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Paul ~ Inventing a new saviour

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posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
You contradict yourself Justamomma ..If Jesus was nothing but a mere man like Paul ....and he CLAIMED TO BE THE SON OF GOD and possibly even God himself ..Why on earth then would you tell others to READ WHAT HE WROTE

It is not a hard concept. He never claimed to be THE Son of G.d. NOt once.

Because His words are where the path to Life is.

Paul says it is his death.

Jesus' words = path to Life

Paul's words = path to death

They contradict one another.

You are too focused on Paul and under that brainwash that he was able to pull on you that you fail to realize, *I* am the one encouraging you to search and seek for yourself.

How is that wrong?

You are the ones defending a man. Do you not see your silliness?

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
I say again ....Paul taught NOTHING OTHER than what Jesus taught and the other Apostles taught ....

You might as well toss the whole NT in the trash then .............
Which is exactly what satan would love for all of you children of the world to do you will DIE STILL IN YOUR SINS ....

Paul taught opposite of what Jesus taught. So, no, I have never said to throw out all of the NT... you have learned well from the one you follow.

I have learned well from the One I follow.

I have learned knowledge.. you have learned threats. Re read what you wrote.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
reply to post by Christ!

Can any good come from satan ? NO >..does he teach preach share LOVE and FORGIVENESS ? NO >......does he create in you a clean heart ? NO >>.....
Does he tell you to love thy neighbor as yourself ?:NO ..does he teach you to LOVE THE LORD THY GOD with all your heart soul and mind ? NO >>..Do IDOLS teach that ? NO >>>......
Well that is what JESUS and his Apostles TAUGHT and TEACH to this day ..

An idol will teach you that you are an individual, a "child" of gOd, "grafted in", "adopted". But an idol will not tell you the truth about your Self. Have any of your idols told you that you are Christ, the one and only Son of the true GoD? Then no matter how much they speak of "love", they don't know what they are talking about. Though they tell you to love your neighbor as yourself, they will not tell you that your neighbor IS yourself. And in this way, an idol maintains your belief in separation, and not oneness. And this will keep you from the Kingdom of God, and block your way home.


[edit on 17-1-2009 by Christ!]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Christ!
An idol will teach you that you are an individual, a "child" of gOd, "grafted in", "adopted". But an idol will not tell you the truth about your Self. Have any of your idols told you that you are Christ, the one and only Son of the true GoD? Then no matter how much they speak of "love", they don't know what they are talking about. Though they tell you to love your neighbor as yourself, they will not tell you that your neighbor IS yourself. And in this way, an idol maintains your belief in separation, and not oneness. And this will keep you from the Kingdom of God, and block your way home.


Very well stated. Thank you for posting this lovely bit of knowledge.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
reply to post by Christ!

Can any good come from satan ? NO >..does he teach preach share LOVE and FORGIVENESS ? NO >......does he create in you a clean heart ? NO >>.....
Does he tell you to love thy neighbor as yourself ?:NO ..does he teach you to LOVE THE LORD THY GOD with all your heart soul and mind ? NO >>..Do IDOLS teach that ? NO >>>......
Well that is what JESUS and his Apostles TAUGHT and TEACH to this day ..

We must "atone" to go home. Atonement is at-one-ment. It is the regathering of the dispersed Son of God into the One that he was before he left his Father's Kingdom to go wandering off into a "far off land" [in his own mind]. We only begin to atone as we accept that our neighbor is an extention of ourself. Our neighbor, as a flesh and blood thing, is not our Self as we were created by our Father. As such, our neighbor is a self-concept or our Self...a mask over the face of Christ. To truly forgive, we must overlook the mask, and see the truth about our neighbor. As we do so, we see the truth about our Self. In this way, we establish our innocence as the truth about who we are. We are glorious...unless we deny it. Even so, we are still glorious. But we cannot see it as we deny it. To the degree that we deny it, we are "blind".

