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Paul ~ Inventing a new saviour

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posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

Yes, I know how they are viewing it, though that is about to change
I guarantee it.

You failed, Sorry!!

Let's look at what it says without adding implications. It says exactly what it means.

31Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:

(the above has not happened and we do not know that covenant yet).

Wrong. I already quoted those passages and provided the proper teaching on this:

33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel;

(BUT THIS shall be covenant that I will make WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL.. doesn't say AND with the house of Judah or AND with the Christians or AND with those who will take hold of this one.. unless you are of the lost sheep of Israel, this does not apply to you.....

Wrong again, see the above link to my post. Your understanding is deeply flawed.

After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

That is what Christ Does when we are Born Again.

34And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.

Right, we don't teach that One can Know God through the OT Law. The only way to have a personal relationship is through accepting Christ as Lord and Savior. We declare the Way of the New Covenant.

Also note, that it doesn't say the covenant with the house of Israel involves Jesus, the man, dying on the cross... they will KNOW and it doesn't involve anything that has been taught by man.. because it can't.. it has to be from G.d or they would doubt.

The OT does not name His Name, But Jesus fulfilled the Law and all of what the Prophets said concerning the coming of the Messiah.

Oh.. and it does not say for spiritual Israel.. it is spiritual, but it is also physical... it is a part of us physically.. we knew it in our hearts, but now we will KNOW that PHYSICALLY we are of G.d. The children of Israel were sent into the wilderness as the scapegoat for Judah (the Jewish people). That meant we were separated from knowing who we were... thus.. the covenant SPECIFICALLY being written on our hearts and not everyone Else's.

You don't see that we are Spiritual Israel because you are too Proud to accept Christ as Your Lord and Savior. It does not matter if the OT does not use the term "Spiritual Israel". Believers are grafted in through the rebirth of their Spirit, so it is no stretch of intellect to see that it means we are Spiritual Israel(Spiritually Grafted in through the rebirth of our Spirits and thus made Heirs to the Promises made by God to Israel.

YOur's is not an internal covenant because you rely on something outward.

No, what have we been saying all through this thread?
It's an inward Spiritual rebirth that makes us One with the Father and the Son. The Spirit bears witness with our Spirits that we are Sons of God. We have the Heart of flesh with God's Law written therein, by the Spirit.

For those of who it is inward.. we don't need someone to stand between us and our Father.. He is speaking to us now. He is informing the children that did not settle or trip on the stumblingblock. The children of Israel are scattered in all the nations of the world and the number is as the sands of the seas.. but few will actually see because most will still trust what they can see physically rather than trusting their Savior alone.. who is our Father.. G.d.

You are tripping on the Stumbling Block because you reject Christ as Lord and Savior. Christ is the only mediator, the only Savior, and with every thought of unbelief you have you are crucifying Him again and again in Your Heart and mind.

You still have the outward religion which is a white wash and leaves the inside of the cup filled with self serving Pride.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
reply to post by L.I.B.

And who do you think they need to humble themselves to? G.d or man? I am proud that I am His child. I am humble before Him, but that does NOT mean that I will stand by and watch you all trip others who also belong to Him.

Humble: My identity is in G.d and He alone is my Savior. I accept what I will have to go through because I see the right hand of my Father.

NOt humble: We are sinners and cannot change this but we have chosen a man who will stand in our way of punishment and still get the rewards that rightfully belong to the children of G.d. oh.. and those who don't do it our way and instead opt to trust G.d deserve what they get... (yeah.. no joke there)

I have not cut off anyone from G.d by stating the truth.. you all are doing a good job with that by feeding people lies.

I am trying to encourage others to seek the truth.. you all are trying to get them to partake in a lie based on blind faith.

So everyone of the Apostles (Who were of the twelve tribes of Israel)and MANY MANY OTHERS SINCE THEN ALL DIED IN VAIN ?
Along with Jesus Christ the SON OF GOD >>.Who also died in vain according to you .....
They all died in vain and for a lie ?
Because that is what your saying .....
And you cannot figure out why your called an antichrist ?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by L.I.B.

