face value." That is to say they are not as inclined to consider any broader, underlying concepts as they have been worked into a frenzy. Incited into a mob rage.

Typical liberal think.

I was a liberal till I was 35. It took getting a job and having to earn my own money, spending over a year in Africa (and several foreign countries) and starting a business of my own to finally see the light, stop my liberal thinking and become responsible. Most conservatives I've met are in a similar position and have THOROUGHLY thought through their political views.

Again, if you actually listened to RL instead of getting it second hand from bitter politicos, you could understand his thinking and his somewhat suttle humor. But if you read what other people say about him, of course you won't.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:51 PM
Why we listen...Rush quotes 4/14/09

"I love dreams; dreams led to inventions, led to this country. But hope is a different thing. Hope, in many cases, is simply an excuse for not doing anything."

"The idea that Barack Obama is not a partisan, that he's a unifier... How can anybody today still go for that idea? The only way they can is to remember what he said during the campaign, but ignore what he's doing as president."

"So Governor Perry of Texas is not on board with anything that's happening out of the Obama administration. I guess, according to that Department of Homeland Security report, Governor Perry is a right-wing extremist and is encouraging militia groups to form."

"Wouldn't it be nice if the liberals of America actually acknowledged our real enemies the way they acknowledge conservatives?"

"I think I'll send Janet Napolitano a quick little note: 'Madam Secretary, given your latest report from the Department of Homeland Security, don't close Guantanamo Bay. Keep it open so you can ship all the right-wing extremist Americans there.'"

"You know what we have learned about the Somali pirates? The merchant marine organizers that were wiped out by the order of Barack Obama on Sunday? They were teenagers. Now, just imagine the hue and cry had a Republican president ordered the shooting of black teenagers on the high seas!"

"Obama's like every other politician: he's about wiping out his political enemies. Unfortunately, though, he considers conservatives in the United States to be a bigger threat to his country and him than people who want to blow up this country."

"I'm too honest to be a politician."

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by plumranch
reply to
I was a liberal till I was 35. It took getting a job and having to earn my own money, spending over a year in Africa (and several foreign countries) and starting a business of my own to finally see the light, stop my liberal thinking and become responsible. Most conservatives I've met are in a similar position and have THOROUGHLY thought through their political views.

Thanks for sharing the fascinating depiction of your life story. I'm not so sure everyone "outgrows" their political slant as you did. However, by suggesting that a "responsible" person cannot be a "liberal" is one of many fatal flaws in your argument.

As we are all equal in this forum and cloaked by the same veil of internet anonymity, I am intrigued that you could ascertain my station in life or infer that somehow I am unworthy of forming my opinions based on my own life's experiences, successful or otherwise, and forming political views that happen to be contrary to your own. You attempt to deprive me of that right.

If you are jumping to the conclusion that I was referring to you as being among the uneducated listeners, don't let me stop you. You are doing a fine job proving my point.


[edit on 14-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Why we listen...Rush quotes 4/14/09

"Obama's like every other politician: he's about wiping out his political enemies. Unfortunately, though, he considers conservatives in the United States to be a bigger threat to his country and him than people who want to blow up this country."


they just want to over throw the government because they lost an election.
Achieve this by creating war and disrupting the vigilance that should be focused on "EVIL DOERS" that "want to blow up this country".

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
"The idea that Barack Obama is not a partisan, that he's a unifier... How can anybody today still go for that idea? The only way they can is to remember what he said during the campaign, but ignore what he's doing as president."

Yeah and like bush minor was a uniter not a divider.

"I'm too honest to be a politician."

Yeah right!!!

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

However, by suggesting that a "responsible" person cannot be a "liberal" is one of many fatal flaws in your argument.

By no means did I mean this to apply to you. My problem WHEN I was a liberal was that I did not take responsibility for myself and blamed everyone but myself for my problems. That was definately my problem and I finally after much termoil and thought came to grips with it (and incidentlly became a conservative). I would think that type of situation and thinking happens to many. You implied that conservatives are a group of poorly grounded easily swayed individuals looking to RL for direction/ I'm here to say that isn't the case with me and the conservatives I know.

Only you know where you are in all of this.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by plumranch
My problem WHEN I was a liberal was that I did not take responsibility for myself and blamed everyone but myself for my problems.

But don't you understand that has nothing to do with you being a liberal... rather it has everything to do with being irresponsible and you cannot be possibly implying that only conservatives can be responsible... because if you are its a crock.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by grover


Well, as Rush once said:

"Well, if you take it responsibly, the responsibility of being a husband and father, your self-interest is improving the life that your family lives. You want economic opportunity for them. You want social stability for them. You want a relatively crime-free existence. You want some security. You want to see to it that your kids don't go off the wrong path. All of these things are the things that you work for. And you rely on yourself to provide them. Of course you have support groups, the church and friends and so forth. It doesn't mean that you are solitary, doesn't mean that you're isolated. But it means that you accept responsibility for your life and what happens to you is your responsibility, and that you have, in this country, all of the ability and opportunity in the world to make the most of it. Or, you can slough it off, and you can not make the most of yourself."