All idols prevent atonement. That is their function. It matters not what flowery smooth words they use to accomplish their purpose.


[edit on 17-1-2009 by Christ!]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Christ!
We must "atone" to go home. Atonement is at-one-ment. It is the regathering of the dispersed Son of God into the One that he was before he left his Father's Kingdom to go wandering off into a far off land. We only begin to atone as we accept that our neighbor is an extention of ourself. Our neighbor, as a flesh and blood thing, is not our Self as we were created by our Father. As such, our neighbor is a self-concept or our Self...a mask over the face of Christ. To truly forgive, we must overlook the mask, and see the truth about our neighbor. As we do so, we see the truth about ourSelf. In this way, we establish our innocence as the truth about who we are. We are glorious...unless we deny it. Even so, we are still glorious. But we cannot see it as we deny it.

All idols prevent atonement. That is their function. It matters not what flowery smooth words they use to accomplish their purpose.


I love the perspective you have brought to this thread. I am seeing what I knew in a different light. You have hit the nail on the head with this post!

It is the same concept as what Jesus said... a house divided against itself cannot stand.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Christ!
Originally posted by Simplynoone
reply to post by Christ!

Have any of your idols told you that you are Christ, the one and only Son of the true GoD? Then no matter how much they speak of "love", they don't know what they are talking about. Though they tell you to love your neighbor as yourself, they will not tell you that your neighbor IS yourself.

Hence why Jesus said (paraphrased) that what we do to the least, is what we do to him.

I have seen what the only begotten son of God is, it is the whole of manifested creation...that it is Christ, some of it sleeps and some of it is awake.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by L.I.B.]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

Originally posted by Christ!
We must "atone" to go home. Atonement is at-one-ment. It is the regathering of the dispersed Son of God into the One that he was before he left his Father's Kingdom to go wandering off into a far off land. We only begin to atone as we accept that our neighbor is an extention of ourself. Our neighbor, as a flesh and blood thing, is not our Self as we were created by our Father. As such, our neighbor is a self-concept or our Self...a mask over the face of Christ. To truly forgive, we must overlook the mask, and see the truth about our neighbor. As we do so, we see the truth about ourSelf. In this way, we establish our innocence as the truth about who we are. We are glorious...unless we deny it. Even so, we are still glorious. But we cannot see it as we deny it.

All idols prevent atonement. That is their function. It matters not what flowery smooth words they use to accomplish their purpose.


I love the perspective you have brought to this thread. I am seeing what I knew in a different light. You have hit the nail on the head with this post!

It is the same concept as what Jesus said... a house divided against itself cannot stand.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by justamomma]

Thank you!

Yes, "a house divided against itself cannot stand".
When the mind of Christ is divided against itself, it produces a conflict of interest.
The world is the *fallout* of that conflict.
On one side of the mind of Christ is "the universe".
On the other side is the *Kingdom of God*.

Both are "within" Christ.
One is the truth, the other is an idol.
The truth exists, the idol does not.
This is a conflict of interest.

The idol is interested in establishing itself as *THE* "universe" to the exclusion of the "Kingdom of God".
Everything about "the world" is about establishing "the world" as the exclusion of REALITY ITSELF.
Reality isSelf is Christ.
The world is about the exclusion of Christ...the exclusion of the truth.

For this reason it is said that the "Lamb of God" was...
..."slain before the foundation of the world".
This means that "the world" *slays* the truth by imposing its own "reality" upon Reality.
In this way, the world mocks and mangles the Truth beyond recognition.
In this way, the world crucifies the Truth.
The world IS the crucifixion of Christ.
From beginning to end, the whole history of the world is about the crucifixion of Christ.

Jesus told us this in *parody* and *parable*.