On the one hand, 1 person is telling me that I can be even greater than he is.

Actually what Jesus said was: "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. John 14:12

and also referring to this being greater than he, Jesus also said:

16"Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him. John 13:16

Edited to add: The greatest in the kingdom are described in Matthew 18.

1At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, "Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"

2And He called a child to Himself and set him before them,

3and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

4"Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Children do not rely on themselves.

They are not their own authority.

Well, I don't disagree that the student is not greater than his master, and when I said greater than he, I did not mean greater as in better, or of higher status. I mention these kinds of things a good bit with Paul making himself a leader when he shouldn't.

The point of the post, which has seemed to have gone unnoticed is that Jesus liberates and Paul enslaves. Jesus is sin-free, and he says even greater things than this can you do. Which means you can also be sin-free. But this is not so according to Paul.

However. Jesus is not my master, the father is. And if I call him the father, then what do you suppose that makes me? - The child.

But yes, the child does eventually grow up to become his own authority. As I mentioned before, I am given understanding, not instruction so that I can see for the truth for myself and make the right choices.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix
I see that once again you need to have your "One Verse Charley" interpretations corrected. You define Meek correctly, but you do not understand what the verse means.

First, it is important to state what Meek is NOT, so that there are no misconceptions. Meek does not mean Weak. Meek is the opposite to Proud and arrogant. Enough said on that.

Now, The phrase "inherit the earth" is a figure of speech which denotes the highest of blessings. These blessings are realized when the righteous enjoy the good things of life which the wicked often overlook in their pursuit of living for their selfish fallen nature. Also there is the peace, security and hope in Christ. And finally there is "the new heavens and a new earth" to be revealed at the end of time (II PETER 3:15). The meek truly shall "inherit the earth"! This does not mean that the Meek will not be in Heaven. In fact, True Believers will rule and reign over the earth with Christ, and we will have our homes in Heaven. Jesus said he was leaving to prepare a place for believers. The City of Heaven will be visible from earth and house believers in "many mansions". Believers will shuttle back and forth at will and at the speed of thought between the earth and the City of Heaven.

Actually, because you lack true understanding, what you have to do is move around from verse to verse and put things which are out of context to create the meanings you want.

You say I am a 1 verse charely here, but the rest of those verses just tells where other people will go. It says who will go to heaven, it says who will inherit the earth and who will see god and so on.

Sorry, but it is when people skip around from verse to verse, and take 1 verse here, and then another verse there who create their own messages. I have no problem with the verses being in the correct context, which is the context and order in which they are written.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix
1. The Old Testament was NOT meant to be a permanent covenant. In fact, the Old Testament foretells its own end.

2. Let’s start with Deuteronomy 18:18, 19 where God speaks to Moses saying, “I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him.”
Moses tells the people that one day a new prophet will rise up and there will be a change in leadership. At that time they will no longer be under the Old Law

No doubt! And this he is doing. Like I have said, Are you sure you will recognize the Son of man when He returns? Don't manipulate that to mean that I am saying I am him.. I am not... but I know Him because of what is inside of me. Do you? He is speaking and I am wondering why you aren't hearing Him if you have the Holy Spirit testifying to your spirit.. because others are hearing him and seeing him.

3. In Acts 3:22-26 Peter refers to Deuteronomy 18:18 and tells us that Jesus is the prophet God spoke about. Peter said, For Moses truly said to the fathers, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to you. And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.’ Yes, and all the prophets, from Samuel and those who follow, as many as have spoken, have also foretold these days. You are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’ To you first, God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from your iniquities.”

so... question is.. do you recognize this prophet and where is he? So since you are still waiting and watching for what and where you were told to and are not hearing him, what does this say for you?

4. God told Moses another prophet would rise up and God would require people to follow this new prophet. Peter said that Jesus is that prophet. In Matthew 28:18 Jesus shows Himself to be this prophet when He said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”

Question is, how are you viewing that? No doubt through Paul's eyes. It is a trick of magic to keep your focusing on what you are not supposed to be focusing on. Meanwhile.. some of us have heard the whisper of the Shepherd call to us and we are continually fed by him. He leads our footsteps and gives us strength.

