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Why are so many people calling contrails, Chemtrails?

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posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Phage

Yes infared radiation is over my head and yes I agree that chemtrails dont affect the weather pattern. I dont claim to have any facts only a few theories and contrails is not my specialty.
Just re-checked some comparable photos to base my decision and I'm not always right. Interesting though!

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by doctordoom

In order to do critical thinking and 'deny ignorance', one must cease thinking and observe.

Look up my threads that I posted pics of the Budapest Airshow.
They sprayed, of course, as it was an 'air show'.

The kicker is the spray looks and acts EXACTLY like what we see from the back of planes on a daily basis around the globe.

What you call contrails, yeah - I remember what it looked like. Thin and disappeared fast. No funky sky writing effects, until it suites peoples interest to say that as they can not believe anything else might be causing it.

Again, its quite simple - no one is able to make a difference in the photos I posted of the spray at the air show and what they call there is no is spray and not contrails. - Quite simple really.

What holds people back is the term "chem".
Heck, does it really matter what is being sprayed?
At this point it would just be interesting to see some people wake up and observe the basic facts.

Once people realize that there is spray happening, then you can question why and what for. But by that time our younger generation will know more than us about it.

Dont know how to make it much clearer...all the explanation about how it can be justified as a contrail goes out the door when there are air shows where planes spray for the amusement of the crowds and, again, it acts and looks EXACTLY the same.

Cant believe I have to spell it out like this...really, if people are interested in life, they have to look for themselves - they cant be told.



[edit on 15-3-2009 by dAlen]

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by dAlen

Looks deceive.

Airshow smoke is just that, smoke. It is seen a low altitudes and in specific circumstances.

Contrails are just that condensation trails. Seen at high altitudes over widespread areas. Of course, there are exhaust products included in contrails. The same products which occur whether or not contrails are visible. The same products produced by any jet turbine engine. They are not all that different from the products produced by a diesel engine.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by wonderworld

Don't you have it backward? It was the lack of contrails that is thought to have caused a temperature increase. The effect of contrails on weather and climate is a topic of a lot of study but it has nothing to do with "chemtrails".

Actually it was the diurnal range that increased. ie warmer by day, cooler by night.

Contrails reduce daytime temps but cause an increase at night and in winter. It's currently thought that the net result is a small increase. Minnis etal suggest that contrails alone could explain all warming over the USA during the later part of the 20th century.

Which means if chemtrails are real they're causing AGW .....

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Mason mike
So here is my question. Am I to understand that all of the lines in the sky are chem trails? Or just some of them? Is it every plane out there or just a couple? Do they spray over populated areas only or rural areas as well? Doctor Doom and a few others have stated this theory but left out a good bit of detail. Please enlighten the rest of us as to what exactly the conspiracy is.

My other question is are cars spreading chem trails too? I have noticed on certain days when the outside temperature and humidity are just right, my car and others spread these "chem trails". And Power plants that burn coal seem to have the same issue. Is it possible that not everything in life is a government conspiracy? After all there are plenty of real conspiracies out there.

If you see a car 'trail' hanging over the road for 3 or 4 hours, you should take a step back.
Breath in a sample and run to the E.R. and demand a test done..

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by dAlen
In order to do critical thinking and 'deny ignorance', one must cease thinking and observe.

Look up my threads that I posted pics of the Budapest Airshow.
They sprayed, of course, as it was an 'air show'.

The kicker is the spray looks and acts EXACTLY like what we see from the back of planes on a daily basis around the globe.

Please at airshows either use smokewinders, which look like wingtip missiles or, in the case of Red Arrows, and other display teams, small amounts of dyed coloured diesel, held in a seperate tank within the aircraft is sprayed via a nozzle into the jet exhaust. The principal of operation is the same in each case, and the amount of fuel held is only sufficient for the length of the display.


Red Arrows - The Hawk Aircraft

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by dAlen

Looks deceive.

Airshow smoke is just that, smoke. It is seen a low altitudes and in specific circumstances.

And silver iodide smoke is what they are spraying

The ice-forming ability of silver-iodide smoke depends upon the size of the smoke particles in a way which can be calculated. From this relation, it is possible to find the maximum number of nuclei produced, per gram of silver iodide, which are active at a given temperature.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by doctordoom

No, airshows use fuel and oil to make the smoke.

