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Why are so many people calling contrails, Chemtrails?

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posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
Anyways, as stated here, the trail lasted so long that if he wanted to continiue timing the trail, he had to get in hes car and drive after it beyond the horizon, and you can not say that for normal contrails, as he also states here, is that the contrails on this day, lasted about 20 seconds, afew lasted abit longer but not even close to 5 and 6 hours.

Debunk that without just denying Chemtrails..

That's an easy one. They were flying at different altitudes. One was flying at an altitude where the atmospheric conditions were better for a contrail to persist than the others. As for the flights not on flight tracker, they were most likely military flights, which could have been anything.

reply to doctordoom

Yeah, you're right. ATS comes to us and tells us when you guys are getting too close to the truth and starting to get too much evidence and that we have to start a new thread to bury these.

[edit on 3/16/2009 by Zaphod58]

[edit on 3/16/2009 by Zaphod58]

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather

Anyways, as stated here, the trail lasted so long that if he wanted to continiue timing the trail, he had to get in hes car and drive after it beyond the horizon, and you can not say that for normal contrails

That's why we use satellite to observe the more persistent contrails

I believe individual contrails have been observed to last more than 24 hours, though can't find reference to this off hand.

This paper refers to observations of Boeing 747 contrails lasting up to 6 hours:

and is worth reading in full if you're interested in "chemtrails"

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Whatever it is they are putting in chemtrails must be some good stuff, because average life expectancies keep increasing.

Keep pumping !!!!

(PS - Your average chemtrail conspiracy theorist tends to ignore the above)

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 02:43 PM
For myself, I am more concerned about the pollution coming from cars, factories etc.

While working on a site near a pulp and paper mill, the chemicals they use to treat their product are far more dangerous IMO. The smell was horrible and the mill was spewing out from its stack close to ground level as opposed to chemtrailing several thousands of feet up. I remember one employee of the mill telling me that if suddenly I see a green cloud, run the other direction and if I couldn't make it, kiss my arse goodbye.

Maybe its time we focused our energy and attention on those kinds of polluters rather than arguing back and forth on the chemtrail issue, which really cannot be 100% proven as fact.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by QBSneak000

Funny you mention paper mills:

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

lol, thats not surprising. When I was a kid, my friends and I would camp out in a forest that was nest to a concrete factory. We woke up at around 4am one night and the air was thick and smelled like sulfur. We managed to make it back to my friends place but we were all sick for a few days. Im guessing the plant had decided to vent its toxic crap at a time when no one would notice.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by QBSneak000

I had to pick up a load of paper at a paper mill. I was there long enough to sweep out my trailer, pick up the loaded one, and get out and it was horrible. It reeked of sulfur. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 07:06 AM
What Im about to post is of the extreme, and do not help the chemtrail case.
But, IF it is true
, it is serious bizznizz....
PS: I do not fully believe this theory, yet.
Chemtrail attack

From source:

If I flat out told you that you had at least 4 different pathogens growing in your body right now which are reassembling in the body to turn into nanomachines which are internally microchipping you, making your whole body one big antenna so you can be easily manipulated and controlled by the ruling elite via high tech mind control technology intended to turn this into a prison planet, would you believe me?

Here the claim is, that there are atleast 4 pathogens growing in us, next quote is from another webpage, and it states :

I now have lab samples from a lab that tested "chemtrail" fallout without being told what it was. Among other nasties, the lab results show three distinct pathogens, air-dropped on a garage in the USA - probably from leaking nozzles on an approach to a nearby airport. A neighboring house was also splattered. The woman whose place was hit go sick and suffered a severe heart attack a few months later. No, it wasn't from too much cholesterol. It was caused by bacteria eating the walls of her heart.

Link is here: Chemtrail Reports

Out of the claim of Arthur Cristian that there are four types of pathogens, three are shown up in a labreport by William Thomas.
For me, it say: theorized and proven. only thing I need to find, is the report it self. Until then,I'm just having this information in the back of my head.

More from the first link:

Its not hard to see from this why they're working so hard to ban our access to dietary supplements and herbs via Codex and related harmonization efforts including bills C-51/ C-52 in Canada, the EU Directives, and the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter.

Here are more from the second link:

We have similar samples from a home in a distant state and we are now testing for correlation. The EPA-registered lab we hired wants to know where we got this "biohazard" material, which includes organisms found only in a research lab.