5. Today we follow Jesus. He is our leader. The days of the Old Testament ruling in the lives of men are gone. Today we under the authority of God’s new Prophet and His New Testament.

No, you are focused on the past and future. How can you follow a man that isn't here to lead?

I personally am following the prophet who is leading even now in a very personal and real way. The prophet, the Son of man, the Word is here and he is speaking.. why can't you see or hear him?

6. Jeremiah 31:31-32 The temporary nature of the Old Testament is brought out with even greater clarity in Jeremiah 31:31-32 where God says, “Behold the days are coming says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord.”

Ahh.. but because you don't search, you don't understand this. The atonement has been made and now the transformation for the sheep vs those who will stay the goats. One side to the right and the other side to the left. Trust me... there are those who can see the right side of their Father without looking through a man. If you can't... to the left, I guess. There is still hope if you will listen, though, it seems you have made up your mind on who you will follow.

7. The Old Testament clearly foretold its own end. It directly states that the new covenant will be different from the one that God established with Israel. In other words, the Old Testament was designed to expire. It had a specific job to do and when that job was done, it expired and the New Testament would replaced it (see also Hosea 2:11; Hebrews 8:7).

You see it that way because you are looking through the filter that Paul set up for you. It wasn't done to be kind though. And go ahead and defend your man.. but your shepherd is leading you to the wrong side of the judgement throne.

One clue as to how we know the Tanakh prophecies are not over.. see peace on the earth? If so, then you are more delusional than I realized. You cannot say The Tanakh is past if there are prophecies yet unfulfilled... that would mean that we couldn't trust G.d and I for one trust G.d because He has personally given me reason to do so.

8. Mathew 5: 17 says Jesus did not intend to sabotage the Old Testament or to work against it, but to fulfill its purpose. Jesus himself would complete the mission of the Old Testament, bring it to its intended end, and replace it with the New Testament (see also Matthew 28:18-20; Heb. 1:1, 2).

But Jesus was not the messiah for the world. He was only the messiah for the lost house of Israel. This is not clear for you though and the reason why is one of two things 1.) you will stay a goat 2.) you were never of the house of Israel

9. Jesus said until the old covenant was fulfilled, it would stand firm down to the smallest jot and tittle (jots and tittles are comparable to the dot above an i and the cross mark on a t). Jesus warned that anyone who broke the least commandment of the Old Testament prior to its expiration would not go unpunished.

And this is true and some of us understand what has to be done.. and some are starting to come around to see. But for those who are obedient and have submitted to G.d in our hearts, His right hand is in clear view.

10. About 30 years after Jesus gave this warning, the apostle Paul said, “neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything” (Gal. 5:6; I Cor. 7:19). In the Old Testament circumcision was more than just a jot or a tittle, it was a major point of the Old Testament (Gen. 17:14). Yet, Paul taught that this part of the Old Testament was gone. Why did Paul do this? Why did Paul teach people they were no longer under the Old Testament? Paul taught this new doctrine because Jesus told him to do so (Gal. 1:11, 12).

If I didn't know any better, I would think you are the spirit of Paul revived. You follow him if that is what you think you should do. I urge you not to, but I know full well that each has to make their own decision. G.d or a man.

11. Not only did Paul dismiss circumcision, he dismissed the dietary laws, feast laws, and even the Sabbath law (Col. 2:16,17). These were all important parts of the Old Testament, yet Paul teaches that obedience in these things is no longer required.

Yes and that is some mighty foolish balls Paul is sporting. G.d however, did not dismiss these things.. but He has provided a way for His children to fulfill the Law and receive pardon. I choose to take the fulfillment route rather than the "out jail free" card because I know that if I submit to Him, my soul will be pardoned. He makes this quite clear.