Understood properly, the parody of the crucifixion of "the Truth" speaks of the genesis of the world. This means that the world begins as an attack on GoD. Therefore, Hebrew genesis lore is misleading. Hence, the house of Israel is "lost". Once they understand Jesus version of the genesis of the world, they can then follow Jesus to the true exodus from the world. True exodus is through *resurrection*, which is *awakinging from sleep*. Sleeping, the Son of God dreams of exile, dispersion, separation, guilt, fear and...death. Awaking, the Son of God knows himself as *the Truth*, and *the Life*.

Salvation is for the mind of Christ.
Split, it is sick, conflicted, insane, twisted, torn, dead and destroyed.
Whole, it is well, healed, and *holy* and alive.
Salvation is psychological.
All who participate in the world have invested in the split off part of the mind of Christ with their faith.
To be whole, they must put their faith in the whole mind of Christ, and identify with it as their own.
Then, they must *choose* where they will place their loyalties.
This is what it is meant to be "single-minded".
We must have one purpose - GoDs purpose - to atone.
There is no compromise on this issue.


[edit on 17-1-2009 by Christ!]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:30 PM
O.k. I am going to answer a few posts in one.

I am not afraid of going against Paul or getting God mad at me.

Now, justaminute justamomma (lol sorry, had to, it was too perfect to pass up). Seriously, though... Whom the Lord loves He chastens. I am not afraid of Gods chastening or rebuke, because that is where God corrects me of wrong thinking and it shows me He still loves me.

I have read and continue to read the four gospels and the old testament for about 9 years. I cannot find what you are saying about Paul inventing a new savior. In fact, 1cor.8:6 states exactly what Pauls understanding of God and Jesus was.

I did not ask an unholy spirit to answer me. I did not ask an idol either. I asked my creator, my Father God. I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit as in the way that Jesus described.

As far as being brainwashed, yes I have. I have been washed by the Word of God which cleanses my thoughts. He washed my mind with truth and in doing so removed the lies. I still have trouble in the flesh but that I where I have yielded to my flesh and not God. I speak as concerning 1john2:15-16. But I thank God that I die to those things daily. Anyway, that's a whole nother thread topic there.

Whenever I have gone to God in search of His truth, I am filled with more faith. When I listen to some posts here from people who don't like Paul, my faith gets torn down. It does not bring me closer to God. So I must conclude that my battle is not with people who object to Pauls teaching, but rather with the spiritual wickedness that is trying to make shipwreck of my faith and/or relationship with God.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by L.I.B.

Originally posted by Christ!
Originally posted by Simplynoone
reply to post by Christ!

Have any of your idols told you that you are Christ, the one and only Son of the true GoD? Then no matter how much they speak of "love", they don't know what they are talking about. Though they tell you to love your neighbor as yourself, they will not tell you that your neighbor IS yourself.

Hence why Jesus said (paraphrased) that what we do to the least, is what we do to him.

I have seen what the only begotten son of God is, it is the whole of manifested creation...that it is Christ, some of it sleeps and some of it is awake.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by L.I.B.]

Yes brother.

Jesus said that because as Jesus identified with Christ, he included everyone and everything with him Self. And forgiving everyone and everything, Jesus *overlooked* the *appearances* of separation, and *saw* the glory of the Son of God instead. And seeing the glory of the Son of God, he saw him Self.

Until we overlook the *appearance* of our neighbor, we will be "blind" to the glory of the Son of God, which is there to be seen, any time we will *forgive*. The appearance of our neighbor is a *mask* or, "veil" over the face of Christ. We must lift the veil...take off the our willingness to *let the truth be true*. This is the true meaning of forgiveness. Forgiveness is the end of a dark masquerade party, in which we hide our true identities from each other through strange appearances and insane actions. None of the masquerade is true. None of the actions are true.

What we "do" to "him" [Christ] is to blind ourselves to his glory. When we do not overlook our neighbors mask, we do not allow our neighbor to be who they are: the Truth. And in this way, we keep them imprisoned within their mask. And as we do so, we do it to ourselves as well. Thus, as we bound as we bind, and as we release we are released.