That would probably pretty well describe what happened to me back at age 35. I was in the Peace Corp for a while, protested at Earth Day, drove the beat up little car and partied big time. Oh yeah and even voted for Walter Mondale and Jimmy Carter and disliked Nixon! Whew!

You think the liberals have a corner on responsibility??

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by plumranch

No I don't... I was just wondering if you think conservatives do?

Understand this neither side has a monopoly on decency, morality, love of country or God, patriotism and all of the rest.

The claim that his side does is the biggest lie mushy loosebowels hawks.

BTW If you think I haven't thoroughly thought out my political, moral and spiritual world views then you are sorely mistaken.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by grover]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by grover

BTW If you think I haven't thoroughly thought out my political, moral and spiritual world views then you are sorely mistaken.

Glad to hear you have thoroughly thought things out! That would put you on par in that respect with me and my conservative friends as well as Rush Limbaugh!

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 05:54 PM
Reasons we listen...Rush quotes 4/15/09

"It is difficult to find, ladies and gentlemen, a time in American history when so many liberals have spent so much time slinging so much mud on an embryonic movement. They are petrified and scared to death of the 500 tea parties!"

"Obama made it plain yesterday in his speech that he wants an entirely new 'foundation' on which to build the United States and the US economy. We already have a foundation. It's called the Constitution!"

"There's a lot of young people at these tea parties, too. That's got to frighten the White House, because young people are supposed to be the new mind-numbed robots blindly following Obama down the path of fairness, equality, and utopia."

"How do you 'earn a tax cut' in Obama's perverted mind and world? You 'earn a tax cut' by not paying any taxes!"

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

I believe you missed one. Apparently today RL verbally attacked President Obama by saying he ordered the murder of teenager pirates.

RUSH: You know what we have learned about the Somali pirates, the merchant marine organizers that were wiped out at the order of Barack Obama, you know what we learned about them? They were teenagers. The Somali pirates, the merchant marine organizers who took a US merchant captain hostage for five days were inexperienced youths, the defense secretary, Roberts Gates, said yesterday, adding that the hijackers were between 17 and 19 years old....They were kids...they were surrounded by all these US Navy ships, big ships, and they just wanted out of there. That's the story, but then when one of them put a gun to the back of the captain, Mr. Phillips, then bam, bam, bam.

C'mon RR you are leaving out the good stuff.........


[edit on 15-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

You know if that would have been Bush, the story the next day would have been...Bush orders the killings of three black Muslim teenagers without a trial!!!! The drive-bys would have had a field day.

This is what Rush is so good at....illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by RRconservative]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
reply to
This is what Rush is so good at....illustrating absurdity by being absurd.

Your quote says it all...we can finally agree he is absurd.

–adjective-utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false: an absurd explanation.
–noun-the quality or condition of existing in a meaningless and irrational world.



[edit on 15-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

For some reason I don't think you have a clue what the phrase "illustrating absurdity by being absurd" means.

Why don't you look up the definition of "illustrating" and put 2 and 2 together and see if it makes more sense to you after that?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Could you kindly provide a link. We liberals are lazy, remember.

I know about parody and credibility. Absurdity, not so much. Which is why I provided definition.

Apparently, you regret your choice of words. For someone who spews so many, you might want to consider them more carefully. Perhaps you should stick to quoting.

Either way......Game Over.


[edit on 15-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by plumranch

Understand this neither side has a monopoly on decency, morality, love of country or God, patriotism and all of the rest.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by grover]

Not all statements are equally true.
Not all worldviews are equally functional.
Some things are more useful for survival than others.
You may not concede the right of people to judge each other, but reality judges them all.
Is there some reason a priori why one political philosophy could not be more detrimental to the survival of its adherents than another?
If everybody you know believes one (different) stupid thing each, does that mean that all of their belief systems are equally stupid?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

Some things are more useful for survival than others. You may not concede the right of people to judge each other, but reality judges them all. Is there some reason a priori why one political philosophy could not be more detrimental to the survival of its adherents than another?

You have that correct! Major differences.

I also agree that:

We are all strong enough to endure the misfortunes of others (translation of your signature from the French).

Bien sure mai. (Apology for the French) LOL

It is a personal responsibility, ie. not that of government!

[edit on 16/4/09 by plumranch]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
reply to post by kinda kurious

You know if that would have been Bush, the story the next day would have been...Bush orders the killings of three black Muslim teenagers without a trial!!!! The drive-bys would have had a field day.

Are we talking about the armed pirates? Because, armed black, muslim, teenage, criminals get killed by US government employees on every President's watch.

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