12. Let’s reason this out now. Jesus said that anyone who broke the least law of the Old Testament and taught others to break the law would not go unpunished. Next, under the direction of Jesus, Paul declares the Old Testament is no longer binding.

errr... did you READ what you wrote there?? I would rather take the punishment and trust G.d to hold me up than to trust a man who you just admitted contradicted the Word.

13. The Old Cov. is not binding because Jesus succeeded in His mission to fulfill the Old Testament. Jesus brought the Old Testament to its intended conclusion and replaced it with a better testament, the New Testament.

He couldn't... it was not in the law that a human could be sacrificed for the sins of the world. Each man must die for his own sin is what the law said.

14. Paul's revelation from Christ is correct and it lines up with the prophecies of the OT and what Jesus preached of Himself concerning His being the fulfillment of the OT prophecies and the One who comes to fulfill the Law. Which is what we have already shown you numerous times.

You have just done a pretty damn good job of showing that it didn't line up with either the Tanakh or the Word. Thanks

[edit on 14-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

I can't say anything of the sort.. but I can say that what was taught by "Jesus" (you still focus too much on the man rather than what you should be focusing on) lines up with the Law of G.d which gives us our path of salvation. Paul offers something quite contradictory. So, if you think they died in vain, that might just be your misunderstanding of it.

G.d does not break Laws... man does. Jesus, the picture.. did not break the law neither in speech or in deed. Paul, however did.. especially in speech.. but even in deed.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
So now I am ungodly Justamomma ? nice ...

Badmedia I meant yours and Justamommas teachings are like his were ...he had some wacked out interpretations of scripture ...he chopped it and took bits and pieces from all over and came up with some whacked interpretations ...
I should have explained that better ...

What have I chopped up and taken bits and pieces from all over? Do I skip around in verses? No, I usually take entire passages in the way they were written as how I look at things. I do not go from author to author to paint pictures that says things otherwise, as most preachers will do.

The main reason I don't quote entire chapters at once most times on these forums is because of how much room it takes up.

But this isn't even the first time you have made such accusations against me. It has been non-stop in this thread, and I am not going to listen to it anymore. You have damned me so many times it's just not funny. All because I do not believe in Paul? Never have I, or would I say such things to you.

I understand that you do not believe I have seen the father. I understand that you do not believe I have been given understandings from the holy spirit. I do not expect you too. However, I am sick of being accused of receiving a serpent instead of the fish.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

By the way.. none of us are born again yet... The picture painted by Jesus shows how we are born again. At this point, we are all still subject to the Law. Just some of us have been shown the path to salvation in the Law and some are looking for the easy route. Where you see punishment, we see salvation.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix
God's prophets "today" are His teachers(teachers of His Word). The gift of Prophecy ceased a long time ago. There are no new revelations concerning God until Christ appears again.

Apparently, Paul missed that memo.

27Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

28And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

29Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?

30Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?

31But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

I would say - beware of those who promise false gifts.

There is however inspiration and enlightenment as One grows in knowledge and wisdom from knowing the Scriptures and receiving Divine assurances from the Holy Spirit.

Once again you have replaced a personal relationship with god for the written word/scripture.

If you teach the NT Scriptures are false and not inspired by God, then your mind is veiled and you are under the curse of Sin. You must repent of your sins, including your arrogance, Pride, etc. and put your Faith in Christ as Lord and Savior.

Your version of god doesn't meet my moral standards. The christian god is one that has morals that are lower than even someone like Saddam Hussein. When someone like that has higher morales than what it is you call God, then perhaps you had better take a good look at who you are actually worshipping.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
So everyone of the Apostles (Who were of the twelve tribes of Israel)and MANY MANY OTHERS SINCE THEN ALL DIED IN VAIN ?
Along with Jesus Christ the SON OF GOD >>.Who also died in vain according to you .....
They all died in vain and for a lie ?
Because that is what your saying .....
And you cannot figure out why your called an antichrist ?

More accusations from you.