High quality white smoke is obtained using Texaco Canopus 13 oil.

with the exception of smoke generation modifications and a slightly uprated engine giving a faster response time. The smoke generation system pumps diesel mixed with appropriately coloured dye into the jet exhaust to produce the colourful vapour trails that enhance both visual effect and flight safety. This allows 5 minutes of white smoke, 1 minute of red and 1 of blue.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 05:34 PM
I guess my inital questions were too difficult for the chem trailers to answer? If you want to tell the world about this evil thing, you might want to make sure YOU know what it is you are talking about. Again, I will say it real slow:

"So here is my question. Am I to understand that all of the lines in the sky are chem trails? Or just some of them? Is it every plane out there or just a couple? Do they spray over populated areas only or rural areas as well? Doctor Doom and a few others have stated this theory but left out a good bit of detail. Please enlighten the rest of us as to what exactly the conspiracy is. "

Please answer these questions so the rest of the room can be let in on your little secret.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Mason mike
Am I to understand that all of the lines in the sky are chem trails? Or just some of them? Is it every plane out there or just a couple? Do they spray over populated areas only or rural areas as well? Doctor Doom and a few others have stated this theory but left out a good bit of detail. Please enlighten the rest of us as to what exactly the conspiracy is. "

How about you ask them to explain the meteorological dynamics of the upper troposphere and the effects of the introduction of hot water vapour introduced rapidly into a super cooled environment, and the possible supersaturation, that occurs with that

Whats the bet that none of the chemtrailers can answer that correctly

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
Chemtrails Flights Exposed - Evergreen Aviation (A CIA Front)

Is possibly the largest Aviation and logistics company which is a major front for Government Black Ops. Also possibly the company responsible for the so-called Chemtrails Flights. Read what I have to say....

I have worked in a number or different aviation related jobs at a handful of airports over the past 15 years. I worked for FedEx for a few years as well as had direct contact with Evergreen Aviation and their employees.

The USPS (United States Postal Service) contracts all of the USPS Express mail, airmail, and overnight types of USPS services to FedEx because of the FedEx Express air logistics network which always has connecting overnight aircraft.

Evergreen Aviation is contracted by the USPS to pick-up the USPS shipments from FedEx. Evergreen Aviation then sorts the deliveries and USPS trucks pick-up the sorted deliveries and takes them to the individual post offices.

This system offers the perfect opportunity for a government run package logistics cover operation. Any airport which handles USPS can therefore be used to ship secret government shipments of ANYTHING (weapons, drugs, secret equipment, tech, documents, bombs, use your darkest imagination).

Also because the USPS is operated within the government the situation allows very easy financial back-scratching both ways and makes it easy to cover it up using and a combination of methods such as contracts, special accounts, and fake front companies to pay for the shipments. Just imagine how easy it would be for a guy in a suit to show up at a post office in Washington D.C. with a package and ship it overnight via the USPS and pays a huge amount for the service using a front-company government black-budget credit card to pay for it.

At my job with FedEx at two different airports, both times FedEx had this relationship with Evergreen Aviation. They would pick up the containers filled with USPS Express shipments from FedEx once we unloaded our FedEx aircraft. Then later, Evergreen would bring back outbound shipments for us to load on outbound FedEx aircraft.

I noticed a consistency with Evergreen Aviation at both locations: Their equipment and personnel were substandard. But from what I heard they were paid very well and had great benefits. This also sounds like a government operation: Contract work which is over-budgeted overpaid employees, equipment which is poorly maintained, and employees who don’t ask questions.

I had never been to the Evergreen Aviation website before today and found some very interesting things…

On Evergreen’s VERY OWN ‘about Evergreen’ webpage they write this… “Evergreen is recognized as a world leader in air freight and aviation services with a broad base of customers including other air carriers, aviation companies and GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES.”

Where does a company get the money and CONNECTIONS to use technology such as unmanned aerial vehicles? “Currently employing the Insitu A-20 Insight, Evergreen concentrates on commercial, Unmanned Aerial surveillance with both maritime and land-based applications.”

Evergreen Unmanned Systems (EUS)

The technology relationship Evergreen has with Boeing makes the evidence of government cover operation meddling overwhelming in this situation. This quote from the main webpage of Evergreen: “Boeing Trusts Evergreen with the 787”

Evergreen Aviation: 747 Supertanker Capabilites
"Response Time
The aircraft will be fully loaded and on alert status 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
I mean, where does a company get the money and ability to maintain loaded 747s tankers 24/7/365 for worldwide deployment? A big government contact?

After visiting the website I must say I am surprised how much this operation reeks of black-budget funding.

Another situation came to my realization.
I believe is the term CHEMTRAILS is a term which was coined by government counter intelligence operatives to misdirect and discredit the suspicions of conspiracy theorists with ideas about the suspicious white four-engine aircraft which criss-cross the US skies spraying tic-tac-toe formations which spread into a thin sky filling haze. These are NOT chemicals which are meant to affect people on the ground (both chemtrail points are popular misdirection arguments used by disinformants trying to discredit the investigation).