The whole of manifestation is Christ...masked. What we call "the universe", however, is the whole of manifestation [think: magic] and is nOt the true Creation.

In "baptism" we identify ourselves with the whole of manifestation...which is "Christ crucified". But we also identify ourselves with the whole Creation of GoD *Our Father*. And in this way, we let the words of truth wash away the manifestation from our minds. In this way, we "take up our cross" and follow Jesus to the Father...back Home...where we belong.

That is why baptism is likened to the flood of Noah. What true baptism does is wash away the entire world from our mind...for the entire world is an insane manifestation [hallucination, optical delusion] within the mind of Christ. Only as we identify with the mind of Christ are we able to wash it clean of insanity "sin". Here is a better definition of "sin" to help this process. Think of s.i.n. as an acronym meaning *seriously insane notions*. The whole world is a thought [notion] in the mind of Christ. It is an insane thought. Only as it is taken *seriously* does it become "real" as an experience. Taken for what it is - nothing - it is washed away...returning to where it came from - nowhere.


[edit on 17-1-2009 by Christ!]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Christ!

Yes brother.

I was hoping that you would see that we were saying the same thing.

The whole of manifestation is Christ...masked. What we call "the universe", however, is the whole of manifestation [think: magic] and is nOt the true Creation.

Mind explaining this "not the true Creation" a little more?

Thanking you in advance.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by One4truth
O.k. I am going to answer a few posts in one.

I am not afraid of going against Paul or getting God mad at me.

Now, justaminute justamomma (lol sorry, had to, it was too perfect to pass up). Seriously, though... Whom the Lord loves He chastens. I am not afraid of Gods chastening or rebuke, because that is where God corrects me of wrong thinking and it shows me He still loves me.

I have read and continue to read the four gospels and the old testament for about 9 years. I cannot find what you are saying about Paul inventing a new savior. In fact, 1cor.8:6 states exactly what Pauls understanding of God and Jesus was.

I did not ask an unholy spirit to answer me. I did not ask an idol either. I asked my creator, my Father God. I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit as in the way that Jesus described.

As far as being brainwashed, yes I have. I have been washed by the Word of God which cleanses my thoughts. He washed my mind with truth and in doing so removed the lies. I still have trouble in the flesh but that I where I have yielded to my flesh and not God. I speak as concerning 1john2:15-16. But I thank God that I die to those things daily. Anyway, that's a whole nother thread topic there.

Whenever I have gone to God in search of His truth, I am filled with more faith. When I listen to some posts here from people who don't like Paul, my faith gets torn down. It does not bring me closer to God. So I must conclude that my battle is not with people who object to Pauls teaching, but rather with the spiritual wickedness that is trying to make shipwreck of my faith and/or relationship with God.

Brother, let me address your signature first.

A fool has said in his heart "there is no GoD".

What you are not yet grasping is that "the universe" is the denial of GoD.
If "the universe" is real, then GoD is dead.
If you are praying to the gOd which makes "the universe" then you are praying to nothing and getting only the answers that you want to hear.

Here is what you want to hear. You want to hear that you are a person, uniquely different from other persons. You want to hear that your personhood can be *saved* and rewared with a *glorified* body, which you may call your own, ranked somewhere along a heirarchy of "children".

In other words, you want to hear that there are *many* and nOt *One*.
The *many* destroys the *One*, just as one loaf of bread is destroyed that *many* may *eat* of it.

*Many* is the *number of the beast*.
*Many* are the marks of the beast.
The One has only one mark: Oneness.
You are that One, or, you think you are not.

The gospel of Paul tells you what you want to hear.
You want to hear you are nOt Christ.
You want to hear you are a slave to Christ.
You want to hear you are owned by Christ.
You want to hear you are both guilty and in Christ at the same time.
You want to be separate and in Christ at the same time.
You want both what is true and what is not true.

You have not made up your mind.

If you compromise like Paul compromised, you will recieve what Paul recieiving in time.