Btw, if you count Paul, there are 13 apostles. Of course, there are truly only 13 total, Jesus and the 12 apostles. So who does Paul replace?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by badmedia

Well, I don't disagree that the student is not greater than his master, and when I said greater than he, I did not mean greater as in better, or of higher status. I mention these kinds of things a good bit with Paul making himself a leader when he shouldn't.

The point of the post, which has seemed to have gone unnoticed is that Jesus liberates and Paul enslaves. Jesus is sin-free, and he says even greater things than this can you do. Which means you can also be sin-free. But this is not so according to Paul.

However. Jesus is not my master, the father is. And if I call him the father, then what do you suppose that makes me? - The child.

But yes, the child does eventually grow up to become his own authority. As I mentioned before, I am given understanding, not instruction so that I can see for the truth for myself and make the right choices.

Thank you for taking the time to explain that one comment more. It really jumped out at me.

You made two comments that make me wonder...

1. But yes, the child does eventually grow up to become his own authority.

2. I mention these kinds of things a good bit with Paul making himself a leader when he shouldn't.

Those two statements seem contradictory?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
Btw, if you count Paul, there are 13 apostles. Of course, there are truly only 13 total, Jesus and the 12 apostles. So who does Paul replace?

You know badmedia, the more I search and the more that He leads me to understanding, the more I understand what is meant when the Word speaks and says

"But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning."

I just read this a little while ago and it is truth.

The Word = The shepherd
The Lie = The tiller

(Gen. 4: 2)

12 disciples the 13th rebelled; the first time the # 13 is mentioned in the bible.. text wise that is, found in:
(Gen 14: 4)

There are lots of other such things that just testifies how it all lines up even in the most unexpected ways.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by justamomma]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:17 PM
Jesus says that those who believe will face persecution until his return.

Yet, it is the catholic church and the followers of Paul who lead the persectution during the dark ages.

Yet, the catholic church, and the christian religion as is today is one of the biggest religions in the world - before the return of christ.

Yet, the president of the most powerful nation in the world claims to be christian, and has for generations.

Yet, Christians go around the world today to preach their message without persecution.

Yet, it was those who rejected this form of christianity who were persecuted and have been persecuted for 2000 years.

Yet, because I stick up for the things Jesus said and reject Paul, I am accused of many things, and would face persecution for them.

And yet, we are warned of a "new religion" that will spring up and decieve all. And I ask you - is christianity not a new religion since the days of Jesus?

And yet, we are told that the prince of this world comes, and has nothing for Jesus. And we see a religion with a long history of death and destruction.

And yet, we are told this religion will try to become a 1 world religion. And this is exactly what Christians themselves work towards, and will not be happy until that is acheived.

And yet, we are told many will be decieved before the end time. But it is those who do not know the father or understand Jesus who continue to wait for this deception. Those who are decieved do not see that the deception they wait for has already happened.

And this is why we have disagreements. You continue to look and wait for the "coming deception". I recognize that the deception has already happened. These are just a few signs the deception has already happened. If you open your eyes you can see many more.

[edit on 14-1-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:33 PM
Jesus was not an apostle ..
there were TWELVE ...the TWELVE represented the TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL was pointed out by Justamomma from the scriptures she says is not even true in her opinion ..They were told NOT to go to the GENTILES but only to the lost house of Israel (that was who they were sent to ) ...Paul who came along later (and was called by God himself ) was told to go to the GENTILES (that was his calling) ...
He was an apostle but not one of the twelve ....(not technically speaking)

He was an a Apostle as in a broader sense
1) a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with orders

a) specifically applied to the twelve apostles of Christ

b) in a broader sense applied to other eminent Christian teachers

1) of Barnabas

2) of Timothy and Silvanus

Sent to the GENTILES they too could recieve salvation through Christ Jesus the Lord ................

Remember Jesus said he came to his own (The Jewish people) his own recieved him NOT > after going to the JEWS FIRST (His own) then he went to the Gentiles (And sent Paul as the one to go to them)...and said he would be back for his own but not until after he has dealt with them..(which is what the entire tribulation is about ..the JEWS mostly (the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL who is still lost ) bring them back to the Lord God ) .......................