And CodeX is just as real you and I ..
Codex Home Page

So, what do we have here?, we have 'toxins' in the air that weakens the body, and we now in this year 2009, getting stripped of vitamins and getting 'forced' to eat GMO foods.. It is all under the CodeX..

Here is an short version youtube clip about Codex.
youtube Link Codex
( Youtube thing to work. )

And this american dude have invested three weeks on researching Codex information told by Dr. Laibow from the first Youtube clip..
Codex explained by civilian .

'' The FDA's war on Mother Nature
It's not the first time the FDA has declared a natural molecule to be a "drug" while attacking nutritional supplements that contain the same molecule.''
ATS link HERE !!

Happy deBunking ... I will find that report and post it , I dont know how long it could take, if it exists that is..Hope it does..

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by QBSneak000
We woke up at around 4am one night and the air was thick and smelled like sulfur. We managed to make it back to my friends place but we were all sick for a few days. Im guessing the plant had decided to vent its toxic crap at a time when no one would notice.

Since you mention sulphur;

Have you read Dr. Edward Teller's article 'Sunscreen For Planet Earth, wherein he asserts that sunlight-scattering particles should be sprayed into the stratosphere ? - In it, he states that sulphur would fulfill this role quite effectively and economically:

“Contemporary technology offers considerably more realistic options for addressing any global warming effect than politicians and environmental activists are considering. Some of these may be far less burdensome than even a system of market-allocated emissions permits (i.e. Kyoto , W.H.). One particularly attractive approach involves diminishing slightly – by about 1 percent – the amount of sunlight reaching the earth’s surface in order to counteract any warming effect of greenhouse gases.”

“As the National Academy of Sciences commented a few years ago in a landmark report: ‘Perhaps one of the surprises of this analysis is the relatively low costs at which some of the geoengineering options might be implemented.’ …But for some reason, this option isn’t as fashionable as all-out war on fossil fuels and the people who use them.

If the politics of global warming require that ‘something must be done’ while we still don't know whether anything really needs to be done--let alone what exactly--let us play to our uniquely American strengths in innovation and technology to offset any global warming by the least costly means possible. While scientists continue research into any global climatic effects of greenhouse gases, we ought to study ways to offset any possible ill effects.

Injecting sunlight-scattering particles into the stratosphere appears to be a promising approach. Why not do that?”

*Here are two more sources that contain similiar articles that both reference sulphur/sulphates as being suitable for use in this sort of program:

[edit on 18-3-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Since you mention sulphur;

Have you read Dr. Edward Teller's article 'Sunscreen For Planet Earth, wherein he asserts that sunlight-scattering particles should be sprayed into the stratosphere ? - In it, he states that sulphur would fulfill this role quite effectively and economically

There's been a lot more research since Teller made that suggestion, ie:

But studies have also thrown up all manner of problems with such a proposal:

As for the idea of spraying nanobots or pathogens into us, I really wish they'd come to me first. I could have shown them how to do it with ten thousands times better efficiency for a tiny fraction of the cost. And it wouldn't have taken them 20 years to infect just a few dozen people either .....

[edit on 18-3-2009 by Essan]

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Essan
As for the idea of spraying nanobots or pathogens into us, I really wish they'd come to me first. I could have shown them how to do it with ten thousands times better efficiency for a tiny fraction of the cost. And it wouldn't have taken them 20 years to infect just a few dozen people either .....


The articles I just posted aren't about spraying "nanobots or pathogens into us" - You seem to insinuate that they are, which is certainly not the case.

Poor form.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Sorry, I was referring in that respect to chembreather's post above yours

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 10:04 AM
After skimming this thread I have to wonder how many folks who are so worried about chemtrails are still consuming aspartame laced diet soft drinks?

I debunk chemtrails simply because it is an extremely inefficient delivery system.
Why spread a fine mist at 30,000 feet when you can just add an artificial sweetener like Nutra-Sweet to billions of cans of soda and other food items? (It's even in some yogurts).

Speaking as someone who has followed an 18-wheeler live chicken transport truck in a Jeep with the top down on the highway, there are far more efficient ways to spread a secret government chemical agent to the masses.


posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Essan
reply to post by Exuberant1

Sorry, I was referring in that respect to chembreather's post above yours

I hope you read that I do not believe in that theory , YET.
But,again I say that I do not believe all the people are lying.
Miss-informants mix truth with fiction you know..