What I do know is that I have seen the spraying with my own eyes. The aircraft were white four-engine aircraft ‘mowing the lawn’ in the sky making repeated consecutive parallel lines numbering over 15 in a clear pattern across the sky to create a perfectly planned spread to fill the sky with a full haze in a few hours.

It is my belief that these spraying operations are intended to control the albedo and therefore the temperatures and weather. Whether or not the intent of the spraying is weather modification, to counteract global warming, to control precipitation, or even possibly to add elements to the atmosphere for the use of HAARP related technologies, I cannot say.

What does strike me is how Evergreen Aviation is: connected to Boeing and government agencies, has very advanced technology, a huge fleet of White 747 tanker aircraft, and the Global logistics to make it all happen under the guise of shipments and all paid for with blank government contract checks.

Even Evergreen boasts they are in the Weather Modification business HERE: on their own website.
• Firefighting
• Oil Spill Containment
• Weather Modification
• Biochemical Decontamination"

Evergreen Aviation would be the perfect cover for such a massive operation. Large numbers of repeated flights of 747s could be accounted for by saying they are being used for US military shipments of supplies or relief supplies. Just make up your own cover story from a huge list of cover stories…It would be so easy.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Jezus

And the point of that was? Evergreen had one Supertanker and it doesn't fly anymore. They converted it back to a cargo plane after the contract talks fell through.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I was kind of thinking that an engine taking in moist air and using it to cool turbine blades as it burned JP8 jet fuel and then exuasting out the spent hot air in a very cold environment would cause some residual steam to freeze and be seen for miles. But then again what do I know. It must be the evil government spraying mind control magic dust on the population. Going on what I read a bit ago, why would the people who design this evil plan let planes spray the air and then walk around in it and breath the air? That would be like shooting a gun up in the air and waiting to see if the bullets that fall would hurt. Common sense is dead. Long live stupidity.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by wonderworld

Don't you have it backward? It was the lack of contrails that is thought to have caused a temperature increase. The effect of contrails on weather and climate is a topic of a lot of study but it has nothing to do with "chemtrails".

Actually it was the diurnal range that increased. ie warmer by day, cooler by night.

Contrails reduce daytime temps but cause an increase at night and in winter. It's currently thought that the net result is a small increase. Minnis etal suggest that contrails alone could explain all warming over the USA during the later part of the 20th century.

Which means if chemtrails are real they're causing AGW .....

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 06:24 PM
OOPS didnt mean to put the quote box here and reply to myself.

I'll repost my comment.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Mason mike
reply to post by OzWeatherman

But then again what do I know. It must be the evil government spraying mind control magic dust on the population.

Lol, not to mention the fact, that at the height the planes cruise, anything expelled from the exchaust would not hit the ground. One only has to see data from a weather balloon to realise that the winds over those thousands of feet are high speed and greatly vary in direction. Imagine realising something into the jetstream (winds over 200kmph), the thing you let go would end up hundred and maybe even thousands of miles away

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I didn't think parakeet (doctordoom) would have the nads to actually answer my questions. He likes the post and run technique. Kind of like a drive by but without bullits. Maybe another poster here has the answers.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Essan

Yes, that was what I meant the diurnal temp was changed but INCREASED the temperature higher up in the atmosphere. where it is colder. I must have been mistaken though? I’ll just take your word on that. The SR 71 Blackbird most likely wouldn’t leave much of a contrail. To determine the difference between a chemtrail I think there are more factors needed to solve that question. It may forever remain a conspiracy theory. The chem guys with the testers seem to be ready to challenge the next sighting. There has been a rapid increase of law enforcement and military training requiring them to bring their chem suits. Maybe a coincidence, however I don’t believe in coincidences. No wonder people are calling them chemtrails.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by doctordoom
reply to post by neformore

Why do you insist on ignoring the entire question of the thread.

Why are there so many people who believe in chemtrails?

Do a Chemtrail Google search.


Results about 1,150,000 for chemtrails.

All those people are wrong?

Chemtrails are just polymers. A binding agent. What they find in them (varies) is what is in the air already. They are trying to remove contaminants of all sorts from the breathable air and bring them to ground.

Possibly this has something to do with micro fine particles of DU also. But there are many harmful contaminants. Coal power plants use the cheapest coal that gives off lead and mercury. Of course once the polymer binds to the contaminant and hits the ground it can get into the water supply eventually.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 07:17 PM
We also dump lots of crap in the sky, gas, etc but will dissipate before hitting the ground. That may look somewhat like a chemtrail? Ive never seen it but know it happens.

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