Paul is still in time...recieving...trying to recieve the glorious body he hoped for.
*Our Father* will not give it to him, so he is getting it for himself.
*Our Father* will only give us perfection.
He already gave us perfection when he gave us our Self..Christ!

If you say there is a heirarchy somewhere in which you will be given a glorified body ranked by a reward system, then... say in your heart, "There is no Christ"...nOt for me.
And that is the same as to reject the gift of GoD he gave,
and to continue rejecting it by following your own ways.


[edit on 17-1-2009 by Christ!]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by L.I.B.
reply to post by Christ!

Yes brother.

I was hoping that you would see that we were saying the same thing.

The whole of manifestation is Christ...masked. What we call "the universe", however, is the whole of manifestation [think: magic] and is nOt the true Creation.

Mind explaining this "not the true Creation" a little more?

Thanking you in advance.


The true Creation of GoD is the Son of God. The Son of God is Christ. Christ is the "Kingdom of God". The Kingdom of God is "within" you because you are Christ. Christ is hidden underneath a "bushel". The bushel is "the universe". The universe is a manifestation, a confusion...a darkness that covers the glory of Christ with its own grandiosity.

"the universe" is in re-creation of what was ALReaDY perfect!
The recreation of the Perfect actually destroys perfection.
The universe is the perfect expression of imperfection and destruction.
The universe utterly denies Perfection with its own brand of perfection: the perfectly imperfect.
That is why the universe is disfunctional from its very inception [think: immasculate conception].

The "second coming" of the Son of God is the restoration of Perfection to the mind of the wayward Son. It is simply the coming to one's senses, returning to what is true...what is real. The first coming of the Son of God was his Creation by *Our Father*. The universe destroys it...theoretically...conceptually...symbolically. It is a metaphysical - magical - manifestation of the *many*. The second coming is the restoration of the One, saved from the *many* which would destroy it.

The *many* destroys the "temple". The "temple" is the holy mind of the Son of God. The universe is something *unholy* in his mind...which threatens to possess his mind and destroy it. As such, the universe is an idol in the temple of the Son of God. So long as it is cherished, it remains an idol in the mind of the Son of God...destroying his Perfection.

Jesus said, "Destroy this temple and I will raise it up again in three days". This means that as fast as the gOd of this world can destroy the mind of the Son of God, that fast will GoD - through the Holy Spirit - raise it back up again from "the dead".

If it took "six days" for gOd to make the world, then it will take "three days" for Christ to raise himself back up through the Holy Spirit who was "sent" from *Our Father* to bring the wayward Son back Home. For this reason the Holy Spirit was created. His purpose fulfilled, there remains only the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. There remains NO WORld. There is nO manifestation that can be called "the universe" besides the Kingdom of God

See, "the universe" if it were true and real, would symbolize Christ "dead"...Christ "crucified".

Paul preached "only Christ crucified" because Paul was interested in stoning the gospel of truth, just as he was "there" holding coats for those who stoned Stephen. Paul preached the reality of the universe, the reality of sin, the reality of guilt, and the reality of different unique individual ranked among a heirarchy of reward/punishment. As such, Paul crucified the gospel of Jesus, and *saved* *us* for the world.


[edit on 17-1-2009 by Christ!]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Christ!

Hi Christ!,

Thank you.

The true Creation of GoD is the Son of God. The Son of God is Christ. Christ is the "Kingdom of God". The Kingdom of God is "within" you because you are Christ.

Christ is hidden underneath a "bushel". The bushel is "the universe". The universe is a manifestation, a confusion...a darkness that covers the glory of Christ with its own grandiosity.

Yet, the universe contains those whom are awake as well as those who are asleep.

See, "the universe" if it were true and real, would symbolize Christ "dead"...Christ "crucified".


posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
AWESOME POST ....thank you for sharing ........this is exactly what we have spend DAYS on this thread trying to explain to Justamomma and Badmedia.