That is why I read alot about all topics, like the morgellons desease, all those people arnt lying, and the findings arent fake either.
The 'eveidence' is collected at doctors offices and at health care centers, one can not simply dismiss it all that due to the fact is smells Sci-Fi.

If the scientists in Isreal find hard solid evidence that the universe is an hologram, what then ? write it of as lies and move on ..?
That would mean that the truth, the whole truth is nothing more than what is published in government books in schools and libraries, do you believe that, Sir ?
No Sir, things change, and if the evidence change , so must the theory..
From CSI
Gil Grissom

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Razmear23
After skimming this thread I have to wonder how many folks who are so worried about chemtrails are still consuming aspartame laced diet soft drinks?

I debunk chemtrails simply because it is an extremely inefficient delivery system.
Why spread a fine mist at 30,000 feet when you can just add an artificial sweetener like Nutra-Sweet to billions of cans of soda and other food items? (It's even in some yogurts).

Speaking as someone who has followed an 18-wheeler live chicken transport truck in a Jeep with the top down on the highway, there are far more efficient ways to spread a secret government chemical agent to the masses.


I try to stay clear of aspartame, I just stopped eating my fav. pastilles Dent just of that, and I dont rubb fluoride poison in my gums either..

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by ChemBreather

That article would make sense, given that many victims of Morgellons are found with nano-fibers growing out of their skin!
Maybe they are trying to make people electo-receptors!

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by ChemBreather

I don't drink or eat diet artificial stuff either!
A fellow pre-K teacher went to the doctor with seizures and they hooked her up to a nuero reader thing and gave her a diet drink to start an onset of seizure activity!
She had been drinking diet drinks for decades!

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 10:46 AM
FROM 2012 FORUM . Im just c&p it here, same issue.

Hi, this might be the wrong place for this post, but i've put it here because the subject may go up to an extra-terrastrial level.

Has anyone else heard about Morgellon's disease? I've done a bit of research over the past couple of days and jeez this is scary #. Basically people feel like things are crawling all over them 24/7,are chronically fatigued, and develop skin lesions from which coloured fibres protrude. And when analysed it seems these fibres don't burn, don't match any existing substance and appear to be non-organic.

more info;

some even think it's some weird alien virus that came to earth on a meteorite, or that this is an attempt by the reptilians or greys to prevent our ascension.

Either way, it's been claimed to be the next epidemic, (a thousand new cases emerge every day) and it's not pretty.

And I have extracted this from one of the link there, same story here too:
'' Subject No. 1. Male subject aged 55 years. No visible "Morgellons"symptoms.
Dental-gum expelled sample. Sample extracted with use of hydrogen peroxide-red wine mix.
(please refer to Morgellons: A Natural Medicine Approach, by Gwen Scott N.D.)
Three pathogenic forms visible: bounding filament (black border),
sub-micron interior filament network (blue arrows) and Chlamydia-like organisms(red circles).
These same pathogenic forms repeatedly found in an individual with
visible skin anomalies characteristic of the so-called "Morgellons" condition.
Magnification approx. 7000x. ''

Three Pathogens, and there are pictures...

So, more proofs of what I say . It is just a matter of time before all the pieces are linked together.

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather

If the scientists in Isreal find hard solid evidence that the universe is an hologram, what then ? write it of as lies and move on ..?

Nah, if that happened the universe would just fold in on itself and turn into something even more bizarre!

That would mean that the truth, the whole truth is nothing more than what is published in government books in schools and libraries, do you believe that, Sir ?
No Sir, things change, and if the evidence change , so must the theory..
From CSI
Gil Grissom

That's exactly how science works - and why scientific theories are always changing as new data comes to light

(but possibly it's not taught in schools quite like that .... )

posted on Mar, 18 2009 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by ChemBreather

If the scientists in Isreal find hard solid evidence that the universe is an hologram, what then ? write it of as lies and move on ..?

Nah, if that happened the universe would just fold in on itself and turn into something even more bizarre!

You were saying ;

If this doesn’t blow your socks off, then Hogan, who has just been appointed director of Fermilab’s Center for Particle Astrophysics, has an even bigger shock in store: “If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram.”

Checkout the Link !

Our world may be a giant hologram

Are we living in a world where EVERY BODY LIES ?
Who in the name of god can we trust ???

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