At least that is my understanding of the scriptures ..
Sorry if yall just do not see that too ...I dont know what else to show you to help you understand that ................

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by L.I.B.
Thank you for taking the time to explain that one comment more. It really jumped out at me.

You made two comments that make me wonder...

1. But yes, the child does eventually grow up to become his own authority.

2. I mention these kinds of things a good bit with Paul making himself a leader when he shouldn't.

Those two statements seem contradictory?

No, not at all. Paul creates authority over other people. Creates leaders who the people are too follow.

What I am talking about is to become your own authority. An authority over ONLY you, not over others. It is IMO sad when people are not happy with control over their own lives, and look to control others. And when they do this, as Paul does, then they take away the individuals authority.

With your own authority also comes responsibilities. You have to take responsibility for yourself if you are to be your own authority. And when you start to take responsibility for yourself, then you will follow the way of Jesus/truth or you will not like what you reap.

And the deception of Paul is that he tells people they are not their own authorities, that they must submit to other authority, that other authorities are god. And that by believing in Jesus you will not have to reap what is sown. But the people still do reap what is sown. It is by their own authority that they give up that authority, but they do not give up their responsibility. Because of this, people end up walking the broad path, instead of the narrow one. And they hope that Jesus will save them. But this is a lie.

Jesus saves you by being the example for you to follow. That is how he is a savior. This is why he does not die in vein. Because he showed the truth, he showed the way, and anything less than following him is not correct. It blows my mind that people don't get this, because he says soooo many times that if you believe then you will do as he says.

To be your own authority is to be free. The truth will set you free. With personal freedom, with personal authority comes personal responsibility.

Giving Jesus lip service is not the answer. Worshipping him, praising him and so on is NOT the same as following him. It is NOT the same as doing what he says.

I've been accused of so many things in this thread, when there is not a more narrow path than what I give. I am told I am going to hell and face eternal damnation because I take it upon myself to take responsibility for myself and do as Jesus tells me? Because I dare speak up and say - YES, I WILL DO AS YOU SAY! Because I dare speak up and say - YES, I DO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY ACTIONS!

I am being ridiculed and all I tell people is to actually follow the path, rather than paying lip service.

As I said before, I am accused of not understanding Paul. But in reality, what is the issue here is that people do not understand Jesus.

What better way of deception and what better way of getting people to not follow the path than to tell people to give Jesus lip service, and telling them they can't actually follow the path? If they aren't decieved, then why am I meet with hatred for pointing out the path?

Because people take and want the easy way out, that is why. And what I speak of and tell people is not the easy way.

Is it any different than the way the politicians praise the constitution, but then do not actually follow it? Any different than the way they pay it lip service, and then do things that go against it? If you actually believe in the constitution, then doesn't that mean you follow it?

[edit on 14-1-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by badmedia

First, it is important to state what Meek is NOT, so that there are no misconceptions. Meek does not mean Weak. Meek is the opposite to Proud and arrogant. Enough said on that.

Now, The phrase "inherit the earth" is a figure of speech which denotes the highest of blessings. These blessings are realized when the righteous enjoy the good things of life which the wicked often overlook in their pursuit of living for their selfish fallen nature. Also there is the peace, security and hope in Christ. And finally there is "the new heavens and a new earth" to be revealed at the end of time (II PETER 3:15). The meek truly shall "inherit the earth"! This does not mean that the Meek will not be in Heaven. In fact, True Believers will rule and reign over the earth with Christ, and we will have our homes in Heaven. Jesus said he was leaving to prepare a place for believers. The City of Heaven will be visible from earth and house believers in "many mansions". Believers will shuttle back and forth at will and at the speed of thought between the earth and the City of Heaven.

Even a child can understand the above as being correct thinking. You are Lost is a sea of your own Pride. You pervert the Scriptures to suit yourself and your delusions.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by badmedia

Originally posted by Simplynoone
So everyone of the Apostles (Who were of the twelve tribes of Israel)and MANY MANY OTHERS SINCE THEN ALL DIED IN VAIN ?
Along with Jesus Christ the SON OF GOD >>.Who also died in vain according to you .....
They all died in vain and for a lie ?
Because that is what your saying .....
And you cannot figure out why your called an antichrist ?