Yes, you have spent days trying to explain things to me because you simply do not understand. You don't give understandings, you just quote things to me as if I am supposed to accept it as fact. As if I am supposed to just accept the bible is authority and if you can quote something to me then it must be true.

That doesn't work for me, and never has. That is exactly what I rejected religion in the first place. Because they do not understand, they can only try to push things by creating itself as an authority. Just like John Matrix tried to do with his "years of bible study".

I openly reject any authority of this world. I do not rebel against the authorities of this world, because those who rebel just try to make themselves the authority. Which I have no desire for. The only true way to make yourself the authority of this world is to submit to Satan. Because you will have to turn to the ways of death and destruction for it. And that is exactly what the church has done over the years. That is why I call it the church of Satan.

And you can pretend to be the left hand of this church. The good hand. You can try and seperate yourself from that church, and denounce what the right hand does. But these are still 2 hands of the same entity, and neither hand is of the father. They are the hands of the prince of this world.

Just yesterday I was reading a thread about how "jews" would reject christ, but then accept the anti-christ. And as I read it, I was absolutely amazed that nobody figured out that people who follow Paul actually reject christ. And these "christians" openly acted as if they were not "jews" and that anyone who is still a jew is just "waiting for the anti-christ". But no, I tell you if you are following Paul then you have already rejected Jesus. And that Christians are the ones who actually reject Christ and accepted the anti-christ. Christian = Jew. The people who followed Jesus were Jews. Christian is the NEW religion created after Paul. Jesus did not create a new religion, he brought understanding to the existing religion.

If you are following Jesus then you shouldn't need Paul period. Unless you are to suggest to me that Jesus was incomplete or lacked the ability to do it himself.

It was not until I rejected this world completely, and got to the point where I couldn't trust anything or anyone that the truth was made known to me. When I no longer trusted any man, I started to see the truth and the father.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Sacrificing a human for atonement is barbaric.

We are responsible for our actions. We sin and we die. Jesus was not responsible for any sin because he had none. Jesus sacrificed himself because he was so sure that it would be accepted on account of that surety of knowing that he had been obedient. It was stressful because he realized that he had to take a gamble on his being able to continue that obedience right up to the very end. He died not knowing if he was or was not successful in his endeavor.
God had to do two things, first to judge Jesus based on what he had taken upon himself, that was guilt of none of his doing. Second, God had to judge Jesus based on his own works. Both things played themselves out with a resulting success that is a risen Christ ruling in our behalf in Heaven.
We do have an opportunity to accept Jesus' death as our own but if we turn away from it to continue a life of self gratification through sinful behavior, we nullify that opportunity because we can not kill Christ ourselves for a second chance at salvation. That is not to say that all people will accept that final verdict that they forced upon themselves by their own faithlessness, and not invent an anti-Christ religion where they build an altar on a razed platform in the most holy sanctuary below a crucifix, in a church, dressed in high priestly robes as if they were stabbing Christ and drawing blood and cutting off chunks of his flesh to eat.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
reply to post by John Matrix

You are an annoying little gnat. *looks for fly-swatter*

I love you more each day.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix

Originally posted by justamomma
reply to post by John Matrix

You are an annoying little gnat. *looks for fly-swatter*

I love you more each day.

I will admit with all of my heart, you have made this a rather interesting thread to say the least.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by One4truth
Now, justaminute justamomma (lol sorry, had to, it was too perfect to pass up). Seriously, though... Whom the Lord loves He chastens. I am not afraid of Gods chastening or rebuke, because that is where God corrects me of wrong thinking and it shows me He still loves me.

lol don't say you're sorry to me. Shows me you have wit.
Always a good thing.

I don't fear His correction either... but I don't let them serve as road blocks for me.

See, I went through the same thing that you experienced with "feeling" rebuked... however, I didn't stop. I could not stop because I could not say *why* I believed Paul. Paul was a man... something about him did *not* feel right to me and until I could explain that, I could not stop searching.

When I couldn't escape that feeling of being rebuked nor the feeling that to believe what he said was keeping me from the truth, I discarded the Bible altogether. And yelled "forget it! I want *Your* truth no matter what that means and I can't find it here."

You have no idea... a few weeks later... yes that quickly, I knew what "Adam" and "the woman" must have felt when they first tasted of the fruit. INTENSE FEAR and being "out there." That lasted for about a month. I felt VERY EXPOSED. I ended up having to isolate myself because the fear was so intense to the point I could not speak.. Someone would ask me something and I would go to explain and I realized I knew NOTHING!

I would stop mid sentence and just sit there probably looking much like
. lol That was the toughest thing I have ever endured... but I endured it. There was one night when I was at my sisters and she said out of the blue as I sat there in my blank state.. "you know G.d loves you, right?" This next part, I bs you not.. it was almost like something grabbed a hold of my heart and I walked off the porch and looked up.

In the clouds was etched a perfect heart... the clouds were moving, but not that etched out heart... I called her over because I am so determined not to believe something unless it is confirmed (obviously). We stood there for a long time in perfect awe of what we were seeing. I think this was the point where she realized... little sis was onto something here.

Slowly after that, the fear melted. Long story short... had I not thrown myself at the mercy of G.d and followed my heart, I would have missed out on so much wealth of knowledge. The knowledge increases daily... I am amazed at what I am finding in the bible since I spotted the lie.

G.d tests... do not doubt this. He will test you to see how much you want to REALLY know. His knowledge is wealth and you must be willing to show that you are willing to go through this.

Thus, why He says... the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.

It is .... and now, daily... I see in the Tanakh the warnings about the test that we would be put through with Paul. Do we want the truth or do want to feel secure. Do we want the true riches of the world (knowledge w/ understanding) or do we want to hang on to false security? the choice is ours.

There is no doubt in my mind I chose the right path. As hard as it was, I would go through it again if I had to. The rock I stand on is true freedom. It is to make a choice to do what in my heart was right despite all costs... and ya know what.. He did NOT fail me because I showed Him that my heart was determined and after Him.

When He finally brought me back to the Bible, He confirmed Himself to me both by telling me something inward... a test of trust for me... I obeyed and what He said would happen happened.

He is amazing.. but you will never find out HOW amazing until you are willing to seperate yourself from what you *think* you know. I tell you the truth... but I can not make you do it. It is frightening to depart from something we have grown up in, but I would rather grow up in Him than trust the security of man.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Christ!

I certainly see your point... I however think this was the idea. I think the Bible is splendid in its whole and that would actually now include the writings of Paul because it exposes us for who we are.

the fact that I started seeing that Paul is written about clearly in the Tanakh, I see that it was meant to be that way. The test.. to see who would go after the truth or settle on the lie that offers comfort.

This was a HUUUUGE lesson of great importance to me in so many ways. I see the brilliance of the book and the rabbit hole gets deeper every day. I can not doubt the intelligence behind the Bible and cannot view G.d as evil but rather brilliantly loving.

Since.. I have come to learn how to use both sides of my brain rather than just being a right brainer (which is all I could use prior)... I have learned how to receive what life hands me and use it as a way to find deeper knowledge.

I know there are a lot of theories floating about what we are headed to, but i honestly do not think about it like that. To me, right now, there is no escape except from the ideologies of man from the true knowledge.

And then of course there is the lesson of doing unto others as you would have them do to you.

I focus on what I am to do here and what I am to learn and hopefully encourage others to follow suit. When the time comes for whatever... it will happen when it is supposed to happen.

There is much talk in the bible about the foundations being out of line and so this is what I try to bring attention to. I can give the knowledge, but it will never be understood until one is willing to walk through the fire.

The burning bush... hell... it is all the same. It is what brings you into alignment with Him. Don't listen to someone who threatens you with hell because that is a form of brainwashing to keep you from the truth. The more truth we have in the world, the better we start to align the foundation.

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