More accusations from you.

Btw, if you count Paul, there are 13 apostles. Of course, there are truly only 13 total, Jesus and the 12 apostles. So who does Paul replace?

Where does it say anyone is replaced?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
reply to post by John Matrix

By the way.. none of us are born again yet... The picture painted by Jesus shows how we are born again. At this point, we are all still subject to the Law. Just some of us have been shown the path to salvation in the Law and some are looking for the easy route. Where you see punishment, we see salvation.

Speak for yourself. We know you are not born again because you do not have the reborn Spirit, nor can you have it until the veil is lifted and you shake off your pride.

"Becoming Proud in their own eyes they exchanged the Truth for a Lie.

You follow a Lie. Which is why you are so confused about Scripture.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by badmedia

Hsa 4:1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because [there is] no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.

NOTICE there was no TRUTH ...NO MERCY ..NO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD in the land of Israel (Those who supposedly live by the word of God (OT)

This was one of the reasons why Jesus had to come ..this is why the Apostles had to come and EXPOUND THE TRUTH OF SCRIPTURE TO THEM ...and SEND THE TRUTH OUT to the REST OF THE WORLD >. >.since Israel did not do this ...THEY HAD TO >>>>(The Apostles had to ) WHO WROTE IT IN BOOKS so all could KNOW IT >....

The truth did not get sent out among all nations UNTIL AFTER CHRIST .
And that TRUTH was JESUS CHRIST and HIM CRUCIFIED for the REMISSION OF SINS >.......................

So make of that what you will Badmedia .....
You do not know the scriptures which is why we keep saying you cannot see unless you have KNOWLEDGE OF THE SCRIPTURE in order to see that ...

Mat 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

Mar 1:1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;

Mar 1:2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

Mar 1:3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Mar 1:4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

Mar 1:5 And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.

Mar 1:6 And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey;

Mar 1:7 And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.

Mar 1:8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.

Mar 1:9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.

Luk 1:77 To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,
(((((((((((((((((((((SEE JESUS HAD TO GIVE KNOWLEDGE OF SALVATION unto his people for the REMISSION OF SINS))))))))))))))))))))

And there are many many more scriptures that VERIFY THIS>>

[edit on 14-1-2009 by Simplynoone]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Simplynoone
Jesus was not an apostle ..
there were TWELVE ...the TWELVE represented the TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL was pointed out by Justamomma from the scriptures she says is not even true in her opinion ..They were told NOT to go to the GENTILES but only to the lost house of Israel (that was who they were sent to ) ...Paul who came along later (and was called by God himself ) was told to go to the GENTILES (that was his calling) ...
He was an apostle but not one of the twelve ....(not technically speaking)

He was an a Apostle as in a broader sense
1) a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with orders

a) specifically applied to the twelve apostles of Christ

b) in a broader sense applied to other eminent Christian teachers

1) of Barnabas

2) of Timothy and Silvanus

Sent to the GENTILES they too could receive salvation through Christ Jesus the Lord ................

Remember Jesus said he came to his own (The Jewish people) his own received him NOT > after going to the JEWS FIRST (His own) then he went to the Gentiles (And sent Paul as the one to go to them)...and said he would be back for his own but not until after he has dealt with them..(which is what the entire tribulation is about ..the JEWS mostly (the LOST HOUSE OF ISRAEL who is still lost ) bring them back to the Lord God ) .......................

At least that is my understanding of the scriptures ..
Sorry if yall just do not see that too ...I dont know what else to show you to help you understand that ................

What you say is correct. During the Great Tribulation some Jews will repent and be saved. Gentiles will also have another Chance. This will happen right after the Believers are taken up in the rapture, then after the seven years of Tribulation we return to Judge the people of the earth with Christ, and assist in establishing His Kingdom on earth.

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